
"Never Surrender"

Now there is a certain kind of feeling in the air after a heavy storm Michonne thought; there was a slight chill in the air, the moon high and bright gave this beautiful and ghostly apparition to the buildings. The sky made everything almost transparent, the fog was light and the pulse of the storm in the night sky still lingers on. Michonne had watch on in silence as her two travel companion continue with their heavy discussion with the well season taxi driver and his going rate for their last minute destination; it went back and forth with the driver as the man would not budge from his going rate. Being so that it is, the driver was off the clock and greedily fluctuate the rate as he see fit and stood firm with it, his accent rolls quickly off his tongue as the men try to get him to budge, and of course, to no avail they relent and the driver smile with glee when they finally accepted. It was one of those new motorize carriage car and her first ride in one of them too. It seems to be the first time for everything for Michonne; first airship, first time being abroad, first rescue mission, she was a ball of nerves and excitement but ready and aware for anything.

Seated comfortably Michonne looks out the window to take advantage of what the moon bless her with to view the sight she could see from her window. It is truly a wonder how the city stays true to the nostalgia of the past. Each buildings some tall others just a few stories and each one manage to pull you in the beauty and its darkness. Across from her sat Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon, they were discussing the piece of paper Daryl had in his hand, they had all ponder for quite some time on the series of number written at the closing, could be some kind of code they thought.

Not sure how long she was staring out the window lost in the city of night but she did feel the carriage jerk forward before finally stopping.

"Where here" Rick says to her.

Taking a hold of what belonging they brought along with them they exit the motor carriage single file. Parasol in one hand Michonne grasps her lover hand as he helps her takes the last step from the carriage. Her black and silver buckle boots touches the piece of cloth left for her so her boots doesn't touch the soft soil, she was touch by the chivalry and looks at Rick but he shakes his head and point to the driver who still had the door open, the driver tips his hat at her and Michonne thanks him.

Looking around Michonne is surprise how busy the place still was as she naturally reaches down to smooth out the wrinkles from her dress as the curious stares from the patrons of the depot station stare back at them. Rick whispers in her ear that there was no need as she is always beautiful made her smile and her heart sang.

The three made their way to the entrance, Michonne in awe with the giant angel figures above the entrance doors. The pair in matching poise were both wielding armor and sword unsheathed, their golden eyes were both calming and menacing in their stoic poise. Upon entry they each show the bored ticket agent their passes and he hands them each a ticket. Making their way first through a long corridor and then down a set of stairs to the underbelly of the very loud and noisy train depot. According to the note, the meeting time was at forty minute before midnight between ramp fifty five. They stood off to the side of the dock and wait, Michonne senses her lover getting tense. Her smile grew larger as she observes him pull out his pocket watch for the fourth time, a nervous tick of his.

She reaches out and gives his arm a reassuring squeeze, the intense anxious feeling Rick had the moment they arrive soften when his blue eyes connect with her brown. He places it back in his pocket and adjusts his waistcoat.

Daryl scrutinizes the intimate exchange between the two and it is evident on his face that he wants to ask what is truly going on between them but it was neither the time nor the place.

Michonne turns her attention back to the depot, she watch as different trains of massive proportions slowly pull up to drop off passengers exit from one side and the other enter the other side. The reflection of the chrome bounce off the depot walls in hues of yellow, red and flecks of gold even silver. Transfix by the beautiful machinery as the horns blares and the intense steam emanating from the engines as it slowly picks up speed on exit was truly a sight.

It was truly a surprise when their contact approaches them. The man had a huge smirk on his face as he walk up to them a slight limp only to stop a few feet from them and he leans on his cane. They all eye this cane of his thinking it was some sort of ruse. As quickly as he removes his top hand and slightly bow at Michonne was enough for the three to remove their weapon and point it at him. His smirk widens as he smooth his blonde hair before replacing the hat back on his head.

"I probably deserve that." He said

"You think." Daryl said in anger, "Why are you here?"

He then eyes their weapons still on him, "Do you mind."

"We don't mind at all." Michonne reply as she mocks the smirk on his face with one of her own.

It was like this, guns drawn at the ready on him for a few minutes, he sighs he knew he would have to earn their trust considering the whole mess he got then in, "Look, it was I who sent you the note, to meet here."

Rick wasn't budging, his eyes in slits head tilted, "And why should we believe you?"

He stutters, "I,I,I-"

Daryl roll his eyes, "I, I, I man spit it out or this bolt would kindly remind you why you have a limp and damage the other leg of yours."

"I know what happened back there, but I was just following orders. You know how that's like?" He ask

"We don't follow any order." Rick answers

That is very true Michonne thought, she cannot think of a time where these two has ever taken anyone orders. Having met nearly a year or so ago, track of time long forgotten when you're at the race against time for stolen documents, obtaining information of missing love ones and stopping world domination has gotten tricky. It nearly had Michonne forget why they were standing there in the first place, she was beginning to understand that the rules will always change and they are going to need all the help they can get.

Michonne sigh and put her gun down and face Rick and Daryl, "I'm sure he's taking a risk coming here the least we can do is hear him speak."

We need to go back to how this really started.