Well, thank you to everyone for your kind words, I can't thank you enough for your support. Its been hard, but here is the chapter! I have better inspiration for the next few, so it really shouldn't be delayed that bad between them. I don't have too much to say in regards to this, its a little filler, a little glimpse of what to expect, and the best idea i could come up with to set some things in motion within the walls of Konoha. Hope.

After getting mixed reactions to her very straightforward answer, including shock, fear, indifference, and suspicion, Tsunade and her companion were gifted with passes that would allow them to tour the village, and two coupons for a discounted hotel stay.

"I would like to inform you that certain locations within the village are off limits to the average populace. Travelers and civilians are not allowed within these areas. I would press you further on what you mean by vengeance, however I do not wish to put a strain on a potential trade partner. I would like to be able to meet with the leader of your Village soon, to discuss a partnership." Danzo smirked. While the old man had been plotting to lure the newcomers into a false sense of security, they were not so easily fooled.

"The leader of our 'Village', is no longer available. I am the only one you will speak with regarding trade. We do not have anything to trade with your village, as we do not produce anything of our own." Ulquiorra responded, his voice neutral, however the look in his eyes spoke of pain to any who would argue. While the discussion was in progress, Sasuke glanced between the companions. The blonde one was new, and looked nothing like that one he'd met outside of the village. She did however look familiar for some reason, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"What do you mean you have nothing to trade? You must give something in order to receive help from us, you are aware of that correct?" Sakura demanded, a smirk on her face.

"When did we say we wished for your help? Our only business here is to provide you with the information we have willingly given, and to visit. Our business is elsewhere." Tsunade snorted, giving Sakura a small glare.

"If that is all we will discuss with this meeting, I see no point in continuing." Ulquiorra spoke, with a tone that suggested it wasn't to be ignored. Tsunade nodded, and the pair prepared to leave. Once they were outside the door, Sasuke stood up.

"I'll escort them around the village. Some of the areas they can't go aren't labeled as they should be." Sasuke volunteered, gaining the attention of his Hokage.

"That is a noble idea. Be sure to keep an eye on any suspicious behavior of theirs." Danzo commented, waving the boy out.

"I was not aware that we needed an escort." Ulquiorra said neutrally, not against the company from the boy.

"It will keep him from sending ANBU agents after us, he believes I'm loyal enough to be trusted without question. Usually." Sasuke spoke, jumping ahead of them and walking at a slightly brisk pace. It wasn't long before the threesome ran into more of the former members of the rookie nine. Kiba and Shino were given a reprieve from their gate duty, and joined the mysterious pair and their escort on the tour. It became apparent to Ulquiorra that Sasuke was a much more welcome member of their generation than he was years before. The other group, ones that were not brainwashed by Danzo, were actually friendly and nice to him, rather than annoyed or brisk.

"From what I'd heard about you, not many thought you were friendly. Most spoke about how you never spoke, and never attempted to care about clients and your missions." Ulquiorra mused out loud to the Uchiha, who bristled slightly.

"It's not that I don't care. It's the opposite really. I care so much more than my teammates, or Kakashi for that matter. All they see is another mission for the 'greatest Village ever', while I see so many more people who need help. If it weren't for the fact that I have to keep an image, I'd have started to show how I really feel more." Sasuke answered with a small glare at the ground.

"Its true you know! He had to join my team for a mission once, and it was probably the most enlightening moment I've had. Realizing that teme here actually has a heart was a big surprise." Kiba laughed and jabbed his elbow into Sasuke's side, as the black haired boy punched his perceived friend in the arm. Shino was as stoic as usual.

"It appears as if the death of our friend caused a small change in all of us. We are still grieving him, although we sometimes believe we are the only ones." Shino sighed. Tsunade glanced at Ulquiorra to gauge a reaction, before sighing as he was as stoic faced as ever.

"Who else has cared for the Uzumaki boy? He was the village pariah, was he not?" Tsunade asked, leading the conversation towards one of the goals they had discussed. While it was too soon to act on the idea of transitioning their chosen Espada allies, it would be good to spread the word of their vengeance and retribution within the circles of those they trust.

"The rookies do. It isn't a surprise really. While most of us admittedly found him slightly annoying, he was also someone we looked up to. He was never down, at least not around us, and he always worked hard." Kiba thought for a moment.

"Neji was skeptical at first, as well known, he needed to be convinced that it was not his fate. Ino-san was difficult as well, due to her previous friendship with Sakura-san. Shikamaru was able to speak with her. Otherwise most of us are saddened by his death." Shino answered in finer detail.

"Is it all your generation? The older members of your village did not care for the boy?" Ulquiorra prompted, his voice neutral, however the many aspects of his being were reeling. Most that were open with their emotions and personality were debating revealing who they were talking to at that moment. The logical members of the group were discussing how best to rip the rug out from under Konoha and its corrupt government.

"So far, that weird snake using Jonin, Iruka-sensei from the academy, the family who runs the ramen shop, most of the Jonin sensei's, other than Kakashi. Some of the villagers as well, but its hard to give specifics." Kiba shrugged.

"You both seem to be really interested in Naruto. Why do you care so much?" Sasuke asked, growing suspicious about the two foreigners. Tsunade felt a small flutter in her stomach, knowing that they were growing closer to revealing their true intentions than she'd hoped they would so soon.

"The Uzumaki boy is the reason we are here. This village has committed a great sin by causing his untimely death. We are here to rectify its mistakes." Ulquiorra answered, keeping his answer vague on just how.

"How is it that you knew Naruto?" Kiba asked, picking up on what Sasuke was leading to.

"I knew him personally, however Ulquiorra has a more personal connection to him. It is not an easy conversation, nor one we wish to have within the confines of this village. We plan to inform you of these details, however it will be a mission we will pay your village for. It will pull you from the village, while still allowing you to act within the will of the village. All under the premise of the betterment of the village." Tsunade answered, her face easily showing the group that she was sad by the topic.

"How did you know him though?" Sasuke pressed, wanting to know more about his teammates life, before he died. Tsunade felt bad about hiding her true self from those who once saw her as a leader, even if it was only a small amount of time. Ulquiorra glanced at Tsunade, before allowing a small puff of air leave his lips.

"If you wish to speak your mind you may. Any other details will wait." Ulquiorra spoke, turning to his partner. She gave him a look, before pausing and glancing around. Using her pesquisa, which Ulquiorra trained her in, she sensed that other than civilians, there were no other ninja within hearing distance. If there were, Ulquiorra would not have allowed her to tell the ninja in front of her what was going on. It was easy to see that the boys they were with were waiting with barely contained anticipation.

"I want you all to listen to what I have to say with an open mind. It will be easier to explain the rest of the details later, after we commission some of your ninja. I must say, it is good to see you three again though. It has been some time." Tsunade started, hoping that the brighter of the two ninja would piece some of what she was saying together.

"I won't come outright with telling you who I am, but Kaori is not my real name. I was once a ninja of this village, however I can't say I am a ninja anymore. Nor am I human for that matter, but that's a different story. I'm rambling now…" Tsunade realized that no matter how prepared she was to tell them, it was hard to do it in a way that wasn't obvious.

"When I came to the village, I was only here for a short time, but Naruto's death hit me very hard. I saw him as a son…I still do." She spoke, and in that moment Sasuke and Shino pieced together who she was.

"You…how? What?" Sasuke stuttered out, realizing that he was looking at Tsunade Senju of the Sannin. Not to say that she did not resemble how she used to look, however the youthfulness (never to say that word in any of its forms out loud lest they summon either green monster) of her face and the features she now sported suggested she'd gone through a great change.

"How is this possible, Tsunade-sama." Shino asked, his voice hushed.

"It was Ulquiorra-san who brought me out of my self pity. While we are speaking within the village I would prefer to be called Kaori, it would keep my identity well hidden." Tsunade smiled sadly.

"Are we to assume that because you are speaking to us with regards to further information and plans, we are instrumental to said operation?" Shino asked, piecing all of the information together better than the other two teens did.

"Yes. For now that is all we can tell you. It must be kept a secret until further notice can be given. As of now we have enough money to commission the former rookie nine members who are not brainwashed by this village. It will have to be systematic, as we cannot let onto the fact that we are working against them, you see." Tsunade nodded, as they continued walking through the village. It was easy to see how far it had fallen, by the poverty levels of some of the civilians, as well as the amount of smog within the air surrounding the once healthy and clean village.

"I plan to put in the start of the missions this week. I will make sure that I request Mr. Uchiha due to his elite capabilities as a ninja, that he should help another group with their given task. This will eliminate the need to request Kakashi and the rest of his team." Ulquiorra spoke, giving Sasuke a good idea of what to expect.

"I'll be waiting to hear." Sasuke nodded, before realizing that they'd come up to one of the better hotels in Konoha.

"The place that our Hokage gave you is one of the Hotels that deals with the shadier business in Konoha. It isn't a great place to stay either because ANBU are always crawling through there. This is much better, its private and run by a man who doesn't really agree with the Hokage. Due to that though he doesn't get a lot of business. It has less traffic." Sasuke explained, before allowing Tsunade and her ever mysterious partner to speak with the front desk regarding a room.

"We will reconvene at another point in time, with more information. I promise. Thank you for being open minded about this whole thing." Tsunade bowed to the three boys, Kiba who was still in such shock that he had no words to say, Shino who nodded, and Sasuke who seemed to be lost within his own thoughts again.

"You will hear from us within the week." Ulquiorra gave a small bow, before turning away and leading his partner up the stairs to their room.

Sasuke was at a small loss. Not only had Tsunade showed back up in their lives, in quite the twist at that, but she had information regarding Naruto that they had never been told before. It wasn't long after his death that news of his status as a former jinchuriki surfaced, which caused some turmoil within the younger ranks, as they realized the exact reason he was hated by many of the adults around them growing up. It also led many of them to see him in a different light, away from the annoying loudmouthed kid who always played pranks. They saw a boy who hid his pain behind laughter, and worked hard to prove he was worth the time to get to know.

"What more do you think they will tell us?" Kiba asked, moving away from the Hotel with the other two boys.

"I believe it would be a bad idea to speculate too much, as there is a chance that we could be entirely off base." Shino countered logically.

"I think it has to do with Naruto. They asked about him so much, and even brought her back to the village. I think we will be told more about him. Information we never got." Sasuke answered, his voice hushed.

"We will have to see." Shino nodded.

"Should we tell the others? They deserve to know." Kiba looked between Sasuke and Shino with an apprehensive look on his face.

"I think we should tell only those we know will not speak of it. Shikamaru and Hinata for sure. They won't say a word, but it is prudent that we have more of us knowing at least a little of what is happening." Sasuke nodded, while Shino didn't say anything more.

"You find where Hinata is, guys, she is your partner, while I'll go find Shikamaru. I have a good idea of where he is." Sasuke directed, splitting them up to make up for lost time.

"When we all have a chance to meet with them and find more information, we'll get back together as a group and talk about it." Shino nodded and directed Kiba to follow him, while Sasuke took off, using the rooftops to quickly reach the Nara household. Before he could get there however, he was stopped by one of the Hokage's personal ROOT ANBU.

"Uchiha-san, Danzou-sama wishes to speak with you about your findings of the foreigners he is curious about." The ANBU spoke, emotionless and cold.

"Alright. I do not wish to take long, I have a meeting to uphold with Shikamaru regarding a jutsu he told me about." Sasuke lied, knowing that to the corrupt members of the village he was still seeking power from more jutsu's.

"Of course." Was all he heard before he was taken into the office once again.

"Sasuke-kun, please sit. I would like to hear what you have to tell me." Danzou said, an ugly spark in his eyes.

"I am content to stand. I do have to say that I was unable to ascertain many details of the two, they were quite content to not speak while I was showing them the village. The only conversation they had was in regards to commissioning some of our ninja. They did not give any further details. I was able to discover that they did not have what we know to be chakra. The two of them are not ninja." Sasuke gave his information, keeping it brief and too the point, as Danzou knows him to do in his reports.

"I see, well that is a disappointment. No matter, they will reveal more information to us in due time. You may leave." Danzou waved him out, which caused a small sigh of relief to leave Sasuke's lips. He didn't want to admit that he was nervous to meet with the village leader, especially when he did not care for him.

"Thank you sir." He bowed and left, high-tailing it to Shikamaru's once he was outside of the building and away from prying eyes. The Nara family lived close to the forest, due to their affinity to shadows, but also because they tended to the deer population that took up residence near the village. They were on the outskirts of the village limits, which made their home hard to stumble one. This was a perfect location to meet with the lazy Chuunin due to its seclusion.

"Why hello there Sasuke-kun, good to see you. How can I help you?" Yoshino Nara, Shikamaru's mother greeted him at the door. He'd taken to visiting her lazy son, as they were some of the only people in the village who did not dislike Naruto, and as such they worked together on a few missions, where Sasuke had to pull the lazy boy out of his home.

"I am here to see Shikamaru, Yoshino-san. Is he home?" Sasuke spoke politely, showing once again that he was not the same boy as 3 years prior.

"Of course, he's out back by the river." She allowed him through, to which he bowed politely and entered.

"Shikamaru! Sasuke-kun is here to see you again!" She shouted out the back of the house.

"I can find him from here, thank you." Sasuke smiled, and continued out, glad that Yoshino liked him well enough to allow him through without question.

"What do you need now? How was the meeting with the two foreign ninja?" Shikamaru asked, from his perch on the bench.

"If anyone else had asked me that, I'd have worried about how they knew. I have news. Big news. You can't tell anyone, not even your father this." Sasuke spoke shaking his head. It wasn't surprising that Shikamaru knew, as his father was still one of the few Jonin that Danzou knew he needed to keep around from the old regime. He was the best strategist in the village, a feature Danzou couldn't get rid of.

"So?" Shikamaru sat up, his full attention on Sasuke. It was rare that something got the normally subdued boy worked up the way he was.

"The two foreigners aren't ninja. They don't have any chakra, but one of them revealed who she was to Shino Kiba and I, which is why it's to be kept secret." Sasuke sat down, before breathing out slowly.

"Tsunade of the Sannin is back in the village, as one of the foreigners. Somehow she changed her entire physical composition, to look entirely different, as well as change how she is. She said as a bit of a mumbled comment that she wasn't human anymore. Something big is going on with these two, especially if she is one of them. According to one of them they plan to commission the rookies who don't hate Naruto for a mission that would be strictly informational. We'd be paid to work with them against the village, is what I'm gathering. You cannot speak of this to anyone, until we know who can be trusted." Sasuke blurted out. Shikamaru took a moment to take stock of everything that had just come out of Sasuke's mouth, before his own fell open slightly.

"I don't know what to say about this. Its going to be interesting to see what they have to say. Damn, life just got even more troublesome."

There you go! Thank you again, let me know what you think! Keep it coming with people who should stay alive, I have my Espada already so all I need is my survivors!