- With a big story I keep a separate file of scenes I wrote but might not work or different options for the scenes. This is a collection of those scenes, enjoy!

Fire reading:

Rei sat in front of the open flame in the afternoon trying to get in her last bit of prayer before Jedite got home and destroyed all of her consideration. "So you didn't get punished to a mountain of chores?" too late, Rei sighed, Jedite stood at the fire room's door frame clearly searching for her all over the shrine. "I'm the only grand daughter he's got. I've gotten out of a lot worse," she mumbled throwing water on the fire and ending her reading time. Jedite suddenly realized where she was. "This room is a lot smaller then the fire room you had on the moon," he said stepping in and looking around. His causal words annoyed Rei, "Well I was a princess of a whole planet then. Things are different now," did his hangover make him stupid? Of course a local shrine would be smaller then a mars temple. "Speaking of princess I have some official princess business to take care of," Rei said standing up the small bits of ash making its final decent to the ground.

"That's crazy vague. Wait, are you going out with the girls?" Jedite asked surprised, this was going to be the first evening after their... wedding night that they are separated. Guess the honey moon is over. Wait, that means he can have a night with the guys. Oh happy day!


It only make sense to make sure coffee was ready for him in the morning, it was logical to make sure all his paperwork was in one place. It was the sensible thing to do, surely.

"Rei I thought you didn't drink coffee," came Artemis's voice wondering into the kitchen in human form grabbing a cup of the caffeinated drink for himself. "Jedite can't find out where he works without it," Rei said hiding her smirk behind her tea cup enjoying the morning after her chores.

"Har Har," said Jedite walking into the kitchen clearly hearing Rei from down the hall. He nodded to Artemis and grabbed a quick cup of coffee. Making a quick turn for his briefcase while taking a sip of coffee smacking his lips together obnoxiously trying to cool the hot liquid. Already half way to the door,

Funny scene idea:

Rei and Jedite arguing in a public place. Rei tells him to leave her alone and he doesn't do she storms into the women's restroom and he gets a few shocked screams from other ladies as he tries to follow her in.

Serena coming in on Rei when Rei found the ring:

"Serena, what a lovely surprise," her heart still pounding away Rei moved the things away from her but kept that box in her line of sight. Serena heard that Rei was acting weird from Mina and she was totally right! It's a good thing she decided to come over this morning to check up on her friend.

"Rei! How are you! Mina said you were sad!" Serena rushed over for a hug and Rei instantly got tense, what lies was Mina spreading now.

"I'm perfectly fine Srerena no need to check up on me," Rei tried to sound annoyed, she loved the girl, Serena could brighten anyone's day but Rei couldn't help secretly look at the box her mind practically shouting 'there is a ring in that box! There has to be an engagement ring in that box!' It was taking all of Rei's will power to rush over and open it to prove her theory to be true. A ring? A ring! Rei's mind was spinning, a ring made it all so official. It's like not knowing you were thirsty until you saw a tall glass of water. What if it wasn't a ring, Rei didn't want to jump to conclusions. Rei turned to Serena who smiled in ignorant bliss over the inner turmoil Rei was facing.

"I'm not checking up on you I have official business!" Official as in checking up on Rei? Still she allowed the blond girl to continue. "I need to borrow a dress for Mina's party tonight," Serena smiled knowingly using this 'sad mood' or Rei's to get a nice party dress out of her. Rei rarely let anyone touch her cloths and Serena had her eye on this blue and black dress Rei never wore anyways... Instantly Rei jumped into action,

"Yes! The party! Let's go look," anything to get Rei away from that box, that was totally a ring box! Rei grabbed Serena's hand and dragged her into Rei's room.

Serena looked around the shrine as they went noticing no sign of Jedite.

"Where does Jedite stay?" She asked innocently and Rei could of crumbled into a thousand pieces.

"Jedite's apartment is fixed, he went back to the condo," thank goodness she didn't have to tell Serena where he use to sleep. Serena's face instantly turned to sad,

"Aww so you miss him Rei," no wonder why she was so melancholy the other day. Rei clenched her fist trying to control her anger.

"I do not miss him. Now so you want a dress or not?!" The sooner Serena had a dress the sooner she would leave and the sooner Rei was to that 'there is totally a ring in there' box!

"Yes!" Serena saluted then going over to Rei's cloths shuffling though the collection. "Are you wanting to wear it because I was thinking of burning it," Rei said all coy, making a sly joke always worked. Serena rolled her eyes putting it back and searching more. Rei sighed, she needed to get Serena out of here as soon as possible.

Rei needed a distraction, something that was going to lure Serena out of her house. Rei thought long and hard, what would pull Serena away from Rei's closet, suddenly she smiled.

"Isn't it Darien's day off?" That peaked Serena's interest. "Don't you want to spend the evening cuddling up with your husband?" Rei smiled trying to be as pleasant as she could but this was starting to feel like Serena was doing this on purpose, of course the word 'husband' tugged on her heart strings in a different way then ever before.

"Yes but we are having girl time!" on a normal day Rei would be more then happy to have time with her friends like this but today was not that day.

Serena's phone chimed and she skipped over to her phone and smiled big at the message. "Rei! Darien wants to take me out on a romantic date before the party! Is it ok if I borrow this dress and head home?" Oh it was music to Rei's ears.

"Well maybe next time you can stay longer," Rei said in a pout worthy of an Oscar, she learned well from Mina. All the while She grabbed up the dress Serena wanted to borrow and walked to the door so Serena could rush around getting her jacket and shoes. "Your such a good friend! See you at the party!" and just like that Serena bolted out of the building and not a moment too soon, it was already late afternoon. As soon as Serena left Rei sharply turned to the box, right where she left it. With all morning waisted she could open the box or do her chores. Chores were important but so was that box so once again Rei sat down at the table and placed the box in front of her. 'Don't hesitate this time Rei' she told herself...