AN: my God, how many of you were able to read this before is beyond me, that settles it, no more typing on my phone.


Something was definitely wrong with Jaune.

Pyrrha couldn't put her finger on it but she could be written tell by looking at the boy that something was on his mind it weighted on him greatly if it could make him seem so on edge for the last couple days.

At first, she tried to ignore it an give him some time to work whatever it was out by himself but he seemed to get a little worse each week. Not to say he wasn't doing an amazing job hiding it, no one ever seemed to notice other than her, but then again she was his partner.

The same partner he hardly ever spends time with nowadays, the same partner who always wrote notes for him when he slept through class,the same partner who he's always freaking ditching to go Oum only knows where on his own without telling her first!, the same Fucking partner who would damn near do anything for him, but does he notice, no!


Only a little over a month at beacon an she already felt her first real friend/future husband an baby daddy was slipping away.

Note to self, don't call him that out loud, he might think she was a little... Intense.

Which was just silly, I mean after a month of sleeping in the same room with him(a Ren an Nora) she was practically his girlfriend now, right?...right?

It felt like a fact at this point to her, her Diary logs the past few weeks said so, along with a lot of angry scribbles about her mother who keeps calling from Mantle asking her if she took her "medication" regularly.

Ugh!, moms are so annoying sometimes, just because some guy in a white Jacket pretending to be an actual Doctor tells you to give your first time Champion 13-year-old daughter hormone controlling pills to deal with her apparent "Aura fueled mood swings" doesn't mean he knows what the hell he's talking about!

So what if she crippled most of her opponents in the Tournament, it was their fault for wearing metal armor!

Stupid Psychiatrist.

What was she thinking about again? oh yeah, her future baby daddy of 12 beautiful blonde haired children.

He had been seriously in need of a good old-fashioned pick me up.

Something they could do together, maybe a loving,tender...deep fuc-full-body massage!... or at least a day off from whatever was bugging him here at school.

She knew it wasn't bullying though, she had a good long "talk" with all the known school bullies and after a few bruises and hairline fractured bones later she was happy to know most of them didn't even know who Jaune arc was much less bullied him.

She let them keep their teeth for that.

So since his problem apparently couldn't be solved with violence she had organized a team trip to Vale for the weekend where she hoped he was un-whined a relax from any stress beacon was putting them through.

Well at least Jaune, originally it was just supposed to be him her alone but somehow Nora found out an brought Ren along for the now "team outing".

Sighing as her romantic "date" with Jaune was now going to a long day frustration Pyrrha did what she always did when things didn't go her way, put on a smile an resist the urge to rip everything around her made of metal to shreds.

As team JNPR got off the bullhead that delivered them to Vale, Pyrrha grimaced at the motion sick Jaune stumble out of the ship clenching his stomach, having just vomited its contents on the floor.

She really should have thought this through more, poor guy had to lean on Nora until his stomach settled as they walked around Vale.

That's when Pyrrha ran into the one thing that scared her the most.

They surrounded them the moment they were spotted, coming seemingly from every corner purring out the second they saw her, like a pack of starved wolves seeing fresh meat for the very first time.

A then just as Pyrrha who was sweating bullets at this point was inches away from pulling out her weapon, they attacked.


"holy shit for real!? "

"she's looking this way! she's looking right at me! "

"what's she doing in Vale"

"Obviously she's gracing us with her presence!, THE Pyrrha Nikos in the flesh my prayers have been answered!"

"well move aside, I'm praying for it to rain bunny girl Faunus next!"

"blasphemy! Pyrrha is the ultimate wife!"

Sweet merciful Oum

That was all the red-headed warrior could think as she looked with horror at the crowd people all cheering for her. Her worse nightmare

Her fanbase.

She didn't even bother explaining to her team what was going on as she ran through the crowd pulling them with her as the screaming fans chased them down the streets of Vale cheering her name.

Soon the Nikos fans combined peanut sized brains finally put two a two together an realized that the 3 teens following Pyrrah were most likely the teammates on her Hunter's team.

Needless to say, they were furious.

"how dare they get so familiar with her as if their equals! " a girl in a prayer cosplay costume shouted.

"she deserves better! " one screamed fanning the flames.

"they probably all sleep in the same room as her every night! " a particularly obsessed man with dyed red hair accused.

just like that, after that last sentence, the fans who were already screaming were now practically foaming at the mouth with jealousy, some would gladly give up an arm just to wake up to see Pyrrha in her underwear getting out of bed.


At a Donut shop across the street, two local police officers watched from their stall at the window with raised eyebrows as 4 teenagers were being pursued by a possibly rabid mob of screaming people shouting things in rage-filled gibberish.







both officers blinked.

They then looked at one another slowly from the window an at the same time with perfect synergy they both nodded as if having a mental connection from years of being on the force together.

A so they went back to their snacks.

What? you didn't think they were gonna go out there, did you? haha!.

They were not getting paid anywhere nearly enough to deal with that bullshit.


Back with the group.

Pyrrha was practically sprinting at this point to gain ground an broke off from the group hoping to give the fans the slip, all her efforts managed to do was split the mob in half as one-half followed her an the other followed Ren an Nora who had still motion sick Jaune pulled over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes as they ran across the busy street causing a traffic jam as cars pulled out of the way .

After several minutes of this nonsense several of the fans gave up or just plain fainted from exhaustion, they were chasing huntsmen-in-training after all, most civilians just didn't have that stamina. The few lefts that did look like they had at best a 100 meters of running left in them before they pitched over from heat stroke.

At this point, Ren had told Nora andJaune to get to a safe location while he diverted the remaining crowd away, once he did that he said it would be best to wait for a lay low for at least an hour before they all meet up again at a meeting point via their scroll's.

Jaune instantly agreed with Ren's, especially since it would mean Nora would finally put him down already when they hid. Plus in the back of his mind, he knew Ren would be fine, he was by far the fastest of the group so he knew they wouldn't catch him an even if by some miracle they did.

Then what?

No seriously do you actually think a bunch of jealous civilians could beat up a huntsman in training?


They have freaking FORCE FIELDS around them at all times, without an aura of your own all, you'd really accomplish hitting one is a broken hand, An even without aura Ren was practically a trained ninja.a NINJA!

The worse thing they could ever really do to them was written mean comments about them on Grim book.

But Nora, on the other hand, didn't like the idea of Ren turning himself into a decoy an made her feelings known.

"No!, don't sacrifice your Ren think of the children!",the girl wailed with fake tears latching onto the pant leg of the raven-haired boy who signed tiredly at the girls antics.

"Nora we don't have children, " the boy said trying to pry the ginger girl off his sure had a strong grip.

"then think of the sloths!"

"Nora, there are no sloths in Vale" the boy sighed again with a hand covered over his eyes in irritation, sometimes his childhood friend was just too much, oh he cared for her dearly an would fight to the death for her if he had to, but sometimes he needed a break, which was mainly why he wanted to be the decoy.

He never once saw the mob of neckbearded Pyrrha fans as an actual threat from the beginning, he just played along an ran with them because he felt obligated to keep Nora from accidentally killing any civilians who were stupid enough to try an engage her in a fight, after all, holding back was never one of her specialties.

Against another hunter-in-training getting trashed by Nora would leave you sore an bruised. But a normal civilian would be turned into paste especially if she pulled out her hammer.

He was doing this for everyone's own good.

Plus an hour long nap without any interruptions would be heavenly to him. A so with that in mind he ran off taking the little reminder of the crowd with him. But chances are he won't even need to walk briskly as the 10-15 that followed looked ready to fall over an die from exhaustion.

If he wasn't so occupied with finding a nice park bench to sleep on hobo style he would probably be impressed by their determination.

He took a glance behind him as he slowed down his run to a calm walk as he raised his brow at the strained fans who crawled on the ground towards him as their legs had finally given out.

a was passed out, 2 were hobbling over using whatever they could find as walking sticks.

A Yep, one of them was definitely having a stroke.

Maybe he should call an ambulance before his nap?

"py-pyrr-ha..Wi-fu~..." the closes one said with the last bit of strength he had left before passing out on the pavement.

On second thought ...nah.


With Nora and Juane.

Nora was bored.

Bad things happened when Nora valkery was bored, Ren would tell you this with the look of utmost seriousness swearing on his mother's grave.

She couldn't help it though, She had high hopes for today, hanging out with not only her best friend rennybear but her other two teammates.

She was really hoping they could all do something fun like goes to the zoo, but with just Jaune that wouldn't be as fun at all.

Plus chances are she'd probably just get band again like at the last zoo she begged Ren to take her to a zoo, How was she to know you weren't allowed to put the pony's in headlocks, it was called a petting zoo right?.

Now instead of her Envisioned awesome day, all she had was jaune-jaune to keep her company until Ren called.


Oh, she was definitely keeping that nickname!

Ren was rennybear, Jaune was jaune-jaune and Pyrrha was... Huh? she got nothing.

Maybe power girl? nah, don't fit.

Red death. Way too edgy.


Amazon girl? , no still not right.


Magneto?...hmm, but still no, trademarked.


Warrior woman, she liked the sound of it but it sounds off.

Oh, she got it!, Pyrrha was wonder woman-

"NORA! " the ginger girl was snapped out of her thoughts as Jaune's shouts finally twice the girl just looked up to jaune with her head tilted.

"you said something jaune-jaune? "

Ignoring the weird nickname (which was still world's better than vomit-boy) June repeated himself an told her they needed to get off the streets until things cooled down like Ren said. He then asked her where she thought the best place in vale to lay low was seeing as he himself admitted sheepishly that he never once explored vale a that she would probably know the streets better.

With an unnaturally big smile that made the boy a bit, nervous Nora knew exactly where to go to salvage the day!.


Somewhere with Ren.

Rens' eyes popped open with fear, not because he currently had a homeless man sleeping on top of him as they shared the park bench for his long-awaited nap, no Ren felt this fear only antics times in his life they always start the same.

Scrambling for his pants pockets his already fearful pink eyes shrank even smaller.

His wallet was gone.

Casting an almost pleading suspicious eye at the sleeping hobo next to him he noticed with a wave of disappointment that the man had no pockets on his tattered clothes so he couldn't have taken it.

So that left only one person.



With JN

Jaune just stared, a stared, then stared some more as plate after plate the girl sitting across from him crowded by the growing mountain of food just kept eating without even looking full.

"Waiter! more pancakes you better leave the syrup bottle here this time!" the girl yelled at the equally dumbfounded waiter who knew for a face he had already feed the girl at least 15 pounds worth of breakfast food she was still ordering more top on her towering pile.

The entire time this was happening Jaune wondered how the girl was gonna pay for all this? she better not think he would!.

Aside from the thought of Physics being thrown completely out the window seeing Nora doing something so ridiculous as stuff herself with pancakes an wash it down with a jug of milk oddly brought on a much-needed feeling of calm to the blonde.

He sure had an emotionally draining week if he was honest, ever since he had "his turn" things with him and Ruby had become more problematic as the girl had gone from passively liking the "game" they played to constantly asking him to "play " even chance she got,he had to sneak out of class twice just to avoid her nowadays a get up much earlier than he used to just to get ready before ruby decides to knock on his teams door in her pj's asking if she could have "one quick game " before class.

Thankfully he always managed to be at the door before any of his teammates did so he could either shoo her away or if she starts complaining too loudly to risk it, find empty room an let her "beat her last score"

He not only had to worry about her getting them caught a physically "blowing" his filthy secret but also worried shitless at what she might just say in public without him there to lie an cover it up.

Like the day before at lunch Yang had suddenly asked ruby where she was the other day when she couldn't find her for one on one sister training.

The girl's innocent carefree response was that she was in Jaune's room on his bed Having a lot of fun.

You could hear a pin drop at that moment it would have been, around the school. Ruby just looked around puzzled not knowing why Jaune's skin color turned paper white or why Yang's eyes suddenly turned red.

Didn't that only happen she activities her semblance?.

Jaune for his part had to pull out some grade fucking A actor level lying in order to get his ass out of that frying pan.

"We were playing a game," he said in a calm tone that he was only about to pull off because he hid his overwhelming fear an anxiety with pain as under the table he stabled his trembling leg with the fork he was using to eat.

"We played this fun gaming app on our scroll's, I guess time just flew by as we toned out the outside world while playing it"

The feeling of pain was the only thing keeping his mind focused enough to pour on his web of lies that just seemed to overlap on itself to the point it all seemed to fall into place.

At this everyone calmed down having thought they misunderstood, even the overprotective Yang calmed down now that she knew what was going even laughed at the absolutely absurd idea of it an shook her head at her own overreaction.

I mean it was ARC she was talking about here!

To her Jaune bearly even registered as a boy much less a threat to her baby sisters chastity, she must have lost her mind to even think someone as timid a spazzy as vomit-boy could ever lay a finger on her baby sister.

Though she did look at him a mildly suspiciously for the rest of the lunch break, but only because she got a kick out of making him squirm under her glare, she couldn't help it, he was just so trollable !.

By the near end of lunch when Jaune felt had felt everyone had stopped paying attention to him he sneaked off into the bathroom.

Where he proceeded to vomit into the nearest toilet, his chest was so tight he felt like he was suffocating as he saw a thousand ways he would've been butchered had he not said something, the split second of bloodlust in Yang's eyes would haunt him forever.

Before a part of him, that was diluted enough to think nothing bad would ever happen if he was just careful always seemed so right when his mind was in its hormonal haze brought own by the site of a half-naked girl too sheltered to understand what he was doing to her.

But that he felt, the tiny glimmer of the hellish feeling of death that now hanged over his head like a noose coiling around his neck chocking him.

Jaune was terrified.

He knew now more than ever he was just one slip up away from death if he didn't get his shit together, for god sake he could barley be in the same room as Ruby without having thoughts of being exposed on his mind.

Honestly speaking,if-WHEN he one day gets caught he hoped they would just hand him off to the authorities.

Prison in Vale was not a nice place, and sadly a soft, blonde haired, blue eyed boy like him wouldn't last very long in one, he would most likely be bent over on a daily by some big guy named Bubba, but at the very least he would be behind huge aura resistant walls that both keep people from entering along with exit.

Even a raging Yang xiao long would have trouble breaking through that to get to him.

Jaune groaned into his folded arms on the table as he began to think over everything that had happened within less than two months.

'My life uses to be so simple', he said in his mind laying his weary head on the table as he felt his shoulders just got 20 pounds heavier.

'I use to wake up for boring old highschool in the morning an read X-ray a valve during class until the final bell where I'd go home fantasies about becoming a brave hunter who everyone looks up to'.

now I'm picturing my future self in the best case scenario after I get caught, ending up a prison bitch.

He wasn't a fool, he knew the punishment for any sexually abusive acts were extremely severe no matter how small an had seen many documentaries's about prison life when he was younger,he knew it was probably even worse than his own fears were making it sound, his mother had forced him his sisters all at an early age to sit down an watch hours of "scared-straight" videos to help keep them on the right path in life.

Lot of fucking good that did, well then mom let's see how well that worked.

Stole money from you an dad, my lower middle class parents who still have to support my 7 younger sisters just so I could buy highly illegal documents that I used to sneak my way into a school of actually qualified hunters-in-training, one of which he was currently in a" morbid relationship" with, which was just a pretty way of saying he was molesting her she trusted him faaaaar too much to the point he was genuinely concerned for the girls mental state.

Lord knows something must be wrong with her if she thought it would be "cool" to take a selfie of him laying on his bed with her half naked between his legs his cock nestled in her soft lips as she sucked on it while giving her scrolls camera a peace sign while taking a picture.

Jaune had to practically tackle the girl off his bed get to her scroll to delete the picture when she said it would make a great birthday present to send to her father while she an yang weren't have been there to celebrate it this year.

Wow. Just wow. Either she was insane or legitimately had the mind of a toddler to think that would have been OK.

Yeah yeah, he gets it, he gets being this level of pure only means that when his bad karma finally hits he would be beaten to a bloody pulp if he was lucky or burnt alive if he wasn't.

Jaune nearly had a baby barf just thinking of the consequences that would have happened if he had not grabbed the scroll in time just before the girl hit send if half the stories she an yang bragged about their father was true...

The prison walls would never be enough.

Hell even Bubba, his fictional cellmate rapist would probably take pity on him if that was his fate.

All the while he was having a mini panic attack over his mortality, Ruby was whipping her jizz stained face like nothing that just happened or was said was weird.

Jaune closed his eyes trying to block out those thoughts, he knew thinking too much about it would only get people to notice him unraveling more an more, it was the main reason he bothered going on this "team outing ", to get his mind off things for a day, a yes it did work for a while, getting chased by rabid fanboys was definitely a change of pace, but now that he had time to sit down an collect his thoughts his mind kept on reminding him the grim price his actions would cost him.

It's funny, after everything he's done you would think his conscience wouldn't be this strong if anything it's gotten even more powerful by the day.

Hopefully he could at least block out his thoughts with a few pancakes of his own, oh who was he kidding,he thought to look over to the ginger-haired girl on the other side of the booth shovel several pancakes down her throat at once from he mountain of food while demanding to a terrified waiter for more.

He was lucky if he even got a teaspoon of maple syrup by the time Nora was full.

Seriously though, who was paying for all this?


He heard the door chime behind him as new customers entered the building, like all the other times he ignored it in favor of focusing all of his mind power on self-pity.

"Oh look it's Jaune a Nora, I didn't know you guys ate here too!",chirped a happy voice that made Jaune's eyes widen head whip around to confirm his worries, at the door was the very girl he was trying to not think about ruby rose.

Next to the girl was her partner the resident ice queen, Weiss Schnee, said girl in contrast to her partner had a frown of her face the second she stepped into the building as if she would rather be anywhere else then here.

But he didn't really notice that what he did notice with his nerves heart skipping a few beats was Ruby zipping with her super speed over to his table an sat uncomfortably close him with her practically sitting on his lap an smiling up at him excitedly as if she was waiting to uses.

He was almost reminded of his dog back home.

"r-uby wha-t are you doing here" he stammered out as the girl's leg under the table was playfully intertwining with his, if you didn't know better you could mistake them for an adorable young couple.

Not a sex offender and a clueless girl who doesn't understand the effects her maturing body had this close to a hormonal teenaged boy.

Said girl who didn't realize that by constantly shifting on his lap to get a better seat she was practically grafting the shape of her incredibly soft ass on his now hard as a rock member under his straining jeans.

"oh..I. I'm just hanging with wises today is all, I thought a quick bite to eat would be nice so we stopped here" she said a little nervously suddenly getting shy an not meeting his eyes.

She was lying, he could tell easily, Ruby was terrible at it even simple lie's ended the same way with her suddenly becoming skittish an nervous.

What wasn't she telling him?

Jaune gritted his teeth as the feeling of dread washed over in his chair he looked over to her white-haired partner who had finally walked over to their table an with her ever-present look of disgust sat down next to Nora who finally took a pause at eating to notice the new arrivals.

"ouh, eey uuby weez! "she said with her mouthful sending bits of crumbs flying, swallowing she smiled at them, "you guys come here too!that's great!, I was worried it was just gonna be a boring day with just old jaune-jaune here but now that you guys are here it'll be way better!"

"so what type of pancakes do you like Weiss?, I didn't know you were a pancake person, I thought you would be more of a bagel girl, haha I guess everyone loves pancakes! so which if your favorite, blueberry, vanilla,raisinsstrawberrychocolatechip-"

the girl was cut off due to her leaning tower of food finally falling over avalanching her on her side of the table leaving everyone else grateful for the silence.

Thank oum

Now that Nora was distracted eating her was out of her own tomb, he finally noticed the spiteful glare Weiss was sending in his direction, he had to mentally force himself not to flinch under her look of contempt.

A part of him tried to reason that she had already looked upset when she walked in, It didn't necessarily mean she knew what was really going on between him an Ruby...

Oh, the hell was he kidding!, he was boned he knew it, all that was left now was to just confess an hope Bobba didn't turn out to be real!.

He opened his mouth to finally admit his crimes an hopefully get a fair trail only to get interrupted before he could start.

"Weiss stop pouting, I said I was sorry" the girl sitting on his lap whined at her partner who just kept on her glare which Jaune now realized wasn't on him but was on Ruby the whole time.

She was mad at Ruby, not him!

Man how in the hell did that work? usually people get mad at the molester, not the victim... Unless.

"well excuse me for still being peeved after having my perfect day ruined by my oh so competent leader", the girl said with

obvious sarcasm.

She didn't know.

In fact from the looks of it, the girl was so focused on Ruby she didn't even seem to notice he was there much less being used as a seat.

Ruby reached over the table an slammed her hand down in front of Weiss causing the table to shack a bit an force Jaune to think about his dead grandmother.

Why may you ask? cause if he didn't the position Ruby was in on his lap would have made if damn near impossible for his 'little jaune' to go down.

"I told you it wasn't my fault!, a look I'm making up for it right now!" the redhead shouted only succeeding in making her momentarily surprised partner glare right back at.

"wasn't you're fault?!, you got me banned from the only decent spa in vale!an really, THIS is you're way of making up for the humility you caused, by taking me to some 2 star dinner that probably never passed a health inspection, honestly if this is it then you're not even trying! " the Schnee's shouted with equal force slamming her own hands on the table.

"chips an crackers Weiss! " ruby. Cursed in frustration, "it's the best I could do short notice ok! could you get off my back!"

"only after you admit you were in the wrong"

"it was a flipping accident you know it! "if ruby wasn't so angry she would probably be scared her dad would somehow hear her use so many bad words, but she was angry dang it!.

"You assaulted the manger!"

"he tried to take my precious baby away! " she was clear eluding to her beloved crescent rose, lord knows she hardly went anywhere without it.

"it's a spa, you dunderhead! weapons aren't allowed!I swear how you managed to turn what should have been a simple day at the spa into a one sided shoot out is beyond me! do you have any idea how badly this reflexes on the team if our leader keeps causing trouble publicly!" Weiss reprimanded feeling nothing but irritation with the girl's constant lack of responsibility, she may not agree with her father's way of thinking 100 present of the time but a Schnee's need to preserve their image was practically Ingrained into her DNA.

A having to hold back your 15-year-old team leader from nearly cleaving a man's hand off for merely enforcing the rules did not paint a good image for her, team RWBY a beacon by proxy.

If ruby looked upset before she was definitely not happy now with being spoken down to by Weiss like a child, "I don't see what the big deal is Hunter's we need to have weapons on us at all times incase grim invade!" she argued.

"there were no grim! " Weiss countered easily.

"but what if they were, what would you of done then huh?!" ruby defended.

"use my scroll to contact my locker like everyone else" the heiress reasoned gesturing to the scroll in her hand as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"w-whatever, I still say having your weapon on you at all times is important, isn't that right Jaune!" the girl said smirking, knowing for a fact that jaune would take her side an defend her when she needed him.

..."Jaune? " she turned around to see why he wasn't hoping to her defense only to see the seat was empty.


with Jaune.

He had to get away.

No, as much as he wanted to outright fleeing the dinner was out of the question, it would lead to too many raised brows if he did and he was already a stuttering wreak in most sensitive conversations.

So he chose to slip away into the storage room while Ruby was having her shouting match with Weiss, even now he could still hear them go at it as he sat down on some boxes inside the very spacious storage room.

He just needed time to think, a being in the same room as them was not doing anything good for his already jumbled mind, especially Ruby, just feeling the girls lower body pressed on his lap made him have nothing but impure thoughts about her the entire time, how sweet her strawberry scented hair smelt, how warm an soft her tiny body felt on his rigid one an most of the only separating him from entering her was just a few lays on clothing.

Even now his still had that moment edged into his mind, how if they had just been anywhere else alone it would be so easy, so fucking easy to get her to-


That's wrong! really fucking wrong! he shouldn't be thinking this, any of this!.Ruby wasn't some whore, she was- IS an innocent little girl, for fuck's sake she still doesn't even realize what's girls going on!, if he even has a soul he needs to stop this..this SICKNESS right now!.

Before. Before it was too late an... He did something he couldn't reverse, something, not even his lifetime punishment could ever make up for.

Jaune gripped his knuckles white feeling the self-loathing start to overtake his lust.

He had long since been pushing aside his better judgment for far too long, it was time do the right thing an confess... Maybe that will save his soul.

He was about to get up off the boxes to try an exit through the door only for it to be pushed open from the other side by a very upset looking ruby who looked at him surprised, she must not have expected for him to be there as well.

"Jaune?, I thought you left, I looked around and couldn't find you," the reaper said closing the door behind her noticing how stiff Jaune looked as if he wanted to get something off his chest.

"I.. I.. Needed a breather Is all,..things were getting kinda hectic out there with you an Weiss", the very mention on the white-haired heiress whipped away any smile an replaced it with a small frown.

"ugh!, I just don't know what her problem is!, I try making it up to her she goes an yells at me!,then miss moody pants just ups a walks off to the bathroom to 'calm herself down' right when I'm putting down some really good points!,uugh!, I'm just sick of it you know "She said as she sat down on one of the boxes next to his with annoyed huff an arms folded.

He had no clue what to say to that a knew next to nothing on how to fix confrontations between teenaged girls, hell he couldn't even get his own sisters to stop arguing when they really got into it, in all honesty, the best thing for Jaune to do in this situation was to just shut up.

Yet despite knowing this his mouth still acted without his brains permission.

"what a bitch"

he clamped his mouth shut with both hands the second those words left his mouth eyes wide at what he just said.

He didn't mean it!.it was just a slip of the tongue, he didn't think badly of Weiss if his life wasn't a madhouse of drama he knew for a fact he would have probably tried asking her out several times by now. So many things were happening him just. He just wasn't thinking right an said the first thing at the top of his mind.

An, as a result, a wide-eyed Ruby gaped at him in shock, he fully expected to be reprimanded, Ruby wasn't the type of girl to let things like that just slip by, more than once had he seen the girl force Yang to put money in a swear jar just for harmless words like crap or damn.

"heh, I guess your right" Ruby nodded tilting her head in thought.


"stupid female-dog Weiss," the girl said grinning a bit at her version of the profanity.


"stupid un-grateful b-bit-ch" she stammered out feeling her cheeks flushed her innocent smile slowly morph into a mischievous one as she fired off a few more variants of that one profanity.

she didn't know why but the naughty feeling she got talking about her partner like this behind her back made her stomach tingle like she was getting away with stealing cookie jars an no one would catch her.

Ordinarily she would never say any of this out loud, even in her own mind thoughts like these were heavily restricted from years of strict yet loving parenting,she was always seen as the baby of the family an knew for a fact that if Yang or her father ever heard her she would get a really bad scolding.

After all, she was just a little kid to Weiss and probably Blake too. No one actually took her seriously as a team leader much less an equal peer, like a grown up.

nothing new really, even back home in Patch most of the people there just referred to her as yang's baby sister and passed her off as the plus one of any social engagement.

But She wasn't a baby anymore dang it! , She drank milk!.

Maybe not the best time to bring that up.

She felt a shift next to her a noticed Jaune had laid down on the boxes with one hand covering his face shaking his head while rubbing his temple.

She smiled a little at him wondering what he could be thinking about, she didn't know why but she hoped it was about her for some reason, she had been thinking about him a lot lately, especially after every time she had an argument with Weiss about "the proper way a leader should act".

Being around him felt nice, when she was alone with him playing their game she felt so good, not just her body when it was his turn but also..about herself.

It was as if whenever he touched her the way only he knew how she could forget everything else bothering her an just let him take the lead even if it felt weird or uncomfortable when he first started.

He never yelled at her when she messed up, never called her a dunce for not already knowing what to do an constantly praised her while they played for every little thing she did that he said he liked. He made her feel good. Almost special even.

In her eyes Jaune was the only one who treated her like an equal, like what she thought mattered, she felt so comfortable around him like there was nothing left to hide. What would be the point anyway, he'd already seen every part of her, even places only her and a doctor was allowed to touch.

She trusted him heard was thankful for him... She l-

"Jaune" the girl spoke to him pulling him out of his thoughts, he was mentally replying how he had managed to screw up so badly in life when she called his name.

"Yeah," he answered will little energy.

"I.i..wanna play the game, right now right here," Ruby said patting over to the far larger boxes that could easily support both their weight.

"what?!, but t-" Jaune didn't think his heart could take much more of these shocking surprises, dodging the girl's requests were already hard at beacon but HERE in a dinner!.

"it'll be reeally quick I promise!, I just.. wanna feel you right now, I can't explain it but.. I wanna feel you... Down here" she pleaded pointing to hidden valley under her skirt.

She didn't even wait for him to answer as let her red skirt fall revealing her pink undies,"so. It's your turn"

Jaune swallowed hard as his eyes instantly darted downwards, but managed to pull his eyes away an look her in the eyes "I..Ruby nows not the best time besides I think. I think we should stop-"

"I've really had a hard day" she spoke cutting him off," doing this with you would really cheer me up, it's like my favorite game in the world, just for a little bit is all I'm asking," she said pulling off her shoes an soaks.

Jaune stammered as he watched her every move as she stripped herself down to only her underwear "Ruby this isn't right i..this whole thing is-"

"jaune,just..for me"

"...b-ut this don't"

His ramblings died in his throat as she laid down on one of the bigger boxes legs spread panties pulled away, completely displaying herself to him " feel good jaune.. please "

Whatever man on this planet that had the will to resist this girl before him was certainly NOT Jaune arc,with the last of his restraint blown away Jaune crawled over to her on top of the boxes an stared at her half naked form with a look of poorly hunger,he wanted her badly, in the most carnal way a man could want woman, if it wasn't for the fact that his pants were still on he knew he would already have crossed his final line an forced himself inside of her taking away her innocence forever.

For now his lust was more concerned with making the girl moan into his mouth as he licked away deep into her pink folds relishing in the feeling hearing each one of her squeaks give him, it was like a drug, the dominance he felt, the control he had over her, to know that right now right then she was HIS an no one else got to lay claim to her.

In the very back on his skull like always what was left of his rational mind screamed at the top of its lungs for him to stop, that it wasn't too late, that he could go back to how things were an make things right.

He ignored it, which was slowly becoming easier, especially when he had an adorable 15-year-old moaning out his name with her creamy legs wrapped around his head begging his to go poor girl was practically in tears when he suddenly complied an stuck his tongue down further into her.

She never felt so good!.

Jaune knew she was about to cum could feel her legs tighten around his head her back start to arch as she subconsciously bucked her hips into his face until she let her massive released take her. The first time she did this he felt disgusted an wanted nothing more than to whip his face an mouth out with soap a shame.

But now, this far into his hormonal haze where right an wrong didn't matter.

He licked her down to the last drop.

Her legs gave out an sagged on his shoulders as she was breathing heavily now with her face completely red an eyes droopy pulling up from her snatch he couldn't help the perverted tingle he got looking at her childish face become so ravaged,she even had that droopy smile on that turned him on every time he saw it.

He wanted her.

He climbed over her an forced her head up to look him in the glassy grey eyes meaning his slightly dilated blue eyes.

He reached over an cupped her cheek enjoying the fact that the girl was practically nuzzling his palm as he ran his hand through strands of her hair that were partly cover her face.

She was panting, red as a cheery an looked like she was gonna faint just from his tender touch as she smiled weakly up at him.

He would be a dirty liar if he said she wasn't beautiful right this moment.

He would fucking hate himself forever after today but.

She didn't even flinch when Jaune pulled up her right leg an throw away the underwear wrapped around it. he slowly unbuttoned an pulled down his jeans leaving his white boxers the only thing separating their privates.

Not for long.

"j-aune" she moaned out feeling tingles up her spine as his cock rubbed up against her while still trapped in his underwear. She looked up to him for an explanation of what he was about to do but all she got was the same look of hunger. Like a beast who had waited far too long for its meal, it almost scared her but she quickly reminded herself that this was jaune, he would never hurt her, all he ever did was make her feel good, maybe this was just another part of the game.

This was it, he was gonna finally do it, cross his final line an go somewhere he could never come back from. Her eyes looked so trusting like she had already submitted herself to him, his instincts were telling him to stop stalling a claim her already which he was fully inclined to listen to while in this state of mind.

So why didn't he?

He clearly wanted it, he couldn't remember a time when he was harder, his boxers were already stained wet from just being in contact with girls soaked pussy, proof (in his hazed mind) that she at least physically wanted it too.

So what was holding him back?.

"ruby" he croaked out as his hungry eyes gave way to some of his self-control, it was just the little spark of it that remained he knew it wouldn't last long but in its last moment's it clawed at whatever it could to keep the rest of him at bay while it made it's last attempt to stop himself.

"ye-ah" she breathed rubbing herself slightly on whatever it was hidden under Jaunes underwear.

"I.. If we continue. W-ere gonna get in a lot of trouble if we get found out" he breathed loving way her inexperienced hips rolled against him, fogging up his mind even faster.

"s-so I just want you to know now t-hat. Your not. Your not a bad person. I-i am" he said biting his lip an using the sting of pain to keep control.

"jaune I don't know w-what's going on anymore. But If it means we're gonna keep doing things like this. Then. I trust you... " she whispered to him with all the honesty she could muster.

That was the straw that broke the camels back, Jaune lost all reason or feeling of guilt as he pulled off his boxers allowing his lower half to spring free an slap against her pink folds.

The first contact nearly made his cum that very moment as his entire body tingle the same could have been said about her as the girl couldn't have gotten any redder as she felt with new levels of pleasure when his cock head started rubbing up an down her moist lips searching for the hole that would end her virginity a cement Jaunes seat in hell.

Only for the door to open

Jaune immediately snapped out of his haze as he stared at the door in absolute horror as felt as though his chest was being crushed by the weight of the ocean.

Standing in the doorway was his wide-eyed red-haired teammate.

Nora valkery.


AN: well... Fuck.

No seriously how in the hell does one react to all this, find out next time!

Also, I won't be making chapters as long as this, I realized that you guy REALLY love the fic an are OK with shorter chapters, so from now on I'm gonna make them smaller.

This way people will get a new chapter every week or so, later!

Please help support me at P a Treon . Com (slash) Kingunderdog