3 - The Missing Part

Bill woke up hours later with Harry still asleep, still in his arms, still with a blissful smile. Even Bill was smiling to himself. This couldn't have gone better. He wasn't expecting all this but it was certainly welcome. The best part was that Harry liked both him and his brother. They didn't have to fight, nor did they have to give up their love. Harry loved them both; they had to share. Harry's happiness was the important thing here, not them. And Bill would be damned if he couldn't give his love everything he wanted, including his brother.

He already had a plan formed. It would be a bit strange at first, and most likely a one-time thing, or at least not too recurring, but he was sure it would work. He would convince Charlie this, they could work. He would make sure they both had Harry's smiles and Harry would have them both, whatever he wanted.

Charlie woke up late that Saturday morning, and with the worst hangover of his life. Totally worth it. He would let it go away on its own, this way he would have other things to concentrate rather than think about Harry and his brother. Just to make things worse an insistent knock on his door seemed to enter his head pounding its way in. No, the worst just became worse. It was his brother on the door and he couldn't in good conscience send him away.

He led him in and went for a hangover potion. He really didn't need to hear about their relationship on top of a headache. One or the other? Sure. Both? Not going to happen.

"You look wasted. Such a bad night?" His brother came from behind massaging his temples. Charlie really needed to learn that, it was so soothing. It even made the potion work faster.

"You need to teach me how to do this. You're really good with your hands." He said leaning on him. He could feel his brother smirking.

"I heard that one a lot, you know. Thought it was just pep talk. I have to believe it if my little brother is saying it too, though." He dragged him to the couch and made him lay his head on his lap. He continued the massage and the talk. "I have to thank you brother. The only word I have for yesterday is magical. I really should have come talk to you earlier but Harry likes to sleep in."

Great. At least he was making up for it with this massage. "So you two sorted yourselves out? Stopped running away?"

"Thanks to you. You're a bit stiff, Charlie. Here let me do something for you. Like you said there is a rumour going that my hands are magical." He winked and started massaging his shoulders. Charlie didn't know how sore and stiff they were until they started to feel better. Guess with classes and thinking about Harry and Bill he wasn't resting properly.

But this was really good. Puns apart, his brother was brilliant with his hands. He was now doing his arms; they always ached because of some bigger creatures he had to deal with. Maybe he would ask Bill for one in the back too since he was already at it.

He was almost asleep when he felt his brother slip to his legs. It was a bit embarrassing but his legs hurt a bit from standing most of the day. He was still getting used to it. At the reserve, he had a lot of work, physical and magical, but he got used to it. It would take some time to get used to this one.

He was feeling really good when he noticed a cool breeze brush over his parts. And now he felt hands on it. He wanted to burst his eyes open and confront his brother on what he was doing, but it felt so good. It had been so long since he felt someone else's hands on him. Lately, it was just him and his fantasies. To have someone touch you... But this was his brother... And just like that, his brother concluded his massaging, right after Charlie finished himself. Charlie could finally open his eyes.

He walked to the door looking over his shoulders before leaving. "Three is a good number, you know. It's Harry's favourite number." And he left. Left his room, his mess, his storming mind begging him to fight for Harry. It wasn't long before Charlie found himself entering his brother's room to confront him about his parting statement, just that same afternoon, almost evening. He had barely registered the taste of the potion in his tea. Why would his brother lace his tea with a sleeping potion?

"Welcome back, Harry." Bill enveloped him in a hug and kissed him quickly on the lips. "We should find ourselves a bigger room. I don't want to rush you, though. I want us to go on whatever pace you want." He smiled mischievously.

"Fast." He mirrored Bill's smile. It hadn't been even a full day and Harry already knew this was what he wanted. Be in Bill's arms. He still loved Charlie, but he knew he couldn't have everything. He was fine having only Bill. He would repeat that until it sunk.

"Better restore your energy first. I know we're young but I bet that meeting with the governors was tiring."

"It was. But-" Bill put a finger to his lips to stop him from talking.

"No buts. Tonight we sleep, you're not the only one tired here, you know. I'm still getting used to teaching teenagers avid for knowledge." He grinned and Harry burrowed his head in that broad and supple chest. "And so is Charlie." Harry whipped his head up at that comment.


"Charlie is on the bed waiting for us. I bet he's already asleep."

"But I thought-" Again with the damn delicious finger.

"I told you before, no buts. I love you, Harry. And so does Charlie. Which is good since you love both of us. Now, do you want to walk or be carried?"

"Carried" Harry used the time while he was carried into the room to think. It was just a short time to do that but it was time nonetheless. Charlie liked him back? Harry really didn't have to choose? Could he have both? As an answer to his questions, Charlie's sleeping face came into view. Bill deposited Harry right beside him and spelled his pyjamas on. He lays there watching over Charlie until Bill scooted closer and sandwiched Harry between the two brothers. Harry hugged Charlie and he leant on Bill, this was it. The best position in the world, right in the middle of his lovers.

Charlie woke up a bit confused, he couldn't remember for the life of him how he got to bed. It felt a bit different too, more comfortable. He felt like he had something, someone in his arms. Someone warm. He opened his eyes just a fraction so he could see, and there it was. Harry in his arms. How many times had he dreamed this up? Better let the dream follow its flow.

He brought Harry closer and the movement woke him up. Charlie leant into a kiss and marvelled at Harry's taste. So good, so sweet, so Harry. This was the best way to wake up in the morning, at any time really. He caressed Harry's body languidly feeling his muscles over the cloth that wrapped his body. Too much clothing, it had to go. Slowly, Charlie made his way to the buttons opening them and leaving a trail of kisses in their place.

Harry tried to do the same but he was already panting, hard, from the kisses, Charlie was leaving on his lower body. A new pair of hands helped Charlie out of his own clothes. He didn't mind much, Harry had his full attention. And he had to pay attention. Commit every little bit of Harry to his mind, even the parts that weren't so little. Especially those parts.

Charlie felt for them with his hands locking his eyes with Harry's. And the needy hands were there again feeling him, caressing him. Harry was finally opening up to him on an intimate level. Finally revealing the secrets deep inside. Charlie couldn't be happier, except for, maybe, a reality where this could, would happen.

He entered Harry's world and could feel him wrapping over him, pulling him in. Two pairs of hands caressing him and Harry moaning, whining. Charlie had to do something for him. He felt his way down trying to find Harry and was led by a hand to where he wanted. Soon enough Harry was happy. All those hands and bodies tangled waiting, panting, parting for a moment of bliss. He could feel a small bliss enter him; it was magical.

Harry kissing him, kisses given back and forth between the bodies, at the bodies, by the bodies. All those feelings bottled up inside coming out, being released. Pure bliss. He didn't want that dream to end.

Hours later when he truly woke up, had been woken up, did he understand his dreams had come true. His brother was happy with Harry. Charlie was happy with Harry. And Harry was happy with them both.