Star Fox Outsider Chapter 1: Wonder

This story is a crossover of Star Fox and Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, I was originally going to have Zootopia instead of Star Fox but I thought using Star Fox would add to the Sci-Fi category, however, I you want to see a Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and Zootopia crossover, let me know in PM or in the review below. This story follows a Human Boy who barely survives the Surprise attack on Geneva during a Fleet Week parade by the Settlement Defence Front, forced to evacuate, our protagonist Orion, evacuates to a habitable star system in an advanced Jackal space fighter, but how can he cope with the fact that he is alone and scarred by the horrible things he has seen? Is he safe? Read and find out!

In the endless void of space, the Lylat system lives peacefully after Andross's influence and the Aparoids. But there is one question on every Cornerians mind.

Are they alone in the universe?

They could only imagine, would any lifeforms outside of the Lylat system be friendly? Or Bad?

While they come into contact with the Aparoids which were hostile, was there any friendly alien civilisations? Waiting to be discovered?

With their advanced technology, they have sent many satellites into the void, waiting to pick up a signal from a distant Star System.

Same goes with the Solar System, but they were not invaded by Aliens.

Right now, Earth's resources have run low and overpopulation has become a major concern.

But there was a way to cope with these problems.

Space, the final frontier.

When oil ran out, fuel could be collected from Jupiter's atmosphere and moons thanks to the gases they carry like hydrogen.

Steelworks producing Taurus Ring Satellites, space jets, massive carrier ships and much more were always being produced thanks to many moons and planets containing the precious metals and minerals needed to produce such massive marvels.

But after the Secession Wars which allowed Mars to break off Earth's Government and form it's own Federation, the Settlement Defence Front, a stalemate is in place and is slowly crippling by the choices that the SDF High Council makes.

But that stalemate is going to break soon...

Geneva, 5:30PM

Hello, my name is Orion, I am 8 years old, I'm originally from America but my Grandfather and his family evacuated after a terrorist attack that left his hometown in ruins.

I have ocean blue eyes, my hair is light brown and short, and when I grow up, I want to be like my Dad.

He's a Pilot, Captain of a S.C.A.R squadron called Orion, that's why he gave me that name, he always told me of the feeling of happiness flying a jet like the Jackal, when you feel unstoppable because of how fast the jets can fly.

My Mother is a Scientist who owns a lab on Triton, one of Neptune's moons.

I'd only get to see her a few times a month and she'd always bring home amazing gifts for me and Dad.

The ship that was taking her home, the Ascension Warship, was the ship I had to watch out for, I knew she'd be looking out the window, looking for me at a birds eye view.

It was Fleet Week, that time of the year again, when the UNSA Capital Geneva turned into a massive airshow.

Dozens of UNSA Warships were flying through the sky, casting massive shadows onto the beautiful city below.

Their massive blue thrusters and engines roared louder than a lion and just to see them up close would make you feel insignificant due to how big they are.

Many Jackals were flying swiftly through the air, leaving trails of coloured smoke behind them.

The many tall skyscrapers were covered in many flags and lights as the celebrations began.

It was also when World Leaders gathered in the city to discuss the future of Humanity on Earth and how to cope with overpopulation and resources running out.

Clapping and cheering could be heard all throughout the entire city, welcoming the massive flying ships after countless missions defending Earth from Space Piracy and making sure the precious resources Earth's population needs to survive.

The air was cleaner since the fuel that the cars, boats, jets and Warships didn't release any pollution into the air thanks to scientists carefully examining and removing any hazardous materials in whatever fuel cells they recieved.

Many fireworks exploded in the sky as the Warships dropped confetti onto the crowds below who cheered and clapped as the Warships roared through the air.

The AATIS guns remained still, they were bigger up close and they always fascinated me, how they kept Earth safe from attacks from Space Terrorists.

My and my Dad were crossing the Lake Geneva estuary on a bridge, my Dad owned a smart car that could drive by itself with no problems.

We both looked out the windows of the cars, watching the massive Warships fly over us, gently shaking the car which made me feel excited.

My Dad Dylan, he was the best Dad ever, while he was a pilot, he was assigned to Geneva and he was going to reveal a new special Jackal prototype at the ceremony today.

But with our great technological advancements, I always wondered to myself, is there life outside the Solar System?

My train of thought stopped when the car we were sitting in came to a sudden halt due to a traffic jam.

"Sigh, traffic is always bad when this day comes, even when we leave early" Dylan said with disappointment.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll clear soon" I said to cheer him up.

He was wearing his S.C.A.R uniform, a grey jumpsuit with desert tan straps, black gloves, a steel breastplate and the emblem of the S.C.A.R team.

A black circle with red and orange layers, a skull in the middle with red lines and the initials VI along with the white S.C.A.R initials.

My Dad always told me to never got up on my dreams and goals and to keep pushing foward and I'll achieve anything.

I was also wearing a junior S.C.A.R uniform like my Dad, he made it for me and I was so happy.

"You're right, you look just like me in that uniform, all we need is a Jackal for you and you're good to go!" Dylan said as he smiled at me.

"Yeah!" I said happily as I hopped up and down in my seat.

"It won't be too long son, one day you'll be out there defending our home" Dylan said as he smiled at me again.

"I won't let you down Dad!" I said as I saluted.

"At ease Private" Dylan said.

I just looked out into the estuary, the many boats docked at the piers, the many Warships, Jackals and Ravens that flew through the air, the sun slowly setting over the horizon.

But then something caught my eye.

The AATIS guns were turning and aiming up at the fleet.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yes son?"

"Why are the AATIS guns moving? Aren't they supposed to be still?" I asked with fear as i was afraid what would happen next.

"Yeah, must be a mechanical failure or something, probably not much to worry about" Dylan said as he looked out the window at the AATIS gun I was pointing at.

He was dead wrong.

The AATIS guns started firing.

They fired out shells from the cannons, and an orange and grey smoke cloud appeared everytime they fired a shell.

"What?! That's impossible!" Dylan shouted as he saw a Raven dropship get shot down.

Warship Vengeance recieved a hit from the AATIS guns, creating a massive fireball near the bow of the ship and left a big and deep looking hole.

"Dad! Why are the AATIS guns shooting at the Fleet!?" I cried.

"I don't know!" Dylan shouted.

I looked up into the sky, black streaks of smoke filled the sky along with fireballs and shells going off.

Then I noticed strange ships entering the Atmosphere.

"Oh no, Orion, those are Settlement Defence Front ships, we have to get out now!" Dylan shouted as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

I unbuckled mine and we immediately got out of the car.

The sound of explosions, screaming, crashing, car horns, gun shots and alarms going off filled my ears.

There were other people running on the bridge, people were also getting out their cars and started running as fast as they could because we were on a bridge which could collapse if it got attacked.

"Son! Grab this!" Dylan shouted as he opened the boot (trunk) of the car and tossed me a Volk Laser assault rifle.

I studied the gun, held it by the right places and made sure I knew how to use it.

"You point this end at any SDF trooper you see, you push this trigger back, and you shoot them, got it?" Dylan asked as he turned my face to face his.

"What do they look like?" I asked in a panicked tone as all hell broke loose around me.

"You'll know them when you see them! Holy shit!" Dylan shouted as he looked into the air.

I looked up too, it was the Ascension Warship, but it was on fire and plummeting towards the bridge.

"Orion! We need to go now!" Dylan shouted as he grabbed me by my hand and we started running as fast as we could.

I heard a massive explosion and a slight earthquake, I looked down and I saw the concrete cracking beneath my feet.

I looked back and said the Ascension Warship crash right into the bridge I was standing on, creating a massive wave on the estuary, and causing the bridge to break apart, taking cars and people with it.

Me and my Dad started running faster as we heard more explosions behind us.

"Mother..." I thought, she was onboard that ship, there was no way she could've survived.

"Son! C'mon!" Dylan yelled as the bridge was literally falling apart at our feet.

I had to start jumping across holes that opened up on the road, we were almost at the end of the bridge.

The entire city was filling with screams and explosions, skyscrapers were on fire and collapsing.

Dylan made it to the end of the bridge, but I was on the brink of calling to my death.

I had to keep jumping across small chunks that were breaking off the bridge, but I felt like I wasn't going to make it.

I made one final big jump across a large gap, but I knew I wasn't going to make it.

I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable, but it didn't come.

I felt a hand grab mine.

"Gotcha!" Dylan said as he grabbed onto my hand and held me tight.

My heart was beating millions of miles per hour, I thought I was going to die.

But I didn't.

"C'mon! We still gotta move!" Dylan yelled as we ran into a street filled with civilians running for their lives.

I looked back at the bridge that was no longer there, the water was covered in white bubbles from where pieces of the bridge splashed into.

There were still people down there, swimming while boats moved in to help them.

The most horrifying thing was the Ascension Warship which was now destroyed.

It lay in the estuary on fire and many holes filled where the ship was shot.

It looked as if no one had survived the crash.

Dylan tried calling my mother, but she wouldn't pick up.

She was dead.

The most horrible thing was that the Ascension Warship exploded when we were walking through the street, there was no way anyone inside would survive.