Dean did not know what to say or do,he was perfectly fine when they left the relief centre and he hoped that for once luck gave in but luck as always proved him wrong,driving his baby he was in pain and it was intense even with the high tolerance the winchesters possessed. did not know how much longer he could continue driving but telling sam was not even an option since that would mean confessing that he committed suicide and Dean knew his brother wouldn't take well to his cowardice , he decided to do what he always did which in the words of the yellow eyed demon was-"Mask all that nasty pain."Yep it had become a part of his M.O

But this time he did not know whether he could Go through with his usual techniques, his insides felt like it was going through a chopper and the nausea was unbearable. He could feel the coppery taste of blood in his mouth.'No,not yet,I can hold it for a little while longer,at least till we reach a motel and try and sleep it off'.,He tried telling himself this every time he felt like passing out or just giving up .The idea of a bed seemed equivalent to Heaven,but this is Dean Winchester we are talking about and Dean Winchester doesn't give up easily and he continued to drive...

To Be Continued...(As the story proceeds,the chapters will become longer..)