As always, I own nothing.
As Buffy wakes up she finds herself laying on the ground between a building and a bush.
'Wha? Where am I? The last thing I remember is…confronting the Chaos Mage that turned us all into our costumes, but..I couldn't control my actions.' Her thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of battle nearby.
She makes her way around the corner of the building and sees 2 Servants battling. She immediately can tell who they are. Lancer Servant, True Name is Cu Chulainn, Noble Phantasm is Gae Bolg. The other is weird. Archer Servant, True Name is Shirou Emiya, Noble Phantasm is a Reality Marble called Unlimited Bladeworks, and…is a Counter Guardian?
She watches them fight for a moment before the Lancer's attention shifts and he takes off after a student.
'Oh no, the no witness rule, shit I have to stop him.' Buffy thinks to herself before giving chase.
When she catches up they are inside what looks to be school and on the third floor. She finds Lancer standing over the kid. 'Geez, this kid can run.'
Lancer says to the kid, "You sure went a long way fast, but you can't escape fate, and now that you've seen us you have to die."
Just as Lancer was about to stab the kid Buffy dashes forward and parries the strike with her suddenly materializing sword and the spear hits the wall instead.
Lancer gets annoyed, "Do you not understand the rules?" Lancer asks her.
She just continues to fight him; they trade strikes and parries for a few seconds. Unfortunately the kid is too startled to do anything.
Lancer is confused, this girl can fight on par with a Servant and she feels somewhat like one as well, but there is something off in the feeling. He finally says to her "Well, you look like a Saber, and you fight like a Saber, but you don't fully feel like a Servant."
He manages to slip under her guard slightly and kick her out the window. In the same movement he continues to spin and stabs the kid through the chest. He then quickly leaves.
Buffy jumps back up through the window moments later. She doesn't see Lancer anywhere. She dismisses her sword and checks on the kid only to find him stabbed through the heart. 'No, this War is wrong, I have to stop this. I swear to you kid, I will not let them get away with this.' She sighs to herself. 'Strange that he isn't bleeding more, but no one can survive a spear through the heart.' She stands up and jumps back out the window to go looking for Lancer.
Once she leaves, a young dark haired girl shows up with the Archer Servant from before. She stops when she sees the boy. She turns and speaks to her Servant, "I want you to go after Lancer, he will most likely return to where his Master is. It is imported that we find out what he looks like."
He nods to her, "Understood" then disappears.
She walks over and crouches down next to the boy. She says to him, "I'm sorry, the least I can do is sit next to you while you die." She sees his face and recognizes him, startling a gasp out of her. "No, it's you, you're kidding. Why did it have to… Why you?"
She stands back up and takes a Gem necklace from around her neck. "I'm sorry father, but I'm afraid you have an irresponsible little girl for a daughter."
She kneels back down and holds the gem over the boy. She then pushes prana through the gem, "Reproduce and replace all damaged organs, including the heart." Once she is finished she runs off to return home.
Shortly after she leaves the boy wakes up. "I'm alive?" he whispers to himself. He quickly gets up and runs home.
Buffy is jumping across roof tops following the trail of Lancer. 'I will find you Lancer. This War is wrong; it should not be allowed to continue. What? He turned back the other way. Where are you going Lancer?'
She catches up to Lancer to see him going after the same kid from before, 'What? But he was stabbed through the heart. I'll worry about that later; I need to stop Lancer right now.'
Just as she reaches Lancer he knocks the kid through the doors of the shed.
She shouts, "LANCER!" Her sword materializing in her left hand and a spear in her right as she charges at him.
He spins around and blocks her strike. 'What? Her again?'
They trade blows back and forth, in a seemingly fluid and dangerous mockery of a dance. Her strikes have immense strength behind them. Lancer realizes he can't win a head on fight with her.
While they are busy fighting each other the shed is filled with light, shortly after the boy and a blonde woman in blue and silver armor stand at the doors to the shed.
Buffy manages to catch his heel with the side of her spear and throw him off balance and continue to strike with her sword, however he is able to block in time. Only by being off balance the strike throws him 50 feet away before he can recover.
Lancer takes a good look at her and says, "My only objective tonight was to gather information. I had no intention of tangling with a Servant, or with an intriguing mystery such as yourself. However, if you're going to insist on this, then very well.
Magic shrouds his spear, then he jump into the air and shouts, "Alright Saber, your heart is mine, GAE –"
Buffy's eyes go wide 'Noble Phantasm.' Her spear changes slightly. She shouts out, "LUMINOSITE ETERNELLE!"
Lancer finishes, "-BOLG!"
Just before his Noble Phantasm can strike her, she is shielded, and the strike is completely blocked. A small gash appears in the banner hanging from her spear.
Lancer stares at her and whispers, "You…blocked my spear…" Upon realizing his attack failed he reluctantly follows his Master's orders and turns to leave.
Lancer sighs and says, "Unfortunately my employer is a bit of a coward. I was given explicit orders to head back if my attacks failed." Lancer jumps over the wall and disappears.
The boy turns to the blonde next to him at the doors to the shed, "If you are Saber then who is she? And why did that guy call her Saber?"
The Blonde, Saber turns to him and responds, "I do not know, but there is something strange with her, she doesn't feel like a Servant should. It is a high probability that she is a danger to us. We should neutralize this threat." She starts to walk toward the other blonde.
The boy interrupts her, "But Saber, she intervened and save me, could we not try talking to her? Find out who she is and why she is here?"
Buffy looks at her sword and spear, thinking to herself 'I acted on instinct, why do I still have these abilities. Once the spell from Halloween was broken they should have left, but if they didn't leave? Does that mean I am really Jeanne? No Lancer said I don't fully feel like a Servant, does that mean that I am somehow both Buffy and Jeanne?'
Her sword and spear fall from her loosening grasp and disappear as she falls to her knees.
She slightly panics. 'Servants are real, but I don't feel a connection to a Master so I'm ot a Servant myself. Unless, maybe I am pulling prana from the Slayer line? If Halloween merged us, which am I?'
With these confusing thoughts, Buffy's mind is overwhelmed and she collapses.
Saber looks at the fallen woman, considering options. "Very well, but you will not be in a room along with her. Whenever you go near her, I will be there with you."
With that they carry the unconscious blond inside.