Disclosures: This story will eventually contain slash and explicate male on male sexual situations. As such I rate this story as NC-17 for Mature audiences only. If this is offensive, then please do not read. This is also a crossover fic between the Harry Potter Universe and the Mortal Instruments/Shadow Hunters universe. I'll state straight up that I know more about Harry Potter than Mortal Instruments. I have scene season 1 and the first 2 episodes of season 2 of Shadow Hunters and of course the Mortal Instruments movie. As such, this fanfiction will not be canon compliant. That said, this is completely alternate universe and will include Vanteerian's as introduced by a challenge by Becca589 vanteerian-charm/vanteerian-charm-challenge/

As Always, I owe nothing. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved. Mortal Instruments belongs to Cassandra Clare, Sony Pictures and any other entities involved.

The Vanteerian and the Shadow Hunter



Well before recorded history

The war had devastated Heaven. Smoke clogged the air, many buildings were smoldering ruins, others were still on fire. The very streets ran with the blood of immortal angels, for many angels on both sides had been killed, their bodies littering the ethereal plains. While mortals would find this a difficult concept, it was possible, hard, but possible, for one angel to kill another.

The trouble began with an arc Angel named Lucifer Morning Star. Lucifer was considered the most beautiful of the Creators choir. In point of fact, the Creator greatly favored Lucifer over the other angels. This unfortunately went to his head. He came to view himself as supreme, even to the creator. He became poisoned with the desire of ultimate power. Eventually, he decided to make a move to seize that power and replace the creator as the most powerful entity in the universe.

Lucifer realized he would need followers if he was to successfully overthrow the established order. He started to recruit fellow angels. Publicly he had taken exception to the role of angels in the Creators Universe. He railed against Angels being used to look after mortals and their role as servants of the Creator. He told his fellow angels that because of their immortality and power, they should be held above mortals and at least granted demigod status, superior to those beneath them.

To further his aims, he delved into powers that where forbidden by the creator, specifically those powers used by the demons of hell. He shared is mastery with his disciples and they in turn became drunk with dark power. Lucifer's journey was almost complete, he was at this point a Dark Lord, in point in fact, the first Dark Lord.

Lucifer and his rebel angels launched their war against Heaven by attacking the forum during midday. The unsuspecting loyalist angels were quickly slaughtered by dark magic. The battle spread from there, eventually encompassing all of Heaven. For twelve days the war waged and angel battled angel. Towards the end, the loyalists gained the upper hand. Sensing defeat, Lucifer opened a portal to hell and allowed demons though and the battle quickly switched back to him.

Among the many choirs of angels was a small group known as the Vanteer. They were known as the most devoted to the creator. They strived to be everything they believed that the creator wanted. The leader of the Vanteer was an arc Angel named Melonor. Realizing that the demons could destroy Heaven and creation itself, he called together his brethren. He pointed out the danger and proposed that the Vanteer make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of all. One by one, the Vanteer voted to implement Melonor's plan.

It was simple. The Vanteer sacrificed their immortality in a ritual that combined their angelic power into an overwhelming force that was able to force the demons back to Hell. It worked but the price was terrible. Over half of the Vanteer had drained their very life-force and perished. The rest of the Vanteer were barely alive.

They loyalists quickly seized the opportunity bought by the Vanteer and attacked Lucifer and his followers with fanatical energy. After 12 days of battle, the war was won and Lucifer and those of his followers that survived where in chains. Now all stood before the Being known as the Creator, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Zeus, Apollo, Ra, the Goddess, and a million other names. Many names, many religions, many beliefs but the same all-powerful entity.


"Yes my Liege?"

"Bring forth the traitors."

"As you command my liege."

Lucifer and his followers were forced to kneel before the Creator. The Creator frowned and leaned forward. "Lucifer Morning Star. You and your followers are guilty of raising treason and rebellion against creation and heaven. In doing so, many pure angels were destroyed. I do not particularly care that you questioned me but your actions are unforgivable. You and those that followed you till the end are sentenced to exile in Hades for all eternity. There will be no escape either to Paradise or Earth."

Lucifer looked up into the creators face and laughed. "This is not the end. If I am to rein in Hell, then so be it. You will eventually regret…"

The creator had had enough. "Be gone." With that one command, over ten thousand ex-angels were caste out of Heaven into Hell. The creator closed his eyes for a few moments, then turned to the General of his armies. "Michael, please bring what is left of the Vanteer to me."

"As you command my liege."

A few minutes later, a small group of bedraggled angels came before their creator. Weariness was etched in every line on them and they all appeared to in very poor health. Most of them had to be aided in kneeling before the Creator. The Creator was saddened by what he saw.

"Where is Melonor?"

One of the Vanteer replied. "He was among the first to fall my liege."

The creator gave a sad nod. "His sacrifice and those of your brothers will not be forgotten. All of you have the extreme gratitude of Creation for your service to the light. You deserve more than your current plight. However, what is done cannot be undone. I am sorry, but I can not restore your immortality."

"We understand my liege. All of us knew what was being asked and we would make the same decision again."

The creator nodded. "I can however reward your service in a different manner. You will go to Earth. There you will heal and live the remaining of your lives. When you pass away, your souls will join with other mortals here in Heaven. While you will no longer be angels at that point, you will be able to come home."

While saddened at their fate, the new leader of the Vanteer nodded. "We understand and thank our liege for this consideration." The Vanteer struggled to their feet and saluted the creator. "IN YOUR HOLY NAME, WE SERVE!" The Vanteer then vanished from Heaven.

The Creator sighed. With a few thoughts he/she put out the remaining fires and restored Paradise. He/she turned to one of his/her remaining arc Angels. "Michael, you look as though you have a question."

"I am sorry my Liege but I was wondering. Could you have not just removed their souls and send them to the eternal fields?"

"You are of course correct. However, the Vanteer seek service above all else. They want to be useful and they consider service to creation a greater reward then rest. On Earth, they will find their purpose. They will intermarry with humans and give rise to a new race, the Vanteerians.

Another angel, Raziel, asked a question. "Forgive me my liege. But will not their offspring have angelic powers while maintaining mortality?"

"Yes Raziel. This is necessary. The war showed the demons how to open portals and soon, they will find their way to Earth. Some will mate with mortals and give rise to new races or downworlders if you will. Those that have a propensity to threaten the world with great evil, will be met by my Vanteerians. There is a problem though. Very few of the Vanteer survived the war. As such, the Vanteerians will be few in number."

Raziel took the hint. "What if I uplifted a group of mortals into a warrior class to deal with these demonic forces?"

The creator nodded. "Yes. That will be another good balance." The creator thought for a few moments. "Very well. Raziel, you will construct instruments to infuse chosen mortals with angelic blood. They will be known as the Nephilim, our hunters of shadows. However, their presence will not be needed for a time. Let humanity continue on their present path unhindered. Watch for those that prove worthy."

Raziel nodded. "When will be the right time my liege."

The creator drew distant as he/she dwelved into the timeline and examined the future. "An offshoot of one of the downworld races will organize their numbers in the Isles of Avalon. When they build their fortress of education, you will deliver your Mortal Instruments to your chosen."

Raziel bowed. "As you command, my liege."