A/N: Well my friends this is it. The final chapter. Only one day later than promised but it's done.

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"Nobody cares Malfoy," Ron shouted back, earning quite a few laughs.

"She's mine and she's beautiful and I love her! Looney can't have her. Looney isn't good enough for her." He pointed his wand at Luna and cast sectumsempra and reducto.

"NO," Harriet shouted and the spells froze in midair halfway down the center aisle. Everybody gasped in awe as they looked from the frozen spells to Harriet. Nobody had ever seen that happen before. Harriet's eyes were bright green and glowing as she walked down the center aisle towards the frozen spells. As she reached them she held out her hand and they flew over and started twirling around each other in her palm. "I should send these back to you Malfoy. Merlin knows you deserve it after all these years but I would prefer not to have blood shed on my wedding day." With that she closed her hand into a fist and the spells disappeared. She then snapped her fingers and Malfoy instantly sobered up. "Now that you're thinking straight I suggest that you leave."

"I object too," came a voice from behind her as the crowd gasped. She turned around and saw Ginny holding her wand up to Luna's throat. "You were supposed to be mine! We were supposed to be married. You had the chance to go back. To fix us! But you didn't! You chose her! I heard you in the common room!" By now Ginny had tears coming down her cheeks.

"It was you that leaked the story to the prophet!" With that there was a bright flash of light causing everyone to blink. When Ginny opened her eyes she was in the courtyard of Hogwarts on a bright sunny day. She wasn't alone either. In front of her stood Harry Potter. Her Harry.

"Where are we," Ginny asked nervously "did something happen? Did we die?"

"No. We are in your mind. I choose this place because it is familiar. I look like this because this is how you see me in your mind. If you don't mind though I'd prefer to be me. This form doesn't feel right anymore." Ginny watched, to her horror, as Harry shifted back into Harriet.

"Please don't," Ginny whispered as tears went down her face, "Please don't leave me Harry."

"I'm sorry Gin. This is who I am now. Maybe this is who I was always supposed to be…at least if you believe in that whole fate/destiny stuff. Anyway, this is who I am now and I'm sorry that it hurts. We had lots of good times together but we're done. You broke up with me and I moved on. I'm sorry that you haven't."

"I…was working on it. Slowly and it hurt…but then I overheard you talking with Ron and Hermione about how you had the chance to go back to Harry. For just the briefest moment I saw a glimmer of hope again but it all came crashing down again when you said you turned it down. After that I kind of lost it," After a brief moment she looked up and asked, "What makes Luna so special anyway?"

Harriet thought for a moment before answering, "Luna is…unique and beautiful. Not just in physical appearance but in soul and personality. She was there for me when nobody else was. She loves me regardless of what gender I am. She has shown me happiness when I thought there was none and comfort when I've only seen nightmares."

"Oh…that makes sense I guess." After a moment of silence she asked… "So what happens now?"

"Well that's entirely up to you I guess. What would you like to happen?"

"I dunno Harriet. I just want to go home and forget this ever happened. I was stupid to listen to Draco."

Harriet smiled. "I think that's the first time you've ever called me Harriet."

Ginny smiled weakly in return.

"As for your request, done. I can send you home and nobody will ever remember that you were here except for myself and Luna. You won't remember interrupting the wedding but you will remember everything that has happened in your mind as if it were a dream lest ye forget."

Ginny nodded. "Thank you Harriet. I don't deserve the kindness you're showing but thank you. Congratulations on your wedding." She quickly hugged Harriet as tears streamed down her face. She closed her eyes and there was a bright flash of light once more.

When Harriet opened her eyes it was like no time had passed. Ginny was gone and there was no trace that she had ever been there. She stood staring at the altar and Luna. She spun around to deal with Malfoy.

"Draco Malfoy, you have taunted me since first year. You have been a constant pain in my ass and a complete git. You have threatened me and my friends numerous times and now you try to hurt my wife?" Her anger was rising as her hair and dress started to ripple but there was no breeze in the room. "Now you have the audacity to drunkingly stumble in and declare your love for me at my wedding? You've been a complete git to me but now that I'm a woman you think I'm just going to forgive and forget? Who do you take me for? Pansy Parkinson? NO! I have had enough of this. This is our wedding day and you are not going to ruin it." With a snap of her fingers his wand flew out of his hand and landed in hers. His hair changed from blonde to the same color as Harriet's and became the old Harry look, including being forever unmanageable. No amount of dye or magic could change it back or tame it. After that he was bound in ropes and petrified, fire whiskey bottle still in hand. Harriet moved the statue to a corner of the room without so much as a wand wave. Her hair and dress returned to their normal state as her eyes dimmed back to their normal color. She walked up to the altar and turned around addressing the crowd. "Sorry about the unplanned interruption folks. Without further ado I believe I am to be married to this beautiful woman." She handed the headmistress Draco's wand and took her place at the altar as if nothing had happened. Every eye on the room still staring at her.

Professor McGonagall spoke up, not missing a beat, "As I was saying we are here to witness the union of Luna Pandora Lovegood and Harriet Jasmine Potter. Harriet, if you would please place your left hand over Luna's." Harriet smiled as she placed her hand over Luna's. "Now repeat after me."

"I, Harriet Jasmine Potter, do hereby swear on my life, honor and magic to love Luna Pandora Lovegood with all my heart. I promise to cherish her in sickness and in health forever more." As Harriet started repeating the vow a green rope came out from Professor McGonagall's wand and started wrapping around her and Luna's hands. She looks up at Luna as she smiled, using her free hand to wipe her tears away.

Professor McGonagall turned to Luna, trying to hold back her own tears. "Luna, please repeat after me, I, Luna Pandora Lovegood, do hereby swear on my life, honor and magic to love Harriet Jasmine Potter with all my heart. I promise to cherish her in sickness and in health forever more." As Luna repeated the vow, the green rope continued around their hands and bound them together. When she had finished the green rope glowed brightly and then disappeared. "Magic has accepted their vow so shall we all. By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Ladies Harriet and Luna Potter-Black. You may kiss the bride."

This time it was Luna who charged forward and passionately kissed Harriet as she started to dip her. This was met with wooing, whistles and cheering from the crowd. They broke apart as fireworks exploded on the enchanted ceiling above them in heart shapes and a little cupid that flew around. The finale left the words Harriet and Luna Potter-Black with a heart around them in the sky.

"Congratulations you two. I know you will be so happy together." With that Professor McGonagall hugged the pair of them before motioning for Ron and Hermione to join them at the altar. Together they all signed the marriage certificate making Harriet and Luna legally married under wizarding law and updating the records. Professor McGonagall handed their marriage certificate to them and left the stage. Hermione and Ron took turns hugging and congratulating the pair before standing next to them on stage. This time Harriet spoke up again.

"Luna and I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here today with us, despite the interruptions and last minute changes. A special thanks to those that helped me throw together a new venue last minute – Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbot, Marpesia and of course the house elves. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have done any of this without you. We would also like to thank Rubeus Hagrid for the replacement arch after the first one had been destroyed and we're pretty sure this one is more beautiful than the first. Finally, on a personal note, I would like to thank Xenophilius Lovegood for allowing me to marry his beautiful daughter."

She turned to Luna. "Is there anything you would like to add Mrs. Potter?" Luna smiled and stepped forward to join Harriet. "As many of you may have noticed there are 10 empty chairs in the front row. These are for the ones we have lost who cannot be with us today. Harriet's Parents – James and Lily Potter, her godfather Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Colin Creevy, Albus Dumbledore and my mother, Pandora Lovegood. We know that they would be here with us today if they could so we have left them a place." Luna and Harriet hugged and wiped each other's tears away. "That was beautiful Luna. Thank you," Harriet whispered.

Harriet turned back to the crowd. "If you could all please stand for a moment and make your way to the back of the great hall and give us just a few minutes we will get the hall transformed for the reception." A few minutes later the majority of the great hall was empty except for chairs. Harriet raised her hands, flicked her wrists and the great hall was transformed. There were extremely long tables running up either side of the great hall and the rest of the hall was filled with various small tables that held about 10 people per. A large space was left in the center of the floor by the stage for dancing and of course the main bridal long table was up against the stage to make room for the musicians on the stage. Moments later, food appeared on the long tables and dining ware appeared on the tables. The great hall began to fill in as people began to shuffle in and take their places. A handful of tables up front had been reserved for friends and family but the rest were first come, first serve. The brides, Ron and Hermione, Hagrid and Madam Maxime and Xeno Lovegood posed for a few pictures from the photographer before making their way to the bridal table.

Hagrid and Madam Maxime (whose first name they found out was Olympe) took time to congratulate the two on their wedding. It was then that Xeno approached the pair and hugged the pair. "Congratulations my moonflower! I'm so happy for the two of you and I know that you two will make each other happy as well. I'm glad you're mother is watching us from somewhere beyond but I still wish she were here to see this in person. She'd be so proud of you. You look so beautiful, just like she did on her wedding day."

"Thank you daddy," she whispered as she hugged her father once more.

Xeno hugged Harriet, "You look beautiful too my dear. Your parents would be proud. I know it. Welcome to the family!"

"Thank you Xeno," Harriet replied. After the exchange everyone sat down but Harriet. "As you're well aware there are menus in front of you. For those of you who don't know just speak what you want and it shall appear. The tables along the sides contain drinks, snacks and deserts. Before anyone asks or attempts it, the fire whiskey is off limits to those underage. In the meantime enjoy yourselves!" There was a round of applause before everyone settled in and started ordering.

After the main course had finished, Harriet stood up and held out her hand to Luna with a bow. "May I have this dance m'lady?" Luna smiled as she took Harriet's hand. "Of course." Harriet led her out to the dance floor as the lights dimmed except for the area around the dance floor. Nobody heard the musicians appear as the music started playing. Harriet spun Luna closer as they began the traditional slow first dance. Harriet had never danced in a dress and heels before and she would've been in great trouble had she not been taking some dance lessons on the side.

Tonight they would dance and enjoy time with their friends and family, tomorrow they leave Hogwarts for the last time, and the day after that they leave for their honeymoon and the rest of their lives together.

And they lived happily ever after (except for Draco who couldn't control his wild new hair).


Final Author's Note: That's it. That's the ballgame. I'm pretty happy with the way the story turned out. I laughed, I cried and I had writer's block but it was worth it. 129 pages and nearly 60k words (according to Microsoft Word). This is officially the longest thing that I have ever written. Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for reading, especially those that have left reviews or sent messages. You guys are the greatest!

Look forward to my next book (tentatively titled: Harry Potter and the Altered Fate)

So long and thanks for all the fish! (Yes that's why I ended it on Chapter 42)
