Differences Little Sisters Make


Chapter 1

Family Reunion

The purple smoke passed over and cleared and nothing seemed to be amiss. Neal said "we're still here, and nothing happened, thank god".

Emma seemed worried and said "I have to see them, don't I"?

Neal said "if you're referring to your parents then yes. They are going to want you back and catch up".

Emma said "like you with your father".

Neal replied "and I will, just not right away".

Henry asked "you found your father here"?

Tally said "Mr Gold".

Neal said "he's Rumplstilskin, the Dark One, he created the curse".

Mother Superior added "to find you". Having got their attention she carried on "when you fell through the portal he came to see me wanting you back. I told him there was no way because there were no more magic beans. He refused to believe there was no way and asked about a number of thing, a realm jumper, a time turner, a mage. A mage wouldn't be able to, a realm jumper and time turner don't even exist. Then he asked about a curse, I didn't say it would work but he could tell from my expression it would. I thought at the time such a curse would be beyond his power but he reminded me he had all the time in the world. When he started mentoring I knew he was looking for someone who could cast the curse. He needed someone with great hate in their heart, someone who had nothing to lose except the person they loved most. Each student didn't fit that description until Regina".

Once Henry had gotten dressed they went to Emma's parents. When they got to main street they heard Mary-Margaret say "now I find my daughter".

Emma from behind them said "don't need to look far".

Mary-Margaret and David walked over to her, Mary-Margaret held her face and then hugged her saying "you found us" and David joined in. Tally wasted no time and went to join in on the hug. Henry walked on and called David "grandpa".

The hug broke, David put an arm around him and replied "yeah kid I guess so".

Henry said "she did it, she saved you".

Mary-Margaret not looking away from Emma added "she saved all of us".

Leroy asked "then why are we still here".

David said "that my friend is an excellent question".

The other dwarfs had their own questions, most of them which were "what was that smoke"?

Mother Superior arrived to answer "magic, it's here".

Henry said "magic, in Storybrooke, you're the blue fairy do something magical".

She replied "it's not that simple Henry, no wand, no fairy dust, things are complicated".

Neal said "it's not magic".

Emma asked "how do you know"?

Neal replied "because I really don't want it to be".

Leroy added "not so sure it works like that. Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it, the Evil Queen".

Emma said "no, wait, it wasn't Regina. David was the magic inside the egg when you put it inside the dragon".

David replied "the egg Rumplstilskin gave me, yeah I even checked when I was going in. He thought it'd be safe in the belly of a beast".

Emma asked everyone "can someone get something out of a dragon and put it back without slaying said dragon".

Neal answered "maybe if you're superman, and immortal, and even then there's a slim chance".

Emma asked "then the only chance for someone to steal the magic inside was after I retrieved the egg".

Neal put a hand to his forehead and said "he stole it didn't he".

Emma said "Rumplstilskin, he the only other person who even held the egg. He dropped his cane on purpose just to distract us so he could the magic out without us noticing".

Neal said "magic, the thing he loves most. You know I wondered why he would risk coming to a world where he'd be powerless".

Henry said "well let's go see him".

As they started walking towards Mr Golds shop Mary Margaret asked "is there anything you want to ask us, you must have questions"?

Emma said "the only questions I have are for Mr Gold, why did he double cross me and what did he do to this town"?

Mary-Margaret asked "shouldn't we talk about… it first"?

Emma asked "what"?

Neal said "I think she means the elephant in the room".

Tally asked "what elephant"?

Neal answered "it's not an actual elephant sugar plum, it's just another way of saying something big someone or everyone is ignoring. In this case it's your mommy ignoring the fact she's finally found her parents, and that they're Snow White and Prince Charming, and that…"

Noticing a dirty look on Emma's face he said "and, maybe I should shut up now".

Emma said "smart choice".

Mary Margaret asked "can we talk about us, your life, everything"?

Emma asked can we do all that later, like with a glass of wine, or several, bottles".

Neal asked "also known of a method to avoid the subject" noticing the same dirty look on Emma's face again he said "right, shutting up".

David said "I know it's a lot to take in, for all of us, and we don't want to push".

Mary-Margaret added "but we've waited for this moment for so long".

"So have I" Emma shouted turning around "I've thought about this moment my entire life. I've imagined who you might be. Of all the scenario's I concocted my parents being… I just need a little time, that's all".

They suddenly heard a ruckus and what looked like a mob crossing the road. Archie ran up to them "there you are, come with me, I need your help. Dr Whale has worked everyone into a mob, they're going to Regina's house, they're going to kill her".

Leroy commented "great, let's watch".

Neal said "only if you want a mass murder, if the blue fairy is right and magic is back then Regina has her powers, and something tells me she's not going to take too kindly to an angry mob on her doorstep."

David said "they could marching into a slaughter".

Archie added "and we can't sink to her level. No matter who she is, and what she's done killing her is wrong".

Henry said "he's right, please, she's still my mom". They ran after the angry mob

When they got to Regina's house it would seem as if she was powerless as Dr Whale had her pinned to the wall. After wrestling Regina away from the mob they settled everyone down. Mary-Margaret mentioned to the crowd Regina needed to be locked up. So after arresting her they proceeded to lock Regina in a cell at the Sheriff's station.

"So I'm a prisoner now".

David asked "if the curse was broken why didn't we go back".

Regina answered "because there's nothing to go back to, that land is gone".

Neal said "even the strongest curse in the world can't destroy an entire world".

"Really", Regina said "Snow, you were the only person here besides me who saw what happened. When the curse took over what happened"?

Mary- Margaret said "I'm not too sure about the rest of the castle but the nursery got ripped apart".

Neal said "it might have gotten ruined, but that doesn't mean the entire world was destroyed. And at the end of the day it's not her curse, she may have cast it but she didn't create it, I'm willing to bet she doesn't know much more than us."

Mary-Margaret said "we should get to Gold".

As they left Regina said "Henry, don't let them do this to me".

Henry took a few steps towards her and replied "you did this to yourself". Then he resumed to leave with everyone else.

Once they were outside Emma said "Henry maybe you and Tally shouldn't come".

Henry replied "but we can help".

Emma said "I'm planning on being pretty angry and there are certain things I'm not sure you Tally should be around for".

Tally whined "why not"?

Neal said "because you're kids, and your mother wants the two of you to be safe".

Ruby came up and said "so what did you want to see me about"?

Emma mentioned "I called her on the way to the station. Ruby, would you mind taking care of the kids while we talk to Mr Gold"?

Ruby answered "sure, I don't looking after them, I'll take them to the diner and you can pick them later. As Ruby drove them to the diner where they'd be safe Emma looked on unaware that soon they would be little chance she'd ever see them again.

"You guys ready".

Mary-Margaret said "we need to talk".

Emma stuttered before deciding on saying "I don't want to talk".

"Well I do" said Mary-Margaret "Gold can wait I can't. You're my daughter and I want to talk to you. I know that we have talked, but we didn't know that we were talking, we talked about things we probably shouldn't have even talked about, one night stands and the like".

David asked "one night stands"?

Mary-Margaret said "Whale".

David asked "Whale"?

Mary-Margaret "we were cursed, that is neither here or there, the point is we didn't know that we were mother and daughter and now we do so please let's talk"

Emma replied "okay, what do you want to talk about". Neal thought 'wow, Emma gave into that pretty easily'.

Mary-Margaret said "we're together finally, and I can't help but think that you're not happy about it".

Neal added "in her defence she didn't have parents for twenty-eight years" David shot him a mean look "and this is obviously none of my business sir" then with a bow added "your highness".

Emma and Mary-Margaret gave a small smile, finally Emma said "I am happy, but see, here's the thing, no matter the circumstances for twenty-eight years I only knew one thing, that my parents sent me away".

Mary-Margaret replied "we did that to give you your best chance".

Emma replied "you did it for everyone, because that's who you are. Leaders, Heroes , Princes and Princesses, and that's great, and amazing, and… But it doesn't change the fact that I had to grow up alone, and unloved".

Mary-Margaret explained "but if we hadn't have sent you away you would've been cursed too".

Emma replied "but we would have been together, which curse is worst"? She started walking away with Neal following her.

They all burst into Mr Gold's shop, and saw him pouring two cups of tea. He sighed and said "By your expressions I have a feeling this isn't a social call. What can I do for you"?

Emma said "what you can do is tell us what you did"?

Mr Gold replied "I'm sorry you're going to have to be more specific"?

David yelled "you know damn well what we're talking about".

Mary-Margaret said "you double crossed Emma and Neal, you took your potion from her".

David added "and did hell knows what to this town".

Emma said "worst of all you put Henry's life at risk".

Mr Gold said "oh did I, I would expect all of you to realise that of such a powerful being as myself would know how a sleeping curse works. I knew that after a period of time after the curse the body would fail to register of signs of life when in fact all the curse did was pause any signs of life".

Emma said "maybe I don't need answers, maybe I just need to punch you in the face".

Neal seething mentioned "Emma, as much as I would love to see that. Regina might not have her powers but I would bet anything he does".

All Mr Gold did was laugh and said "really dearie, allow me to answer your question with a few of my own, did your dear boy Henry survive"?

Emma answered in a whisper "yeah".

Mr Gold asked "is the curse broken? And let's see Emma, how long have you been searching for your parents? Looks like your reunited. It seems rather than a punch in the face I deserve a thank you".

Emma yelled "a thank you, are you"…

Neal noticing something interrupted "wait a moment, two cups".

At that moment Belle came out from the back and seeing company said "hello, nice to meet you, I'm Belle".

A little confused by this woman with Mr Gold they were stunned into silence. Mr Gold said "remember the woman I told you about after the…valentine's day fiasco".

Neal raised his eyebrow and asked "you mean the one that threw herself off the roof".

Mr Gold said "that was what Regina told me, I'm sure you figure out the rest".

David asked "is she the same, I think you called it 'flicker of light amongst the notion of darkness"?

Mr Gold said "of course".

Just then there was what seemed to be earthquake followed by a bunch of car alarms going off. Emma asked "what was that"?

Mary-Margaret and David went to the door window and saw somethings flying in the wind and lights sparking.

Mr Gold said "that, is my gift to you. That is going to take care of Regina".

More lights sparked outside and there was a something that sounded like an animal in the distance. Mary-Margaret said "Emma come on".

David added "we need to go take care of this".

Emma warned "we're not done here".

As soon as they left Belle said "you lied to me".

Mr Gold said "no I kept my word. I, will not kill her, and that, will not kill her, but it will give her what she deserves".

Belle said "you toy with word, like you do people. You're still a man who makes wrong choices and I thought you'd changed".

Mr Gold pointed out "in the hour you've known me". Upset by Mr Gold's words Belle headed for the door. "I'm sorry Belle, I'm sorry Belle, I'm sorry". This did nothing to stop her she still stormed out of the shop.

In the sheriff's station the lights started to flicker. Regina knew this had something to do with the mark Mr Gold had put on her hand. She called "hello, who's there"?

A flying hooded creature with red eyes flew towards her and ripped off the door to her cell. It reached out its hand and started stealing Regina's soul. David, Mary-Margaret, Emma and Neal came in, Neal said "please tell me, one of you knows what that is".

Emma said "if you don't know, what makes you think we do".

David picked up a chair, he yelled "hey" and used the chair to hit the wraith away from Regina. The wraith threw the chair out of David's hand, then threw David to the wall and trapped him with a table. The wraith resumed to steal Regina's soul, Mary-Margaret used a lighter and a canister to throw fire at the wraith. The wraith let Regina go and she fell to the floor and fled out the window and they helped Regina up.

Emma asked "do you know what that was"?

Regina said "a wraith".

Neal exclaimed "the soul-sucking demon, you must have really pissed off my father for him to mark you".

Emma mentioned "I thought you didn't know what that was".

Neal answered "I'd heard of wraith's, but this is first time I've actually seen one. They suck the soul out of a person who's been marked with a wraith medallion or by a wraith itself".

Emma asked "so how do we kill it"?

Regina said "there's no way, you can't kill something that's already dead".

Neal added "once a victim is marked that's it, there soul is as good as gone. Even if you can chase the wraith away it will come back and will never stop until it devours its prey".

Emma mentioned "so we have problem"?

"No, we don't" David said, "Regina does".

Neal said "so we're just going to let her die".

David answered "why not? Then it goes away and everyone's safe".

Regina said "that's quite the example you want to set for your daughter there".

David replied "you don't get to judge us".

Regina asked "let me ask you, where do you think that thing came from? Gold".

Neal mentioned "like we didn't already figure that part out. Plus he said it would help with our 'Regina' problem".

Emma said "we're not murderers. I made a promise to Henry, she's not dying".

Mary-Margaret looked at her daughter proudly. She might have not raised her but Emma still turned out strong and honourable. It didn't solve their problem though, Regina herself said it can't be killed and Neal had added it will only stop when it's devoured its prey. She asked "if it can't be killed what do you suggest"?

Regina said "send it somewhere where it can't hurt anyone".

Neal said "my father spent years trying to find a way to cross realms and the blue fairy gave me the last magic bean which I used to get here. Even it we had a how we'd need a where".

Regina said "magic's here, and I have Jefferson's hat".

At Granny's Henry was holding Tally who was under a booth table because of the earthquake. Ruby said "you can come out, the tremors are over now".

Henry led Tally out who didn't stop clinging to his hand "Henry, I'm scared, I want mommy and daddy".

Henry told her "they'll be back soon, and then everything will be alright, and we can go home".

Tally asked "will you come home with me, mommy and daddy"?

Henry said "I'm not sure, but I want to. Even if I don't, all of us will be together soon".

They heard the wraith as it roamed the streets after it fled from the sheriff's station. Tally clung around Henry's waist screaming, Henry said to Ruby "we need our parents now, Tally mostly, she needs to feel safe. Once Emma and Neal are holding here she'll stop screaming".

Ruby mentioned "it doesn't look too safe out there".

Henry said "I'm not sure what's out there, but I am sure no place is safer than any other place in town right now".

Regina, Emma and Neal went to Regina's office where she got Jefferson's hat box. After she checked the hat was there Regina asked "did Henry really ask you to protect me"?

Emma answered "yes".

Neal added "I'm not going to tell you you're a good person because let's face it, that would be a lie. But you raised a boy so caring he doesn't want you to die even though a majority of town wanted to kill you themselves. The fact he didn't tells a lot about him, and that tells a lot about you, you might be the evil queen but to raise someone like Henry means you were an alright mother. Despite all of the mistakes you made, you got the care right".

David and Mary-Margaret came in with brooms "torches for when it comes back".

Mary-Margaret asked "so how does it work"?

They went into the meeting hall Regina put the hat on the ground and explained "it will open a portal to our land, all we need to do is send the wraith through".

David sarcastically remarked "is that all".

Mary-Margaret asked "I don't understand, I thought you said our land was gone".

Regina answered "it is".

Neal said "alright I'm confused, how are we going to send the wraith somewhere that doesn't exist"?

Regina explained "sending it to a place that no longer exists, well that's banishing it to oblivion".

The meeting hall started to shake David and Mary-Margaret were ready it lit brooms. Regina spun the hat but nothing happened, Emma said "Regina".

Regina kept spinning it "I'm trying" she said sounding half annoyed, half frantic. She kept spinning the hat but nothing happened.

The doors burst open and the wraith flew in. David fought it off while Mary-Margaret poured alcohol on the gate and set fire to it. Fire seemed to work the last time so surely it would the wraith at bay long enough for Regina to get the hat to work. Regina said "it's not working".

Emma asked "what is the problem"?

"Magic", Regina said "it's different here".

Neal cried "are you kidding, I hate magic enough as the next guy but if there was ever a time I'd be happy to have magic it would be now".

David called "now, would be time".

Regina tried again and again with no success. Emma touched Regina's arm and the hat started spinning. Regina had her suspicions about why it was working now, but she kept them to herself. The wraith pushed David aside and flew over the flames to get Regina. Emma pushed Regina out of the way and the wraith got pulled into the hat. Unfortunately Emma's leg got caught and got pulled into the hat. Neal cried "Emma".

Mary-Margaret cried "no".

David could see what Mary-Margaret was thinking and cried "Snow".

Mary-Margaret declared "I'm not losing her again" and with that jumped in.

David declared "neither am I", David got to the hat a moment too late and fell on it.

He immediately checked the floor under the hat despite knowing that the portal was closed now. David and Neal looked at Regina who was still staring at the floor. David roared "where are they"?

Regina looked at him and answered "I have no idea".

Neal said "I doubt that".

David went up to Regina and asked "are they dead"?

Regina answered "the curse it destroyed all the land".

David yelled "ARE THEY DEAD"?

Regina answered "I don't know" punctuating each word.

David said "I should have killed you myself".

Regina asked "then what's stopping you". She pushed him to the wall, seeming to have her powers back locking him to the wall. "You think you're some heroic prince, please, you're nothing but the son of a Shephard". David was having trouble breathing Neal crept up on Regina but she was too fast and locked him to wall too. "As crafty as your father I see, but with none of the discreet. Gold may be able to overlook the wraith defeat but if I kill you something tells me he won't stop until I die, painfully". She turned to look at David and added "you however, I should have killed when I could, now I can".

Suddenly a voice said "mom". Regina turned around to see Henry with Ruby, and Tally cowering behind him.

Regina said "Henry, what are you doing here"?

Henry asked "what are you doing"?

Tally asked "where's mommy and Mary-Margaret"?

Regina walked up saying "it's okay, you're safe now".

David and Neal were unlocked from the wall, and David tried to catch his breath and Ruby went to help him. Tally ran past Regina to Neal calling "daddy". Neal scooped up Tally and held her as if he could never let go.

Henry asked "what about Tally question? Where's my mom, where's…"?

"Gone, they fell through a portal" Regina answered. "they're, Henry I'm sorry".

Henry said "no, you're not, you really are the Evil Queen. I never want to see you again".

Regina replied "no, don't say that". She held his chin "I love you".

Henry said "then prove it, get Emma and Mary-Margaret back, until then leave me, leave everyone alone".

Regina asked "where will you go"?

Neal declared "with his true family."

David walked past Regina and put a hand on Henry's back leading him away followed by Ruby and Neal carrying Tally.

Once back in the apartment Henry went over to the photo of Emma and Mary-Margaret. When Neal put Tally down she went over to look at the picture with him. She sighed and whimpered "I miss mommy, I want my mommy".

Neal knelt down by Tally and held her face said "I'm sure mommy loves you Sugarplum, and would want to be here with you," he put his other hand on Henry's shoulder. "with all of us if she could".

Hearing Neal's tone David said "they're not dead".

Henry asked "how do know"?

"I can feel it" David replied "I have faith, I will find them, I will always find them".

Neal asked "do have any idea where to start? Because the hat seemed pretty one way"?

David said "at least I'm trying, when Emma fell through and Mary-Margaret followed I tried to go after them but I noticed you didn't do anything".

Neal replied "I was fourteen when I was ripped away from everything I knew and was left to fend for myself. Emma never had a family who truly loved her. When Tally was born we made a promise to each other we would never let Tally grow up alone like we had. I would have tried to go after her but we might have never been able to get back. Without me Tally wouldn't have anyone, and I was not letting Henry go with Regina. I was staying behind to watch over my children and be a good father".

Hope all my faithful readers had a Merry Christmas and will like this year and enjoy my sequel