Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Re-Reading The Ever Twisting Wind: The Lightning Thief

Chapter One: My Magic Kidnaps Me

"Okay, hold up!" Percy held his hands up and frowned at the back of the Seer. His green eyes narrowed suspiciously and he displayed the book that had just been given to him. "Didn't we already read this?"

"Yes, well, ahem...There's been an...Erm, interesting change in the universe you've been introduced to." The Seer answered uneasily. He turned and folded his hands behind his back. "Well, you're all adults, so I'll just be blunt. Andromeda Azalea Potter of dimension E-four-E-dash-semicolon-alpha-omicron has become...Maker, how can I put this without invoking Zeus' wrath?"

"You probably can't, just spit it out," Hermes said knowingly. Poseidon, Apollo, Hades and Ares nodded in agreement with him while the god of thunder tensed.

"...She's become a dimensional traveller." The Seer sighed. "I lost sight of her."

"You lost sight of her?" Zeus glared at the Seer. "How do you lose sight, Mighty Seer?"

"Hey, I'm not proud of it! Do you know how many dimensions there are!? Think about your known universe, Lord Zeus, and multiply that by infinity! That's what I have to look through in order to find her." The Seer retorted heatedly. He huffed. "You should be grateful I'm even letting you read dimension E-Four-E-dash-semicolon-beta-uno's adventures. I could've just switched the two and made you guess and wonder about dramatic personality changes or events that happened in this adventure."

"It's a good thing you're so kind," Rhea said before Zeus could blow his top. She smiled at their host, who seemed rather distressed. "The invitation for rest is still open, Seer."

"I would like to, but I cannot. The Andromeda you all know and adore has been...mucking about in my alternate lives. That poor farming bastard...Now I have to go erase his memories..." The Seer turned and disappeared into a door of light while grumbling to himself.

"...That sounds stressful. He needs interns." Hermes mused thoughtfully.

"Indeed. Percy, please do us a favor and start to read," Hestia said kindly to her nephew.

"Alright..." Percy sighed. He was not thrilled about re-reading an adventure like Andi's again, mostly because he could still remember it.

And judging from the scowl on Zeus' face, the king wasn't keen on it either. That or he was still irked by the Seer's attitude.

Andromeda (Though call her Andi for short, would ya?) Azalea Potter was moping as she sat on a swing in the park near Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. The sky was a deep black, clouds twisting and churning, crackling with energy as it drizzled heavily. Andi didn't mind though. She always did like the rain, she found it calming in some strange way.

"Well at least this much hasn't changed." Annabeth mused.

Her white tee-shirt and black jogging shorts were getting soaked and clung to her petite four foot eight frame. Her jet black hair was matted down due to the water, nothing like the pixie cut that resembled a bob cut with the back chopped spiky that she usually wore it as. The only thing that kept her waterlogged hair out of her brilliant electric blue eyes and the lightning bolt scar on her forehead, were her two plastic yellow lightning bolt hair clips that she had owned ever since she could remember.

As to why she was out in the rain? Well, her terrible relatives had kicked her out of the house again after she had finished slaving away to make them breakfast. Yeah, her relatives hated Andi a lot. Or more like feared her in Andi's humble opinion.

You see, she was a witch.

"No!" Leo, Frank and Hermes gasped in mock surprise. Hermes continued with a wave of his hand. "Surely, you jest!"

"I'm not kidding...and don't call me Shirley." Percy added. Annabeth whacked him upside the head while Apollo, Hermes, Leo and Frank burst into snickers.

"Classic." Apollo mumbled while he wiped a tear from his eye.

Well, Andi preferred the term magical girl.

"...Seems your daughters have similar interests," Poseidon said dryly to his brothers.

"Alkaid is not a-a magical girl!" Hades sputtered while Zeus glared at the sea king.

"As if any of my children would be like his."

"Boys, we agreed to try to be civil this time." Rhea reminded her sons.

Like, Cardcaptor Sakura! Her fat whale of a cousin Dudley used to watch that all the time, don't ask her why. She could never figure it out. Andi's favorite card was the Windy. Ah, she was getting distracted.

Anyway, when Andi found out she could learn magic from a school called Hogwarts? She was beyond ecstatic! Finally, something that was hers! Something that the Dursleys could never take from her. Of course, once they found out, they refused to let her go. If not for the help of the school's groundskeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, she would never have been able to attend. He was this super tall guy, who was also built like a tank. Though he wouldn't harm a fly. He did have a strange fascination for dangerous creatures like dragons though, because he thought they were cute. Yeah, he could be weird.

"Psh, he's not weird! He's like Tyson!" Percy argued. "Gentle giants that like to do strange things-!"

"Annabeth, rein him in," Thalia said.

Smack. "Ow!"

"Thanks Annie."

"My pleasure."

But still, he did her a solid when he gave Dudley a pig's tail.

He'd come to rescue her when the Dursleys had tried to run away from her acceptance letters to Hogwarts by showing up at their little hideaway on some deserted island in the middle of nowhere and told them that they didn't have a choice and she was going to Hogwarts no matter they said. That earned him her eternal friendship right there! He even stayed to escort her while she got her school supplies. During the course of which she learned that she was super rich! That had excited Andi, since she had been living in poverty up till then. You see she had never had anything of her own from the Dursleys. But now? With her own money? She could finally get stuff! She was even able to trade in her magical money, coins called galleons and sickles, for British pound notes which meant she could get muggle stuff too. It was brilliant!

"You'd think the muggles would take gold, bronze and silver coin," Hermes said thoughtfully.

"Paper money is worth more value to them." Apollo argued. "Besides, they'd just insert it into the Cash-4-Gold conspiracy."

"Oh come – I told you about that in hopes you'd ensure that it wouldn't be uncovered by Stone and Parker!" Hermes scowled.

"Well...We were relaxing with herbal medication and it was the first day of their weekly episodic planning."

"And you call me the thief..."

No more hand-me-downs for this girl! Of course, she couldn't get to all her money until she was older, but she did have a nice trust fund to spend in the time being that had been set up by her deceased parents.

Yeah, her parents were dead. Apparently some crazy wizard named Voldemort killed them and even tried to kill her! But, he failed and 'died', marking Andi's forehead with her scar in the process. Turned out that made her famous. The thought excited her. She, Andi Potter, the 'delinquent niece' of the Dursleys, was actually famous!

"She's a superstar!" Leo declared with jazz hands.

Nico scowled at him. "It wasn't funny when Tina Fey did it, it's not funny when you do it."

"You have no sense of humor, dude."

So back to her supplies. She got her own wand, it was beautiful and made of oak. It was twelve inches long, good for charms, and the core held a sliver of a bezoar (a stone) from the stomach of a magical goat. She didn't even know there were magical goats, neat right? Hagrid even got her a super cute snowy owl named Hedwig.

"The true hero of the story," Jason said with a smile.

Piper snickered. "I wonder if she and Annabeth will get along this time around. Or if there will be another..."

"If that owl poops on me, sacred or not, it's going down." Annabeth huffed firmly as she folded her arms over her chest.

As for Hogwarts; the place was cool, and learning magic there was fun. But it wasn't all a bed of roses, Andi was famous like she said, but, not in the way she liked. People thought she was some amazing person that was absolutely perfect. Andi didn't like that, because no one really saw her for who she was. At least her two best friends, Ron and Hermione saw through the whole 'Girl-Who-Lived' spiel. They met in their first year and after a rather nasty troll incident, the three were stuck together like glue. Even through her pranks! Which, tended to backfire sometimes and get her in trouble, scolded, or get other kids to stay away from her. Sometimes all three at once even!

"Hey now!"

"Apollo, don't you dare!" Zeus glared at the god.

"Threesomes already? I'm so proud!"

Zeus turned and glared along with his mother, sisters and daughters at the tittering Aphrodite.

"Aphrodite, must I cover your mouth...again?" Rhea asked with a harsh glare.

"...No, Rhea," Aphrodite said when she realized even her boyfriend wasn't going to come to her aid. He'd had enough of being silenced during the Alkaid reading, it would seem.

But hey, at least it helped fracture that so called 'Girl-Who-Lived' image, right? So it was all good in her opinion.

Sure, Ron found them to be annoying, probably because his older twin brothers were pranksters too (and supported Andi's actions) and he was tired of the constant pranks, but he stuck with her and never did more than complain. Hermione on the other hand told her that she really shouldn't do it all the time since it wasn't nice, but she stuck by her too even though Andi never listened to her advice.

She was just having some innocent fun, was that so wrong?

"No-er, yeah. Very wrong." Hermes nodded when Hestia and Hera gave him dark looks.

But Hogwarts could also be sort of...deadly. Her first year she ran into a troll, a cerberus, deadly strangling tentacle plants, killer chess pieces, and a possessed professor. Who was possessed by Voldemort's wraith.

Yeah, so much for being dead! Why no one was up in arms about the ghost of a totally evil dude being around just eluded her. The headmaster of the school, Dumbledore said it was because Voldemort's minions were not locked up and some were in the government and so had managed to cover everything up. The whole thing sounded stupid to Andi, how they could escape justice like that after all the terrible things they did? It really pissed her off.

"Ah, yes, so it seems that this version of the girl holds a high value on justice of the personal nature." Hades smirked. "Like father, like daughter."

"...Go play with the dead, Hades."

And year two? Oh, don't even get her started! She had one of the most obnoxious professors ever.

"It would seem he's not like his counterpart in Alkaid's universe. Or Rhode's," Athena said.

Hades huffed. "Wonderful, so my daughter was the only one sexually assaulted? That's fair."

"Well, your daughter's the most...mature, thus far, Hades," Rhea said thoughtfully.

"Mother!" Zeus and Poseidon frowned.

"It's true, boys, don't try to deny it."

Hades smirked at his brothers, who scowled or brooded back at him.

Maybe it was karma for maybe kind of turning to dust the last Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? Nah! She was immune to that stuff. Anyways, the new Professor was just so full of himself it made Andi want to gag. Though whenever she said this, Andi got dry looks for some reason.


"Indeed. Weird. Now why could that be, I wonder..."

"Hades, that's enough." Rhea frowned at her son.

"Well, she's just as childish as the last incarnation was, it seems," Hera said dryly. Zeus sent his wife a betrayed look while Rhea sighed.


"Mother, she is just like Zeus. You wait and see. Her fits can rival his."

"I do not throw fits." Zeus growled.

"Indeed. He has temper tantrums." Poseidon smiled widely when his younger brother glared at him.

Yes, so on to the deadly things Andi faced in her second year! There was the colony of giant spiders (Ron pissed himself that day), the obnoxious famous teacher turning out to be a fraud and wanting to erase her memory (He looked like a real creeper when he said that)

"Ah, seems as though I spoke too soon." Athena mused.

"Wonderful." Artemis scowled and Thalia glared at the screen.

"Not for the first time," Poseidon added under his breath. Athena glared at him and he gave her a cheeky grin in return.

a giant basilisk, and a killer book.

"I feel your pain." Percy mumbled. Leo nodded along with him while the others shook their heads.

"Guys, reading isn't so bad..." Hazel mumbled.

"You grew up with what was then a new book, now mostly considered classic English literature," Percy said in return.

"Uh, I grew up in the Thirties, Percy."

"...Yeah, and?"

Annabeth rubbed her head. "Hazel, I'm so sorry. I'll fix that. Percy, just read."

At least after she impaled the basilisk in the head, Andi got a nifty dagger when it oddly turned to gold dust. The blade was a pale ivory and looked (felt too) like bone with a black leather handle, all together it was about seven inches. Best part of all? The blade was deadly poisonous. As if it had somehow absorbed the poisonous power of the Basilisk. It was so cool!

It even turned into a black ring! On top of the band was a small disk with a yellow reptile eye. Andi currently had it on her left middle finger. Hermione found it eerie, but the small girl liked it.

So basically, before she was even thirteen, she'd been through quite a few life and death situations.

"I had to run drills and fight monsters in the Legion," Jason said with an understanding nod. It wasn't always fun.

"I strangled a snake when I was a toddler." Percy mumbled.

"Oh, this reminds me of Zeus' youth, before he went to rescue you," Rhea said with a small motherly smile. "The adventures he had in Mother's caverns. He was so entertaining! His first word-!"

"Mother!" Zeus interjected curtly. The way his siblings were looking at him was making him very uncomfortable and upset.

Rhea sighed. "Yes, yes, sorry dear."

"...No, Grandmother, please do go on..." Hermes whispered quietly. If he could get something, anything on Zeus, he would be set for life. Heck, he would be able to get actual immortal interns! His own spirits for the mail!

Then he could get back to doing his favorite duties as the god of thieves.

Andi could only wonder if this pattern would repeat for the rest of her school years. Still, a few life or death situations were better than dealing with the Dursleys. It sucked that she had to return every summer though.

Blowing some of her damp bangs off her face, Andi gripped the chains of the swing, pumping her legs and swung higher and higher. She enjoyed the rush of the wind that just made her feel at home, it reminded her of when she flew on her magical broom, the Nimbus 2000. She leapt off at a great height and her blue high tops compressed the darkened wet sand as she landed with her hands thrown up into the air. For a moment she just stood there with her arms in the air, soaking in the imaginary applause. After a laugh, Andi walked over to her magically deep messenger bag, a little something she had bought her first year.

It held all kinds of cool stuff: her wand, her invisibility cloak (That she got for Christmas in her first year and used for all her pranks!),

"...Why didn't we ever use your hat for that?" Percy asked.

Annabeth gave him a dull glare. "Percy."

"Right, right, reading...Still want an answer though..."

some candy, some magical money, some British pounds, and just other little stuff.

Andi sighed as she grabbed some candy. She wished Hunter, the stray golden retriever that hung around the neighborhood, was here. She was lonely and Hunter could always bring a smile to her face.

"Ah, so now he actually has an intro instead of a spontaneous arrival." Jason nodded. "Makes sense."

Andi was pulled out of her melancholy thoughts when she suddenly started to hear hissing. It was loud and slithering followed it. After fighting a basilisk, that sent alarms ringing in her head like no tomorrow. She ruffled through her bag for her wand, even if there was an age restriction for a kid like her to use magic outside school and she couldn't use it without getting in trouble with the Ministry. But who cares about that? Better getting punished for underage magic than end up being dead!

"That is a good point. What if some psycho did start up as a copy-cat dark wizard?" Piper asked.

"The Wizarding World would have a lot to answer for. Especially Fudge." Leo grinned. "I love saying that word. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge? Fudge! Fuh-dge."

"Leo, I'm trying to read."

"You do that, Water Boy." Leo grinned at Percy. "Fudge!"

A chocolate fudge bar appeared in his mouth. Eyes turned to Hestia, who smiled sweetly and lowered her hand.

"I would like to know what changed." She said. The goddess of fire nodded to her nephew. "Please, Percy, continue."

The slithering got louder and she turned to see a woman…that was about ten feet tall. She had green scaly skin with black hair and wore some kind of weird armor. She even held a shield and spear. Oh, and instead of legs she had twin serpent trunks, which made it look like she was skiing whenever she moved.

"Found you, little half-blood." The demonic looking woman hissed at the young girl.

"Um, hi?" Andi said, not really knowing what to say at this sight, but she was slowly edging away. Who let this thing out of its cage anyway?

The snake woman frowned at her 'friendly' hello. "Are you mocking me, godling?" she hissed out.


"Welcome to the club." Frank grinned. He pointed down the line. "We even have T-shirts. Do you prefer purple or orange?"

"Neither." Nico mumbled.

"Wouldn't she automatically get orange?" Thalia asked.

"That's if she's Greek. She could be Roman, Thalia." Annabeth pointed out. "This is a whole new Andi, after all."

"...I doubt she'll be Roman," Poseidon said thoughtfully. "If there's one thing Jupiter is better at than Zeus, it's keeping it in his pants."

Hera scoffed while Zeus scowled.

"No?" Andi asked with a weak smile, her pace of backing up picking up a bit of speed. Snake lady didn't like that though and slithered up close in a few seconds.

Fast! Was what the witch thought as she cried out and dodged to the side as the creature tried to stab her with its spear, "What the hell freak!?" Andi shouted out, and backpedaled further into the park. Looking for cover, the young girl slipped into the large dome of the jungle gym, giving her some semblance of protection while wondering why this thing was trying to kill her!

"Because, monsters." The Demigods drawled.

"It's what they do." Hades muttered. He scowled. "Not that they do it well."

"Don't sound so upset, Dad." Nico muttered.

Rhea giggled softly at the similarities between her son and grandson.

"Get out here half-blood! Let me take your head!" she demanded, stabbing her spear into the dome as Andi ducked and side stepped the thrusts.

"She should get it caught," Annabeth said thoughtfully. "The jungle gym has enough space for her to do that. Or snap the wooden pole."

"If it's wood." Piper pointed out.

"Right, I meant that."

Luckily it had to pull out its spear between thrusts, thus giving Andi time to move from one spot to another before it could adjust its aim in time to compensate.

The witch's heart was pounding, as she wondered what the bloody hell was going on. She slipped out the other side of the dome and ran up the slide, and got a nick to her calf from the spear as she began to climb up, making the magical wince as she got to the top.

"Okay, screw this and the rules!"

"...Wow, she just radiated so much Zeus right there." Poseidon pointed out.

"...A mini-Zeus with Aphrodite's genes in her...May the Fates help us." Hades groaned.

the enraged girl shouted atop the slide and pulled out her wand. "Leave me alone!" Andi cried and pointed her wand at the creature. She didn't know what she did, but at her shout, a ball of air erupted from the tip of her wand, colliding with the monster lady like a cannonball.

"Gah!" the thing shouted, slamming into the jungle gym dome, breaking it into pieces, metal rods flying everywhere over it, her, whatever.

Well, that wasn't all really, as the knockback from the spell sent the raven-haired girl flying off the top of the slide and to the ground…ow much. The fall wasn't just painful though, more importantly it had led to Andi losing her grip on her wand and forcing her to feel around for her it feverishly. As she finally snagged it, she gripped it tightly determined to not lose it again.

"She's going to be real jealous of Riptide." Percy mumbled.

Her wand recovered, Andi got back up and stood wobbly, shaking her head in an attempt to clear her lingering disorientation. Undaunted despite her weakness the girl shouted aloud, "Take that!"

Of course the sound of hissing, alerted the girl to the fact that 'Oh, I messed up'…great.

The snake thing looked angry, her headgear was gone and her chest armor was dented inwardly.

Dammit, why couldn't it be dead?

"Because demigod laws of luck." Piper mumbled.

"Because of that bastard named Murphy."

"Leo Valdez..." Hestia frowned at the pyrokinetic.

"What? He is a bastard! His stupid law gets everywhere. Heck, it's even in movies now!" Leo complained.

"Ah, Interstellar...that movie is going to be intense." Apollo sighed happily. Zeus looked affronted.

"One of the four winds?" It hissed angrily, slithering forward on her snake trunks, shield and spear in hand.

Andi took a frightful step back, panic washing over her as small gusts of wind suddenly began to pick up around her tiny frame.

A yelp escaped Andi's lips while she ducked as the snake woman attacked again. She didn't manage to completely evade the thrust though and she got tagged with a graze on her left shoulder. She continued dodging, even as her senses seemed to be going haywire, like she could see so much more than she usually did. It was just like when she fought the Basilisk. She could even tell how the thing was moving and how she could get out of the way in time. But would that help her beat this thing? It was pressing her so hard with its attacks that she couldn't so much as think up a spell to attack it with much less cast something.

"No 'bibbity, bobbity, drop the sink on it!'? Man, Magic has way too many rules to bend to," Leo said with a snort.

"And science doesn't?" Hazel asked.

"Not my science." Leo huffed.

"...Leo, your science is considered science fiction to the mortal world." Annabeth pointed out.

"But it's not to us, now is it, Brain Girl?"

"Don't call me that."

"Too late, it's now a thing."

"We'll see if it sticks." Annabeth grumbled at the cheeky son of Hephaestus.

Andi rolled left, into a pile of metal bars and grabbed one and bashed away one of the spear strikes aimed for her head. The parry however left her arm feeling numb as her very small upper body strength really didn't compare to that possessed by her inhuman opponent. Nevertheless, she holstered her wand and held the metal bar like a staff as she skirted around the creature's attacks, trying to figure out what to do.

"Stand still!" It commanded, but Andi didn't listen. She sort of liked living. Besides, that spear didn't seem like a fun way to go, all pointy and sharp and painful.

"No, no, well...only for a second," Ares said with a smirk.

"Unless you miss the vitals," Apollo said.

"The actual piercing hurts for a second. The bleeding out and dying part hurts longer."

"...You're far too familiar with how long pain is felt from weaponry, Ares," Athena said in disgust.

"Duh. War god. Like shrapnel from a grenade, arguably can be the most painful to remove. Right up there with using molten fire to defend a castle."

"Percy, read. For sanity's sake, read." Annabeth urged her boyfriend.

The witch jumped out of the way of another attack and held the bar in front of her protectively while clenching her right hand. The ring flashed and turned into its dagger form. Andi looked at it and her eyes widened. The poison!

It should at least do something to this thing, right?

"Eh, maybe. A snake against a snake..." Apollo shrugged.

Hermes rolled his eyes. "Aren't you a god of medicine?"

"Yes. I can make anti-venom for humans, not for monsters. Not that I ever would."

"It's a hero's weapon. Of course it would do something!"

"I'm just saying that maybe there's more to it than that." Apollo shrugged. "Who knows? I'm not all that inclined to go find out, are you?"

"...I'm too busy."

Athena, however, tapped her chin. "...If one of my children could get a specimen..."

"Percy and I are starting the next semester soon, I need to be alive to get my master's!" Annabeth hurriedly rushed out.

"Yes, yes, Annabeth Chase, do not worry. You've done enough for me. ...Now Michael on the other hand..." Athena hummed.

Andi discarded the metal rod and rolled forward under a sweep of the spear and got right next to the thing's side and stabbed it in the lower stomach with the dagger.

"Argh!" the snake woman wailed and backhanded Andi with her shield. Hard. The blue-eyed girl tumbled across the ground from the blow, her head in a daze as the dagger was thrown from her hand by the tumble and clattered to a stop next to her. Disoriented once again, it wasn't until she heard the whistling of the spear that Andi rolled on her back to avoid the strike.

Realizing how much danger she was still in, the witch got up as fast as she could and looked for her dagger. In the process, she caught a glimpse at the pained face of her would-be murderer as it bled from the wound she'd dealt it. She looked a bit more sluggish and in great pain, which was okay in Andi's book.

"So it seems the poison works on her despite the ...reptilian similarities," Apollo said with a scowl.

"...Wow, you really don't like reptiles do you?" Demeter asked.

"Blame her." Apollo and Artemis pointed at Hera, who huffed.

"Python was bored. I merely gave him a sarcastic suggestion," she said.

Rhea frowned at her. "By sending him after your pregnant cousin?"

"...I said it was a sarcastic suggestion, mother. He is the one that took it literally." Hera mumbled.

It charged once more at Andi as she scrambled over to her weapon. She stumbled along the way and so picked up the dagger just as the monster began to loom over her. Andi turned around with a cry and threw the weapon as the wind blew fiercely, scoring a blow right in the face of the monster as it brought its spear down.

The girl whimpered as the monster exploded into gold dust, gear included, as she looked at her side. Her right side had been grazed by the snake woman's last strike and was bleeding very badly. Her left shoulder was oozing her life fluids too.

Andi struggled to pick up her dagger once more and started to notice her vision swimming somewhat. Was it because of the blood loss? Fading adrenaline? Who knows?

"Probably a little of both." Annabeth mused while Leo, Ares and Hermes snickered.

"I think that was supposed to be an attempt at comedy," Percy said. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"I know that, Seaweed Brain. We've all been through that pain, and frankly, I'm still not over it. It makes me uncomfortable, and being factual is how I cope."

"...Oh. ...Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Annabeth sighed. She leaned against him. "I just can't stop thinking about The Seer."


"Not like that." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I want to know why he's so stressed about dimensional travel. Technically, we're all dimensional travellers since he brought us here, but we don't seem to disturb him."

"He disturbs us." Zeus grumbled.

"I like him." Poseidon smirked. "Has a great knowledge of soothing beaches."

Percy, ignoring his father and uncle, looked back at his girlfriend. "Yeah, well, its sort of his job, right? Keeping an eye on the other dimensions."

"...That's something I would not mind more information on either," Athena said thoughtfully. "Just how long has he been doing this? Has he been observing us? Can he interfere with other dimensions on a whim or just when the multiverse is in peril? These are questions I wouldn't mind getting answers to."

"Can we not discuss The Seer and focus on the story of my daughter?" Zeus asked, mildly annoyed.

"...Fair enough." Athena conceded.

The witch tried to walk away, to get back to the stupid Dursleys for some first-aid, but she wavered on her feet a bit and ended up tripping on and landing over her bag.

Andi was terrified; she didn't want to die here, like some nobody. She really didn't. Panic filled her thoughts as she blinked back the tears brought on by the pain from her wounds and the fear for her life.

As she held her bag, her insides twisted and suddenly with a loud bang, she felt like she was being propelled at lightspeed to an unknown destination.

"Ah, yes. The portkey to Camp." Apollo nodded. He began to stroke his chin thoughtfully. "We should really look into that."

"...We're one hundred and ten percent behind that." The demigods of the camps unanimously agreed.

"Giving children instantaneous travel? That's a dangerous burden." Hera countered. "One of Hephaestus' or Athena's would want to dismantle it to discover how it works."

"...That is true." Athena sighed.

"Yeah, my kids would do that." Hephaestus nodded in agreement.

"Not to mention quests need to be done traditionally," Zeus said with a huff. Poseidon and Hades snorted. He frowned at them. "What?"

"You do remember why Andromeda originally went on the quest, right?" Poseidon asked with a smirk.

"...That has nothing-!"

"Oh, please. It has everything to do with what you just said." Hades rolled his eyes.

Zeus opened his mouth to retort, but closed it when Rhea cleared her throat and gave him an expectant look.

The king's eye twitched lightly and he let out a soft growl when his brothers' small smirks remained on their faces. He was not petty...they were just assholes.

Andi felt like she was floating for a moment when suddenly she landed rather harshly on her already sore bum, her knife and bag dropping down onto the ground next to her. The very muddy ground. Exhaustion washed over her like a plague, more so than the blood loss alone could account for. She could barely keep her eyes open. What she could see though were blurring and meshing together into one big blob of color.

"Ow." Andi whimpered out as she crawled over to and sat her back against a nearby tree. The air was a bit muggy, like it was in the middle of summer, it felt warmer and fresher than it had been in Surrey too. Yep, and it just rained, she could tell.

"Ah, meteorology powers...the best." Thalia smirked.

"...You can control meteors?" Percy asked.

"You're an idiot, Percy."


"Percy," Annabeth said with a sigh. "Read."

Where was she? The girl looked up through her swimming vision and saw a pine tree, "Hello?" Andi asked her hallucination, as her blood loss was no doubt making her delirious. There was no way she had randomly left Surrey, right?

Her hysteric musings were interrupted when she unexpectedly heard the sound of running and galloping? It was soon followed by some voice.

"Chiron, there's another one by Thalia's tree!" a male voice called out, it sounded older but not British.

Andi heard a sharp gasp as she stared at the blurry blond blob.

She heard a whisper of 'Thalia' as if the guy had seen a ghost.

"Who?" Andi croaked.

"Hi, I'm Thalia." Thalia waved. "Lieutenant of Artemis' Hunters, Daughter of Zeus, formerly a pine tree."

"Hi Thalia!" The demigods chorused together.

Fortunately for the injured witch, her voice knocked the rescuer (hopefully?) out of staring at her and prompted him into action.

"Don't worry kid; we'll get you patched up." He said kindly as he recovered from whatever seeing her had done to him and gingerly picked the child up in some kind of cradle carry.

"My 'tuff." Andi slurred a bit, her eyes starting to droop from how heavy they felt.

"I'll get them for you personally kiddo. C'mon," he said to Andi as she felt him start running. She looked to see where they were going and saw that they were heading towards a big blue house.

Andi looked up at her savior and saw a pair of icy blue eyes which made her frown a little.

"Why do you look so sad?" she mumbled to him as the black edges around her vision engulfed her.

"Because he's a psycho."


"What? Did you expect me to go without saying it?"

"...Hypocrite." Hermes accused.

"Proud of it, bitch!"