* - means a new character

Frank London - played by Jonny Freeman

He is in charge of the M. agents training. Frank is also employed as the school caretaker. He generally quite lovable and cares about the agents under his care a lot. He has now moved on from Saint Hopes to Bleakwood Academy, renamed Saint Hearts.

*Matt Cardial - played by Theo Stevenson

Matt is the typical leader of the team specialising in field work, he is naturally the popular jock at school, but is supportive of him team, he has a long term girlfriend called Cassie, the two of quite different yet just seem to work. He can be a little arrogant and a show off

*Kira Dawes - played by Ruby O'Donnel

Kira is headstrong and independent specialising in gymnastics and martial arts, she can seem to be a unemotional which stems from her hardly ever seeing her mother who is a renowned spy. Her downfall is her stubbornness but cares about her team.

*Cameron Rogers - played by Noah Marullo

Cameron is the teams tech wiz and is almost like a mini Sherlock Holmes with his photographic memory. He doesn't like to be wrong and becomes surprisingly great friends with Matt. He is witty and can get on his teams nerves with his level of intelligence

*Nicole Whittaker - played by Jade Alleyne

Nicole has only just joined the team, she is a bit of clutz and is nervous about messing up, despite being such a spy girl she shines on stage and when deep uncover. She worries that she is not good enough.

Aneisha Jones - played by Oyiza Momoh.

She is the master of disguise in the group, and was originally spotted by M.I.9 for changing identities. She is also Mrs King's niece, she is still works for M.I.9, she is close with Tom but not so much with Dan and Keri after a huge argument after they graduated. She currently works to M.I.9 doing undercover work.

Daniel 'Dan' Morgan - played by Sam Strike

Dan is an expert at martial arts and is a field agent. He is very suspicious of people and careful with who he trusts, he is also very practical. After graduation he had a huge argument with Tom and left M.I.9 to become a private spy. He still like Zoe but is hurt when she never contacted him, he has in turn become a lot closer to Keri

Tom Tupper - played by Oscar Jacques.

Tom is the technical genius of the group; often creating gadgets to help out the team and hacking into various mainframes. He has a sarcastic sense of humour. He used to be best friends with Dan but they fell out, he also has secret feelings for Aneisha. He still works for M.I.9 in digital survaliance

Zoe - played by Natasha Watson.

Zoe originally named V.9.5.Z.0.E.6, or V:9:5 for short - is an all-rounder, but mainly serves as martial arts expert. She is kind and innocent. She left M.I.9 to find fellow people like her, leaving behind her friends and her romance with Dan and hasn't been seen since.

Keri Summers - played by Julia Brown.

Keri is fun loving and often doesn't take anything seriously. She is a fast learner, and replaced Zoe on the team. After graduation side, she was torn in Tom and Dan's argument and ended up staying in contact with Dan as the two are close. She currently works for M.I.9's field team.

Oscar Cole - played by Ben Kerfoot.

Oscar is the team's cover, 'social chameleon' and infiltration expert, speaking over 14 different languages. Oscar's mother, Jade Dixon-Halliday, betrayed M.I.9 for S.K.U.L. He currently works with his dad, and is high up the M.I.9 foodchain which has made him a little more big headed then he was before. What Oscar doesn't know is that he has a daughter with Avril.

Carrie Stewart played by: Charlene Osuagwu.

Carrie is the team's martial arts expert. She is enthusiastic with physical fitness and extremely athletic. She is a strong-willed, independent and bubbly. She is a keen gymnast, she is a member of the British gymnastics team as well as being an agent with M.I.9 working currently on the same team as Keri meaning the two have become friends.

Rose Gupta played by Rachel Petladwala.

Rose is the team's scientific, technical and analytical expert and has a high IQ. Rose develops a crush on Scoop, but he was too scared to ask her to prom and she had to leave the next day to join MI9's base team, where she has remained, after completing some time at Oxford.

Blane Whittaker played by Moustafa Palazli

Blane is the team's martial arts expert and is a karate black belt champion. He is still best friends with Stuart. Blaine is laid back and a little vain. He is still helping train new child agents for M.I.9 with Daisy who is now his fiancé

Daisy Millar played by Bel Powley

Daisy is very girly and is a master of disguise and in many episodes she dresses up and goes undercover. She has become good friends with Rose despite teasing her in high school.

Stella Knight – played by Rebecca Palmer

Stella is a chief agent, her and Frank are, and have been romantically involved. She is sharp with her team and makes sure everyone is always under control but she still cares for the agents.

*Jack Knight - played by Ellis Hollins

Jack is Stella's younger half brother, he is also a teenage but works at the MI9 base not the school, he is a scientist who loves inventing, he is clever yet socially naive. He becomes strong friends with the team especially Frankie.

Chief Agent Stark - played by Jonathan Rhodes

He does not approve of Frank London and his M.I. High team sd he has a long run of bad luck whenever the M.I. High kids are involved, and they usually make him look like an idiot, which adds to his hatred of them. He currently works under Stella which he is bitter about.

Edward Dixon-Halliday - played by Derek Riddell

Is Oscar Cole's father and top MI9 agent. Edward returns to MI9 after being undercover for SKUL and sets up an elite team of agents. He recently seemed to have lost his way, not getting his hands dirty and thinking he is the best agent around


Mr. Kenneth Flatley Played by Chris Stanton

He the headteacher of Saint Hope's and Saint Hearts, and is the only character to appear in all 7 series. He is easy going but has a determined streak and an obsession for getting things right. He really believes in Saint Hope's School and its pupils. He has great patience and works long hours without complaining. He gets on well with Frank.

Scoop Doggy – played by Sam Melvin

is actually called Timothy Hinklebottom. He has a very thick in high school, however as revealed he is quite clever and a great artist. He liked Rose in high school but was too afraid to say anything about it in fear of being teased until it was too late. He is now working for a record label helping design album covers with his artist skills which he now embraces.

Mrs King – played by Channelle Owen

Mrs. King does not like the way that the school is run, and believes that they should revert to traditional teaching methods, and is constantly pointing out how bad the school's exam results are. She is also Aneisha's Auntie.

Avril Franklin – played by Jenny Huxley Golden

In high school she was seen as a goth artist who seems to have a crush on Oscar, She is rather caring though, she cares about a variety of real issues, such as the environment, animal rights and human rights. She has since moved on from Oscar and is still rather bitter about how he was usually mean to her when she tried to help, she works for an environment rights company. She has a three year old daughter called Echo.

Stewart Critchley -played by Scott Gibbins

He is Blane's best friend and side-kick, Stewart knows nothing about Blane being a spy but Blane has been close to telling him a few times. In highschool Stewart had feelings for Daisy, but indicates he liked Rose more. Stewart is a syfy writer.


Roland 'Big Roly' Donaldson - Played by Paul Bamford

Roly used to go to Saint Heart, he was known for doing disgusting thing but was still rather loveable, he followed into the family bakery, he had a crush on Aneisha

Brian 'Byron' Ditchwate -played by: Josh Haynes

Byron was Saint Hearts resident musician however never seemed to be playing the right tune, he always tried his hardest and moved to Buldover where he sold many number 1 hit singles.

Davina Berry – played by Eliza Cummings-Cove.

Davina was the thick and ditsy one in highschool but has since began her own make up empire, she dreams about being famous still.

Donovan Butler – played by Joseph Cocklin

Donovan works for a clothing company and is a hard worker, who seems to be focused on fame and money. He is mainly seen hanging around with Davina still

*Cassie Thomas - played by Fleur Houdijk

She is Matt's long term girlfriend she is clever, and a bit of tomboy, she and Matt have been neighbours since they were eight and started dating when they turned 14, she isn't possessive and often doesn't notice when he disappears.