[first I would like to thank people for actually reading this and hope you like this next chapter updates will eventually become regular and not months between and also this chapter is going to be rather short I didn't know what else to put in to fill space it's really just meant to be a fighting chapter]

9:45 AM

Kirito was woken up by the sound of a knock on his door he got out of bed and preceded to check who was there when he saw nothing he opened the door planing to look around when he spotted a package on his doorstep. Picking up the package and checking the name on it he saw it was from Uta he took the box inside and closed the door after himself.

Opening the box the first thing he saw was a letter reading "what your thinking is dangerous don't let them see your face" written in what he assumed was Uta's handwriting. he then took a white package out of the box examining it before he proceeded to open it. Inside was a mask, it looked like a knights helmet yet it was made out of leather and was a dull grey colour it was also only a face mask.

He put the mask on and went to look at himself in the mirror, the mask covered most of his face but his left eye, there was five slits going over his right eye giving him site while hiding it, similar slits went across his mouth letting him breathe and talk. His chin was slightly exposed and his nose was only have covered all on the right side of course after a bit of fiddling around with it he found a almost unseeable zipper that when undone let the bottom of his mask drop so he could eat he guessed.

He undid the strap and took the mask of looking at it in wonder for a moment before putting it in his pocket he had somewhere to be and now a way to hide his face in case anyone escapes his blades he grabbed his helmet and keys locking his apartment as he left.

AMON POV 2:28 Pm

"Mr mado sir we have just received a anonymous tip on a possible ghoul safe house in the fourteenth ward" I relaid what I had just been told by one of the new interns to mado he looked at me with a slight grin and a look in his eyes that I had grown accustom to with our time working together.

"Well it looks like I'll get to test out my new Quinkae, do we have a estimate on their numbers and ranks" he asked me looking down at the case sitting on his desk

"Yes sir there is 8 c rank ghouls and 2 B rank ghouls there leader is the B+ rank ghoul mr 9 he is one of the sub leaders of the Forsaken Immortals who currently hold control of wards 15 through to 17 also 19 and now possibly ward 14" a reported giving him all the information even though I know he knew most of that.

"Well then Amon gather a group of… 15 Men and get them armed and fetch your Quinkae we have a ghoul threat to eradicate"

Four hours later and they were staging out front of the ghoul hideout

Kirito 7:00 pm

'what the fuck are ghoul investigators doing here are they raiding the place well that's just fucking amazing' he thought to him self as he watched the investigators set up from the roof of the building next to the hide out. Just as he was about to jump down onto the roof he saw a group of four ghouls run out The door for the roof

'There probably high ranking members attempting to escape maybe the fucker who killed her is with them' he thought to him self again as he put his masks on and prepared to jump on to the other roof.

He jumped down from his perch on the roof top two story's above the four ghouls and landed on the roof with a loud thud drawing all attention to him

"Who the fuck are you" on of the ghouls yelled with a look of shock plastered on his face

"I'm looking a ghoul by the name of mr 9 you know where I can find him" I asked them

"And what the fuck do you want with me" mr 9 asked revealing his identity to me

"Well I here to kill you because you killed one of my friends so you know a eye for a eye kind of thing"

"Hahahaha you kill me I'd like to see you try ibou gut this little shit" mr 9 ordered and one of the ghouls started running at me.

I quickly activated my kaguna and cutting him down before he could do anything removing his head from his neck I then started walking towards the other three with my kaguna blades in a attack position the other two ghouls with mr 9 both brought out there kagunas witch where both blade types on the opposite arm to the other.

The first one attacked me head on while the second one attacked from the right I blocked both their kaguna with my own and pushed them off me only to get hit in the shoulder by a crystal like shard that mr 9 shot at me from his kaguna. I pulled it out and threw it at the second Guard witch hit him in the arm then I kicked the first one into mr 9 the second one took this as a opportunity to attack me but I managed to block his attack with one blade and cut his blade less arm of then kicked him in to the other two.

The first guard got up and ran at me attacking just quick enough to slip past my blades and slice my left arm badly nearly chopping it of but with my right arm I cut his blade arm of then put a deep vertical slash across his chest slicing his Hart in half killing him.

Mr 9 then short a bunch of crystal shards at me forcing me to go on the defensive as I deflected them giving the second guard the time to sneak behind me and attack but unfortunately for him my left arm had just finished healing and as he was about to land his attack i deflected it and sliced his face just as mr 9's attacks stoped.

I then used my right blade to decapitate the second guard leaving only mr9 who suddenly had a very scared look on his face. I slowly walked up to him as he started to attack again but I deflected everything he sent until I was close enough to strike I swan my right blade at him getting hit by five shards in the process and cut his kaguna in have then with my left blade I sliced his chest cutting his neck and jugular at the same time I then stabbed him in between the eyes to make shore he was dead.

The sound of yelling came from the stairwell as I turned around the door flew open as two investigators came running out with there Quinkae's activated deciding not to risk it I ran to the other side off the roof jumping through the window of another building. Then I ran up to the roof and jumped down to the ally below escaping into the shadows


You might be wondering why kirito seems so evil in this

Story well you see I have a feeling after the events of

SAO and GGO he's not all there to begin with then add

Becoming a ghoul and he's probably on the edge of


NEXT CHAPTER (the wife returns and the fallen Immortals plot revenge)