I stared at my name on the sheet of paper.

First came shock, time stopped as I stood frozen, my brain tried and failed to process the information.

Second came denial, my eyes darted around the page, frantically running through the list of names, checking, double checking. No, it couldn't be. Surely I'd just read it wrong, out of all the people in the class, I couldn't have been grouped with him. And him. And also him.

Third came panic, my breath came out in short sharp puffs. How could this have happened? How could I have been so unlucky? I scrambled to think of all the things I'd done wrong in my lifetime… but surely convincing Albus that Flobberworms were dangerous didn't warrant this sort of punishment!

I let out an inadvertent chuckle at the memory of Albus catapulting himself backwards to escape the clutches of the harmless Flobberworms in First Year Herbology.

Oh Merlin, maybe I did deserve it.

I stumbled sideways as other students clambered over me to get a look at their groups and stood in a daze as I accepted my fate. I'd thought that the lack of croissants at breakfast had been a travesty, but this. THIS. A sigh escaped my lips.

Oh, how I longed to go back to a simpler time when the absence of croissants was my biggest problem.

I was so much older now…

I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked up to find Roy Wilden staring at me. Any residue feelings of goodwill from the thought of croissants vanished in an instant.

Roy Wilden, group member number one: ex-boyfriend. We dated for a year and a half and poor innocent, 6th Year Rose had thought he was the one. With warm brown eyes that had sent my heart fluttering with nary a glance, he'd been considerate and thoughtful, everything you'd hope from a first boyfriend. But then one unassuming Wednesday after lunch at 1:29pm, he'd taken me aside and informed me that our relationship was over. And I'm not sure if I'd truly been in love with him- I still wasn't sure what love really was, but it had certainly felt like my heart cracked a little in that moment. Roy then proceeded to explain that he'd begun developing feelings for someone else and absolutely nothing, NOTHING had happened between them, but he didn't want to disrespect me in any way, so he was ending their relationship then and there. He subsequently apologised so sincerely and profusely that I left feeling like I was the one who'd broken up with him.

Two weeks later, I spotted Felicity Spellson and Roy holding hands underneath the table and somehow the fact that they were hiding it from me shoved the knife in even deeper. And I know it's been 5 months since the break up, but Merlin help me, I wasn't strong enough to deal with this right now.

I tore my gaze from his and turned to observe Fenton Fawley: group member number two. Think of every entitled male you have met, combine them all into one, and you get Fenton Fawley. His mother owned the successful Quality Quidditch Supplies franchise and Fenton had no qualms about flaunting their wealth. You know how your parents stich your name into your uniform to make sure you don't lose it? Fenton swept into the Great Hall in first year with his initials monogrammed in gold on his robes. Need I say more?

I sighed and turned to observe group member number three: Scorpius Malfoy. Surly and bad tempered, his eyes were perpetually at half mast as he glared at the world. I looked at him now as he reclined on his chair, his long legs sticking out from under the table and one arm draped over the empty seat next to him. He met my eyes with a scowl as if to say, what are you looking at? I averted my eyes despite herself. I wasn't about to start a fight with Hogwarts' resident grump.

Oh Merlin, give me strength. I could maybe deal with them individually on a good day, but not all at once! I trudged over to my table to pack up my books and took a deep breath. I could do this, I was a strong, capable young lady. I had the poise and maturity to deal with this situation.

I looked around the room to see all the other groups smiling and laughing as they gathered together, then turned to see Fenton, Roy, and Scorpius sitting awkwardly in a row together. I let out what could have been a sob or a laugh, I wasn't sure at this point. Scorpius was still draped over his seat, ignoring the other two who had joined him. He might as well have had his feet up on the table for all it was worth. Roy sat in the middle, his face polite, but I could see the discomfort creeping in through the corners of his eyes. And Fenton lounged on his chair as if it was a throne, waiting expectantly for me to join them.

I hitched my books up in my arms and pasted on a smile as I turned to approach them. "Hey team."

"Hi Rose," was Roy's half-hearted response.

Scorpius raised his steely eyes to meet mine with a look of bored disdain.

"Great, we can finally get started," this was from Fenton, he rustled his papers fussily. "So I was thinking our History of Magic project could be on the history of Quality Quidditch Supplies, it's really quite interesting, and my mum would be happy to provide records."

My eyes widened, was this guy serious? I inadvertently met Roy's eyes, he looked similarly horrified.

"It will all be primary sources as well, we won't even have to-"

"No," Scorpius cut in, "next idea."

The whole group stared at him in shock.

"No?" Fenton asked, flabbergasted.

"Did I stutter?" Scorpius articulated, his voice dripping with disdain.

I barely bit back a guffaw.

"Oh, okay then," Fenton blinked, shaking his head as he flipped through his notes again. "Well, we could also do our project on the Sacred 28. My family's part of that 28, you know, we have a long and illustrious history. There'd be a lot to talk about."

My lip may have curled a little in that moment. I snuck a quick glance at Roy and Scorpius to see them both looking at Fenton in disgust.

It wasn't just me then.

"How about it? I think your family's in there too Malfoy-"

"No," Scorpius interrupted.

Fenton blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"I said, no."

"Oh, your family's not in the Sacred 28?"

"No, as in, that's a stupid idea," Scorpius snapped.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud. Maybe it was a good thing that Scorpius was in our group, Fenton might actually be manageable with him here.

"Well!" Fenton spluttered, "That's very…" he scrambled to find the right word, "rude."

Scorpius looked at him dispassionately before turning his gaze onto me and Roy. "Do you two have any bright ideas?"

I stiffened, unprepared for the sudden redirection of his attention. "Um, well, I thought the muggle persecution of witches in the 14th century might be interesting."

Scorpius' face turned thoughtful and I steeled myself for the impending shut down. But then he gave a slight nod. "Yeah, okay."

My eyebrows shot up.

Scorpius turned to Roy. "What do you think?"

Roy shrugged. "Er yeah, I like it."

"You?" Scorpius pointed at Fenton.

"I guess it could work," Fenton mumbled sullenly.

"Okay, it's settled."

I blinked. Had we just approved my idea? Had Scorpius Malfoy just approved my idea?

Scorpius turned his aloof gaze onto me, "What?"

I started. I hadn't even realised I was staring at him. "Oh, nothing."

Scorpius cocked his head. "Then look away."

My mouth may have fallen open at that point. Who did this guy think he was? "Why?" I couldn't help bite back, "Feeling self-conscious, Malfoy?"

"Yeah, I didn't have time to put on any foundation this morning and I'm having a bad skin day," Scorpius responded, deadpan.

Then I really did stare. Was he being serious? Did he actually wear makeup every day? Surely not… but then again, what did I know? Oh Merlin, had I just severely damaged his self-esteem? Shit, I was a terrible person. But his skin looked absolutely fine to me! I looked to see Fenton and Roy both gawping at him.

"It's called a joke, Weasley," Scorpius said slowly, looking at me as if I was touched in the head.

I let out a hasty laugh, "Hah, of course, a joke," I smiled weakly as I felt the blood return to my face. "Good one."

Scorpius rolled his eyes and packed up his books. "Anyway, I'll see you all next week."

Fenton and Roy farewelled him, but I just sat there gormlessly.

Scorpius Malfoy made a joke. Scorpius Malfoy made a joke about wearing foundation. Scorpius Malfoy knew what foundation was? Scorpius Malfoy had a sense of humour?

Scorpius Malfoy had a sense of humour.

Scorpius Malfoy liked my idea for the group project.

Scorpius Malfoy thought I was an idiot who didn't get his jokes.

Scorpius Malfoy was one scary ass motherfucker.

"Well that could've gone a lot worse," Roy commented, placing his books in his bag.

"I still think Professor Liu would have loved a presentation on Quality Quidditch Supplies," Fenton sniffed.

"Ready for lunch?" Felicity Spellson appeared at Roy's shoulder.

I would have welcomed an interruption from any other person if it meant saving me from responding to Fenton's comment. Anyone other than Felicity.

Roy glanced at me for a moment too long before responding, "Yup, I'll see you guys around."

I hastily rearranged my face into what I hoped was a neutral facial expression. Why did he look at me anyway? Did he still think I cared? I didn't care! It had been five months; he could date whoever he wanted!

"Great. Bye Rose, by Fenton." Felicity smiled sunnily at us.

Was that a pity smile? Oh Merlin, it was a pity smile.

But then again, Felicity was a pretty friendly gal. She probably didn't think twice about smiling at her boyfriend's ex. That was probably why Roy fancied her…NOT that I cared. I really didn't care. I had zero cares.

I was definitely over Roy Wilden.

So far over him that I could barely see him from all the way up here.

It just hurt a little to be in such close proximity to him. To them.

But just a twinge.

Barely noticed it to be honest.

A niggle.

I was fine.

"If it helps, I think you're much better than her," Fenton's voice cut through my thoughts.

Merlin help me, I did not need Fenton's pity. I did not want Fenton's pity. Was I so pathetic that even someone as self-absorbed as Fenton noticed? I flushed. "It doesn't, because I don't really care either way. But thanks, I guess."

"Really?" Fenton queried, "Because you're looking a little… pained."

"Oh am I?" I faltered, "That's just because I haven't been feeling that well today." I coughed for good measure.

"Oh, okay, well that's good then, because it'd be really awkward working in a group together otherwise."

I forced a smile. It may have come off more like a grimace. Or a weird facial twitch.

"Well, I hope you feel better soon. I'm no healer, but my uncle is head of his division at St Mungos and he'd probably recommend a Pepperup Potion." Fenton swung his dragon skin satchel over his shoulder. "I'll see you next class."

As I watched Fenton flounce out of the classroom, one simple fact became blindingly clear to me; I could not stay in this group.

The very thought of enduring another hour, even half an hour of Scorpius' disdainful eyes and snarky comments, Fenton's ridiculous ideas and his pompous pity, and simply being in Roy's presence, had me recoiling in dread and dismay.

I slumped in my seat. If I was this emotionally drained after one meeting, how would I survive a whole semester's worth of interaction?

I watched Professor Liu clean the board with his wand, and a tiny flame flickered amongst the burnt embers. He was my only hope.

I didn't care if I had to relinquish my topic about the persecution of witches, for the sake of my sanity, I had to get out of this group.

Hello everyone!

It's been a while, but I'm back with a new story :D I hope you enjoyed chapter 1, please let me know what you think!
