The Flash


By Heatmizzer

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters but I sure do like them.

Summary: Caitlyn Snow is a nice girl, Killer Frost is a bad girl, Iris West is a girlfriend and Barry is in Trouble.

Chapter One:

Barry remained taken back by Caitlyn's advances. He slowly examined her lips, until he reached her doe eyes. As Caitlyn looked down at his navy button down, she began to unbutton it slowly…Barry stopped her, catching her hands. Weakly, he looked up at her…

"This isn't you…this isn't me either." He weakly warned.

"Barry, I love you and whatever happens…remember that." She acknowledged, as she took off her bracelets, and placed them on a nearby table. She then turned back and began to kiss Barry passionately. Barry tried to stop but gave in and suddenly…


"What is she doing?" Cisco said turning to go get Caitlyn as Harrison stood in his way.

"I believe she is self sacrificing." Harrison added.

"No, she's killing herself and possibly Barry." Cisco said trying to leave but Harrison stopped him.

"Might I remind you, that in less than twenty-four hours, Barry will be healed and the agent which is attacking Barry will cease to exist because of her frost. How ever this will not stop Killer Frost, so I think it's more important that you, my friend, focus on containing Killer Frost and save Caitlyn and Barry. So this…" Pointing to the screen. "This is the least of our worries." Harrison said, turning off the screen, as Cisco looked at him. He knew he was right.

"What's the least of our worries? Joe said coming in with Iris.

"We may have found a cure for Barry and any other mettas against this Organia plant. We just have to act fast, right Cisco?" Harrison hinted as Cisco turned towards Iris and Joe and complied.

"Right." Cisco came around the desk and headed towards his gadgets.

"Good, then I'm going to tell Barry." Iris began.

"No." Cisco exclaimed.

"What Cisco is getting at, is that I think, to be safe, it's best if you and Joe leave to protect Wally."

"If this agent gets on you, there is no tellin' what can happen to Wally." Cisco added.

"So please go find Wally, keep him safe and we will update you as soon as Barry is clear enough." Harrison added.

"Ok." Iris replied as Joe and her left.

"I found it." Cisco said holding a box, he and Harrison quickly left out.

Caitlyn awoke quickly lifting up, she looked at her hands. Nothing…

"You don't have to worry. Cisco magnified the force of the bracelets." Barry said in a chair nearby.

"Are you?"

"My levels are almost back, the frost helped."

"Barry, I'm sorry…you, were in so much pain and we couldn't find…I had to-"

"So I've played it over and over in my head, and the bottom line is, if it was me, I would have done the same." Caitlyn holding the blanket close over her body, looked at him. "Plus, I could've said no but I didn't…and that's my burden to bare." Barry let out a breath. "Thank you." Barry said kissing Caitlyn's forehead, he then exited the exam room.

As Caitlyn with her bands on and clothed walked in, Cisco stood with Harrison and Barry.

"So from what we can tell, the frost killed the virus." Harrison alluded. "We also located this." Caitlyn looked at Cisco who did not reciprocate. "This plant is from my Earth, it is the Organia flower. The flower carries a potent agent that to humans resembles normal euphoric highs, but to a metta such as you, if smelled, will ultimately kill you." Harrison added.

"Like it could have, for you." Cisco said towards Caitlyn.

"Cisco!" Barry continued.

"Look, I'm glad your ok and your ok too, but this…us, we're a team. We just don't jump into situations. What if I didn't border the room?"

"You're right…and I'm so sorry." Caitlyn replied.

"And I forgive you, but next time…no!" Cisco replied with a hug.

"Well this is just so sentimental and all, it brings a faint tear to my eye…but Cisco, we need Killer Frost, the old fashioned way."

"Don't mind if I do." Suddenly Cisco dropped the mask over his face, he then torched the flower, freezing it. He then lifted it up and opened a cryogenics chamber and placed it down in closing it.

"So now, I believe someone has to update the West family?" Harrison stated as Barry looked nervous, he then looked at Caitlyn one time and was gone.


"So Killer Frost saved you?" Wally said shockingly.

"Well Caitlyn saved me, but yes it was the frost." Barry added.

"Thank you Caitlyn." Joe replied.

"Ditto." Iris alluded.

"Well, all is well." Joe said standing up. "Now let's go eat."

"Sure." Wally added following Joe as they headed into the dining room.

"Umm Iris can I talk to you for a moment outside." Barry asked.

"Sure." Iris said as they made their way out the door onto the porch, sitting together on the first porch.

"Iris, I promised myself that I would definitely be more honest after everything, with everyone. I mean, Cisco and I, are finally in some from of peace but I never want to be that way again."


"Caitlyn, couldn't freeze me to kill the virus, it would've killed me."

"Then how- "

"We slept together…" Iris looked at Barry confused. "Iris, I could've lied…but I didn't want to… she saved my life."

"Barry, I'm happy… your ok…but" she said with tears in her eyes. "I'm gonna need some time." she said pulling away.


"I can't…I just can't." Iris replied as she got up and went into the house. Barry stood frustrated, suddenly he winced. Holding his heart, he started to breath fast, and winced again, suddenly his eye flickered with lightning, and he was gone.


Caitlyn made her was over to her door, as there was another knock. She looked through the peephole and grinned. As Barry appeared, he came in.

"So you couldn't go too long with out me." suddenly he kissed her passionately. As she pulled away, Caitlyn's eyes were now a steel blue.

"Of course." She then kissed him back, as he lifted her up and made their way to her bedroom.

NEXT CHAPTER…The Indulgence continues...