
written by: albe-chan

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and I do NOT own Harry Potter or any of the characters mentioned, and any similarities with real life is purely coincidental. This work will contain MATURE THEMES, such as coarse language, mature subject matter (scenes containing graphic sex, nudity, etc.), and/or violence. Please, if you are not over the age of 18, or of majority in your country, DO NOT READ THIS! You have been warned!


Four Months Later

Lily sucked in air rapidly, trying to keep a handle on her heart rate, arms aching. "You're getting better. That was almost four rounds," her trainer, a very buff, ultra gay guy named Clarence said, patting her on the shoulder. He was six four, three hundred pounds of muscle, and upon first meeting him, Lily had almost turned around and walked right back out of the gym. She was glad now she hadn't.

"Thanks," she puffed, chugging some water, wiping her face. "Holy fuck, I'm not going to be able to lift my paintbrush for days, though," she groaned.

Clarence grinned, his teeth very white in his dark, coffee coloured face. "Get over it, Lily. No whining like a baby." She sighed, rolling her eyes, then hugged him. "See you next week," he said, his stuff packed up, and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Bye," she said with a wave.

"Lily Potter," said a voice behind her and she turned, pasting on a smile in case she was about to have her picture taken, but the smile slipped as soon as she registered who she was looking at.

"Scorpius," she said, then closed her mouth and got up from the bench beside the little boxing ring. She hadn't seen or heard from him in ages and now there he was, in the flesh, six feet away. Still tall, and blond, and devastatingly sexy as his dark grey eyes roved over her. And she still felt that hot primal lust for him she'd felt the first time, and every other time, she'd laid eyes on him. The magnetic, animal pull toward him that made her wanted to get naked and jump him.

"Your left hook needs work."

She forced a bland smile and a corner of his own mouth quirked up. "Thanks, I'll let Clarence know," she said lightly.

"Is he the new muscle?"

The redhead shot him a filthy look. "No," she snapped. "He's my trainer." She felt a surge of sadness and hurt that Scorpius clearly didn't seem at all affected by how they'd split, and wasn't remotely broken up over being away from her. Well, good for him. "Well, I have to go. Bye."

"I went by your cousins' place. They said you moved out, but they refused to give up your new address."

Lily shrugged. "That's good. I try to keep a low profile, you know." She tossed her water and towel into her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "See you around." Lily tried to make her tone light and impersonal, but she felt a sob try to wriggle out, cracking the last syllable.

"I miss you," he said. "And everything that's supposed to smell like you doesn't."

The redhead paused at that. "Excuse me?"

"You smell like vanilla," he said softly, closing the gap between them. "But none of the smells are quite right. Everything that should smell like you doesn't, and it's driving me crazy." Lily stared at him.

"It's my shampoo," she said after a beat. "It's vanilla and almond, so that's probably why-" She broke off as he moved into her personal bubble, taking a half step back.

"I miss you," he said again.

Lily tilted her chin up aggressively. "That sucks," she said.

His mouth curved into that almost smile again. "It does," he admitted. "And now I spend my days playing chauffeur and attempting to wrangle, with limited success, two twenty year old twins. So it sucks even more that not only do I not get to stare at you all day, but I don't get to stare at you all night either, and that's a bullshit tradeoff."

She sucked in a deep breath, but that was a bad idea, because Scorpius smelled fucking amazing and she could feel the warmth of him even from a half step back, and it was wreaking havoc on her senses. Lily licked her lips. "The tradeoff being that at least now you don't have to see yourself in some shitty tabloid?"

His mouth tightened a little at that. "Exactly." The redhead tried to harden her heart, even as it tried to break all over again.

"Too bad. Thanks for the update," she said bitterly and turned away. He reached for her shoulder and Lily's temper flared as he turned her back around. She clenched her fist and teeth and moved to punch him in the face, but he caught her punch easily. Her temper boiled, because he hadn't even flinched.

"I told you that left hook needs work," he rumbled, then his other hand went around her waist to the small of her back and pulled her to him.

"Leave me alone," she said, pushing halfheartedly at him. She couldn't help thinking that he felt really good pressed against her though.

"Tell me you don't miss me, Lily, even a little bit, and I'll go."

The redhead bit her lip, and then her hands moved, with easy familiarity despite the time lapse, up his chest and around his neck. "I don't miss you a little bit," she breathed.

Scorpius stared at her, feeling bereft, and cheated, and like she'd just sucker punched him in the face, and stomach, and heart, all at the same time. And yet she was still pressed to him, her arms were still around his neck, and she lifted onto her toes, mouth tilting up invitingly. "Then why-?"

"I miss you a lot," she murmured, and then pulled him down to kiss him.

He pulled back after a brief moment, because he was going to fucking lose it right there, in the middle of a gym, with Lord only knew who staring. And he didn't much care, but he had a feeling Lily might. "Thank God," he rumbled. "Will you come home with me?"

Lily sucked in a shuddering breath and disentangled herself from him. "I can't," she murmured. The blond resisted the urge to kiss her again.

"Why?" he demanded.

"I have class in half an hour and I have to go shower and get dressed." She tilted her head a little and looked at him, then smiled a tiny bit and grabbed a Sharpie from inside her bag, took his hand, and wrote her number on it. "I haven't changed it," she said pointedly, and with a last kiss on his cheek, turned away and told herself she wasn't going to hope he would call.

She got back to her apartment at five that night, tired, paint splattered, but in a much better mood than she'd been going into her class. She personally loved holding the preschooler, ages three to five, painting class at the community center. Even if the majority of her students mixed every colour together, and there was always at least one tantrum. And, of course, the money was a nice bonus, because the kids' parents paid a crap ton of money to be brought brownish smears on a weekly basis.

Her little studio apartment was just as she'd left it. And it was easy to tell, with the completely open concept, except the screen she had by the bathroom area, if anything would be. She undid her hair, got the half empty bottle of white wine from the fridge and popped frozen mac and cheese into the microwave to zap while she changed.

The knock on the door came just as she pulled a clean shirt on and the microwave beeped. Lily hoped it was the maintenance guy. He was pretty cute, in a floppy-haired stoner kind of way, and he was impeccably polite. And her kitchen sink was a little leaky, and he'd promised to come fix it for her when he got the liquid rubber stuff.

She opened the door and Scorpius stood on the other side, a smile slowly spreading over his face as his eyes did the slow rove down and back up. "What?" she demanded, already feeling her nipples get hard when he met her eyes again, then looked down at herself. Light grey t-shirt, dark jeans she'd broken in just to perfection. Perfect to veg in front of the couch, eat food, drink wine, and watch television on her new TV her brother Albus had bought her for Christmas.

"You're not wearing a bra again," he murmured. Lily's gaze snapped back up. "Can I come in?"

She pursed her mouth, glanced at her dinner and shrugged. "I'm not feeding you."

A blond brow went up. "Fair enough." Lily stepped back, and he stepped forward into her apartment. To her surprise his gaze didn't scan the room, but remained on her. "I don't want to keep not seeing you," he said.

Lily pulled her mac and cheese out, got a fork and stirred up her noodles and fake cheese sauce. "You know, I'm sure, that would mean you'll be fodder for the tabloids." She didn't want to just fall for him head over heels again. She wanted to get to know him better, because the heightened beating of her heart and the shallow breathing was purely in response to his sexual appeal. But she wanted more than just his fantastic body. She wanted his mind and his heart and she wanted to be able to trust him. Because even if her heart had broken, it still thudded, sparked back to life, by being near him.

"You haven't been in any tabloids, at least that I've seen, in weeks."

A tiny smile slipped out. "Watch and see if that changes if you come around," she said teasingly, and ate her mac and cheese standing at the counter, then reached up for a wine glass. "Do you want a drink?"

"You said you weren't feeding me."

"I'm not," she said. "I'm offering you a drink because my mother would be appalled if I didn't."

"No. I want you to finish eating and get naked so I can carry you over to that quite comfortable looking bed and make you scream my name. Preferably for awhile."

"That's probably not going to happen tonight," she said, pouring herself a glass of wine. "And usually when a woman gives you her number, you're supposed to call her and ask her to dinner, not just show up at her apartment and talk about having sex."

"You're not in any way usual, Lily," he said and she cast him a death glare. "And I meant that as a compliment." He ran a hand through his hair and she gulped, because he looked really sexy in his navy tee and jeans.

"Compliment or not, just because I fell into bed with you the first time doesn't mean I will this time." He lifted a brow and she put her fork down, took a long drink of wine, and looked at him steadily. "If you're interested, of course."

"I've been interested since you got drunk on tequila and kissed me in a McDonald's parking lot."

Lily smiled. "Good." She finished her dinner and brought the wine over to her little couch. "Come sit," she said, patting the space next to her. "Tell me more about yourself."

He came and sat down. "What would you like to know?"

She smiled wider, putting her legs over his lap. "Everything."


Eight Months Later

"Lily! Lily, look over here!"

"Over here, Lily, give us a smile!"

"Show off the ring!"

Lily Potter, not so soon to be Malfoy, smiled and posed for the photographers, her fiance beside her looking more than slightly uncomfortable. "You're not smiling," she said through her own brilliant grin, and her hand moved over the small of his back, pressing his Ruger, still strapped to him as always, into him. He smirked a little and looked at her in her seafoam dress. It was embroidered tulle by Valentino, very soft and floaty and Scorpius couldn't help but trace the lines of her cleavage with his eyes.

"I still don't know how you do this," Scorpius mumbled, feeling distinctly on edge as people stared and snapped his picture and ogled his fiancee in her sexy dress.

"You get used to it," she breathed, pausing again, putting her left hand on his chest so the engagement ring would sparkle brilliantly. "And you just pretend the Queen is behind you and they're not just staring at you." Yet again the redhead had been roped in by her famous father to attend the red carpet Critics' Choice Movie Gala, but she found she was actually enjoying the event this time around. "And think pleasant thoughts," she added to Scorpius.

"Pleasant thoughts," he repeated, tone hinting he couldn't think of any.

"Yes," she said and grinned and kissed him, sparking a flurry of camera flashes. "Like knowing I'm not wearing any panties under this dress," she whispered, and he grinned back at her.

"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he rumbled.

"Yes," she said, beaming. "And I love you too."

The next morning Lily woke up at six, smacking her alarm, and shuffled to the bathroom. She emerged and found Scorpius already dressed. "Did you already go out?" she asked through a yawn as he passed her coffee.

"No," he said, and kissed her. She smiled, sipped her coffee, and picked through the neat stack of mail from the table, glancing at the tabloid.

"Uh oh, we didn't even make front page this time," she said teasingly. "We might be losing our touch."

Scorpius rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, darling, we're still in the feature for the Gala." She giggled and flipped through as Scorpius moved behind her, hands going around her waist and up to cup her breasts. She was still naked, as she'd slept, and the tall blond took advantage.

"Mmm, stop that, I want to go running," she murmured halfheartedly. Scorpius nipped gently at the junction of neck and shoulder, thumbs flicking her nipples.

"Then go get dressed," he rumbled, pulling her back against himself.

"When do you have to work?" she breathed.


The redhead grinned and turned in his embrace, setting her coffee cup on the table. "Maybe you can distract me a tiny bit more, then."

He grabbed her ass, spreading her and making her gasp as she arched into him. "Or maybe more than a tiny bit."

It was sunny and windy when they finally got up to go running, despite a very thorough workout in bed, and Lily managed to keep pace with Scorpius all the way down to the creek. They stopped so she could take a breather, walking around, drinking some water, and a group of four preteen girls, over on one of the benches, eyeballed them.

"You should say hi to them," Scorpius murmured, lifting his shirt to wipe sweat off his face. The redhead looked over and saw them giggling and whispering, casting Scorpius covert looks. "They're probably fans."

"Of yours maybe," she teased, handing water back. His brows drew together.

"Mine?" he asked. "What? I'm not famous."

Lily grinned, because the girls were definitely checking him out. "Are you sure about that?" she murmured, and ran a greedy hand up under his t-shirt, baring his midriff and saw, out of her peripherals, the preteen girls almost swooning.

"Positive," he replied.

She smirked. "Then why are those girls now taking your picture?" she asked.

"Probably because I'm with you."

Lily lifted onto her toes and kissed him, then removed her hand from under his shirt. "Okay," she said disbelievingly.

They started up again, and just as they were passing, one of the preteen girls said, loudly, "Wow, can you believe we got his picture?"

To which one of her friends said, equally loud, "Can you believe he was almost half naked?" The girls dissolved into fits of giggles and Lily snorted a laugh as Scorpius blushed a tiny bit.

"Told you," she said as they rounded the bend. "You're famous."

"But I'm not really. I'm famous by association," he said.

The redhead smirked. "Best of luck with that. I've been saying it for about twenty years and people still don't buy it. Face it, darling, we're famous."


The End