*I don't own these Characters, just love them a lot.*


The sound of the Green line train scraping to a stop at Sutherland Road caused Michonne to come to. The trolley which everyone Bostonian considered a modern feat bucked and the doors opened. Michonne and Andrea her friend exited on to the street of Commonwealth Ave. The summer heat hitting them in the wake of their exit from the air conditioned train. Michonne stared at her blonde friend who had her hair in her signature waves. Her blue silk top rustling slightly as she moved down the street towards their destination.

"Andy, how did you meet this guy again?" Michonne asked

"I dropped my T pass and he gave it back to me. We struck up a conversation."

"So he invited you over tonight for a party?"

"Mish! I've texted him all week and I made sure to google him" Andrea said

"So all you know is that he's not a known serial killer and his name is Shane Walsh." Michonne said

"I also know that he has some big hands and talks a big game" Andrea winked

"Girl, I'm going to a party in Allston for christ sake. What else is it about him?" Michonne asked walking slowly beside Andrea in strappy heels, a coral strapless top and lightly washed blue jeans.

"Well he's from the South and has this accent that is just so sexy" Michonne stopped in her tracks

"So you've dragged me across the bridge to meet some rando redneck that did the bare minimum of giving you back something you misplaced? Andy, this guy better be worth it." Michonne huffed walking quicker to catch up with Andrea as she walked down the quiet streets of Boston towards the house party. It was early June in the city which meant the college students had yet to ruin the public transportation system or leave excesses of booze bottles along the streets of Allston and Brighton, two of the city's most notorious neighborhoods for bros and townies alike.

Michonne and Andrea walked up the marble steps into a modest two bedroom apartment on a quiet residential street. Leading the way inside Andrea walked around the party filled with typical Massachusetts white boy types- the white boy with the Red Sox cap in the front, the one with the cap brim in the back, a musician type with a plain white tee and jeans. Among the group stood an Asian guy wearing a flannel short sleeve, a tall black man who appeared to be some type of athlete in activewear and a biker type in the far corner of the modest kitchenette. A few brunettes and blondes floated around the party chatting among the fray.

"There you are. I wasn't sure if y'all were gonna make it" Shane drawled to Andrea

"Here we are indeed." Andrea replied in a calm but seductive note

"Shane, meet my best friend Michonne. Mich, this is Shane." Andrea said standing between the two who amicably shook hands

"Michonne. Nice name. Nice to meet you." Shane noted

"Good to meet you." Michonne said giving Shane what can only described as a 'is this guy for real' stare down

"Where are my manners, let me introduce you to my friends from the academy and get you two fine ladies a beverage" Shane said ushering the friends through the party and introducing them to the activewear guy whose name was Tyrese, the Asian dude who was Glenn, and the quiet biker type in the corner who grunted a 'ey' to Andrea and Michonne. Shane introduced him as Daryl. The rest of the guys, a few Marks (Mah-arks), a Bob who Michonne was sure had cut her in line once at the Middle East Restaurant, a Rob, and a few Nicks (one Nicky the other just Nick but everyone called him Tub). Michonne smirked politely as she met the friends and girlfriends who happened to be a Sarah, an Ashley, and two Melissa's (one Missy, the other Melissa(h)). Shane handed a beer to Michonne who graciously took the beer from his hand and offering a 'Thank you'. Michonne watched against the wall as Andrea and Shane talked, taking small sips of her beer and generally zoning out.

"Hey" said the guy she had just met as Glenn "Hey Glenn."

"So you from around these parts?" He asked

"Yeah actually. My family moved here from Georgia when I was three. My father, the Professor taught at Boston College. My mother, the humanitarian works, at an International NGO supporting women and children. I'm a Bostonian by upbringing."

"So you're part of the southern contingent too." Glenn smirked

"By birth merely" Michonne smiled.

"So what Academy are you all in?" Michonne asked

"Oh, we're doing a police academy exchange for the year. Me, Shane, Daryl, and Rick, Shane's roommate and best friend"

"So you're a bunch of cops from Georgia who decided to move to Boston of your own free will for a year?" Michonne chucked "Good luck with that" she laughed a little

Glenn watched her a bit confused "Why do you say that?" he asked

"Everyone knows the Boston Police are really fucked up."

"Maybe everyone from here, but where we're from it seemed like a good place to learn about police work in a small city. Plus, I've never been this far east or north in my life." Glen admitted

"Well Glenn, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sure you'll learn a lot." Michonne said excusing herself to get another drink.

After getting a drink in the tiny kitchen Michonne started walking to find Andrea when one of the Nicks (the Nicky, not Tubs) bounced into her spilling the contents of his Solo cup all over her coral shirt and onto her locs which were lightly curled and rested on her shoulders.

"You're fucking joking right?" she said to Nicky who was too drunk to realize the error of his ways, chuckling and saying "I'm sorry"

"You're sorry guy? You're sorry? You gonna pay for my dry cleaning?" Michonne huffed walking away from Nicky before he put his foot in his mouth. Michonne waked quickly with heavy steps towards Andrea and Shane who were in the Living Room sitting quite close on the couch.

"Mish, what happened?" Andrea said standing up to look at a soaked Michonne. The sheer of her top leaving little to the imagination

"One of the Nicks spilled beer all over me. Shane can I borrow a shirt? I know I'm not you best friend but I can't wear this." she said gesticulating to her sheer shirt, her nipples visible and protruding.

"Uhhh… yeah. You can chance in my room." he said pointing in the direction of the hallway. Andrea nudged Shane and said "Mish, let me know if you'd rather go."

Michonne looked at how relaxed Andrea was before her debacle and said "No, I'll just borrow a shirt"

Michonne walked along the hallway and entered a dark bedroom. Having a little difficulty finding the light, Michonne used the cellphone flashlight until she found a lamp by the queen sized bed. She noticed the bed was made and there was minimal decorations in the room. Moving to the small closet Michonne grabbed a white button down shirt and placed it on the bed. She turned from the door and took her wet shirt off, wandering around the room topless she found a towel and began wiping the beer from her taunt stomach and muscular back. Michonne froze as light from the hallway entered the door. "Oh my God" she said grabbing at the shirt and placing it over her front while swiftly turning around towards the closet and away from the door.

"Uhh.. miss. Who are you?" a sleek southern drawl said to Michonne's back, the muscles gliding up and down with rapid breath.

"Oh, um. I'm Andrea's friend. She's with Shane sorta. He said I could borrow a shirt." She said still facing the closet.

"Well miss, this ain't Shane's room, but you can sure borrow that shirt." the husky voice replied. "Umm.. Can you leave or turn around. I'd like to put it on at least." She replied a bit shyer than her normal alto.

"Sure miss. I'll wait outside." he said taking one last glance as the mahogany skin, rotund behind and curly dreadlocks that greeted him.

"Thanks" Michonne replied, waiting for the door to close before turning around and placing the shirt on her body.

Michonne gathered her wet top in her hands and using two locs placed her hair into a messy bun. She kept the two buttons at the bottom and top of the shirt open to create a relaxed almost intentionally baggy look from the white shirt, rolling up the sleeves to show off her toned arms and beautiful skin. Michonne exited the room with her head down and slowly glanced up at the person waiting against the wall, his brown cowboy boots leading to a pair of snug blue jeans that clung to his body, toned arms that were too tan for Boston and a proportioned torso, his muscular neck and jaw showing the characteristics of an Adonis- truly gorgeous. Michonne finally reached his eyes and stopped. A wave of heat passed between those blue eyes that sent shivers down Michonne's spine and resided between her thighs. Blue eyes bore into the rich brown doe eyes of Michonne.

"Uh… Thanks for the shirt" she managed to stammer out breaking eye contact and wavering from one foot to the other.

"It's no problem miss. It looks like your got caught in the rain" he chucked.

Moving off the wall he sauntered towards her, his bow legged gait stopping inches from Michonne who took a measured step back "Names Rick, Rick Grimes." he said

"Michonne" she replied accepting his warm hand. As their hands touched a jolt of electricity passed between fingers and Michonne broke contact first.

"Well Michonne, welcome to my home. You said your friend Andrea was with Shane right?" He asked

"Yeah.." she said a bit exasperated as her eyes met Rick's once again.

"Well now that you're changed, would you care for another drink?" he asked waiting for Michonne to say anything in response.

"Sure. Umm… is there a place I can put this?" She said showing Rick the soaking coral top that she had discarded

"Yeah, we can hang it in the bathroom if you'd like." he replied.

"I'd like that" Michonne whispered. Rick took the shirt from Michonne's hands and walked towards the bathroom, his sure bow legged strides catching her off guard again. Get it together Michonne thought as she watched Rick enter and exit the bathroom quickly. "So Miss Michonne, would you like to get that drink?" Rick asked standing behind her slightly, looking down into her cherubic face. "Yeah, uh, let me also check in with Andrea." She said walking in front of Rick and back towards the party.