A/N Welcome all to Lets Be Lonely Together! So sorry for the short chapter, no worries chapter two will be much longer and uploaded very soon! Don't forget to follow so you don't miss what happens next :) Enjoy!

The Leaky Cauldron, a grimy hole in the wall that separated muggle London and Diagon Alley, had become Hermione Granger's home away from home. While the pub constantly smelled of burnt food, smoke and vomit, the dark brought Hermione comfort. It helped that there was an unspoken rule that you left those who wanted to be alone, alone. After the war ended Hermione didn't have many places where she could go without someone coming up to her gushing about how brave and amazing she is. It didn't take long for Hermione to realize that the Leaky Cauldron was her place of comfort. She made the second stool on the right side of the bar hers.

Hermione rarely talked to anyone, Harry and Ginny here and there but she mainly stuck to herself. If she got drunk enough she would make conversation with the bartender. Shortly after the war ended Ron decided that he never truly loved Hermione, that it was just the adrenaline from the war. She was left heartbroken and alone. She found it inappropriate to stay with the Weasley's and with her parents still in Australia refusing to come home Hermione had no one to turn to. She was able to afford a small flat just outside of wizarding London. It was close enough to The Leaky Cauldron and far enough away from wizards and witches who wouldn't leave her alone.

To Hermione's content The Leaky Cauldron was having a slow night and she sat alone at the bar with an empty glass in front of her, "Refill?" The bartender asked already holding the bottle of whiskey above her glass.

She nodded in response and didn't take her time to empty it. Hermione stared straight ahead like always trying her hardest not to think. The Daily Prophet stacked at the end of the bar mocked her. Ron was pictured on the front page walking down Diagon Alley holding hands with some blond girl Hermione didn't recognized, the headline read Ron and Hermione Are Officially Over. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Isaac," Hermione sighed. "I think I know what's wrong with me."

Isaac was shocked to hear Hermione talk to him so soon, normally she needed at least two more drinks in her before she started talking, "There's nothing wrong with you Miss. Granger."

"Oh god please don't call me that," she cringed. "There is definitely something wrong with me. But you know what I'm going to change all of that. I need to get laid! So I'm going to have sex with the next guy who walks up to this bar, no matter who it is."

"Are you absolutely sure about that," Isaac asked amused and a bit worried when he saw the front door open.

"Of course," she said.

"Mind if I sit here?" Draco Malfoy asked.