I'm going to skip ahead. Just a tad.
Don't get me wrong, the Academy wasn't boring, per se. It's just that Madara is a better teacher, children are idiot, and I didn't meet anyone who was particularly important to the plot.
There were certainly some faces that I recognised. I ran into Hatake Kakashi once. Yeah… Honestly once was more than enough. If he wasn't crucial to the plot I'd never interact with him again if I could help it. I mean, I know he grows out of his bratty better-then-thou attitude he's putting on now, but still.
What a child.
I never found Obito or Rin. I presume they were just never in the same class as me, which makes perfect sense since they are the same age as Kakashi and I and wouldn't graduate for a few more years. I was far ahead of them. I also, have to admit, neither Madara nor I were in a particular rush to meet Obito. Madara more so than I, but he never talks about it and I don't pry.
I remember from long ago when I used to read these stories of a fiery charismatic protagonist that would befriend team 7 and change the world for the better. She (or he in the few rare occurrences) would swoop in with a hidden charm and an abundance of talent. Kakashi would awkwardly flirt, Rin would be the best friend and side kick, and Obito would be saved.
It's a cute idea. I liked it at the time.
But the reality?
It's probably easiest to just make sure Obito dies. Accompany team 7 on the Kannabi bridge mission, and afford Obito a mercy killing. Simple and efficient.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but we all grow up to do things we never thought ourselves capable of.
Which lands me here, standing in the dust of a ground level training field across from the infamously legendary Orochimaru. He is my assigned jounin shishou. And if that isn't the kicker for how shite my life might become, then I don't know what is. I wasn't even placed onto a genin team, I was offered instead the 'opportunity of a generation' to train under a Sanin. I practically cringed at the time, but Madara must have covered my obvious movement with something that read as excitement instead of abject horror.
"I will only take on one apprentice." Orochimaru sneers down at the pair of us. "This is your opportunity to… impress me, shall we say."
The boy next to me bristles.
He was in my class for a bit and left the Academy with the title 'Rookie of the Year'. Apparently that title actually holds a lot of sway, because it's earned him the chance at an apprenticeship. As 'Kunoichi of the Year' I am offered the same chance.
He's bloody annoying about it though. The Uchiha are always so entitled. What is his name? Sanko? Sanji? Something with an S. Doesn't matter. To me he is just the competition.
"But that's not fair," the Uchiha complains. "We both graduated and we were both assigned to you."
"Life isn't fair. Especially for a ninja."
Orochimaru's golden stare sharpens to something on the left side of lethal. "If you are going to continue whining can I simply assume you forfeit your place as my potential apprentice to the girl?"
The Uchiha's eyes flicker to me, assessing and then hardening. He wanted this. "No sensei. My apologies."
"Good." Orochimaru smirks. "Now… What would be a good way for me to pick who I shall train?" Thin lips stretch further then a normal person's should and I feel a prickle climb up my spine. "Oh, I know," he speaks as if he hadn't planned this beforehand. "How about a fight? Hmm? What do you say."
"Of course, sensei. That is a brilliant way to observe our abilities and decide who is most qualified." I roll my eyes at the boy's blatant ass kissing, a movement obviously noticed by Orochimaru if the quirk of his eyebrow is an indication.
"But I haven't even told you the fun part." He practically purrs and his golden eyes narrow, "This will be a fight to the death." Killing intent floods the field and the Uchihas breath catches in his throat, eyes blowing wide. My expression probably mimics his. I sink almost immediately into a defensive position, too slow to have defended myself if Orochimaru truly wanted me dead, but it's the through that counts.
"Close your mouth. You've felt worse. And you just look stupid." Madara's voice cracks me from my stupor and I close my jaw with a click.
"He won't actually make us fight to the death will he? He can't possibly be allowed to do that."
Madara makes an uncertain sound. "I wouldn't imagine so. I think it's just to see our reactions."
"So no holds barred? I can kick his ass any way I want?" I question, jabbing a thumb in the Uchiha boy's direction, hoping he doesn't detect the quiver in my voice.
"But of course. Don't hold back." The man practically hisses. "Now, go to it. Your test starts now."
And almost faster than I can register, Uchiha throws a kunai at me, aiming to slit my throat before I can react. I throw my head back and flip to my feet ready to counter, but the Uchiha has already place distance between us and is preparing to pepper me with shuriken.
"Ranged weapons are a mandatory proficiency for Uchiha genin," Madara reminds me. I need to get inside his guard.
I substitute myself with the nearest object, leaving Orochimaru in my place to carelessly deflect the shuriken. "Now, now, Orphan-chan, please refrain from involving additional parties in your fight. They might get the wrong idea and retaliate," but the lethal edge has bleed from his posture and I can temporarily disregard him.
"Substitute with him next time he makes a ranged movement." Comes Madara advice, the thought traveling faster than the shuriken. "See if you can impale him with his own attack."
I don't respond, already substituting myself with a log, placing me behind the Uchiha. He jumps over my roundhouse but catches my follow up kick with his jaw. I grab his arm before he can use the kick as a tactical retreat and slam him into a tree.
Refusing to let him gain some distance and resume his volley of weapons I quickly reordered my feet and drove a knee hard into his back, just below his left kidney. If I were stronger, a blow like that could rupture the organ and prove fatal. The Uchiha, throws himself to the side to escape the following blow. His much larger body weight easily rips out of my grip.
He lands in the dirt hard and kicks up the sand to obscure my vision forcing me to dodge back. White hot sears through my thigh. I yelp and hastily slap a hand over the injury while I retreat to a tree. The thick canopy provides me a brief reprieve. Warm blood is flowing thickly down the inside of my thigh. I catch my lip between my lips to stifle a groan which could give away my position.
The wound is deep, but fortunately not as far as my artery and a quickly pull a spare bandage tight around it to prevent too much blood loss and additional tearing which could expose the femoral artery.
"Any slower and you'd be dead right now."
I flinch at the thought. This kid isn't fucking around. It is arrogant of me to assume I could finish this easily, and I nearly died for it. He is faster and physically stronger then I am. Probably better with ranged weapons too.
Genjuitsu isn't an option for me. Which leaves – "I'm going to burn the little prick alive." My chakra roars and I burst from the trees, a fire ball already springing from my lips, forcing the Uchiha to break off his charge.
A volley of kunai forces me to change course as well and a duck behind a tree, pulling my own weapon to slash at the spider silk thin wires puppeteering the knives. I circle around the base of the tree and leap above his line of sight, sending my kunai hurling past his face and overload a substitution jutsu to replace the much smaller object.
He anticipated this, having seen me pull the move on opponent in class and drives a haymaker into my torso, using my own momentum against me.
I gag and roll away, forcing a breath past my spasming diaphragm.
A punch connects solidly with my jaw and my head whips around, my shin lifting with the movement to disrupt his combo.
We dance around each other for a quick few seconds, parrying and blocking before breaking away from each other.
My tongue runs along the inside of my cheek collecting the blood from where my teeth cut through the soft tissue and I spit into the dirt.
"That all you can do, little girl?" He taunts.
Pissant. I hold back my retort and gather chakra for another jutsu instead. He reciprocates and I frown, of course he knows the fire ball jutsu. I break of at the last second and throw him off guard when I switch jutsus partway and pull an earth wall instead. Another substitution and a subtle henge disguises me in the tree at his 8 o'clock. I wait for the fire ball to sear through my wall and cremate the provided practice log.
Orochimaru claps politely below my position. He doesn't look at me but a flick of his fingers – attention, soldier – in genin mandated sign means he knows where I am.
I wait a beat longer, hoping the Uchiha will drop his guard before using his earlier tactic. A volley of shuriken, probably more than I could afford to spare, force him onto his defensive back foot to deflect the oncoming barrage. He opens his mouth to gloat when I miss but the detonation of the explosive tags interrupts him.
His chakra bubbles and warps him to the other side of the clearing and I trace the moment through the smoke, redirecting chakra to my eyes to pinpoint his position. I'm on him again before he can recover.
His taijutsu is better though and I only land a few glancing blows before he buries a kunai in my upper arm and dislocates my index finger when releasing a grapple.
Madara swears and it rings annoyingly in my ears over the pain in my hand. I place distance between us again and grit my teeth to stifle a pained groan.
"Are you gonna want this back?" I ask, gesturing at the blade in my arm, "or is it finders keepers?"
The flippant remark distracts him long enough for me to snap my finger back into the proper position. I launch into a handful of seals to prepare a second grand fireball jutsu.
He reciprocates a half second after, but my fireball is already eating up dirt before he exhales.
Our justus clash and mine, bleeding excess chakra, easily overpowers his smaller one, swallowing up the attack and adding its kinetic energy to my own justu. The raging jutsu slides out of my control before I can reign it in and the inferno roars across the clearing. The attack crashes into my enemy, and suddenly the scent of burning flesh assaults me. The burning ball of chakra carries on way past my target, roaring through the trees and leaving a path of devastation in its wake.
"Still think I'm just a little girl?" A cruel grin pulls at my cheeks and I pull the kunai free from my arm, wiping it on my clothes before sliding it into my kunai holder. Grey eyes narrow in challenge in the direction my opponent stood and I wait for the smoke to clear.
Like a bucket of ice water my hostility collapses and leaves a hollowing feeling of dread and horror in its wake.
There curled in the middle of the charred dirt and wood lies a body. Motionless. Oh my god.
I killed him. Oh my god. I killed him.
In the back of my mind I can hear Madara, saying my name no the boys name? What? I can't focus. I can't hear you.
My legs are numb and I feel like the world has been hitched to my ankles, holding me in place. I force them to move, lifting the weight of the continent with each shuffling step. Slowly I move towards the body. Corpse.
I killed him.
One step. Two steps. Three steps.
I can't see Orochimaru in my peripheral vision. I thought… I though he would stop up. That he wasn't serious. He wouldn't actually make us kill a kid like we were some animals in the slaughter house.
But he did. Of course he did. He's a monster. And now so are you. You killed him. You should have stopped. Why didn't you stop.
I shuffle closer still and Madara's muted voice pitches to new volumes, roaring like thunder in my head. I have half a mind to clamp my fingers over my ears. What is he saying? His words sound like he is underwater. Is he drowning. I hope he does. I hope my stupid empty void of a mindscape floods and kills him. I hope he drowns for teaching me that stupid technique.
I'm a murderer. I'm a killer. I'm a….
My breaths are coming faster and faster and my vision tunnels, shrinking until I can see is the charred remains of Uchiha boy. It reeks. The smell burns my sinuses, and I retch. Fluid splatters against the scorched dirt and onto my pants, diluted pick with blood from my cheek. But I don't halt in my approach.
10 feet.
Kunoichi. The word rings in my head like the poison they taught me to temper my blade with. Kunoichi. Ninja. One who fights for the sake of their country. One who kills for the sake of their country. This wasn't for anyone's country, nor for her people. This wasn't for anything.
5 feet.
His side is mutilated beyond recognition. All of his silky black hair is gone. His clothes are gone. Nothing but pus covered skin, though no blood, the heat had cauterized the wounds and ash. I can't see his face. His arm is a stump.
2 feet.
I stagger. How could I have done this. What have I become. Was I so focused on winning that I would sacrifice the life of a child! He wasn't even that much older than me!
Then the body shifts. The knife catches a glint of sunlight.
Madara screams….
Crimson blood drips.
Is this…
My blood?
My eyes slip from the child's face—the genjustu fall away, revealing unmarred pale skin and vicious black eyes – down the tilt of his arm to his hand. My blood runs down the black blade and onto his hand, coating it red.
What? What is happening?
The knife twists, and he shoves it further into my abdomen. I cannot feel the pain. My diaphragm spasms and I gasp involuntarily. My vision is fading.
Oh. I get it. I'm dying again.
"Brat! Oi, brat!" Madara calls to me, his panic is thick. "Natsu! Shit, just, stay awake. Don't close your eyes, alright. It'll be alright."
He's comforting me? Why?
"Just hold on. Just—"
The Uchiha twists the blade further, before pulling it free, a final flick of his wrist splits the wound open further, from my navel through my stomach and pancreas. Acid burns my hands when I instinctive clamp down on the hole. There is too much blood.
"Oi! Oi! Stay awake."
I collapse to my knees. And I'm falling.
"Damn it!" I curse, "Listen to me, brat! He's still alive!"
I watch through Natsu's eyes as she takes in the disfigured body of her opponent. This was taking it too far. Orochimaru should have stopped this mad fest by now.
"Don't get any closer. Brat! Hey!"
She's not listening, too numb. The shock set in fast. It's to be expected. A friendly competition match between friends shouldn't have culminated like this. This was avoidable. And later, when she's more stable I'll need to talk to her about killing.
She knew this was part of the job. She knew this.
But she didn't understand it. No one understands it at first. Of ever maybe. Do I understand it? Or do I just justify it. Excuse it. Any excuse is good for me at this point. But not for her. She's never killed before, not like I have.
The blade is buried in her belly before she can react.
If she dies I die. I thrash my chakra again the seal. If I can get even the smallest amount of chakra through I could finish this.
Natsuki whimpers, inhales ash and suddenly I am in control.
One hand is pressed into the hole in our stomach and every pulse of our heart spills more blood onto the charred ground. My other hand is buried in the ash next to my face. Perpendicular to my position in the clearing is Orochimaru, he had stepped forward away from his perch against the tree and a faint crease is between his eyebrows. I'll deal with him later.
The Uchiha boy stares down at me, and for all the emotions I can see on his face, hatred is the prominent one. It was an emotion I had seen on his face many times, ever since Natsu had shown up on the first day and beat him at all his games, ever since she had pulled the title of prodigy from under his feet and claimed it for herself.
The brat never noticed, of course. She was never the most observant. Clearly I failed to educate her properly. She was always too caught up in the good of those around her. But I had seen it because I had known to look.
The boy was satisfied. Even has he stared down at his classmate as she bleeds out at his feet. He fancied himself a ninja.
He wouldn't know what a good ninja was if she kicked him in the face.
I'll teach him.
Without the restraints of my seal, my senjustu chakra, stolen so long ago, is free to run through our body, and I can feel the wound under our palm begin to heal. I do not waste any time.
The boy is not prepared for an attack, but even if he were the sudden pressure exerted by my killing intent halts him in place. My leg cleanly sweeps his own from under him. A second kick impacts his chest hard enough to send him skidding across the dirt like a skipping stone until a well-placed tree halts his momentum. I hear his ribs crack. I am on him before he could recover enough to counter. He falls to the side, barely avoiding my punch. The wood shatters.
The Uchiha bounds away, returning to his preference of distance fighting. His wire controlled shuriken fly at me and I yank them effortlessly out of the air. The silks cut my fingers but they heal almost as quickly as the damage occurs.
"Slow." My childish voice feels dissonant to the amount of killing intent behind it.
I close the distance between us in the blink of an eye, pulling him towards me when he doesn't release the wires. He barely manages to dodge my chakra augmented drop kick. The earth crunches and I capitalized upon the horror filling the brat and catch him by the throat, forcing him to meet my eyes.
I want to make him hurt.
Charka builds in my eyes before I remember my sharingan is long gone. A quick curse and a flick of my fingers into a half tiger seal create the genjutsu instead.
I pull on my memories to create the nightmare and show him an IT room in the Hidden Mist, nails driven through his body in a crude comedy of acupuncture. Leather straps hold him down and a surgeon slowly, excruciatingly, extracts an eye.
Fat fingers dig greedily into the tissue and scrape against the eye socket. The organ comes loose with a sucking sound and he screams when the nerve begins to tear.
Orochimaru pulls me off of him. Pale hands are wrapped around my waist and carry me across the clearing. I can see a clone do the same for the Uchiha, who collapses into an unconscious pile of tears, snot and saliva.
Orochimaru drops me, not harshly, on an undamaged grassy patch under a tree and steadies me when I lurch unsteadily back towards the Uchiha. He's not dead yet. I halt when the grip tightens.
"That's enough, Orphan-chan," he murmurs softly.
He examines me, and clamps a gauze pad over the hole in my stomach. While the senjustu chakra might have patched it up at the time, my extensive movement since reopened the fragile scar.
I stare at the snake in front of me, waiting for him to make a move. When he does nothing more then steady me it turn inwards.
She doesn't respond, and this is the first time in the many years I've been unable to hear her thoughts. Shit.
"You didn't stop us," I say at last, addressing Orochimaru.
"No." He doesn't apologize. Instead he pulls me closer.
I resist, but Natsu's body isn't accustomed to my chakra and the coils are starting to burn. My chakra slides like thick sludge through the vessels, collecting in a pool at the point of the Sage's seal. It won't be long before I'm forced back to our mindscape.
Blood soaks the gauze and my vision tunnels again as my body addresses the lactic buildup and settles into hypovolemic shock. I lurch again.
Mentally I scoff. Oh how the mighty have fallen. I can't even keep us on our own feet. Armies used to tremble before me and now a fucking genin is enough to gut me.
I'm reminded suddenly that this second change, is simultaneously a gift and a penance from the Sage.
Delicately, Orochimaru gathers me in his arms, and lifts me effortlessly. He restrains my hands when I pull a kunai to his carotid. My fingers throb at the slight pressure and I drop the knife. He slides it easily into his own pouch.
"Bad, Orphan-chan. Didn't anyone ever teach you manners?" His chest rumbles and my exhausted body starts shutting down, even as I force more chakra through the abused coils to maintain consciousness.
"Not reserved for fucking snakes." I blink blearily up at him and for a second can't decide if those were my words or Natsu's.
The seal pulls me back before we make it to the hospital.
Our mindscape did flood.
Where there was once an obsidian black pool beneath our feet was now a sludgy, algae filled mucus, thick with unstable yang chakra. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't climb above it, so I was forced to tilt my face back and gasp for air, coughing whenever the rippling substance tried to slip down my throat.
Madara stood effortlessly above me, a sneer on his face.
"Stupid girl. Thinking you're a real ninja now that you have a pretty headband."
"No," I gagged on the muck, "You don't understand. He was a child."
Madara stares down at me, not an ounce of remorse on his face. "And now he's killed you." A booted foot presses down on my forehead, forcing my face under the water. I thrash and beat his leg, pulling and clawing and flailing until my lungs, desperate for air, betray me and inhale the gunk.
Blood and acid leak through my clasped hands, over the hilt of a kunai. The Uchiha boy –what was his name- smiles cheerfully, as though he wasn't holding the other end of the blade. I growl at him and spit blood on his porcaline skin.
He giggles. "Oh, don't be like that Natsuki. I'm just a child, really. My life was more important than yours anyway."
"Fuck you. Fuck you straight to hell." I cough and gag. Black sludge drips from my lips and mixes with the growing pool of blood beneath my knees. "I hope you burn. I WANT YOU TO BURN!"
Madara pulls me back. The knife remains firmly in my stomach. Carefully he threads his finders along the back of my hand and gently lifts it to the kunai, closing my limp fingers around the handle. We extract it slowly, more and more blood and sludge drips down my front. My blood runs black and congealed.
Madara leans over my shoulder and presses his cheek to mine and presses himself fully to my back. We are adults again, and he towers nearly a foot over me.
The Uchiha boy stands in front of me, a smile still on his face.
"Kill him." Madara guides me forwards, step by step. The knife grows heavy in my hands.
With every step the smile slides from the boy's face. "No," he begs, "No, please. No. No! Please! Don't!"
His hands raise to fend me off and he squeezes his eyes shit, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as Madara guides the knife in my hand past his guard and places it gently against the boy's throat.
"Please," he sobs brokenly.
"No," I whisper. "Don't you see? I need you to die." Madara's grip around me tightens. One palm is splayed across my abdomen, holding my guts in place. The other releases my hand with the knife and slides to my wrist. The implication is clear. I must do this myself.
I press the blade into his soft tissues until crimson blood pools against his collarbone. And then I don't stop. I keep slicing, peeling through the delicate layers of fascia and snapping the muscle.
The boy screams and collapses backwards, but I follow him. The sound cuts off abruptly when I slice through his trachea.
His blunt fingers scrap at my arm and my wrists when the kunai scrapes against his vertebra. His nails catch on my skin and raise red welts.
I push and the knife skitters on the bone until it catches in the rubbery disc and presses through. His feet and fingers relax when I sever the spinal cord.
Madara drags his fingers through my hair, like he's petting a well behaved dog. He wipes the sludge from under my eyes. I must have started crying at some point. I can't recall.
I keep going, sawing at the sinew until the head rolls off into the ash.
"I need you dead," I tell it.
Madara's foot releases me from the water and I surface with a gasp, jerking upwards and forwards and everything is white and bright.
Orochimaru's hands press on my shoulders forcing me to lie back into the pillows but I resist. "No! I killed him, he's dead, you made me kill him!"
"Shhhh," The man soothes me, catching my first when I swing at him, "Senko-san is alive and well. You did not kill him."
"No! He's –"
"Alive," Orochimaru reiterates. "You need to calm down, Orphan-chan. Before you split yourself open again."
"Alive?" I gasp, an image of a severed head and a charred body flood my minds eye. "But I-" I sag back into the bed as all the adrenaline drains from me. A dream?
I blink, hard, and scan the room. It's a standard issue hospital room. One window and an empty cot are too my left with a privacy curtain pushed against the wall. Orochimaru is seated on a metal chain between the two beds. The door is too my right.
Both a heart rate monitor and an IV drip are to the right of my head and wires connect me to the machines. I glance down at myself and carefully tense my abdominal muscles, hissing in pain when the stitching protests.
Orochimaru waits for me to gather my bearings before speaking. He gestures loosely to the bed. "Senko-san was collected by his family a few hours ago."
"He's ok?"
Orochimaru nods. "Three broken ribs, a sprained ankle, some bruising, a handful of burns, and a little bit of a mental shock from your genjutsu. Nothing some rest can't fix," he explains patiently.
Genjutsu? I don't know any genjutsu, I go to tell him as such when I feel Madara shake his head. I flinch. "I'll fill you in later. Just play along."
"You on the other hand. Perforated intestine, stomach, and pancreas, severe blood loss, dislocated finger, and two major stab wounds. You needed stitches."
He sounds so disappointed and I feel myself slouching in on myself. That was a poor performance. I'm supposed to be some sort of protégé and instead I nearly bleed out on a genin training field. There goes my chance at an apprenticeship, and probably a genin squad too if Orochimaru's disappointed expression is any judgement. I'm going to be shuffled onto the genin corp to be cannon fodder.
Orochimaru ignores me and continues. "It's directly against genin protocol to approach a dead body in the event it's trapped. What were you thinking?"
I cringe further, eyes fixed firmly on the sheets between my knees. I remember the lesson. Most foreign ninja will apply all sorts of traps to their corpses to prevent tampering or bloodline theft. Thus, a genin must wait for permission from a commanding officer to approach a body. I know this.
"I thought I killed him," I whisper out.
Orochimaru crosses his arms and leans back in the metal chair, the picture of poise. "Good. I told you to."
My gaze flicks to the man in shock. "I-, You-, He's-"
"Alive, and well," his eyes narrow, "which is more than I can say for you. You were reckless, disobeyed orders, broke protocol, sustained serious injuries, and nearly mentally crippled a fellow genin of Konoha."
My eyes widen and I shrink back as killing intent builds in the room. Orochimaru stands and strides closer to the bed, glaring down at me. I feel very small.
"As far as I can see, not only are you unfit for the title of Kunoichi of the Year, but you are unfit for active duty. I should have you pulled from the roster immediately to repeat your time at the Academy, I –"
"You said 'should'," I interrupt and the killing intent spikes enough to make me waver even in my seated position.
"What." The word is barely a hiss.
I clear my throat, and try to steel myself. "Y-you said 'should'. You said "I should have you pulled from the roster,"" I chance a glance up at the sanin through my fringe. "That means you aren't going to. Right?" The last word is a squeak. I drop my gaze, find some resolve to meet his gaze, and drop it again.
He stares at me, completely silent and still. I can hardly see him breathing. He might kill me. Right here in this hospital room. He could lean over and just clamp a hand over my nose and mouth until I suffocate. He could make it look like I bleed out from my injuries.
Before the through of my imminent murder can fully cement in my mind, Orochimaru raises a well-manicured hand inform on his lips and- stifles a chuckle?
I look up again "You're laughing at me!" I accuse, gaping slightly.
Whatever remaining control Orochimaru was trying to exude dissipates with his laughter. "Clever girl." He smiles at me, and it looks so genuine I want to believe it. "No, I'm not sending you back to the Academy. From today on, you are my apprentice." He pats my leg and pulls my headband from his flank jacket pocket.
I accept it with trembling fingers. "Oh." Well shit.
I trace a finger over the stylized leaf, my fingers catching on the edge. This is not at all going like I had hoped. "I-" I glance up but the room is empty.
Dramatic bastard. Wait.
"Where the hell am I supposed to find you?!"
Hey All!
So sorry for the formatting error! Not sure why it uploaded like that, but I really appreciate everyone who pointed it out to me!
I hope you guys enjoy!