Author's Note: Sorry, been a bit busy with exams. Hope you like the chapter!

Mitsuha's POV:

My eyes flickered open, greeted by dazzling white light and a vaguely familiar room. That photo on the wall.. I know I should know what it is... ah yes! It was taken when Oikawa, Iwaizumi and her were back in Middle School, Iwaizumi had just dropped a beetle in Oikawa's hands and he was screaming, while her and Iwaizumi were laughing.

Of course, Iwaizumi's bedroom, no wonder it was familiar. Slowly I gradually sat up, wincing as a spark of pain traveled up my leg, spotting a slouching figure asleep on a chair, his breaths causing the paper on the desk to move slightly. Nothing had changed, except normally it would be me on the chair and Iwaizumi on the bed, lying down with heavy breathes. Not many know this but despite the strong and tough exterior, as a child Iwaizumi was frequently ill and Oikawa or I nursed him a lot.

I've missed them, but even if nothing about them had changed, I couldn't bring myself to tell them that from this moment on, everything will change and we can't go back to how it was. My gaze fell to the volleyball on the bedside table, and I picked it up, the familiar roundness of the ball in my hands, my eyes watered; I'd never be able to play volleyball properly again, not with my knee being the way it was. For as long as I can though, I can't let Oikawa or Iwaizumi know, it will only lead to unnecessary worry.

'M-mistuha? You're up.' Iwaizumi murmured with a hand covering his yawn. 'You ok? You just...collapsed and... and then...'

I smiled softly 'I'm fine, it was probably just the excitement and happiness of seeing you guys again.' I laughed off his concerns, feeling a twinge of guilt but he's better off not knowing. 'Where's Oikawa? Normally he'd be here screaming Iwa-chaannn'.

'He went to buy some lemon shortcake, and his precious milk bread' Even after these years they haven't forgotten my weakness for lemon shortcake. I made to get out of bed, kicking back the covers, only to be firmly pushed back by Iwaizumi's strong arms. 'Rest, your just back from America and knowing you you want to do something which will use up too much energy.'

'Please? All I want to do is walk around the house, I haven't been here for two years,' I exclaimed, puppy eyes in full show. I could see Iwaizumi contemplating, before proceeding to pick me up. 'Wait! What are you doing?!'

'You should be resting but if you're that insistent I'm carrying you around for a tour.' Iwaizumi said. Biting back a grin, I pretended to be annoyed, whilst he rolled his eyes, before we both burst out laughing.

The door opened, 'Helllooo! How dare you guys have fun without me, Mitsuha?You better?' joked Oikawa, carrying two white plastic bags full of scrumptious food.

'Urgh Trashykawa there's never fun with you around.'

'How mean Iwa-chan, you know you missed me because who couldn't when they are devoid of my presence for 20 minutes? Ouch!' A volleyball had somehow hit his head, I don't know how Iwaizumi did that without dropping me, or maybe it was just reflex to do that whenever Oikawa was being an idiot. 'The aliens will get you Iwa-chan' muttered Oikawa vehemently. Iwaizumi shrugged indifferently, and I just smiled at the scene before me.

Author's Note: Not much action, next chapter will be at Aoba Johsai, Mitsuha meeting the team again.