Nick was dazed, he slowly shook his head while muttering. ''ugh, what happened to me?'' Nick whispered to no one specifically.

Nick smiled, remembering why he fainted, then he reached in to his pocket and pulled out the peice of paper that Judy had planted on him after he fainted.

Dear slick,

If you're reading this, I finally had the guts to ask you out or the other way around since this was written before hand I don't know how it happened. Anyway, there's this one place I always wanted to try, it's called the ''Fox Den'' Finnick said it was the best place for a first date. Also, I promised an old friend that they would get to meet my first boyfriend, I truly hope you don't mind. Well, I wish us both luck

With love, Judith Laverne hopps

P.S I made reservations for 8pm

Nick was speechless for two reasons one, even in a letter Judy found a way to act so nervous it's cute. Two, the ''Fox Den'' was a horrible place for a first date, the place was in a predatory neighborhood and... No... No...Nick thought, they...Serve meat.

Normally Judy was fine with restaurants that serve meat, but the ''Fox Den'' only serves rabbits.

Nick needed to warn Judy before it was too late, Nick remembered hearing rumors years ago that not all of the rabbits that were served, entered already dead.

Nick rifled through the note until he found the time of the reservation.

''8:00'' he sighed

Nick slowly raised his phone, hoping he wasn't out too long. His phone said 7:45pm.

''Damm'' Nick cursed

Nick quickly checked his messages, he stopped when he saw one from the Chief.

Dear Wilde,

Since you did not receive your assignment, I marked you as sick. If this happens again your fired!

Nick grinned, the Chief always said that but never actually fired him. Nick's smile faded as he remembered that Judy was in danger.

He noticed a message from Judy

Hey Nick, I'm turning off my phone so it will charge faster, see you at dinner!

''of course. The one time it's an emergency'' Nick whinned.

Nick leaped to his feet and ran out of the ZPD. ''ok ok, I just need to find a car'' Nick said to himself.

To Nick's surprise, the parking lot was empty, suddenly Nick remembered what the Chief told him 3 weeks ago.

''after some budget cuts we will be one cruiser short, so remember to leave early''

Nick looked at his phone and sighed, it's 7:55. ''if I run for my life I might get there in 10 minutes'' Nick wheezed as he started running down the street.

After a few minutes Nick checked the time, it was 8:00 and Nick was only half way there. Nick pictured Judy on a platter, tied up with an Apple in her mouth, Nick got on all fours and ran like the devil himself was behind him.

When Nick finally reached the restaurant he sprinted in, ignoring the manager who was asking if he had a reservation, Nick eyed every table and not a single one was occupied by a rabbit.

Nick felt like the walls were closing in, Nick felt his stomach drop as he kneeled

''I'm too late!'' he said.

Nick started to sob ''I'm too Late! Why! Why you, and not me!''