A. Hundred. And. Fifty. Four. Reviews.
Thanks to all of you amazing readers who made this the third most commented story in the Sing fanfiction archive!
So, I figured I shouldn't leave your reviews go unanswered, so I am back to reply them! And yeah, I meant to post it on the story's birthday on Jan 7th, but couldn't, since I was travelling.
(On a side note, Story Not Told's sequel is up! It is called The Koala and the Porcupine, and you can just click my name to find it! ;))
I was wondering. Would you guys be interested in a rewrite of Story Not Told? Because I have to say, there are more errors in it than I'll admit, but I need to know if you people would be interested in it! ;) Just drop a comment at this chapter so I know.
Asanil: Thank you so much for your continued support! I'm really happy you enjoyed this story!
Taserdude: Perhaps, my dude, perhaps ;)
Guest 2: I don't really appreciate your idea. Sorry. P.S.: Women aren't men's possessions.
Just Sing: I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind! :D
Guest 3: I love it! And the idea of prejudice has been on my mind for a long time already.
Andrea O'Down: Thank you! *heart*
Memelord26: Thanks, eh!
nightmaster000: I'm so happy you think so!
TheKingOfSING: Now that is high praise. *heart* thank you!
Firelord515: Yeah, I can totally get you there. This was my first story after a really long time and my English was kinda rusty. I'm glad you still liked the story, regardless of that! :) I hope you enjoy my sequel, The Koala and the Porcupine.
sorry lanky: Apologies accepted. No hard feelings.
Guest: No, me and Buster aren't at jail, the story just ended. ;)
Wahtiff: Yes, problem? I can still interprete characters how I want to, can't I?
meliza,turlington: I'm so glad you're enjoying this! Also kudos to you for reading Story Not Told and the first 24 chapters of The Koala and the Porcupine in a single week! Thanks for all the comments!
Guest: I am glad you like it!
Ciel: Thank you for your continued support! I am glad you like this!