Chapter Seven
"Are you sure you want me there today, love?" Draco leaned against the door frame of their rooms in their France Château as he watched his wife dress. She'd finally decided on a velveteen slate coloured knee length dress. There was dark green embroidery telling tales of vines and leaves along the hem of her dress. She turned to him in surprise.
"Of course I want you there, Draco. I'm nervous that everyone's going to see through this-" Astoria twirled around and the dress billowed out, displaying the back of the dress that had yet to be buttoned up, "and see the sickness that I see in the mirror every day. Do me up?" Astoria said, looking at him over her shoulder as she bared her back to him. Draco did the buttons up one by one.
"Okay… though I still find that I put my foot in my mouth with your friends, sometimes," Draco murmured. Astoria shook her head.
"It's honestly just a difference in how we were all raised. It's bound to cause friction sometimes. Besides, they like you, Draco. Even ten years later, so that's got to mean something. But just in case they get to be too much, I also invited Blaise and Pansy," Astoria chuckled. Draco finished buttoning up her dress and opened her side of the bedside table to get the pendant he'd given her the first day of courting.
"Not Theo?" Draco inquired as he clasped the pendant around her neck, smoothing his hands along her shoulders.
"I couldn't get hold of him. He didn't answer my owls, and I didn't feel up to apparating. Using the floo gives me headaches now so I've been avoiding it. I just figured he was letting me down gently," Astoria said on a laugh. She missed Draco's concerned face
"I suppose it does mean something that your friends still put up with me after ten years. But Theo wouldn't leave you wondering about an event. He's too much a pureblood to do that. He'd at least respond to an RSVP. When Blaise and Pansy get here I'm going to take them with me to go get him, okay?" Not missing the tension in his voice, Astoria looked over her shoulder at him so she could see his face.
"Is Theo okay?"
"He… gets a bit weird sometimes. Doesn't want anything to do with anyone. Drowns himself in drink. We just need to get him up and going. It's no worries, love," Draco reassured, kissing her cheek.
"Okay," Astoria said, momentarily mollified.
"Why do you get me to button up your dresses? I've always meant to ask. You do have a wand for that, you know," Draco said jokingly, trying to add some levity into the situation. Astoria turned around to face her husband, leaning into his body.
"I like it when you do up the buttons on my dresses. It makes something… mundane… all the more meaningful," Astoria whispered the last against his lips, and Draco smiled in response.
"As much as I would love to indulge the birthday witch, we shouldn't start something we can't finish. Our guests will be arriving soon," The moment he said his last word, the sound of the knocker reverberated throughout the house.
"Of course. Let's go meet our friends," Astoria linked her arm through Draco's, but before she could lead them both downstairs, Draco produced a potion vial out of his blazer pocket and handed it to her.
"Bottom's up," Draco said to his wife. She made a face at him but unstopped the vial and downed the potion. She stuck her tongue out and made a sound of disgust. Once she'd gotten over the taste, she schooled her face into an expression of calm and led him downstairs. As they made their way, they could already hear someone arguing with Starry.
"No, Starry, I can announce myself-"
"Miss Parkinson, I is being allowed to announce-"
"Best to just let her do it, Starry-"
"Mister Zabini, I must be being allowed to do my job-"
"Oh, forget this – Astoria? Draco! We're here!" Draco could hear the piercing sound of Pansy's voice over Starry's insistent protests as they came down the staircase.
"Starry, if you could please ensure our guests have refreshments? Thank you," Astoria smoothly sent the house elf off with something else to do. Blaise took Astoria's free hand and brought it to his lips.
"Happy birthday, Bella," he murmured against her skin. Astoria gave a laugh at the man's bold antics.
"Why thank you, good sir. Hello, Pansy!" Astoria turned to the woman and they exchanged a warm embrace. Draco cleared his throat.
"Sorry to break this up, but we need to corral Theo. He didn't answer Astoria's multiple invitations, and I would like to get this sorted before anyone else arrives," he said, quickly. Blaise and Pansy both nodded and followed Draco out of the house, just as Melanie came through the floo network. Astoria immediately moved to help her and was pulled into a tight embrace instead.
"Happy birthday lovely! Am I the first one here?" Melanie asked, looking around.
"Blaise and Pansy arrived, but Draco kidnapped them to go corral Theo, who's… probably sleeping," Astoria decided. Melanie nodded and enlarged a gaily wrapped box with her wand before floating it over to a nearby table. Starry appeared beside Melanie, making her jump, as she handed her a glass of Prosecco.
"Thank you, Starry. You're a godsend. Hate travelling by floo but apparition makes me dizzy lately, think it's just long hours at work," Melanie explained away with a flapping hand.
"How much sleep have you been getting?" Astoria asked. Melanie laughed.
"Not much. I plan to enjoy myself tonight and sleep the whole weekend," Melanie said, winking.
"Miss Sandrine and Miss Alexandra is being arrived, Miss Astoria!"
"Thanks Starry!" Astoria shouted as the two women walked into the receiving room, arm in arm. Astoria bustled over to them, hugging them both. Alexandra and Sandrine added their presents to the table.
"How are you, birthday witch?" Alexandra oozed happiness as she kissed Astoria's cheek.
"Lovely. How are you ladies?" Astoria looked between the two as Sandrine grasped Astoria's arm in a comforting touch.
"Blaise took me to Venice on a vacation," Sandrine mumbled, redness flushing her neck. Alexandra and Astoria whistled and oohed. Sandrine laughed.
"That must have been fun!" Astoria smiled. Sandrine nodded.
"It was. Where is Blaise, anyway? He was on his way before I was; he should be here by now," Sandrine said, looking around for him.
"Oh, he, Draco, and Pansy-"
"Are here with Theo!" Pansy sing songed as she led the way into the receiving room, a wan looking Theo on her arm. Blaise and Draco followed behind. Blaise immediately went to Sandrine and kissed her cheek. Sandrine smiled up at him. Astoria moved to Theo and went up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around Theo's shoulders.
"Thanks for coming," Astoria whispered. Theo's lanky arms wrapped around her moments later. He gave her a kiss on the cheek; his breath smelled faintly of pepper up potion.
"How could I miss it?" He murmured, floating his own gift to join the modest pile once they pulled apart.
"Miss Lydia is being arrived!" Came Starry's voice from the foyer.
"Thank you, Starry," Lydia threw behind her as she breezed into the receiving room and rushed to embrace Astoria.
"Let's go into the lounge and eat and relax - Starry will make sure to move the presents in there afterwards," Draco said, ushering everyone along. Daphne and Marcus were already in the lounge, having a terse discussion in hushed tones that abruptly ended once Draco opened the door. The couple plastered smiles on their faces as everyone came in. Astoria looked at the two and minutely shook her head. Food appeared on the large table on the opposite end of the room from the fireplace, as well as the presents. Everyone got food and settled on the chairs ranging around the fireplace. Astoria and Draco shared the loveseat.
"I'm so glad we were able to get you all up to the château. Thank you for coming, everyone!" Astoria said happily, leaning against her husband and leaving her food untouched.
"Where is your lovely son, Draco, Astoria?" Lydia asked, delicately biting into a canapé.
"My mother took her for the weekend; it was her birthday gift to us," Draco answered. Lydia have a knowing smile while Blaise smirked.
"Going to try for baby number two, are you?" Blaise noticed that both of their faces shut down when he teased them, and didn't know why. A look around the room told him that no one else did, either.
"Uh, no, Blaise. That's not happening," Astoria murmured. Draco put his arm around his wife's shoulders and held on so tightly that his knuckles paled.
"Am I missing something here? You two look like I just kicked your pet ferret," Blaise confusedly looked between the pair.
"Ermine," both Astoria and Draco swiftly corrected. Blaise held up his hands.
"Alright, sorry. Ermine. What did I say?" Astoria looked to her husband.
"We might as well, it's been almost a year," she implored. Draco sighed.
"You're right. So, uh, we haven't told anyone this - only my mother and Astoria's parents know - but my father died almost a year ago now," Draco's words were met with murmurings from the group that Astoria shushed by holding up her hands.
"Let me explain. When Lucius attempted suicide in Azkaban Narcissa was able to convince the Wizengamot to entrust him into her care. Things were okay for… a while," Astoria conceded.
"But then Scorpius was born and things changed. He started whispering to him about how life was like before Voldemort fell and how it was glorious to be a death eater," Draco shuddered, let go of his wife and put his head in his hands, unable to continue. Astoria rubbed his back and took up the mantle.
"We formed a united front and told Lucius that he would no longer have access to Scorpius. Lucius didn't handle that well at all. He performed the Cruciatus curse on Draco, who fell and hit his head on the steps. When I tried to interfere, he cast it on me. Narcissa saved us, but Draco was heavily concussed and at the time - at the-" Astoria stopped and clutched at her chest, her breathing loud in the room. Draco murmured into her ear and she started taking deep, measured breaths. She calmed down and took a deep pull on her prosecco while Draco finished.
"The Cruciatus just… hit in the worst spot and dealt her internal damage, causing a miscarriage. She was three months pregnant, and given how hard it was for her to give birth to Scorpius she wanted it to be further along before she told anyone, but…." Draco lifted his arms helplessly. Blaise cleared his throat and turned shiny eyes to his best mate and his wife, who was curled against Draco.
"Mate, Astoria, I'm-" Astoria lifted red rimmed eyes to his own and he stopped.
"We know. We're sorry we didn't tell you, Any of you, but it's just been hard, and the fewer people that knew, the better our chances were at keeping everything out of the papers, and, yeah… we're still dealing with everything," Astoria's whispered words caused Draco to press a kiss to the top of her head.
"Why don't we open presents, hmm? Starry, could you refill everyone's glasses please?" Pansy took charge in desperately changing the subject but once Astoria started opening her gifts, everyone felt the tension leave the room bit by bit. Pansy and Alexandra brought forth their join gift for Astoria to open first.
"Pansy and I made this; we hope you like it," Alexandra gushed. Astoria lifted the lid off the long rectangular box that had been festooned with a forest green bow that she'd untied and placed around Draco's neck, to the hilarity of their friends. She gasped as she saw what rested inside.
"Well, take it out so the rest of us can see!" Sandrine urged. Astoria did as requested and everyone made sounds of amazement. It was an extravagant dress in a ruby red that had cut outs along the ribs to waist, and slits from mid-thigh down on both sides. There was not much of a back to the dress; instead, two thin strips on either side of her hips crisscrossed upward to form straps over the shoulders to join a sweetheart neckline. Black, glinting embroidery decorated the gauzy, clingy red material, depicting swirls and labyrinthine patterns at the right side of the bust, left hip, and the hem. There were stiletto black shoes included, that were clearly Louboutins with the signature shiny red lacquered soles. Draco's mouth popped open, and Astoria openly laughed at his surprise, and smiled at the lust that lingered just behind the shock.
"This dress is beautiful! I can't wait to wear it," Astoria bubbled. Pansy and Alexandra looked at one another before Pansy spoke up.
"Well, since our joint fashion line is premiering at Fashion Week in Milan, we thought you could wear it there?" Pansy ventured. Astoria gave the two fashion designers a blank look before recovering.
"Of course I will! I do need to speak to the Head of Event Planning for it first, as I've been a bit behind on some of my obligations lately," Astoria murmured, to the shock of everyone.
"Wait, you haven't spoken to anyone in Milan yet?" Alexandra ventured. Astoria shook her head.
"Not as of yet."
"But it's in four months, you know how long it all takes to organise!" Pansy exclaimed.
"I know. I'll speak to them, though. I've not missed a Fashion Week since I've been doing it. I'm not about to start now," Astoria determinedly declared.
"I'm sure they'd be happy to have you. The people they have currently are dolts. You could do both their jobs and still be able to do much more to help," Pansy demurred.
"Ah, thank you, Pansy. This looks… I don't have words, but I positively love it and can't wait to wear it." Astoria clapped her hands excitedly and summoned the next gift. It was hastily wrapped and contained two things; a leather-bound journal, and a silver fountain pen. Astoria looked at the only person who could have given her this and her eyes fell onto Theo, who inclined his head toward her.
"Happy Birthday, Astoria," he murmured. Astoria smiled at him warmly.
"Thank you, Theo." Astoria summoned the next gift, and its weight nearly topped her to the floor as it settled onto her lap. She unwrapped it and revealed a sizeable stack of books from varying genres. She looked to Melanie and beamed at her.
"I can't wait to read these," Astoria enthused. Melanie smiled back.
"Every year, lovely. Happy Birthday."
"Thank you. Whose is next… ah, Lydia." Astoria opened an envelope and looked inside to find a voucher for one of the most exclusive wizarding spas in Britain.
"I hope you enjoy. It says on the voucher you can invite up to ten people to accompany you, if you wish to," Lydia explained.
"Of course, you're all coming," Astoria quickly dismissed going alone, "Everyone should have the opportunity to be pampered every once in a while." Astoria set the envelope aside and summoned the next to last package.
"Oh, whose is this?" Astoria asked when she summoned a wad of what looked like heavy parchment that was unaddressed.
"Just open it," Blaise urged with a smirk. Astoria did as she was bid and gasped upon seeing the contents. She nudged Draco to look and he shook his head.
"I know what's in there already," Draco smirked himself, nearly a mirror image of Blaise's expression.
"These are open ended tickets and vouchers that expire after a year, just so you know. And you can stay in my flat in New York while you're there; right in the thick of one of the most populated wizarding areas of New York, steps away from the theatre district. On top of that, you have a voucher to see any of the wizarding shows that are playing when you go, and a voucher to eat at one of the most popular restaurants there, called Nox. It's actually quite good," Blaise finished, looking to Sandrine for confirmation, who was already nodding.
"Yes, we spent some time in New York and ate there before going to Venice; you'll really enjoy it, Astoria," Sandrine reassured.
"Thank you both, this is wonderful. And last but not least…." Astoria summoned over the box that had been wrapped in green paper and topped with a silver bow, and as she untied the bow all the sides of the box fell away to reveal a lovely hand-made box. Atop the box, clearly under a stasis charm and glazed to the wood, were several of the flowers that Draco had given her during their courtship and engagement. Astoria kissed Draco on the cheek.
"Oh lovely it's beautiful. But how does it open?" Astoria asked, seeing no seam of any kind. In response, Draco placed his and Astoria's hands on top of the box and a seam appeared, bisecting the box so Astoria could lift the top part away. The inside was lined with velvet, and within the box there was a folded up piece of parchment. Astoria reached for it and read it aloud.
Happy twenty-sixth birthday. I was stumped with what to gift to you this year, but finally decided upon what rests before you. This is what I'm going to call a memory box. Down the road, whenever either of us are feeling less than our best, we could open this up and see it filled with mementos and letters of our fondest experiences, in order to help lessen any hardships that, Merlin forbid, may accost us along the way.
With all my love,
Astoria kissed Draco soundly on the lips and unwound the green ribbon from around his neck, placing that and the silver ribbon into the box and replacing the lid once more.
"It is beautiful, Draco. Thank you." Astoria's eyes shined as she looked at her husband, saying what she could with her expression what she couldn't with her voice.
"Of course, love," Draco murmured, winding his arm around his wife. Blaise moved to sit with Theo and struck up a conversation with him, abruptly calling the gift giving to an end. With all the gifts opened, Astoria leaned back against Draco on the loveseat they shared, momentarily content to just sit and let conversation to roll over her. Astoria vanished her drink and used her wand to pour water into a glass, which she gulped down.
"You alright?" Draco said with his lips to her ear. Astoria shook her head.
"Potion is making me nauseated," Astoria gritted between tight lips. Draco rubbed her back in what he hoped was a comforting touch.
"That's a week in a row. We'll see the healer when we get back," Draco assured her.
"Agreed." Astoria nodded. Lydia, eyes sharp as a tack, had noticed Astoria's odd behaviour all night. She moved to sit beside Astoria, forcing Draco to shift slightly to accommodate her.
"Are you alright? Normally I'd just let you soldier on, but you've been pale as ghost and haven't touched any food so I'm worried about you," Lydia uttered under her breath, eyes flickering with concern.
"Don't feel so great, no," Astoria murmured, embarrassed.
"Maybe you should have a lie down," Lydia suggested. Shocked chocolate eyes met icy blue.
"But, it's my party. I'd be such a bad host-"
"It's your birthday, you're entitled to do what you want." Lydia maintained.
"I can host, Astoria. It's fine," Draco assured her. Lydia pulled Astoria to her feet, ignoring her weak protests.
"Astoria's going to take a bit of a kip. Seems Draco tired her out last night," Lydia playfully smirked, but her façade dipped a bit when she noticed both Draco and Astoria redden a bit in the cheeks unexpectedly. It turned an excuse she'd thought up into the truth. Blaise wolf whistled, and Lydia dragged Astoria t her room before any more comments were made. Astoria shakily made her way to the bed and sat down. She banded her arms across her stomach and took shallow breaths, finally letting on how poorly she felt. Lydia summoned a glass from the bedside table and poured some water from her wand into it. She held it out to Astoria and was off putted by Astoria's suspicious glance at the liquid.
"Just water?" she murmured. Lydia nodded.
"Promise," Lydia assure her friend, concerned with her behaviour. Astoria took a hesitant sip and sighed as it soothed her uncertain throat and stomach.
"Thanks, Lydia."
"Of course, no-" Lydia stopped as she noticed Astoria's eyes bulge and her friend immediately ran to the loo. Retching sounds could be heard behind the partially closed door. Lydia ventured to the loo and saw Astoria's hunched form over the toilet. Lydia held Astoria's hair back and out of the way as her friend was violently ill. When Astoria's body seemed to relax, Lydia stepped to the sink for a moment and soaked a washcloth, which she handed to Astoria. She gratefully used it on her neck, face, and finally her mouth before tossing it into the laundry basket near the sink. Astoria leaned back against the wall, eyes closed.
"Thanks, Lydia," Astoria murmured.
"Look, I know what you said down there, but are you sure you're not pregnant?" At Lydia's words, the look Astoria sent Lydia withered the woman's any further assumptions.
"I'm not. I cannot physically have children. The healers removed my reproductive organs." The devastation oozed from Astoria's words and left Lydia's chest feeling tight in sympathy.
"Then what's going on with you? You've not touched your food, you're as pale as Nearly Headless Nick, and you've just been sick." Lydia frowned, awaiting an answer. Astoria sighed in clear defeat and pinned Lydia with a gaze that Narcissa would be proud of.
"You cannot tell anyone, I repeat, anyone of what I'm about to tell you now. Understand?" Astoria demanded. Lydia nodded.
"Okay, okay. What's wrong?"
"My family was cursed with a Malediction of the blood in the fourteenth century. It's been dormant for the last few generations. Until now," Astoria lifted her foot and rested it on top of her other knee. While Astoria had used makeup to cover the blackened veins of her ankle, at such a close inspection no amount of makeup would pass muster. Lydia gasped.
"Oh Salazar, no, Astoria," more than a little distraught, Lydia's voice shook as she spoke. She stood and started the pace the length of the spacious bathroom. After a few rounds, when Astoria didn't respond, Lydia sat down on the floor beside her friend and swiped delicately under her eyes.
"How long?"
"Uh well it started back in April after Fashion Week-"
"APRIL!" Lydia exclaimed.
"Yes, April. Look, I didn't even tell my parents until around August. Draco didn't even know right away, alright? Please don't give me grief. You've had no idea how hard everything has been, Lydia. Everything with Lucius last year, then finding out I have the malediction, and pretending that everything's been okay…." Astoria shook her head.
"You didn't have to pretend. We're your friends, we're here for you," Lydia murmured quietly.
"I know, I know. I've just been… coming to terms with this thing. And there's no definitive date that this curse is going to kill me, either. Could be tomorrow, could be a decade from now, could be a hundred years from now. That makes me anxious. And the potions aren't working either," Astoria said on a defeatist sigh.
"Ah. That's why you were sick."
"Yes. I'm still getting my footing here. I need more time before I tell everyone else. Which is why I don't want you telling anyone."
"Curses like these won't let you get your footing. Don't go through this alone. Pushing us away might be easier, but it's wrong, lovely. I won't hide this forever. So I hope you tell everyone soon, before I do it myself," Lydia huffed, frustrated at her friend's stupidity. She got to her feet and left the bathroom, while Astoria remained on the floor, stunned. She knew her friend had a point. Lydia never spoke more than a few sentences unless it was important.
Astoria just needed to pluck up the kind of courage that Gryffindors were known for to do it.