I decided that this would be something funny. So welcome to the Honest Trailers of the Fanfiction World.

I do this by author, because it is somewhat easier than doing an entire fic for every fic in the kfp verse, and because I've noticed that authors tend to have a very unique writing style or plot style.

Here is my Honest Trailer for the In-The-Now KFP OC Authors.

Mind Jack is an extremely talented author. The Grey Coincidence is also talented.

Silence of the Hare: HONEST Trailer

When a snow hare suffers a fate that's totally not similar to Po's. She becomes a Kung Fu Badass, who's scared of literally everything around her.

. ?

She goes on a quest of revenge, determined to bring down her brother.

Wait, her brother killed her dad ?

What kind of Fucked up Family is this!?


Yin Bei as the Mary Sue.

Master Rooster as the Reverse Pinnochio.

Yang Chao as the giggly Big Bad.

E'Jile as the Wannabee Rock.

Bing as the Giant Rat.

Missy as the Female Albus Dumbledore.

The High Priestess as Bellatrix Lestrange.

Tufu as the Evil Po.

Lord Morgan as the British Dude.

Gishi as the Character that's not a character.

Vulture in the Oven as Thanksgiving Turkey.

Between Brothers: HONEST Trailer

When an OC that has starred in so many other fics but somehow doesn't even have a personality, throws a tantrum for absolutely no reason. He goes on a journey of discovery, action and romance... wait that part hasn't happened yet.


Saras Kanbujian Kanbu Shifty as the OC with No Personality But A Really Long Name... Like Seriously FOUR words!?

Aang as the Older Brother

The Hemomancer as the Evil For No Reason Guy

Jixiao as the Irrelevant Guy

Daitui as Wannabee Gandalf

Juda as Wannabee Bellatrix Lestrange

Xiao Xue as Conan the Barbarian With a Brain

Jiao'ao as Princess Jasmine

Mei Ling as the Mary Sue

Xueye as Vladimir from League of Legends

Okay guys. I wrote this coz I was bored and thought it would be funny. I will probably be doing more in the future, because why not ?

It is all for the laughs guys, remember that, I don't mean to offend anyone or their stories/OCs, I just like writing random stuff.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed.