Well it's been a while since this one got updated. I hope this meets your expectations. I do not own RWBY.

Chapter 3- Not Everything Goes Your Way.

Jaune's POV

I really got to wonder what goes through Port's head sometimes. I mean I get using your own experiences to teach but he takes it to a new level. Thank Oum for the book involving Grimm in the library to be relatively easy to find, despite the fact that place is usually a labyrinth. The rest of my team went off to pick up some ammo for their weapons and a few other bits and bobs. I just got done with a job at the library. Beacon helps some of the less fortunate students raise money by doing little part-time jobs such as helping organize the library and clean various places. And while we aren't Hunters we still get a small stipend since we're risking our lives during our schooling. A voice draws me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Jaune!" I turn around and see Ruby right behind me. A big smile on her face as she grabs my arm and latches on.

"What's up Ruby?" Ruby lets go and looks up at me with big eyes, she really knows how to use her cuteness to her advantage.

"Would you be willing to help us with something?" I only have time to nod before everything becomes a blur and suddenly I'm in team RWBY's dorm. I rush to the bathroom and vomit as nausea hits hard. I pull a pack of mints from a pouch on my belt and pop three in when I finally stop. I head back into the main room expecting ridicule only so to see Yang looking at me with sympathy. My confusion must have been on my face because Yang gives me a grin.

"I'm not going to make fun of you this time, Ruby seems to forget not everyone can handle those speeds. You should have seen me when she first got her semblance and dragged me along." Ruby grins sheepishly and I wave off her apologies.

"Just don't do that again if it isn't an emergency, please." Ruby nods and assures me she won't. "So, what do you need me for?" Before anyone can answer the door opens and Weiss and Blake come in caring my armor, weapon, and regular clothes, I chose to ignore the fact they somehow got into my dorm. I gave them my locker code a while back in-case Cardin or someone else shoved me in again and sent me flying so that they could call me back if I didn't have my scroll on me. For the first time, I notice that the four of them are wearing different outfits than usual, they look good. "Oh, you already grabbed him. Does he know why he's here?" I answer Weiss's question for Yang and Ruby.

"No, he does not. This isn't some weird prank, is it?" Ruby starts shaking her head and stammering.

"What! No, no, no, no it is nothing like that. We wanted your help with something." I look at the others and they're agreeing with their leader. I shrug, it can't be too bad.

"Okay so what do you need me for?" Honestly, I can't think of any reason they would need my help. Yang is the one to answer my question.

"Right, so you are usually good at getting people to calm down right. I mean you got Coco not to beat CRDL's asses and managed to keep Nora from causing anything more than minimal damage during a sugar high while Pyrrha and Ren were busy." I stop and think about those events for a second. The first was only because the four members of CRDL were using me as a human shield, really, I would have enjoyed seeing Coco pummel them if I wasn't in the way, and the second was just pure hell. Never again will I let Nora have even the slightest bit of sugar, Ren says the only thing that could be worse is if she had coffee. "So, we need to get some information from a guy I know but I might have ticked him off a bit. We were hoping you could go with her and maybe keep the peace long enough to get the info we need."

"And why do you need this info."

"We want to figure out what the White Fang are up to." I freeze right there and stare at them in shock at Ruby's words.

"Are you out of your minds? No wait, don't answer that. Of course, you are. Wasn't fighting the criminals once enough for you guys?" The four girls are staring at me in shock but Yang pushes past it.

"Come on we can take them." I face palm and look at their determined faces.

"Remind me Blake what is the White Fang's view on traitors?"

"Not very high."

"And Weiss what are you to your company again?"

"The heiress."

"Exactly! And you think that going up against the White Fang is a good idea?! Hell, you'll be lucky if they just kill you outright. And let's face it, you four are beautiful girls that any man would be lucky to get with. Getting captured would not end well for any of you." I saw too much crap on the streets to not know how capture would end for team RWBY. I almost think my words reach them until Ruby waves off my concerns. Actually, given how protective Yang is of Ruby she might not know what I'm thinking of.

"Don't worry, Blake will be disguised and Weiss won't be going near them. See Weiss and I will go to the CCT tower for info, you and Yang will go to her friend's place, and Blake will go to a White Fang meeting in disguise. It'll be fine." Okay that's one of the main problems taken care of but still.

"I don't like the sound of Blake going to that place alone. Couldn't we get the rest of my team to come at least, or better yet tell the teachers about all this." Weiss shakes her head.

"Pyrrha is too high profile, one picture gets posted and suddenly everyone knows where we are to the exact street corner. Nora will draw too much attention and is a bit too destructive for what we have in mind. Ren would work but he's still a human and he and Nora are a package deal. And we can handle this without the teachers." I start pacing around a bit.

"All right clearly you won't change your minds on this and why you want to drag me into this I don't know. I mean I really won't be much help in a fight but that's not here or there. I am not going to help and I will go talk to the teachers unless you have someone that can go with Blake to that meeting."

"I can go." I hop back and so do the others at the voice. Hanging upside by his tail down outside the open window is that monkey Faunus Blake was with. I think his name was Sun.

"What are you doing?" Sun looks at Weiss in confusion.

"What I do this all the time." I can't believe he's admitting that.

"Peak in girls' windows?" Everyone looks at me.

"Well what else could it be, I mean it's not like he knew exactly what you were talking about or what you were planning. And how long have you been there?"

"One, about two minutes. Two, no I meant climbing trees." Sun flips around and lands on the floor. "So are we going to get some payback on that Torchwick guy." Right how could I forget the fact that the top criminal in Vale is involved.

"I guess he could help, I mean he is a Faunus so he could go with Blake." I nod in agreement with Ruby's thought.

"Yeah, he could. Alright if Blake has back-up I'm in. But I should let my team know I'll be going out." The others look appreciative at that.

"Hey, could Neptune help as well?" Sun points out the window and the five of us stick our heads out. Standing on a part of the wall that is sticking out slightly.

"How did you get up there."

"I have my ways." I look behind him and see the drainage pipe looks a bit dented.

"Did you climb the drainage pipe?"

"Dude, no need to ruin the mystery. Also, can I come in because we are really high up." I look down and wince slightly, that would not be a fun landing even with aura. We pull him in and I go into the bathroom to change. I also use my scroll and send a message to my team to tell them about what I'm doing with RWBY, with a slight sugarcoating to make it sound less dangerous. I come out of the bathroom to find RWBY explaining the plan to Sun and Neptune when a thought hits me.

"Wait how did you guys know this is RWBY's room?" The girls pause and stare at the two boys in suspicion. Sun is the first to answer.

"Well I knew the general area thanks to Faunus senses but I had to check a few other windows over the past few days." I think back to when Nora swore she saw someone looking in our window once. I decide to ignore it for now and tell Nora the culprit later. With that we take a Bullhead to Vale and once we get to Vale we all separate. Yang takes me to a garage near the air docks.

"Meet Bumblebee, she's my baby." Watching Yang gush over her motorcycle I can definitely see how she and Ruby are related.

"Wait you want me on a vehicle?"

"Don't worry, I'll just smack you around a little if you throw up on me." Despite my protests I find myself holding on for my life as Yang speeds out of the garage.

Time Skip

"Well I'm impressed Vomit Boy, you didn't live up to your name." I glare at Yang for the hated nickname while I gather my senses after getting off Yang's bike.

"I'm as surprised as you are." I look at the building Yang has parked in front of and notice some of the glass looks new. I'm going to guess that is Yang-related. Yang walks up to the door with smirk on her face while I just follow behind her. Somehow, I just know this will end badly.

The first sign something is up is when the two guards freak out when they see Yang. The second sign is when they slam a giant metal door in our faces

"Yang I thought you said this was a friend you ticked off?"

"I did."

"This seems a lot more than ticked off."

"Okay so he might be angry." Yang then rears her fist back and her weapon expands to its full size. A single punch brakes the door open with an explosion. Well if her "friend" wasn't mad before he will be now. Yang walks through the broken door with an ear-to-ear grin on her face. It's bad that I think I'd be safer with Blake at this point, it really is.

"Guess who's back." When I hear a lot of guns ready to fire I slip my sheath on my arm ready to deploy it into shield mode at the slightest provocation. An off-beat tune keeps playing until someone turns it off. I look at a wall of guns and goons in front of us.

"Yang, I'm getting you a dictionary and we are going to go over the definition of friend."

"Come on Jaune they haven't shot yet."

"That doesn't make them friends!"

"Stop, stop. No one shoot, we already spent enough on repairs." From the back a tall man comes forward dressed in a black vest and white dress shirt with a red tie. I can feel my face lose all blood when I see his face. Shit, shit, shit. It had to be Hei's bar. Hei stares at me and then recognition floods his face. I grab Yang's hand and start dragging her away. I must have surprised her because I manage to actually move her.


"Not now Yan…" wait that wasn't Yang's voice. In a second a white and red blur slam against me and stumble to the side. I look down to see a pair of twins I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hey there Mel, Militia. Long time no see." Yang is staring at me with mirth in her eyes while the goons look stunned. Hei is staring me down and I'm sure I lack any color at all. He then walks over and plucks me out of the twin's grip and drags me over to the bar. So this is how I die, gotta admit I didn't see this one coming.

"All of you back to work!" Well it looks like Hei kept the temper. It was always good at getting the rowdy patrons at his old tavern to keep it civil. He sits me down and I look back to see Yang talking with the twins before I focus back on Hei.

"Alright I just want to say I had no idea this was your bar. I would have kept far away from this place if I had known." Hei looks like he's swallowed a lemon.

"Look Kid, I gotta admit I overreacted, you didn't start that fire and you didn't ask to be the town's whipping boy. I was just worried about the girls and I took it out on you." I remember that night in vivid detail. Hei was a decent guy who I knew did something shady but he let me work for some food and I managed to befriend his nieces who he took in after another fire killed their parents. Then one night some drunks apparently saw me go in there and decided to burn the place down. Hei was out on business and the twins and I got out alright but Hei was terrified by the fact the twins were in danger and the loss of his business. Words were said and things got heated. I notice Yang and the twins are walking over and I glare at Hei.

"My friends know nothing about what my past was like and we keep it that way." Hei just nods and Yang sits next to me.

"So Jaune, want to tell me how you know these guys." I try to keep my heart from racing, I want my past to stay in the past and for no one at Beacon to find out about it.

"They lived in the same village as me when they were younger. They moved away when their tavern burned down and we lost touch." Behind Yang's back Hei is showing the twins something he wrote down. "I honestly had no idea they were here. Wait, you attacked them!?"

"They came at me first."

"After you attacked our Uncle." Yang opens her mouth but stops and seems to think.

"Okay fair enough. Now I need information." While Yang is talking with Junior I start chatting with the twins.

"So how have you two been doing?" Miltia sits on the seat on my right while Melanie takes the seat on Miltia's right. I can already tell they've kept most of their personalities, Melanie is the more confident one while Miltia is the quieter of the two. They've also kept their respective signature colors. From there we start going into how they've been and what they've been doing. Once Hei, who apparently going by Junior now, bought this place he decided the Twins needed to know how to fight. They learned to fight from various dojos and some street fighters that Junior hired as previous bouncers. When they got good enough they became the bouncers, given that they apparently gave Yang a good fight that have to be pretty good. I in turn start going over what's been happening in Beacon for me. I've just finished going over Prof. Port's lessons when Yang grabs me by the hood and tugs me along.

"Well it's been fun despite the lack of information. I'm going to have to steal your guy here, save me a Strawberry Sunday." I don't bother struggling since it won't make a difference.

"I'll come visit you guys later. Let us know if you hear anything." With that Yang drags me to her bike and takes us a few blocks away.

"Alright so aside from you meeting your childhood sweethearts that was totally useless. Junior had nothing for us." I blush at that.

"I was nine the last time I saw them."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Lady Killer." I make to argue only for our scroll to ring. We accept the call and Blake's voice comes through the speaker.

"Guy's if you can hear us we need back-up!"


"Where are you guys?"

"AHHHH!" That was not over the scroll, I look behind me just in time to see two people running from a giant mech.

"Okay, that isn't something you see every day."

"Got that right, well this your stop." Before I can react Yang's shoved me off, I catch something right before she leaves. "Sorry but you won't be much help here." Once I get up off the ground I clench my fist. She's not wrong, I know I'm not any help here.

So of course the first thing I do is start running after them. I need to at least help somehow, I didn't sign up for this only to stop when things got tough. The cracked pavement from the bot's footsteps makes it easy to follow, soon I end up on a freeway with a lot of damage. I don't make it far before finding someone trapped in an overturned car. I use my sword to cut the door off and help pull the woman free.

"Thank you, thank you!" I accept the thanks and move on only to find a lot more people in similar states. I start joining in on the effort to get the trapped people out. It doesn't take long thanks to Crocea Mors but there are so many injured, then again this is better than going through a residential area. Eventually I make it to an area where the road has been frozen over, Weiss's handiwork no doubt. I then see a hard-light wall that's broken with Yang's bike parked next to it. I look over the edge and see RWBY fighting the robot, looks like they took out an arm.

"Alright so how to get down there and help them?" I hear a single footstep behind me and step to the side instinctively, a blade hits my left arm but my aura holds. I turn around to see a tri-colored haired girl with a blade in one hand and an umbrella in the other. The most distinguishing thing about her is her height though, I think she might be shorter than Ruby.

"So I'm guessing you work for Torchwick." A nod is my answer with a sadistic smile decorating her face. Huh, her eyes just changed color.

"We're going to fight now, aren't we?" Another nod, I really don't like that smile or the look in her eyes. I unsheathe my sword and switch my sheath to a shield. I was right to fear that look in the girl's eyes, each blow that I block, parry or counter only leads to a cut from the blade or a blow from the umbrella. The girl goes to stab at my leg and I manage to stomp on the blade. I ram shield into her and she stumbles back with a small cut on her cheek. Her sword is still under my foot so I kick it off the road. The girl brings one hand to her cheek and wipes the blood away. She looks at me appraisingly and her smile grows, I feel like she's looking at me through a microscope. I see her legs tense and then she's moving faster than before, she's swinging that umbrella up at me. I take a step back only to feel something get me under my right eye and above it, just barely missing the eye. It was so fast my aura couldn't even react. Her boot catches me in the stomach and a backflip drives said boot into my chin. I didn't realize how close to the edge of the road I was to the edge until I'm falling. I slip Crocea Mors back into the shield and start channeling aura around me and brace for impact. It doesn't really help.

I crash into the ground and my aura is near gone, also I can't open my right eye. I stumble to my feet and see Yang smash the robot into pieces. An impact in my back sends me back to the ground. I get back on my knees when the pressure gets off my back only to feel a blade at my neck. I can feel the blood leave my body through the small cut on my neck.

"Neo quit wasting time with the boy and get us out of here." The blade moves away from my neck and I take a deep breath. I hear something shatter and Yang's shotgun blast but I'm still staring at the ground.

"Jaune!" I look up at the cry and see Ruby looking down at me with worry in her eyes.

"Hey, looks like I took your nickname." And with that I collapse, exhausted as I am from all the aura spent keeping me from becoming a splatter on the ground. I'm not sure how long I was out but when I come to I'm in Beacon's infirmary. I open my eyes, looks like I didn't lose the right one, and see my teammates and RWBY but everything's blurry and my hearing isn't fully reliable.

"We need to ….e careful…."

"He should have … safe…"

"We don't know ever…. that's going to happen.."

"We can't lose him again." Again? When did Ruby ever lose me?

"Come on, I'm not dead yet."

"JAUNE!" I'm jumped on by Pyrrha, Nora, and Ruby in a split-second.


"Sorry! I take a breath of sweet air and look down to see I'm still in my own pants even if my shirt, hoodie, and armor are gone. A sharp pain erupts in my cheek as Pyrrha pulls it up.

"What were you thinking?"

"I din't thik I'd ge shved off th road." Pyrrha glares at me but releases my cheek.

"Never do that again Jaune." I look at Ren, I'm a bit surprised he spoke up. "You gave us a heart attack when they brought you in with blood all over your face." That makes me bring my hand up to where that hidden blade got me. It must have scared already going by the feel of the skin. It could be worse though, if I hadn't moved back I'd have lost an eye. That girl, Neo, she was only playing with me. She could have killed me with that hidden blade half a dozen times before she revealed it.

"Yeah, don't worry guys. I won't do something like that again." I have to get my semblance under control, it's the only thing I can do that gives me an edge when most people outclass me so much.

"Hey Ruby, you said you couldn't lose me again. What do you mean by that?" Everyone looks at each other and pales a bit. Weiss is the one to answer.

"When you took that attack for me, your heart stopped for a few seconds." Well that is jarring, odd that they never mentioned it before, but still jarring.

"Well what do you know, I was the first one to die." The seven consecutive slaps after that comment somewhat expected.

"DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT!" Do they even realize they all spoke in unison?

"Well what else am I supposed to do? I died, a little miffed you didn't tell me about that, but I can't change anything about that now. Just got to make sure it never happens again. Right?" The others nod but they're still staring at me in concern. I hop out of the bed and pick up my shirt from the chair in the room.

"So when am I cleared to leave?"

"You're good to go, Ozpin wants to talk to you and RWBY about what happened."

"I'll meet you all back at our room then." Yang speaks up as I slip the rest of my stuff on.

"Hey Jaune, now that you have the scar all you need is some hair dye and new clothes and you could be Weiss's opposite."

"YANG!" I do laugh at it despite Weiss's reaction. It's an amusing image at least.

Well hope you all liked it. I also need to thank LordHellPheonix for betareading this chapter. Pheonix also gave me the inspiration for this chapter with chapter 35 of TES. Also 1st post from College, go Rebels. Thoughts? Ideas? Hopes?