This is my first story so please be nice to me! I can't promise that characters will be consistent to how they are in their original stories, mostly because I don't plan for them to be!

I don't own Naruto or Bleach

Death, something known throughout the world and all existence as the end of being. However there a continuation, a different sense of surviving beyond what was known to those of the living world. Naruto Uzumaki, a boy who was known to be constantly energetic and loyal to a fault had never thought he'd end up in the situation that he was in. Upon successfully retrieving Sasuke, who had agreed to go back to Konoha willingly before falling unconscious, Naruto was locked in the cells of the T&I unit, chakra locked away by seals and chains. His clothing was stripped from his body, along with his pride.

"How does it feel, demon-traitor. Knowing that your last few hours will be spent locked away as you should be?" A dark voice sneered from the other side of the metal door.

"What did I do wrong?! You asked me to bring Sasuke back and I did!" Naruto protested, confused by the harsh response to his successful mission.

"You brought him back covered in cuts and bruises and injuries! You were not informed to injure the Uchiha! You were told to bring him back!" The voice responded angrily, and Naruto realized he knew who the man was.

"Danzou you piece of shit! When I get out of here I'll tear you limb from limb! You can't keep me here!" Naruto panicked. He realized that his life was forfeit as long as he was kept in the prison.

"You little shit can't do anything anymore! You are no longer a ninja of this village! You have been stripped of your hitai-ate! You are to be executed upon the strike of noon!" Danzou laughed on the other side of the door, leaving Naruto to sit in silence. He waited, for what seemed like forever for the time of his death.

"Naruto-kun?" A soft voice sounded from behind the door.

"Hinata? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, genuinely confused by the violet haired Hyuga's presence.

"I…I came to say I'm sorry. I tried to ask my father to allow you to live. He wouldn't listen to me. I'm so sorry. The young girl cried. Naruto blinked a few times before chuckling to himself.

"You did what you thought would help. This is not your fault. Thank you." Naruto spoke, meaning every word he said.

"I want you to know, you are the inspiration behind my nindo. It's the same as yours. You were always my hero." Hinata spoke, her voice soft, but there wasn't a stutter.

"You will always be our friend Naruto." Another voice came from the door.

"Shikamaru. Who else is there?" Naruto asked, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Hinata, me, Shino, and Kiba." Shikamaru answered. Naruto felt the tears flowing freely down his face.

"You guys know what is going to happen…don't you?" Naruto asked, only hearing silence for a few moments.

"Yes. That is why we have come here. We are saying our goodbyes and letting you know that we will always care about you." Kiba responded.

"You knucklehead. I can't believe you'll be leaving us all behind." Anko spoke, obviously saddened by his execution.

"What happened to Sasuke?" Naruto found himself asking, even though he'd fought with the boy, Naruto realized that he'd broken through the jealousy he'd had and promised to help Sasuke train and become stronger.

"He's in the hospital. He hasn't been told about your…you know." Kiba trailed off.

"They found it illogical to tell him about your impending execution. They believe that he will attempt to stop it." Shino spoke up, his voice stoic as normal, however Naruto knew he cared.

"It's better that he doesn't see my death." Naruto paused. He wondered why he cared about what Sasuke felt, it also occurred to him that he worried about how Sasuke would react. Shaking his head, Naruto prepared himself for death.

Gaki. I am sorry. Kyuubi spoke within his mind.

"Not really your fault either. I guess I was prepared for it to happen either way." Naruto shrugged as best he could against the chains that bit into the skin of his wrists and neck.

If I were not sealed within you, this chain of events might not have occurred. I should have taken better care of you. Been less callous. As we reach our final hour together, I will properly introduce myself to you. My name is Kurama. I am the Nine Tailed Fox. I was sealed within your mother before you, and then within you by your father. Kurama spoke, letting Naruto know of his parentage.

"My father was the 4th Hokage?!" Naruto nearly shouted, however quieted himself down, so that he was not tortured due to his noise level.

Yes. And while I might curse his name, his sochi did not deserve the life he was given. I am sorry Naruto. Kurama repeated. Naruto forgave him, knowing that they were going to be greeting death together.

"Naruto, it is time." Ibiki spoke, opening the large metal door and pulling his chains to get him to follow. Naruto did so without a fight, accepting his death. Konoha had betrayed him. After all he'd done for them he was left with nothing. The cheers of the civilians and good portion of the ninjas were louder than anything Naruto had heard in his life. The shouts of demon-scum, and traitor were deafening and deep in Naruto's heart something burst. He felt anger, as well as a burning passion for revenge.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" He shouted, adding some of Kurama's chakra to his voice, making it boom. It silenced the crowd, before Naruto glanced around. They had sealed his own chakra, but not Kurama's.

"THIS VILLAGE IS NOTHING MORE THAN TRASH! YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME AND FOR THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!" Naruto continued, making everyone, other than the few he knew were loyal to him, nearly collapse under the pressure of his anger. Kurama howled in his mind, fueling the hatred for the village.

"KONOHA WILL RUE THE DAY FOR THIS BETRAYAL!" Naruto bellowed, before looking into the eyes of his executioner.

"Kakashi. How fitting that the sensei who couldn't forget his past, is ruining his future. My father would be so displeased with you. He's probably trying to claw his way out of the Shinigami right now to punish you for your choices." Naruto grinned like a madman, making Kakashi pause.

"You slander his name!" Kakashi roared, broken from his shock. Within seconds however time seemed to stand still. Naruto had shut his eyes, looking away from his former sensei, who obviously did not care anymore, before looking straight ahead. Sasuke was attempting to force his way through the crowd, and from what Naruto could see his eyes were filled with tears. That shocked Naruto, as he'd never expected to see Sasuke show any emotions other than contempt, as that was all he'd seen for 14 years.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you are hereby sentenced to death, for the high crime of treason. Any final words?" Ibiki sighed, showing regret in his eyes.

"Yeah. Fuck this village. Fuck everyone who believes me to be a demon. Fuck you Kakashi, FUCK EVE-" Naruto was cut off by the sword that severed his neck. Sasuke dropped to the ground where he stood, and everyone mistook his tears of sadness for tears of joy. They believed that the blight that had been Naruto Uzumaki was gone.

How wrong they were.

Please let me know!