Draco Malfoy woke up to drumsticks beating on his brain. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was alone in an unfamiliar room. Thankfully the curtains had been drawn shut to block out the sun. He sat up and groaned when the room spun around him in a hundred different ways. Draco looked around for any clues that would remind him of what he did the night before. He was worried he had been drugged after his father's trial because that's all he could remember. The look of hatred and disappointment on his fathers face as they apparated him to Azkaban would haunt him for the rest of his life. However, right now he was more focused on the fact that clothes scattered the floor as he realized for the first time that he was naked.

Draco actually gasped out loud when Hermione Granger walked through the bedroom door. He quickly covered himself with the blankets and started babbling out an apology, "I have no idea how I got here I'm sorry!"

"Drink this," Hermione said reaching her hand out to give Draco a vial. He shrunk back as if she was about to use the killing curse on him. "It's a potion to help with the hang over. I perfected it a few weeks after the war ended it. Oh, for Merlin's sake just drink it!"

Draco looked down at the vial questionably, "You're not trying to poison me are you?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked over to the window, "You know what don't drink it. Just suffer from that hang over all day. And trust me after the night we had last night it really will last all day." With that she opened the blinds to let in a stream of light causing Draco to turn away and chug the potion with no objection.

"Holy shit," Draco looked up at Hermione a few seconds later in amazement. "I feel perfectly fine!"

"Told yah!" she said sitting on the opposite side of the bed.

"Umm, did we umm, you know?" he asked awkwardly pointing to the clothes on the floor.

"Shame you don't remember," Hermione said not looking away from her nail file. "It was bloody amazing. The potion should help with the memory lose as well, give it an hour or two."

"Right," Draco pulled the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around his waist picking up his close. "I'm just gonna go get dressed."

He walked to the closest door and opened it to find a closet full of both muggle and wizard clothes. He looked at Hermione for help she pointed to the door that led to the hallway, "first door on your left. Try to stop freaking out. It's kind of insulting."

Draco closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. How in the hell did he end up in Hermione Granger's bed of all places? But more importantly why is she so okay with the fact that the two enemies had slept together. While Draco didn't exactly see her the way he did before the war he couldn't understand how she didn't hate him. Harry Potter had stood up for Draco and his mother but that didn't make them anything close to friends. Ron made it clear in an interview with Rita Skeeter that he hated the Malfoy family but knew Harry had his reasons for defending them. As for Hermione, Draco heard she didn't talk to anyone. She avoided the wizarding world and the spotlight of being apart of the Golden Trio.

As Draco put his clothes back on he thought about what a loss the wizarding community would face if she left for good. But he understood why she would want to. Many knew Hermione was tortured while at the Malfoy manor but he had been standing right there watching. Too afraid to do anything to stop the horror that would haunt the walls of the manor forever. He splashed water on his face in hopes to wash away the memories. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw the coward that lived within him. Yesterday he had taken a step in the right direction by testifying against his father. He smiled at the thought of being free from him.

He slowly opened the bathroom door in hopes Hermione would still be in her room so he could sneak out without having to say an awkward goodbye. As he walked through Hermione's flat he realized the walls were completely bare. There was really nothing in the apartment to show that someone lived there. Just one couch and weird box looking thing, even the bedroom only had the necessities. Draco had a feeling that if he went into the kitchen it would be empty of all food. She really was damaged.

"Sneaking out are you?" Hermione asked leaning against the doorframe that led to the kitchen with her arms crossed.

"I should go," he said awkwardly. "I really shouldn't be here."

"You know Draco," she started with a smirk. "I thought you would have better manners then that. It's bad enough you didn't buy me dinner before sleeping with me, but you can't even do lunch? I thought your father would have taught you better."

Draco's face went completely white at the mention of his father, especially from Hermione, "I um…I."

"Oh please stop, you're embarrassing yourself," She laughed grabbing her coat off a hook near the door. "Here's what's going to happen, we're going to lunch and that is that. Until you remember last night you're sticking with me. I wanna know if you truly believe that sleeping with me was really as big of a mistake as you do right now."

"But people will see us," he whispered as if being watched. "You know, together."

"We're in Muggle London Draco," she smiled at the fact that he was whiter then before, if that was even possible. "Come on. No one is here to stop you anymore."

Draco took a deep breath before following Hermione out to a world he was always taught to hate and if he was really being honest, to fear.

A/N Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to review your opinions I love hearing them! Also follow to see how Draco Malfoy reacts to being out in the Muggle world for the first time!