A/N: This first chapter has a fairly large wedge dedicated to a tennis match. That's not indicative of what the rest of the chapters are going to be like. Currently there's only 4/5 chapters that will feature (probably diluted) match play. If you have any thoughts and feelings on the amount of tennis play there should be, do let me know, I don't want to over (or under) do it.

"You'll never play professionally again. I'm sorry, Lexa."

It was hot. Too hot.

Lexa pulled off her blazer and stared up at the beating sun. It was days like this she was thankful she would be in the commentary box and not on the heatbox that the court turned into during the midday sun. Her leg twitched uncomfortably at the thought.

Her early retirement from tennis was still an open wound. One poorly laid court was all it had taken for career to come to a startling and abrupt end.

Still, it was too hot.

The intern who was leading her to the box looked like she was about to combust. Lexa knew exactly what it was the young red head wanted.

"Are you going to ask?" Lexa prompted, biting back a smile when the girl tripped over her own feet.

"I- Er, I'm a big fan." She stuttered. "Would you, I mean if it's not too much trouble, would you sign this?"

The intern handed her the previous days programme, and Lexa smiled down at the image.

The blonde on the front cover was glaring across the court, her racket held loosely between her hands as she waited for her opponents serve.

Wild Card Griffin's Quarter Final Thriller

Clarke Griffin's rise through the competition had been a pleasant surprise for Lexa. As had the wild card's defeat of the twentieth seed Zoe Monroe earlier in the week. It was just after Lexa's own retirement, over two years ago, that Clarke had dropped out of the top 100 completely. If she was being brutally honest, Lexa hadn't expected to ever see Clarke at a major tournament again.

Not that Lexa minded seeing her again. They had never faced off against each other, or ever really interacted at all, but Lexa had always been happy to catch glances of the blonde on the circuit.

Pulling the Sharpie she always carried with her from her pocket, Lexa scrawled her signature across the programme. "It should be a good match today." She commented.

The intern was still looking at the magazine Lexa was holding in awe. "You really think she can beat McIntyre?"

Lexa studied Clarke's photo for a moment. With her new coaches, and her apparent resurgence of zeal for her sport, there was a strong chance Clarke would go on to win not just the match, but the whole competition. Lexa could still remembered how Clarke used to play though. Her determination had always been there, but if there was one thing that could break the blonde, it was pressure. Squaring up against the fifth seed Harper McIntyre was exactly the type of pressure that used to make her crumble.

Handing the magazine back, Lexa smiled. "Perhaps."

"And of course, the youngest grand slam champion in history, Lexa Woods joins us in the commentary box today." Marcus beamed from the seat beside her.

"Thank you for having me." Lexa replied happily.

"Now, Clarke Griffin vs. Harper McIntyre, a wild card vs. the number five seed." Marcus said. "Possibly another upset from Griffin today?"

Lexa hummed and looked out onto the court where the two players were warming up. "I think we're looking at a good match. We'll have to see how Griffin performs today. She does have the advantage of being more rested though."

"All three sets and a tie break has to be weighing heavy on McIntyre." Marcus agreed.

"Her team will have a recovery plan in place, but after a match like that? She's still going to be feeling it."

"Talking of teams, your old doubles partner Anya Forrester and world renowned coach Indra Ashdown have of course taken over Griffin's training."

Lexa had been surprised to hear the news when Anya had called her a few weeks before. She knew her former partner had been working on a secret project, but she hadn't realised it was Clarke Griffin's training.

"For the better if her performance this competition is anything to go by." Lexa commented.

"Its been a spectacle to watch."

"I've seen the highlights of her matches," Lexa admitted guiltily, with all the other matches, she had barely had time to watch even those, "but this will be my first commentating a match with her."

"Well hopefully, this will be the first of many to come. Ah, I think we're about to start."

Both players had finished their warm up and the umpire was stood in the middle of the court with them. The umpire flipped the coin in the air and just as Lexa had seen her do from her first heat match of the competition, Harper won the toss.

"McIntyre to serve first." Marcus noted when Harper indicated her preference.

"Hmm, I'm not surprised, she's picked service first through out the competition." Lexa said, but instead of watching Harper, she kept her gaze fixed on Clarke.

The woman was jumping from foot to foot, her drawn back hair bouncing with the movement. Lexa's jaw went slack. Her hair wasn't the only thing bouncing.

Lexa wasn't blind. She would freely admit that Clarke Griffin was attractive. The blonde in question jumped again and Lexa's cheeks flushed when she realised her head had followed the movement. Clarke Griffin was very attractive.

"And so we begin the first semi final match of the US Open." Marcus announced.

Hush settled across the court outside as both players took their positions. Just like the photo in the magazine, Clarke squatted down and twirled the racket in her hand. There was a heat rising up Lexa's neck that had nothing to do with the blazing heat outside.

The opening serve was a fast one. Lexa squinted her eyes, following the ball as it landed-

"Out!" The umpire called.

Lexa almost winced at the speed clocked up on the board. "That's a big serve from McIntyre, if Griffin's going to stand any chance, she's going to need to step into that."

Clarke shook her arms out before ducking down again, the racket spinning once more.

Harper launched the ball into the air again, and with a crack it was flying at Clarke. The blonde hit it back effortlessly though, straight down the court and out of Harper's reach.

Some players grunted loudly. Some of them practically screamed. The sound Clarke released was a sinfully quiet "ugh".

Lexa crossed her legs uncomfortably. "That was a fantastic return. Incredible."

Harper quickly regained her point on the next serve, smashing the ball straight past Clarke and into the boarding behind her.

It wasn't often that Lexa lost herself in a match, but as Clarke and Harper continued to duel it out, she found herself edging closer to the window in front of them. The little noises Clarke was making were going to destroy her before the match was over, Lexa was sure of it. She was genuinely in awe of the blonde though. The first game was all about prodding and teasing from Clarke. She was testing Harper. If Lexa had known this was how Clarke Griffin played, she would have been drawing up a front row seat a long time ago.

Harper wasn't going down easily though. For every point Clarke gained, her opponent was right there to claim the next one.


The crowd clapped at Harper's most recent point.

"An excellent play from McIntyre." Marcus said from beside her, but Lexa was too busy watching Clarke.

Harper's serve was as strong as ever, but the ball fell far outside the line. "Out!"

Anther two balls went wide, and Lexa could see the frustration building in the number five seeds movements.

"Advantage, Griffin."

One more point and Clarke would have the opening game.

Another strong serve had Clarke barely returning the ball. Three more hits and neither of them were dominating, but it was the forth that showed Lexa, Clarke's quality. Harper's ball bounced too high and any other player might have missed it, but Clarke quickly grabbed the advantage. With a running jump she smashed the ball into the court and out of the Harper's range.

"Game, Griffin."

Lexa let out a gasp. "I can't remember the last time McIntyre was broken on an opening service game."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "There's that upset I was talking about. Now she just needs to hold her own service."

The speed on Clarke's serve was slower than Harper's, leaving the number five seed with an easier return than Clarke had faced. It didn't fluster Clarke though. Lexa watched with increasing rapture as Harper failed to gain a single point against the blonde. Now Clarke knew her opponents limits, she was pushing for the match to be over as soon as possible.

Unfortunately Lexa's own limits were being tested beyond measure. How did Lexa not know Clarke Griffin's "ugh's" turned into a far more infuriating "ahhhh" when she served?

"Game, Griffin."

The rest of the set followed a similar pattern. Whilst Harper's serve was stronger and won her a game, Clarke broke her twice more without dropping a game of her own.

"6 – 1. Set, Griffin."

Lexa shook her head, her mouth complete dry. "I don't think I have any words."

Why had nobody told her to watch Clarke Griffin before? And- Oh. She remembered Anya's comment on the phone.

"She's your type of player, Lexa."

Lexa had assumed Anya meant technique. Of course her old mentor knew. She knew the mess Lexa was going to become if she watched Clarke play and the infuriating woman had let her go into the match blind.

Lexa watched the two players return to their seats. Both of them were sweating from the overwhelming heat of the sun.

"That was astounding." Lexa continued. "McIntyre's been on form all season. Just-" Lexa paused, distracted momentarily by Clarke from across the court. Nobody had the right to make drinking water look so good. "Just astounding."

"Look at that, Commander of the court, Lexa Woods is lost for words." Marcus jested.

Lexa had only been commentating for a year now, but she had never become so breathless whilst talking about someone play. She was meant to be impartial. She really wasn't meant to be praising Clarke on every single point she won. The crowd had slowly been turning in the wild cards favour too. With every game she won, more and more cheers were directed at Clarke.

"Time." The umpire announced. Both players were on their feet again and Lexa was torn between wishing Clarke would stop bouncing on her feet and wishing she would never stop.

Clarke powered through her opening service game, her serve growing in confidence as she sent two aces straight past Harper. Lexa tried her hardest to focus back on the match and not just Clarke Griffin.

"It's fairly late, but she's finally settling into her serve." Marcus commented.

"Yeah." Lexa said wistfully before quickly straightening up. "It's something her team is going to need to work on."

"Lets see what McIntyre's serve can do. McIntyre to serve."

The second game didn't play to Clarke's advantage. Harper pummelled her with fast balls and drove her about the court until she was leading 40 – 15. One more hard serve and the game was won.

"Game, McIntyre."

"A return to form for McIntyre. Griffin needs to watch that serve." Marcus said.

Lexa agreed with him, not taking her eyes off Clarke. In the break, Harper had regained some of the confidence losing the opening game of the match had shaken. If Clarke could break her again though...

Once again, Clarke's service game was over quickly. The blonde's serve becoming increasingly steady.

"Now, can she break McIntyre's serve?" Marcus asked no one in particular.

The answer was a resounding "yes". Whatever confidence Harper had gained was quickly diminished as Clarke hit back every serve.

"Ugh." Lexa muttered under her breath when Harper finally hit an ace straight past Clarke.

"A good serve from McIntyre, she's not out the game yet." Marcus said.

Despite her single ace, Harper was soon overwhelmed by Clarke's returns. "Break point, Griffin."

Lexa sighed, the previous rally had been far too long for her liking. One more point and-

Harper's serve bounced awkwardly, but it gave Clarke the perfect angle to send the ball soaring across the court, forcing Harper to run for it. Harper's return was exactly where Clarke had positioned herself, and the blonde sent it flying down the line.

"Game, Griffin."

Before Lexa realised it, she was fist pumping. She lowered her arm quickly, her cheeks flushing. "Fantastic setup by, Griffin."

Despite her best attempts to control herself, Lexa couldn't help the little noises of excitement and disappointment that kept slipping from her. Clarke Griffin was far too distracting for her own good. Harper had managed to win another service game, but Clarke had held all of her own.

"5 – 2 to Griffin. One more break and she'll have the match." Marcus announced as Clarke won her third service game in a row.

Lexa could feel her palms sweating. It was almost like it was her out there on the court again. Pressure. That was Clarke's biggest enemy. Lexa knew being in a semi finals match, and one game away from the finals might very well be the blonde's undoing.

It didn't go Clarke's way.

"40 - love."

Now she was backed into a corner, Harper was unleashing everything she had on Clarke in a series of aces. The blonde hadn't clocked up a single point. Lexa watched Clarke take in a visible breath before ducking down to receive the final serve.


Instead of the ball going flying past her like Lexa thought it would, Clarke sent the ball spinning back over the net and ricocheting wildly off Harper's racket.

"40 – 15."

"40 – 30."


Lexa had to grip onto her seat to stop herself from standing up. Clarke had clawed her way back, returning every single one of Harper's serves. The next was no different, and for a moment, Lexa thought Harper was going to gain the advantage. Clarke didn't disappoint her though. With a swipe of her racket, Clarke chipped the ball over the net and dropped it short of Harper's line before sending the return straight behind the other player.

"Advantage, Griffin. Match point." The crowd erupted into applause. Lexa could hear shouts of Clarke's name mixed in amongst them as they encouraged her to pull off the upset of the tournament. "Quiet, please." The umpire finally urged.

Marcus was talking as Harper setup her serve, but Lexa wasn't listening to him. Her eyes were fixed on Clarke. The serve was huge, Harper's biggest of the match, but Clarke still returned it.

Three more hits each and Lexa was just about ready to pass out. Slowly Clarke had worked Harper across the court until she was in the corner diagonal to her. On Harper's next hit, Clarke swung at the ball with two hands, both her arms rippling with the effort. Lexa gasped as she watched the balls trajectory. It travelled the line, hitting the corner of the court and away from Clarke's exhausted opponent.

"Game, set and match to Griffin."

"Wow." Lexa blinked, watching Clarke jump into the air in celebration. Clearing her throat, she quickly diverted her attention away. "That was- That was quite something."

"There you have it folks. Another win for the wild card. We'll be back after these messages for the post match breakdown."

Lexa wasn't sure if it was just her, but it really was far too hot in there.

The man at behind the studio camera held up his hand, counting down as the broadcast returned to them.

"Welcome back. I'm Tom O'Dell, and with me I have Lexa Woods and Marcus Kane. Later on we have our second semi final match between Octavia Blake and Emori Harold, but in the meantime, lets talk about the match we've just seen. Clarke Griffin."

Lexa was already nodding. "Clarke Griffin indeed."

"You know, I'm not sure I've ever seen you quite so engrossed in a match, Lexa." Marcus teased.

Lexa hoped her blushing cheeks weren't obvious under the harsh lights of the studio. "I hold my hand up, I was very engrossed. As I'm sure you all heard."

"Oh, they heard." Tom beamed at her. "Back to the match though..."

The conversation became all the more professional after that. All three of them broke down Clarke's performance; from her strong returns to her early weak serve. Anya slipped into the topic of conversation too. Lexa had recognised some of Clarke's plays from the ones her former doubles partner used to favour. Lexa tried her hardest to keep her analysis as neutral as possible, but she knew her quest was ultimately in vain when she caught sight of her hands gesturing animatedly on the small screens that lined the floor.

"Now, you've all been contacting us on the hashtag. Official and unofficial." Tom smiled to the camera.

Lexa knew exactly what the "unofficial" hashtag he was referring to was. It hadn't taken long for her somewhat overzealous fanbase to start trending #TurnTheCamAround every time she commentated on a match.

"As we already mentioned, you weren't the only ones who enjoyed today's thriller either." Tom continued. A sense of dread washed over Lexa. That comment sounded an awful lot like a segue.

"Is that all we have time for?" She quickly pushed.

"We do just have enough time for this montage."

On the small screens, Lexa watched with increasing horror as they played back the highlights from the commentary box.

It started off completely fine, just her and Marcus discussing the match, but Lexa could spot the exact moment Clarke started jumping. And so did the camera.

What followed was a series of shots of Lexa growing closer and closer to the window of their box. She almost groaned when they played the moment she had almost slid off the edge of her chair. She couldn't remember herself ever looking so animated. The audio that accompanied the shots didn't help. Every time Clarke made a shot, Lexa had apparently let out a little hum of appreciation, and every time Harper had forced an error she had let out a what sounded like a whine.

The worst was yet to come though, as the montage came to a close they showed the end of the match. The look on Lexa's face when Clarke landed her final shot was quite possibly the gayest thing she had ever seen.

A/N: Thirsty Lexa is thirsty.