Surprise! Hopefully this helps you guys through the quarantine. Enjoy!
"Speech within the demonic link."
"Midnight and Kyuubi Speech"
"Everyone else speech"
"Thought speech."
Bonus Chapter 3. The Final Chapter.
On with the story
Guy's kick landed clean, driving into Naruto's ribs and creating an explosion of energy on contact. The demon king was sent crashing into the ground, leaving a huge scarred trail in his wake.
"Guy!" A chorus of shouts echoed when Guy's broken body rolled through the dirt, the jounin having fallen victim to the strain of releasing the 8 gates.
Lee was the first to arrive, kneeling over his sensei and cautiously reaching down to cradle the man's head.
"You got him Sensei. You showed everyone the power of youth." Lee whispered encouragingly.
Guy did not have the strength to respond back. Lee looked over to the Hokage.
"Hokage-Sama, is there anything that can be done?" The teen questioned in a panic.
Tsunade watched the scene with a pained gaze.
"I'm sorry, it's just a matter of time." She stated in a solemn tone.
She balled her fist in frustration, her entire body shaking.
Kakashi knelt down next to Lee, placing a sympathetic hand along the teen's shoulder. Kakashi held a devastated expression as he looked down at his partner and long time rival.
Tsunade turned away from the crowd gathering around Guy and walked towards another crowd where an army of demons gathered.
Sasuke, Hinata, and Midnight stood out in front of the crowd, mere spectators to the events. The three young demons stood together as lieutenants of the demon army. Tsunade was joined by Jiraiya and Hiashi.
"It's done. Let this be the end of it. Leave, now!" Tsunade barked.
Midnight cocked her head to the side, her brow raising. Hinata's gaze lingered on her father but he was intentionally ignoring her presence. Her gaze shifted to the face of Hinabi standing in the army of shinobi. Hinabi glared back. Hinata couldn't help looking away. She did not speak up. At this point what more could be said that had not already been said dozens of times?
Sasuke gazed over to Midnight, the two holding a hyper-sonic conversation within the demon link.
"Don't be mean." Sasuke insisted.
"Come on, but…" Midnight protested.
"Midnight…" Sasuke lectured.
Midnight held her tongue. Sasuke was the one to respond.
"You should probably turn around." Sasuke stated simply.
Tsunade and the other hesitated before turning their heads to behold a terrifying sight.
Naruto stepped calmly out of a cloud of dust. The demon king was unscathed. Not even his kimono was torn. It was covered in a bit of dirt but otherwise the teen looked pristine.
The army of shinobi and crowd of Konoha villagers displayed clear panic.
"No. There's no way." One random villager spoke up in alarm.
"It's a demon. It's a god damn demon!"
"We're all going to die!"
Panicked screams resounded from the sea of villagers which were surrounded by a defensive circle of shinobi.
"Calm down people!" Tsunade barked, her voice settling the screams.
Those screams were replaced by terrified murmurs.
Naruto maintained a calm, regal stride, walking up to Lee and the defeated body of Guy. Lee refused to leave the man's side.
"For what it's worth, he is the most remarkable human I've ever had the pleasure of fighting. Not just his Taijutsu, but his spirit." Naruto's gentle voice spoke.
"Don't pretend you understand him." Lee spat out bitterly.
Naruto nodded and knelt down next to Guy, reaching a hand forward.
"Don't touch him!" Lee shouted, swatting Naruto's hand away.
"Lee." Kakashi spoke up now, reaching over to try and pull Lee away.
Kakashi stared cautiously towards Naruto.
"No, I won't leave him. I'm staying right here until the end!" Lee insisted.
Naruto hesitated for a moment before reaching forward again. This time when Lee attempted to swat Naruto's hand away Naruto's arm did not budge an inch.
"Please forgive my intrusion." Naruto whispered as his palm began to glow a bright white light.
Lee paused and looked down as Guy's skin began to heal. After a moment Naruto pulled away, standing up now.
"That will stabilize him. He may still die but at least now there is a chance of survival if he receives treatment soon." Naruto explained, now walking past Lee.
Lee was flabbergasted, the teen hunching over his sensei.
"This means nothing. When he recovers he will still fight you with everything he has left."
"I know."
The demon king moved over to Tsunade who stood out in front of her shinobi army and gathering of citizens. A huge demonic chakra barrier surrounded the entire village of Konoha, trapping them and preventing any attempt at escape. Naruto's demonic army surrounded the humans. They'd been herded into the town square.
Naruto rejoined his mates. Hinata reached up to wipe a smudge off of Naruto's cheek with her thumb and gave him a welcoming smile. Midnight held a confident smirk. Sasuke simply nodded before all turned their attention to the humans they had trapped.
"I hope it's clear now. There is no other way out of this." Naruto's voice boomed as he turned about to face Konoha.
Panic began to arise again in the villagers. Tsunade stepped forward.
"You...can' this." Tsunade spoke through gritted teeth.
She knew it was futile to fight Naruto. He was something else all together. She'd tried many times, had this conversation with him ad nauseam over the years she'd known him. The conversations always ended the same way.
"It's time Tsunade." Naruto's voice was sympathetic despite the implications of those words.
"No!" Tsunade barked in denial.
"It's time." Naruto repeated.
He took a few steps further causing more panicked screams to emit from the crowd.
"I've given you a year to see what life can be like as part of my family. How much better it can be, will be. So many of you have already chosen to join us, and many of them stand before you on this very day." Naruto announced, gesturing towards the crowd of demons spectating from behind.
Many were the converts of Konoha. The humans that remained were those who had already said no.
"Those aren't the people we love!" A random voice shouted.
A chorus of cheers erupted in agreement. Naruto frowned, turning his head to look at a particular demon.
A green-tailed demon man stepped forward, a distinct birthmark over his right eye. He looked towards a particular person.
"Nana..." He began.
"I said don't talk to me demon! You aren't my husband!" The woman interrupted.
Similar scenes had played out hundreds of times.
Midnight shook her head, the girl's arms crossed. Naruto looked back at Midnight, feeling her impatience and agitation. They'd been at it for hours, trying to convince the remaining citizens of Konoha to say yes. Hundreds still opposed Naruto's offer.
Naruto shifted his gaze from Midnight to the demon with the notable birthmark. Naruto moved to the man, placing a gentle caress along his cheek.
"It's ok Nero. She's just afraid." Naruto spoke reassuringly.
"I know. No matter how much it hurts, I understand her and I won't stop loving her." Nero spoke resolutely.
Naruto nodded and turned to face the crowd again. The woman averted her gaze. Naruto formed a solemn smile.
"It's ok to be afraid. I would be too in your position. You have every right to be. I don't blame you. I know how all consuming that can be." Naruto spoke out to the villagers empathetically.
"You're wrong!" Came a small voice.
"Konohamaru we shouldn't…" Another voice spoke meekly.
An adolescent boy steps forward, no older than 13. He wore a distinct blue scarf over a green jacket. His shinobi headband was displayed proudly across his forehead. He was accompanied by his squadmates, a short haired boy with large circular glasses and a pig-tailed girl with orange hair.
Tsunade looked back at the approaching adolescents and held a hand out to stop their advance.
"Konohamaru, return to your post. This isn't the time." Tsunade orders.
The boy looks up to her with a piercing gaze of determination.
"With all due respect Hokage-Sama, this is exactly the time to show them the Will of Fire!"
Konohamaru proclaimed while bearing a fist in front of his face. Tsunade watched for a moment before dawning a gentle smile and nodding in approval. Only after seeing that gesture did Konohamaru continue forward. He walked out in front of Tsunade and pointed an accusatory finger towards Naruto.
"You don't know us as well as you think if you believe we stand against you just out of fear." Konohamaru called out.
Naruto gave the boy his undivided attention.
"I cannot speak for everyone but you don't scare me. I stand against you because it is my shinobi way to defend this village against anyone or anything which threatens who we are. I stand against you to protect everyone I care about, because it's just the right thing to do!"
"Yea!" The girl besides Konoharamu shouted in agreement.
Konohamaru pointed to his own headband.
"This is who I am. This is who we are. You keep saying how much better your society is. That may be true in a lot of ways but when push comes to shove you are trying to force us to be something we are not. And if we don't agree, you are threatening to kill us. That's not who we are and if that's who I'll turn into after saying "Yes" then that's not who I want to be. For better or for worse I will remain a leaf village shinobi. And it has nothing to do with you being a demon. I could care less. Demon, human, whatever. You are who you are and I am who I am. If you try and force me to change then I'll fight you to my last breath. We are humans, we are people, but most of all we are citizens of Konoha and damned proud of it!"
"That's right!"
"You tell them Konohamaru!"
A chorus of cheers erupted from shinobi and citizens alike in support of Konohamaru's speech.
Naruto couldn't help smiling when witnessing the unity and passion displayed. From behind, Midnight's eyes were fixated on Naruto, gauging his reaction. She felt everything he was going through, the conflict and internal battle happening within. She tore her gaze away and narrowed her eyes, her fists clenching in frustration.
Konohamaru wore a bright grin, rubbing his nose in a confident manner while staring Naruto down.
"I couldn't have said it better myself." A deep voice spoke up, drawing everyone's attention.
Konohamaru went wide eyed when laying eyes upon the demonic form of his grandfather.
Sarutobi appeared off to the side in a whirl of leaves. He was in his full demonic form, holding a youthful visage. Instead of battle garments the old former Kage wore long black robes, reminiscent of a monk. Two brown fox ears sprouted from atop his head, a slightly darker shade than his spiky brown hair. Five furry fox tails swayed gently behind him. With arms folded behind his back in a military fashion Sarutobi walked towards Konohamaru.
The area was deathly silent. Everyone in the crowd held a different reaction to Sarutobi's presence. He rarely showed himself, having been exiled from the village years ago upon revealing his demonic nature.
"I thought you wanted no part of this?" Tsunade questioned, a hint of bitterness in her tone.
Despite being exiled that didn't stop his students from keeping in touch with their sensei over the years. Sarutobi stopped in front of her and took the time to scan the conflicted faces of the Konoha citizens and shinobi. He then looked at his two students.
"Did you really think I'd stay absent during this important moment?" Sarutobi retorted.
"Honestly, I can't say I know who you are anymore or what you'll do." Tsunade admitted.
"That's not fair Tsunade." Jiraiya spoke up.
"It's the truth." Tsunade insisted.
Sarutobi nodded in understanding.
"It's ok." The former kage stated simply with an empathetic gaze.
"Sensei…" Jiraiya could see the sadness in his sensei's eyes.
"Don't call this thing Sensei, even if it holds his form. It's an abomination." Hiashi's voice made itself heard.
The Hyuuga clan-head stared Sarutobi down harshly, his Byakugan flared. Sarutobi's gaze lingered on Hiashi.
"I see some things never change." Sarutobi spoke out, trying to make light of the tense situation.
A small bit of movement caused Sarutobi's fox ears to twitch. He turned to see Konohamaru physically shaking, the boy taking a defensive and apprehensive posture.
"You were right you know." Sarutobi began.
Konohamaru froze, looking over to Tsunade for guidance. She didn't know what to say. Should she warn him against listening to Sarutobi or should she let the conversation play out. Even as Hokage Tsunade didn't have all the answers. So they never came.
"It's plain as day. You truly hold the Will of Fire. All of you do." Sarutobi announced while directing his speech to the crowd.
"It's not wrong to hold on to who you are, to protect what you hold dear. It's not wrong to say "No". I respect anyone who comes to that decision."
Konoharumu only looked more confused.
"But you are wrong about one thing." Sarutobi continued.
Konoharumu put up his guard once more but it began to falter when Sarutobi stepped his way. Sarutobi moved until he was hovering over the boy. He placed a hand along Konohamaru's shoulder.
"No matter what, you will always be a citizens of Konoha. The Will of Fire doesn't end with conversion. Your body may change, things will be different, but the will to protect, to love, to cherish, to sacrifice...that can never be taken away."
Sarutobi pulled his hand away from Konohamaru only to tear away his own clothing. Beneath those robes Sarutobi adorned his battle gear, his leaf village headband wrapped around his waist.
"Even if I am no longer welcome I will always be a citizen of Konoha." The Kage stated resolutely.
Konoharmu's eyes widened in wonder. Sarutobi now redirected his speech towards his people once more.
"Konoha will always live on, even if it's people change." Sarutobi stated before turning away.
"There are hundreds of scared villagers who need guidance despite having said yes. That is where I belong. Farewell."
As Sarutobi began to step away an elderly man stepped forward from the crowd of villagers. He was at least 70 years old with a notable hunch. He sucked on a pipe and puffed a plume of smoke through his nose.
"Demon or no demon, that is the Hokage I remember." The old man announced before making his way over to Sarutobi.
Sarutobi smiled and formed a few one-handed handsigns before slamming his palm on the ground. A wooden archway rose from the grass, the structure containing a glowing portal. The elderly citizen nodded at Sarutobi.
"It was the pipe you know. If you were still holding onto that thing I'd be more skeptical." The old man said towards Sarutobi.
Sarutobi chuckled gently.
"It was a hard thing to quit." The Kage mused.
"Yes, I know." The elderly man continued before walking into the light of the wooden archway and disappearing past the veil.
A familiar woman was the next to step up.
"If that's really the Third then…" She paused to look over to a particular demon.
The demon with the birthmark made his way forward.
"'s really you?"
Nero had tears streaming down his face.
"It's me Songbird."
The woman jumped into his arms and embraced him in a tight hug. The two lovers held their embrace for a long while before taking each other's hands and making their way into the archway.
Dozens followed after them. Sarutobi's heart warmed with every soul he managed to save.
Konohamaru watched from afar, the boy fidgeting. His two squadmates stayed by his side, looking to him for leadership. They'd follow him regardless of his decision.
"Konohamaru." Tsunade called out, drawing the boy's attention.
Konohamaru's eyes widened in shock.
"What? But you're coming too right?"
Tsunade didn't answer him. She kept her gaze fixed on Naruto.
"Keep our memory alive."
Konohamarua could hardly believe his ears.
"What!? You can't be serious. But…"
"That's an order!" Tsunade barked.
Konohamaru nearly jumped out of his skin. He began to sniffle before sprinting past Tsunade. The genin's squadmates, Udon and Moegi, followed closely behind.
"I'll never forget!" Konohamaru shouted with tears streaming down his cheeks as he neared the ported.
He and his squad ran straight into it. Sarutobi watched them with a pained gaze.
"Go." Tsunade spoke cryptically.
Her voice was low, making the target of that command evident.
Jiraiya looked at Tsunade as if she were crazy.
"Tell me you aren't serious." Jiraiya stated with his arms crossed.
Tsunade's eyes narrowed.
"He can't lose all three of us." Tsunade stated simply.
Jiraiya paused before dropping his head and nodding. Of all people he understood his squadmate more than anyone.
Without another word Jiraiya made his way over to the archway. He stopped before the veil and looked to his sensei.
"This can't be the only way." Jiraiya pleaded one last time.
"It is." Sarutobi was resolute.
Jiraiya sighed and turned his head to send one final look to those that remained. There were still a few hundred shinobi left, and a few dozen older citizens. Jiraiya dropped his head and forced himself to turn away, walking with a defeated hunch into the portal.
"Gods have mercy." Were Jiraiya's last words before he too disappeared.
Sarutobi took an extra moment to wait for anymore who might step forward. Tsunade looked behind her only to see resolute faces. Her gaze landed on Rock Lee, one of the youngest to stay behind. Lee was still watching over the fallen form of Guy. Lee silently sent an intense stare back at Tsunade. That's all she needed to see.
Tsunade turned her attention back to Naruto and gave a small nod. Sarutobi recognized that gesture. With a final look Sarutobi made his way into the portal as well. The veil shimmered away before the gate sunk back into the ground.
Naruto and Tsunade stared each other down. This was it.
"If you acknowledge that you retain much of your identity when you join my family then why continue to resist?" Naruto called out.
"Because we know what you are. We know the cost of what you are trying to build. We know what you've done and what you will do." Tsunade retorted without hesitation.
"That's such hypocritical bullshit!"
Midnight could no longer hold her tongue. She stepped forward and barked out her frustration.
"How much blood has Konoha spilled for its own survival? You lived with us, worked with us. We spared your lives and gave you another chance instead of just ending it a year ago. We decided to occupy Konoha instead of destroying it. That's given you enough time to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that life will be better among our family. Which is why so many have already chosen to join us. And we will be much kinder than you would be to a people you thought were an existential threat to your existence." Midnight ranted.
Tsunade was unfazed by Midnight's ferocity. She stared at Midnight for a long while before letting out a tired breath. With that breath the henge that Tsunade had maintained for so long dropped, revealing the visage of a much older woman. This would have been a shock to some but in this moment it seemed a small thing to dwell on. Tsunade gazed from Midnight to Naruto. The woman held heavy bags under her eyelids.
"I'm too tired to trade one society built upon a bed of blood for another. I'll stick with the one I know." Tsunade stated simply.
"She's a fool!" Midnight cried out passionately through the demonic link.
"What she says makes sense in a way." Hinata spoke up sympathetically.
"It doesn't make her conclusion any less foolish." Sasuke chimed in, agreeing with Midnight.
"So stupid." Midnight ranted.
"They are only human after all." A much more sultry voice spoke up.
Kyuubi watched from afar, simply playing the spectator. She wanted whatever happened to be Naruto's decision.
"It's time Naruto." Midnight spoke up.
"I know." Naruto solemnly replied.
A deathly silence fell over the two opposing armies. Naruto raised a hand and opened his palm, aiming it towards Tsunade and the rest of Konoha.
"Please…" Naruto pleaded.
"The time for talk is over." Tsunade said with conviction.
"Father…" Hinata called out suddenly.
"Don't call me that demon!" Hiashi barked.
Hinata had spent the last year trying to convince Hinabi and her father to say yes, all to no avail. This would be her last chance.
"At least convince Hinabi to come with us. Please…"
Hinabi walked up from the crowd and stood by Hiashi, her arms crossed, a shinobi headband proudly displayed upon the young teen's forehead.
"Don't waste your breath." The girl hissed.
Hinata tore her gaze away and covered her mouth, the demoness holding back tears.
Naruto gazed over to Hinata as an orb of energy formed in his palm. His arm was quivering. He grabbed it with his free hand to steady it.
"Please…" Naruto called out again, this time more desperate than before.
Tsunade closed her eyes, accepting death knowing that she was helpless to stop it.
Naruto was frozen. This moment was all-defining. It could not be taken back. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity, his mind racing. Then finally he lowered his arm and looked on with a defeated expression.
"I...can't." Naruto admitted.
"Naruto you know what this means if we stop now." Midnight spoke out loud.
"I know." Naruto's voice was weak.
"Then what was all this for?" Sasuke interjected.
"I know." Naruto repeated.
"I know it's hard Naruto-kun but...we have to." Hinata's gentle voice joined in.
Naruto bowed his head and wrapped his arms around himself. He stared down at the ground with a blank gaze.
Tsunade watched the scene carefully, the woman performing a few discreet gestures, signaling the army of shinobi to action. The shinobi prepared for battle, ready to take advantage of Naruto's hesitation.
"ENOUGH!" Midnight roared before charging forward.
A dark cracking of demonic energy formed on her left hand as she began to send a deadly swipe towards what remained of Konoha's people.
Midnight was in the middle of completing her swipe when Naruto calmly stepped over to her and reached for her arm. Compared to how fast he moved no one could keep up. From his perspective the world moved in slow motion.
"Please let me do it Naru-chan." Midnight pleaded through the demonic link.
While Midnight's body couldn't keep up with Naruto's movements, her mind and speech through the demonic link could.
Naruto hesitated once more, watching as Midnight's arm moved steadily to complete the attack. He was on a time limit. If he waited too long in making his decision Midnight would lay waste to them all. As Naruto's mind raced his world went black.
Naruto's world changed in an instant. One moment he was staring at Midnight, contemplating stopping her attack, the very next moment he was staring into a black empty void.
Naruto pulled his hand back, returning it to his pelvis and taking on his standard regal posture while calmly scanning his surroundings. He closed his eyes and formed a small smile.
"So this is what it feels like."
Naruto had done this very thing to others countless times. He'd summoned them to a foreign place. When he did so it was to offer them a chance at joining his family. It was a chance to talk to them privately.
"So, shall we have proper introductions then?" Naruto's silky voice drawled out, calling out into the ether.
When Naruto's sentence ended he heard a drop of water behind him. Naruto turned around to lay eyes upon the alien face of a foreign man.
The man's face was inhuman but still familiar. His skin was pale grey with deep wrinkles telling of his old age. Horns sprung out from his forehead. He maintained spikey grey hair and a long goatee. He adorned white robes. A few notable things about him was the man was sitting in a meditate position but he was hovering in the air. Below his robes were 8 black balls which encircled his feet and moved as he moved. Of all things, what stood out to Naruto most were the man's eyes. He had the Rinnegan. An advanced form of the Sharingan. A Rinnegan eye also appeared along his forehead, adding a third eye to the man.
"I am Hagoromo Otsutsuki. I come to thee now in this crucial moment to exchange words."
Naruto stared at the man in silence for a long while. Naruto's face was uncanningly blank.
"Before we begin, I'd like to point out your strange dialect. By that I can assume you've been away from this world for quite some time." Naruto spoke out.
Hagoromo nodded and paused for a moment.
"Is this dialect more fitting?" The sage spoke again, adjusting his speech.
Naruto grew a subtle, strained smile.
"That will do."
The sage nodded again.
"I've been watching you for some time Naruto Uzumaki. I know a great deal about you. Given who you are I'd expect you to have heard about me. Tell me, how much do you know about the Sage of Six Paths?"
Naruto maintained his poise as the man spoke despite a great rage growing inside him. Naruto's hands were resting gracefully one over the other. The only sign of his rising ire were his fingers clenching.
"A great deal." Naruto responded before casting his gaze off to the side to catch the sight of an object sailing their way.
A terrible, shrieking scream echoed around the both of them. Hagoromo's eyes widened in alarm as that object sped his way. He barely had time to react even despite the perceptive power of his Rinnegan eyes.
Kyuubi lunged both claws toward Hagoromo, the woman's face contorted into a hellish scowl. The black spheres below the man rose up to create a thin barrier between them. As soon as her nails collided with the barrier her body erupted with a supernova of demonic chakra.
The area around them was filled with water. It was reminiscent of the sewer that Kyuubi inhabited when Naruto first met her all those years ago. In reaction to the strength of Kyuubi's chakra the water exploded and parted, creating towering waves which moved away from the epicenter of Kyuubi and Hagoromo's collision. The air shook and the realm trembled from the woman's might.
"You traitorous bastard!" Kyuubi roared.
Needless to say Hagoromo was caught off guard. The black barrier he created was beginning to crack. He raised both his hands in strain, his own chakra flaring while attempting to reinforce that barrier.
"What? How are you here!?" The sage shouted in alarm.
That question served to only enrage Kyuubi further. If possible her power grew even more. The barrier began to form more and more cracks. Hagoromo could tell it wouldn't last. After all this time of solitude and meditation, after waiting for untold years to speak to Naruto, he was going to die like this?
"Mother." Naruto called out simply.
Kyuubi's teeth were gritted, her claws mere inches away from the man's throat. She didn't respond to her son's call. She was so close.
Slender fingers trailed along Kyuubi's shoulders in a delicate fashion. Naruto wrapped his arms around his mother's neck from behind, embracing her tenderly. He placed a gentle kiss along her shoulder.
"Mother." Naruto spoke out again.
This time she listened. She released a calming sigh as her chakra receded back into her body. Kyuubi pulled her claws away from Hagoromo's heavily cracked shield to instead take Naruto's hands and bring them to her lips. Kyuubi closed her eyes, the woman's body quaking. Tears trickled down her cheek. Naruto could feel her pain.
"It's ok." Naruto spoke sweetly.
Like Hagoromo, Naruto and Kyuubi were floating in the air. He looked at both of them warily.
"I swore I'd make him pay for what he did." Kyuubi stated in a shaky voice.
"I know Mother. You will still get that chance. First I'd like some time with him. But only if you approve." Naruto maintained his sweet tone.
Kyuubi clenched her teeth and opened her teary eyes to glare daggers at the Sage. Hagoromo dare not speak. What could he say?
With a growl Kyuubi turned away, the woman disappearing completely, her body fading into the darkness.
With Kyuubi gone Naruto descended until his feet were touching the ground. The water which had been covering the area was now completely gone, leaving only a stone floor. Naruto regained his poise, looking up at the floating sage with a gentle smile.
"Shall we begin?"
Hagoromo had to take a moment to regain his composure. He breathed heavily through his nose and closed his eyes.
"She has never been this strong. How did she gain so much power?" Hagoromo thought to himself.
"Much has changed." Naruto responded, drawing the man's attention.
"You've been asleep for quite a while. How long have you been watching me? It can't have been long."
Hagoromo nodded.
"I woke from my meditation the day you chose to occupy Konoho. It was an important moment in time. I would have revealed myself then but since you choose not to commit a genocide and instead took a more peaceful path I found it wise to see where that road would take you before I interfered."
Naruto listened patiently before turning his back to the sage. As he did, the giant waves of water that were pushed away because of Kyuubi's might were now returning. The waves rose as high as mountains, surrounding the two. But before they were engulfed the water stopped meters away. Naruto stepped towards it and placed a single finger against the wet wall, causing a small ripple. An image formed in the ripple, showing the real world where Naruto's frozen figure reached out towards Midnight.
Hagoromo held an astonished look.
"He excerpts so much control here. He only just arrived." The Sage thought to himself.
"Mother has predicted your return for some time now. We just didn't know exactly when it would be but she knew you were lurking about somewhere. I find it interesting that your spirit has found home within my mind. Of all people you chose me. Is it my status as a Jinchuuriki that binds you to me? No, that can't be it. Now that you've revealed yourself I see your essence is bound to Sasuke as well. It cannot be a coincidence. Of the billions of people that inhabit this world your spirit links to Sasuke and I. An Uchiha and Uzumaki, boys born to the same village, living lives so entwined with each other. I can't ignore the fact that you possess the Rinnegan, something only truly possible for an Uchiha. Ah." Naruto commented thoughtfully, speaking more to himself now.
Naruto turned to face the Sage with a knowing smile.
"Your children. The brothers. Sasuke and I are their reincarnation. Interesting."
Hagoromo was taken aback.
"How are you able to deduce all of this? It's...impossible." The sage spoke in astonishment.
Naruto released a tiny giggle before turning his back to Hagoromo once more.
"Just connecting the dots. Still such a thing is of little consequence now. You're here to convince me to stray away from the bloody path I've chosen. You are here to stop the genocide of the human race. A genocide that first starts with the destruction of Konoha, of those who have said "no" to my offer." Naruto stated that fact as if it were obvious.
Naruto stared at the image of Konoha, at all the people whose lives were seconds away from being taken by Midnight. Naruto looked back at Hagoromo out the corner of his purple demonic eyes.
"I'm all ears." Naruto commented gently.
Hagoromo remained silent for a long while. Time was different in this place. He had time to think.
"Where can I even begin? He already knows so much. Far more than I could have expected. His posture, his demeanor, it's all wrong. It's not something that a boy his age should have. No, it's something I'd expect to see in someone far older, far wiser. He is resolved. Where should I...the beginning."
Naruto didn't seem to mind Hagoromo's delayed response. He stared at Konoha with a tranquil expression, as if admiring a painting. He was in no rush.
"If you were able to deduce those details so accurately I assume you know my story, my past." Hagoromo finally spoke accusingly.
Naruto took a thoughtful expression.
"In a way. I see the memory of this world even as far back as your lifetime. However, I'd like to hear your perspective all the same. I've seen your actions through the lives of others but those accounts are second hand. I cannot live your life if you do not die. And you never really died. Your spirit lived on. The trees remember you, the grass, the forest, those that lived to witness your rise. However without your death my memory and perspective are incomplete. So please, tell me everything." Naruto insisted.
Hagoromo no longer felt that he was talking to a boy. No, Naruto was something far beyond that. That much was obvious. Still the old sage would not let his surprise and awe distract him from his purpose.
"While I tell you about who I am it's also imperative that I explain why it matters who I am." Hagoromo began.
Naruto turned around to give the Sage his undivided attention. The boy nodded in acknowledgement, waiting for Hagoromo to continue.
Hagoromo cast his gaze to the side, creating a series of large moving images in the water of the towering waves surrounding them. Each image was different, telling their own story and morphing as Hagoromo spoke.
"The world that exists today, the shinobi world, is my doing. I spread chakra among men and with that action I attempted to connect the world as your family is connected. I called my teachings, my belief system, Ninshu. Ninshu is a philosophy of peace, of harmony and connection between people. Through my past conflicts, through battle mother…I saw the corrupting power of chakra and believe even till this day that no single person should have more chakra than any other. For such power corrupts." Hagoromo explained.
He paused for a moment to gauge Naruto' reaction. Naruto remained silent, simply listening attentively. When it was clear Naruto had no intention of interrupting his story Hagoromo continued. He ignored how unsettled he was by Naruto's poise.
"My beliefs were proven correct. Soon after I spread chakra among the people and attempted to teach the way on Ninshu, Ninjutsu was formed. The chakra I'd gifted humanity was weaponized. The people used my gift to destroy each other, to oppress each other, just like I feared. The power of chakra had corrupted mankind as it did my own mother. I died a failure. At least my body did. As you can see my spirit and mind remained bound to my children. I hoped one day that my children's descendants or at least the reincarnation of their spirit could bring peace to a world that I failed." Hagoromo hung his head low in guilt upon finishing his last sentence.
Naruto watched him unmoving, without changing his expression. Hagoromo wouldn't be able to notice it but a subtle passion rose in Naruto when the sage mentioned his mother. Naruto of course knew exactly who he spoke of. Kaguya Otsutsuki.
"Why is your past relevant to today? If you've been watching me for a year then you know that I've spoken ad nauseam on the subject of my path and none have swayed my thinking on this matter. You believe you can?" Naruto questioned simply.
Hagoromo rose his head and looked on with a sympathetic gaze.
"I do."
"Because I understand you." Hagoromo spoke without hesitation.
Naruto rose a brow. His doubt was obvious. The old Sage released a deep throated chuckle.
"I know what you're thinking. How can an old man possibly understand me? I'm new to this era. I don't even naturally speak the same dialect. You are a demon and I am...well, not a demon. Despite all of that when I look at you I see much of myself. Someone who wants to do good, someone who wants...peace. Am I wrong?"
Naruto's smile widened though it was still rather strained. The demon king took his time in answering.
"You are correct in that we both want peace." Naruto conceded.
"Then let them live." Hagoromo stated bluntly.
The images in the water shifted back to the outside world once more. Hagoromo looked upon the faces of all the shinobi and Konoha citizens who stood united despite being mere seconds away from being torn apart.
"You've given them only a year to see the harmony of your people. That harmony, the beauty in it, cannot be denied. Yet such a thing would be tainted by this act, no matter how necessary. I am not here to argue with your logic. I know why you think this is the correct path. I see the reason in it. My appeal to you is simple. I ask you to believe in them as you once did. If not for them then for your own people. Show them the power of hope, of what a hope strong enough can accomplish. I ask you to have hope even when all seems lost, when they seem lost. Believe in them and with time they will come to believe in you. Of that I have no doubt."
Naruto looked upon the scene of Konoha, of each face standing in opposition to him. Naruto's back was turned to Hagoromo. The two stayed quiet for a long while. Hagoromo was determined not to break the silence this time. He knew how important this moment was.
"It's...mind boggling, stupefying. No, there are no words to describe this. Please forgive my delayed response. It's simply that I am overwhelmed by the irony of this moment."
Hagoromo held his tongue. He frowned subtly, confused by Naruto's admission.
Naruto finally turned around to face the Sage, the boy maintaining a distraught smile.
"To be lectured about hope from you of all people. You!" Naruto blurted out in a strained whisper.
The boy brought a dainty sleeved hand up to cover his mouth while releasing a small involuntary giggle. Though underlining that laughter was a hint of deep pain. Naruto dropped his head, the teen trying desperately to compose himself.
"I don't understand." Hagoromo stayed.
He was rather taken aback by that response. He had no idea what Naruto was talking about. Quite frankly, no one had ever said anything like that towards him.
Naruto raised his head and closed his eyes to release calming breaths through his nose.
"You've only been watching me for a year so I wouldn't expect you to know this. My family has known about you for quite some time. We learn through exploration of the past. Our demonic connection allows us to perfectly experience the life and memory of all living things that have died. The trees, the plants, animals, humans. All life. These memories are untainted, unchangeable, pure. The only thing that changes are the lessons we draw from each experience. We've watched nations rise and fall from a million different perspectives. We've seen the great wars of the past, and the great times of peace and prosperity. We've discovered secrets thought to be lost to the ages. As a people we've observed and lived countless lives. But most relevant to the current moment is that we've seen you. We have a name for you Hagoromo Otsutsuki. I don't suppose you've heard it in the time you've watched me."
Hagoromo shook his head, listening attentively, not knowing what to think. He could barely fathom Naruto's claim. Either his observations were completely inadequate or Naruto was lying about his experience. How could the boy have such experiences? Where could he possibly have found the time? So many questions ran through his mind. Naruto's answer snapped the Sage back to reality.
"The Great Betrayer." Naruto stated simply.
Hagoromo's eyes widened in shock.
"The...Great Betrayer?" His astonishment was evident in his voice.
Naruto's intense demonic gaze settled on Hagoromo.
"The man who betrayed his own mother. And in doing so, doomed the world."
"That's...that's not right. You can't believe that. I…" Hagoromo began, raising his voice in a sudden show of passion before stopping and calming himself.
Naruto waited patiently in that familiar regal posture while Hagoromo gathered his thoughts.
"You say you've seen all the events of my life. Given that, how can your people believe that I've earned such a...damning title?" Hagoromo questioned.
Naruto's eyes wondered.
"The name is a bit cliche I'll admit. The children came up with it. Who am I to deny their creativity?" Naruto spoke in a casual manner now.
Hagoromo didn't respond. Naruto noted the man's anxiousness.
"Yes, more to the point. You remember don't you? The reason you betrayed her?" Naruto questioned while turning his back to the Sage.
An image formed in the wall of water, shifting to the image of Kagoya looking down upon her two sons who stood in defiance of her.
"Of course I do. You call what we did a betrayal yet she betrayed us all. And she would not be swayed from her path. She…"
"Sacrificed your first love. Yes, I know." Naruto interrupted.
The image in the water shifted again. A young Hagoromo held the lifeless body of a beautiful woman. Tears streamed down his face.
Hagoromo shifted uncomfortably upon seeing that painful moment.
"My mother...she sacrificed people in order to drain them of their chakra and turn them into mindless soldiers. Soldiers she'd use to conquer the world and bring everyone under her oppressive grip. I tried to reason with her, to put her on a different path but she was lost. She tried to turn my own brother against me. My own brother! When I freed him we stood united. She was so crazed that she consumed the God tree and the nine tailed beasts, going upon a reckless rampage until my brother and I finally stopped her."
As Hagoromo explained, the images in the water shifted to illustrate the events he retold. Naruto watched the images with a blank expression.
"Knowing those events, how could people as wise as yours come to see my actions as worthy of the title Betrayer? It brings me no joy to say this but my Mother was a monster, corrupted by power just like anyone else. Stopping her and creating Ninshu was my way of atoning for her sins."
The usual gentle and high pitched voice of Naruto had turned into something far more dark. Those two words echoed and boomed from Naruto's mouth, deep and thunderous. The rage contained in Naruto's tone was something truly worthy of a demon. Heavy ripples reverberated across the mountain-sized waves from the power of Naruto's voice. Naruto glared harshly towards Hagoromo, the boy's pretty face now contorted into a hellish scowl.
Goosebumps formed on the Sage's skin. A chill of fear ran up his spine. It was something he hadn't truly felt in an age.
Naruto was surrounded by a chorus of thrashing chakra. Despite his Renegan Hogoromo had to turn his gaze away. Beholding Naruto was like staring into a dark sun. The Sage raised an arm to shield his eyes from the intense radiance of Naruto's power.
"Kaguya told you it was necessary when you asked her about the ritual. She did not share with you the full truth because she did not believe you and your brother would be wise enough to accept it. Your actions proved her right. Not only did you betray your own mother, but you betrayed the spirit of the one who inspired your betrayal. The woman you loved, who was sacrificed to the tree, she was a volunteer."
Hagoromo left out an audible gasp. His mouth and eyes widened in shock. He managed to lower his shielding arm to gaze upon Naruto's brilliant, glowing visage.
"That cannot be!"
Naruto moved faster than anything Hagoromo had ever seen. His Renegan eye took in every detail of Naruto's speed. The boy sailed towards the Sage with a hellish fury. Despite being able to see Naruto speeding towards him, Hagoromo's body could not move fast enough to respond. One moment Naruto was standing yards away, the next moment the boy's claws were colliding with the black barrier of the orbs that always rotated below the Sage. While Hagoromo's aged form couldn't respond fast enough, his defensive orbs could. Yet it made little difference. The barrier those balls formed shattered immediately upon contact with Naruto's razor sharp nails.
Hagoromo was forced to his back as small hands wrapped around his throat. He gritted his teeth while Naruto's grip constricted.
"The woman you loved and all the other priests sacrificed themselves to the tree because they believed in Kaguya's vision. They wanted to join Kaguya in creating a peaceful world. They willingly gave their lifeforce and their bodies to Kaguya in hopes of bringing an end to the terrible world that existed during that time. You and your brother were sheltered and spoiled, shielded from just how grotesque your world was."
Naruto's grip tightened. All Hagorumo could do was listen even as life was squeezed from his body.
"Like any shinobi of our time, those priests were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect what they cared about. And you betrayed their will, you betrayed her will by using her sacrifice as a justification for usurping your mother and destroying everything Kagoya and her followers hoped to build. Not only was your mother attempting to bring order and peace to the world, the WHY of it is just as important. She needed to unite the world, to end war, slavery, organized crime, hunger, disease, all of it! She had to so that the world would be prepared for the coming invasion of her clan. Her clan would devour the chaotic world that Kagaya called home. Just like my demonic ancestors who banded together in harmony to defeat the titans, Kaguya tried to do the same. To bring the chaotic nature of humans to heel and unite everyone so that they might survive the doom she foresaw."
Naruto's spoke in a deep, booming demonic voice. Just hearing Naruto speak made Hagoromo's ears bleed. He found it hard to believe what Naruto was saying but as Naruto spoke the images in the water shifted to scenes of the past. It moved to a scene of Kaguya explaining her vision to her loyal priests, including to the woman that Hagoromo loved. He heard the words directly from Kaguya's mouth. He saw all of their consent, saw the determination in their eyes, the resolution of their sacrifice. Naruto continued.
"Others were sacrificed as well against their will. Criminals who would have faced the death penalty. Enemies of war. Those who were a threat to the harmonic world Kaguya envisioned. Kagoya was the force that humans needed. She would have brought everyone together under one rule. Oppressive at first for many, for it could be no other way given the nature of humans. Her rule would have been harsh but fair. She would have been loved and hated. Yet her long rule would have forced a type of evolution that my people went through. The selfish, cruel and dangerous would have been wiped out until all that remain were humans who embodied the virtues required of a harmonious world. Self sacrifice, honesty, empathy, compassion. Kagoya in her absolute reign would have refined human society until a pearl of virtue. You didn't just betray your mother, you didn't just betray your love, you betrayed the world and denied them true salvation!"
Hagoromo felt his consciousness fading. Blood leaked down his neck as Naruto's claws pierced him. But worse then the coming darkness were the implications of Naruto's words. This...couldn't be true.
"LOOK!" Naruto screamed.
Naruto released the pressure around Hagoromo's neck just enough to allow the man to breath and cast his gaze on the thousands of images playing like a movie in the waves.
"The world we know now, the world filled with constant war, rape, slavery, oppression, starvation, disease, poverty. This is all your doing. When you defeated your mother and spread chakra among all people it was like giving an explosive scroll to a 2 year old. Humanity wasn't ready for the power and freedom you bestowed upon then. And without strict guidance they used that freedom to victimize each other. You offered Ninshu as a guideline when what humanity needed was a line in the sand. These moral children were not ready for what you gave them. Everything they'd done in the past, their entire history showed that. Humans have been at war, have been oppressing each other far longer than they've been at peace. They needed a firm hand. They needed Kaguya. She would have prevented all of this. She would have prevented…"
Naruto stopped now. Small droplets peppered Hagoromo's cheek, catching his attention. Hagoromo looked at Naruto's face, witnessing the agony evident on Naruto's brow. But it wasn't just Naruto's agony. A wave of feeling and hints of memory radiated from the boy. Naruto was shaking, his head bowed. Then came something which shook Hagoromo to his core.
Naruto snapped his head up and parted his lips unnaturally wide, releasing an ear piercing wail. His shriek was otherworldly. Faces and experiences played in Hagoromo's mind like a movie on fast forward. Listening to Naruto's scream was like hearing the collective pain of the world. The collective pain of millions, if not billions of people through the ages who had been victims of a cruel society, of a cruel world.
Suddenly it stopped. In the blink of an eye Naruto disappeared and the pressure around Hagoromo's neck was gone.
Hagoromo stared up into an empty void with a blank expression. He laid on his back for a long while before finally rising to his feet and reaching up to inspect his neck. His wounds and bruises were gone. The mountain-sized waves had receded into the distance, leaving the Sage standing alone in darkness. The silence was deafening at least until a barely audible sniffle was heard far away.
Hagoromo laid eyes on Naruto, the boy facing away. The man hesitated, contemplating his next move. He steeled himself before walking forward. As Hagoromo neered he finally noticed their height difference. Naruto's frame was petite. The boy was a teenager but at this moment he looked like a child.
The furry fox ears atop Naruto's head twitched as Hagoromo neared. Naruto didn't respond until the Sage was within reaching distance. Hagoromo approached cautiously, still shaken from their previous encounter. Naruto raised an arm to wipe his tears. The boy then turned his head to look up at Hagoromo with a pained smile.
"I apologize. It's been years since I've lost control like that. Please forgive me." Naruto spoke in a gentle voice now.
The demon king turned around completely to face Hagoromo and bowed at the waist, lowering his head.
"Please, arise. All is forgiven." Hagoromo spoke without hesitation.
Naruto complied, standing up straight.
"Thank you." Naruto stated simply.
Naruto turned away once more to just stare off into nothing. Hagoromo walked to Naruto's side, staring into the same emptiness.
"How could I have known? How could I have changed this outcome?" Hagoromo questioned.
"By having hope." Naruto retorted.
Hagoromo looked down at Naruto while the boy continued to stare forward.
"Earlier you spoke of hope yet that hope was absent for the one person who needed it most. You had hope but you put it towards the people of the world and denied it towards your own mother, blinded by the pain of a sacrifice you couldn't understand. You were merely a boy. Even if Kagoya and your love had explained every detail of their intentions you would not have accepted their decision. You would have rebelled all the same and turned against your mother. In defeating her your love would have abandoned you in disgust. No, your lack of hope, your lack of belief in the people closest to you would have always lead to the same outcome, in one way or the other. That's simply who you were. Your sin wasn't the lack of hope, it was who you choose to deny it."
Hagoromo listened quietly, thinking back to his younger self.
"Do you deny it?" Naruto questioned accusingly, casting a glance up to the man.
Hagoromo couldn't return Naruto's gaze.
"Knowing who I was, that is the most likely outcome. I believed I was doing what was right for the world. In my lifetime I brought peace. It might not have lasted but it happened for a time."
Naruto turned his gaze away.
"There was no war for a generation after you created Ninshu yet much of the darker aspects of humanity still existed. Much of the pain I presented to you was the agony of those who lived during your reign. You stopped war because you were the strongest at the time and could stop any violent conflict but so many malevolent institutions still reigned, empowered by your usurping of Kaguya. You many." Naruto's voice became shaky again.
Naruto's left hand began to shake. He clutched it with the other, regaining his composure.
Hagoromo gritted his teeth, shaking his head.
"Would mother's rain truly have been that much better?"
"Without a doubt. She was uniquely positioned to be exactly the type of ruler humanity needed. You claim she was corrupted by power yet the truth is exactly the opposite. Power, money, status. These things meant little to Kaguya. She could not be bribed, bought, or exploited. Her rule would have been harsh yet fair. She would have punished those who showed their darker nature until all that was left was the best of humanity. The true tragedy is that had you believed in her, had hope for her, you and your brother would have eventually inspired her to be a more kind ruler. Kaguya through constantly consuming the energy of the God Tree would have been granted unnaturally long life and a very long rule. Generations would have grown up in a world where virtue was truly rewarded and cruelty and apathy swiftly punished. And eventually humanity would have earned the freedoms you so recklessly imposed upon them before they were ready. Even more, the woman who sacrificed herself would have returned to you."
Hagoromo's shock and disbelief were evident.
"What do you mean?"
Naruto frowned and sighed.
"All those who were sacrificed to the God Tree were turned into "White Zetsu." Mindless soldiers. However the process could have been reversed by Kaguya herself. Had you stayed by her side and given her your hope, not only would she have become gentler but she would have restored many of those who were sacrificed. The loyalty you and your descendants could have shown would have been enough to repel the incoming invasions. Together with Kaguya, you and your descendants would have had enough strength to repel Kaguya's invading clan. She would have figured out that she no longer needed the army, no longer needed to sacrifice anyone. In your lifetime you would have spoken to Your Love again. That was the true power you wielded. The power of hope. That's what it could have done." Naruto explained in a quiet voice.
Hagoromo was finding this all hard to take in. He shook his head.
"How can you possibly know all of this?"
Naruto formed a sad smile.
"People are as simple as they are complex. Once you have enough information such a calculation's simpler to just say it's what a demon is capable of with enough will and determination."
Hagoromo's confusion was evident. Naruto released a high pitched giggle. Hagoromo noted how innocent Naruto's cheerful voice sounded. It was unsettling.
"Don't worry about it too much. Perhaps one day you'll understand."
Hagoromo was confused for only a moment longer before realization hit him.
"You don't mean…"
"Yes. Even someone like you will have the chance to join my family." Naruto explained.
Naruto moved away now, beckoning the mountainous waves to return. The water got within inches. Naruto tapped it to form an image of the outside world where he could view the people of Konoha.
"Unlike most of my family I don't view you as evil. Your betrayal caused the darkest outcome to the most people but I see your actions more as ignorance and naivety rather than malevolent. Your story teaches a much needed lesson. When we teach our children and look back upon this memory they will see you for what you are and be better because of it. Most importantly, they will see how I spared you even if Mother ultimately is the one to end you."
Hagoromo didn't know how to feel about what Naruto was saying. He was still coming to grips with the fact that so many viewed him as evil. As a man who had taught teachings of peace, it was hard to accept. So much of what Naruto said was earth shattering and had so many implications that he would need to meditate on.
"After I am done with this world, granted you are still around, I may find it in me to welcome you into the family. However, that future is something even I can't predict. I hold the memory and spirit of humanity, of all those who have died. I've lived their lives, know them better than any ever did, more than many even knew themselves. Humanity will live on through me, through our collective memory. As their memory endures so does their judgement. To forgive your crime isn't such a simple thing for I was not the only victim. You stand before the court of all who's suffering you've caused. In a way I am simply a vessel and arbitrator for humanities' judgement."
The implications of Naruto's claim was beyond comprehension. When Hagoromo looked down on Naruto he no longer saw a teenage boy. He saw humanity, as if a billion faces were staring at him in judgement, in contempt. His shame was palpable. The elder sage fell to his knees, maintaining a look of devastation.
"I'm sorry."
Naruto smiled.
"It's not entirely your fault. You, like all of us, are a victim of your nature. There are many who would forgive you and see you as the victim that you are, and many who would condemn you. For the record, I forgive you Hagoromo." Naruto stated sympathetically while turning about and walking over to Hagoromo.
Naruto bent over to cradle Hagoromo's face in his soft hands, drawing the Sage's gaze to Naruto's warm expression.
"I see us all as the victims of an unfeeling universe. Your nature which drove you to betray your mother was just another symptom. I plan to fix this, one world at a time."
Hagoromo looked up in astonishment.
" at a time?"
Naruto nodded, maintaining his gentle expression. He tugged upwards, ushering Hagoromo to his feet. The Sage rose as Naruto turned away. Both their attentions returned to the image of Konoha.
"This universe is bigger than you can possibly imagine. Countless worlds span countless dimensions, each more different than the last. Yet in its vastness one thing always remains the same. That of organic nature. It transcends species. The cycle we endure. Birth, life, rebirth, suffering, agony, mixed with fleeting moments of joy and love. It's broken, inefficient, needlessly cruel. My family proves that. We can have fulfillment without suffering, joy without sadness, love without hate. Some would argue that suffering in a way gives life meaning yet that's only because it's all we've known. The truth is that the darker, painful aspects of our nature are completely unnecessary. It doesn't need to be this way."
Hagoromo began to stroke his beard in contemplation.
"Life without suffering? Is such a thing truly possible?"
Naruto noted the skepticism in Hagoromo's tone.
"Yes, in a way. Even when my people live in isolations things happen which can be seen as suffering but It's virtually inconsequential. It can be argued that our suffering is so little that we don't suffer at all. We just...experience things that aren't necessarily pleasant."
Naruto shook his head.
"I suppose it's semantics. It's easier to say that the way we love eliminates virtually every source of biological pain. Jealousy, selfishness at the cost of others, wounded pride, greed, dangerous ambition...Hate."
Naruto paused on that last word, his eyes wondering.
"When our family lives among each other, those things disappear. And they will disappear for good when all of humanity is gone."
Time was different in the recesses of Naruto's mind which Naruto and Hagoromo currently occupied. They could see Midnight's impending attack moving in slow motion.
"It doesn't matter if our nature came about by design or random process, or another process altogether which we cannot understand. It's evil cannot be denied. And through that nature a terrible truth is revealed. No one is looking out for us. No one cares. No matter how much we pray or hope or beg, the universe isn't going to answer our cries for help. We have to save ourselves. Someone has to step up and say to the apathetic void that we will no longer be it's victim. So I will."
The scene of Konoha shifted towards the sky, zooming out into a macro picture of the stars and galaxies which surrounded the planet. Hagoromo looked on with wonder. Not even his Rinnegan eyes had seen such a thing.
"In less than a thousand years humanity will be gone. I will enjoy the peace and happiness among my people for a time. However this is only the beginning. I will go from world to world, dimension to dimension, freeing those who are victim to this cruel universe. Unlike Kaguya's clan who devour planets, I will liberate them and bring them into the fold. Not just humans, demons and those capable of higher thought. Animals too. From the smallest insect to the largest whale. Anything and everything capable of suffering will be taken in. One world at a time I will rewrite the rules of the universe and bring heaven to all. I will create a universal utopia. Every world and every dimension will be connected in an endless and limitless network of love, joy and empathy. Our demonic connection has no bounds, we can live anywhere, endure any known climate. Together we will conquer this universe in spite of itself."
Hagoromo craned his neck back to watch the dancing display of galaxies and stars moving in the waves. It was breathtaking. Naruto's movements drew Hagoromo's attention. The demon king moved towards the image of Konoha once more. This time he stepped forward, beginning to pass through the image like a portal.
"A new age is beginning. I truly hope you can be a part of it." Were Naruto's parting words.
"What must I do!?" Hagoromo blurted out desperately.
Naruto stopped half way through the portal, turning his head to cast a glance towards Hagoromo out the corner of his eye.
"Wait, and pray that Mother chooses to spare you. But most of all even if all seems lost, don't lose hope." Naruto explained cryptically before disappearing into the portal.
Hagoromo found himself alone once more. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep meditation. A presence interrupted him. He didn't dare open his eyes.
"Don't." Spat the firm voice of Kyuubi, her tone oozing contempt.
Hagoromo finally opened his eyes to see Kyuubi standing a few yards away. She stood as she always did, calm and regal. Yet her expression gave away her menacing intent. She just stared, training her fiery gaze on him as if trying to kill him by just looking his way.
"The idea of calling you Brother one day is a thought I can hardly bear.…" Kyuubi was on edge, her teeth gritted, her claws digging into her own palms enough to draw blood.
"Kurama…I…gah!" Hagoromo began before finding himself tackled to the ground once more.
Kyuubi pounced. One clawed hand wrapped around the man's throat, her other hand pulled back, ready to come down in a deadly strike. He didn't even bother defending himself this time. His guilt was palpable. Kyuubi began to bring that claw down only to be stopped by Hagoromo's next sentence.
"I can bring her back." Hagoromo sputtered.
Kyuubi froze, less than a second away from ending the man's existence. She didn't speak, her face wrought with doubt.
"I discovered a way during my isolation and observations of the world. I can do it. I must. I have to speak to her again. I must make amends. Will you help me?"
Kyuubi didn't sense fear from the man despite how close he was to death. No, his desperation came from a purer place. One of remorse, of regret. Kyuubi could see that as clear as day. Had he been a man begging for his own life she wouldn't have hesitated. But that wasn't the type of man Hagoromo was.
Kyuubi's mind raced, her lips pursed in anger and frustration. She closed her eyes and slowly lowered her hand, bracing it on the ground next to Hagoromo's head. When her lids fluttered open again her once scornful gaze was replaced with one of hope.
"Naruto please, just let it go." Midnight's voice resounded through the demonic link.
Naruto stood in his previously held pose reaching towards Midnight. A flare of dark chakra had formed in her hand, of which she intended to send sailing towards the gathering of defiant Konoha villagers and shinobi.
"Naruto?" Hinata questioned.
No one knew what the demon king would decide yet they all would follow. Naruto released a gentle breath and pulled his hand away, allowing Midnight to complete her attack.
"Thank you." Midnight whispered before her ire refocused on the crowd.
A crackling scar of demonic energy lashed out towards the crowd as if Midnight were clawing through reality itself.
Hinata couldn't help looking away. Most did in fact. Yet the demon king did not. A symphony of terrified screams filled the air only to be silenced the very next moment.
Groggy, tired eyes tried to flutter open into a blurry gaze. A hand rose to wipe away the sticky yet gooey substance which obscured it's vision. Eyes widened at the sight of a blood covered hand.
Lee lowered his hand and shuddered from the hellish scene laid out before him. Blood, bodies, and limbs lay everywhere. Lee sat up, sitting now in a field of gore and death. Everywhere he looked he recognized a familiar face, only to have cold, lifeless eyes stare back.
One set in particular shook him to his core.
"Guy...Sensei?" Lee's weak breath whispered in dread.
Yet Lee got no response from the body laying still beneath him. Guy's torso covered Lee's legs.
Lee searched his memory and recalled his Sensei's last action. During the attack despite Guy being beaten and on the brink of death he was fast enough to protect his precious student, shielding Lee with his own body before being struck by the deathly flash of demonic energy in the shape of claws.
"AHHHH!" Lee wailed.
"Guy Sensei! Guy Sensei!" The boy screamed while reaching down and shaking the shoulders of the lifeline Jounin.
"Why Sensei!? Why me!?"
"You were his most precious student." Came the voice of the demon king.
Lee looked up to see Naruto and his mates approaching. Naruto calmly walked through the field of dead bodies, blood staining the bottom hem of his otherwise pristine white kimono.
Hinata and Midnight stood at Naruto's side. Hinata looked to Lee with a sympathetic gaze, Midnight's expression however was one of ice.
"Monster." Lee hissed.
Naruto nodded and gazed down at Guy.
"Know that none of them felt any pain. Right before the final blow struck I cast a genjutsu that allowed their final moments to be happy. Each lived a full, fulfilling life."
"Is that how you justify this!?" Lee's voice quivered as he barked out in agony.
Even as he glared up at Naruto tears streamed down his cheeks.
"I justify nothing. It was simply the most kind way to…"
"Kind!?" Lee blurted out in disgust. "You call this kind!?"
Lee gestured towards the massacre before them.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way." Naruto spoke in a genuine tone.
Lee began to shakily rise to his feet. Midnight had a hand in the pocket of her suit pants and was about to take it out in a show of alarm but Naruto stopped her before she began.
"May we have a moment?" Naruto asked his mates.
"Ok Naruto-kun." Hinata replied without hesitation.
Hinata's gaze lingered on Lee before she turned her back to him and stepped away. Midnight narrowed her eyes but did not protest, moving to follow beside Hinata.
Lee stood on his feet now, training his intense gaze on Naruto. He took an upright posture, placing one hand behind his back and his other hand into a chopping gesture towards Naruto.
"You don't have to do this." Naruto pleaded.
"Enough! I want you to look me in the eyes and see it." Lee stated.
He reached down into a pouch attached to his thigh and fished out a kunai. However he didn't brandish it for himself. Instead he tossed the weapon to Naruto. Naruto caught it between two fingers.
"Please…" Naruto began.
"Don't run away from this, don't you dare. You owe us that much." Lee lectured.
Naruto nodded in understanding. Lee bent his legs slightly and began to charge but before he even got one step Naruto was already in front of him, plunging the kunai into his heart.
Blood erupted from Lee's mouth, ruining more of Naruto's kimono. Lee raised a shaky hand to clutch into Naruto's shoulder.
"You'd...better...earn this." Lee whispered weakly.
Naruto laid Lee down on his back next to Guy.
"You'd...better…" Lee continued as his vision began to fade.
"I will." Naruto stated resolutely.
Satisfied, Lee turned his gaze away to stare at Guy. The face of his adored Sensei was the last thing he saw before exhaling his final breath.
Now kneeling, Naruto leaned down to place a lingering kiss against Lee's forehead. A single tear trickled down the demon king's cheek.
"I'll give him credit. It's pretty amazing that even half-dead, Guy was able to move that fast." Midnight's voice resounded from behind.
Midnight and Hinata stood a few feet away now. Naruto pulled away from the kiss and remained kneeling, reaching a hand down to lightly brush a bit of hair from Lee's face.
"He was pretty amazing. They all were in their own way." Hinata's gentle voice spoke out as a eulogy.
"Yes they were." Naruto spoke in a barely audible whisper, his eyes fixated on Lee's face.
"I'd do it again." Midnight spoke resolutely.
Naruto smiled.
"Thank you. You remembered what I asked of you all those years ago." Naruto explained while rising up.
He turned about and made his way over to his mates. He presented a bloody hand to both of them. They both took a hand and placed a kiss against the back of it.
"When I hesitated, you stepped up."
Midnight looked away, maintaining a nonchalant demeanor.
"Oh that? I remember but I wasn't really thinking about it when I acted."
Naruto shook his head.
"Yet you acted all the same. For that I am grateful. From now on I won't hesitate." Naruto proclaimed.
Midnight nodded in understanding.
With a renewed sense of purpose Naruto turned around to observe the bloody field.
"They deserve a proper burial. Mark their graves. Tonight we celebrate to commemorate their lives and to welcome the many who have chosen to walk together with us. We celebrate the end of this tragic age. Remember to rest well. Tomorrow we liberate at least three more villages. With this act we usher in a new era. An era of harmony."
With that said Naruto stepped forward to join his people in helping bury those who had fallen. Naruto dropped to his knees and dirtied his attire and fingers in the act. A large grave was built where all the fallen would be buried together, united in death as they were in life. During the deed Naruto spotted the bloody dagger that had been plunged into Lee's heart. He picked it up off the ground and stared at it in contemplation. Naruto held it close to his chest, his eyes closing in reverence.
"Thank you."
Naruto fashioned that kunai into a necklace and would wear it for years to come.
Hopefully you all enjoyed this. I feel like this is an even more true end to this story than the last chapter. I could have split this chapter into 3 but I felt it appropriate to have it all in one. I don't think I'll put out another bonus chapter. I'm pretty sure I'm done with this story. I may do some more chapters in the sequel but don't be surprised if this is the last chapter even for the sequel. I'll probably take a break from writing for a while. Thanks for taking this journey with me. Love you all! Tootles!