AN: This is the last chapter of this story and I really appreciate those who reading and especially reviewing from Chapter 1 until latest. Even though the reviews keep dropping till the end, I still hope someone would read this. Although, being honest, I dont know if people are reading this but still for those who are reading, do enjoy. I'm glad to finally rid of this fic, now I can focus solely with Cage.

Warning: OOC, Unbetaed, Major Character Death in this chapter.



Chapter 7





After getting better from his cold, Yuuri had thanked Minami for taking a good care of him. The younger male just smiled at him and said it was his duty as a junior from workplace. He felt bad about imposing on the younger male but Minami had reassured him so many times that he did not mind at all. Yuuri felt relief and somehow a bit guilty towards his coworker. Ever since those days Minami had and him had become closer and the teenager would occasionally spend time at his house.


He looked back at hearing his name and smiled at the younger male. "Minami, what's it?"

He saw the younger male blushed a bit - which was odd - before he smiled widely. "Um... let's go to lunch together."

"Eh, lunch?" Yuuri looked at the clock on the wall and realised his coworker was right. He did not even realise it was already 1 PM. He nodded his head. "Okay, wait here while I call Satoru to fill my place for a while."


After making sure that there was someone as a cashier, he then removed his apron and put it in the staff room before going to join the younger coworker of his, Minami. He smiled at the younger male who was waiting for him outside of the store. Suddenly, it reminded him of his first meeting with Victor. The Russian had saved him from the almost accident. He smiled sadly and thought perhaps, he had fallen in love at first sight at that moment he laid his eyes on the beautiful foreigner.


He blinked back and looked at his companion who was looking at him with concern. "Sorry, I seemed to space out." He forced a laugh.

"You're not sick? Are you?" The younger male did not laugh as he frowned and leaned closer, putting his palm on the older male's forehead. "Your temperature seems fine. Maybe it's something inside...?"

"Ah... I'm fine, really, Minami." Yuuri smiled and put a bit distance between them. "So, where do you want to eat?"

Minami looked like he still wanted to question the older male before finally he heaved a sigh and smiled. "Hm... I know a good place for ramen and it's really close from here."

Nodding his head, the black hair male followed the blond male as he heard about him speaking about just everything. He never knew that Minami was a chatter box. Before Minami took care of the sick him, their relationship was just normal coworkers but looking at it now, Yuuri could safely say that their relationship looked like a friendship.

Friends did talk with each other like them, right?

Yuuri never had much friend beside his childhood friend and her husband back in Hasetsu. But it had been long last he had seen them. He was the shy and silent type so it was hard for him to make friends. Nodding again at what his coworker said, he internally thought. Yes. This would be what it felt like to have a friend.

He smiled.

"Thank you, Minami."


"For being here with me at this moment."

"Ah! T-that of course! It's what a friend does! Um... we're friends, right, Yuuri-kun?" The chatter box suddenly being quiet and said shyly, there were speckles of red dusted across his nose.

"Of course. Thank you for being my friend, Minami."

"No problem!" The blond haired male with red streak grinned widely as another blush decorated his cheeks.




The clicking of the key being opened sounded so loud in the middle of the night as Yuuri opened the door to his home. He sighed tiredly as he said in a small voice, "I'm home.". But of course no one would answer him. That notion greatly saddened him as it reminded him again that his family was not with him anymore.

Locking the door back, he removed his shoes and went straight to his bed. Laying face down on the mattress, the dark haired young man sighed and turned to his side to curl up against himself. His dark brown eyes closed as he sniffed. He missed Victor. It felt so long last he had seen him and even if he was rejected, Yuuri still loved the man dearly.

He could not explain it how but it seemed that Victor had wormed his way inside his heart the second he had saved him.

So that night he slept with tears on his face as he again dreamed of him in his old sovereign clothes. But tonight it seemed his dream was different than the dreams before because tonight it seemed the dream him decided to speak to him.

Unlike before he was only an observer but tonight, Yuuri stood in the Royal Chamber as his wide eyes scanned his surrounding in awe. He knew this was a dream and yet everything felt so real. He heard the door being opened and Yuuri jumped in surprise. Eyes wide, he looked behind him to see another him. The him that married to the King Victor.

"Yuuri..." his dream self called out to him in a somber voice.

His already wide eyes, widened more in surprise. The dream him could see him?! Yuuri took a step forward. "You can see me? I thought this is only a dream..."

The dream him only smiled and nodded his head. His expression was somber and sad. "I do apologise for meeting you like this but I have no choice."

"...What do you mean, 'no choice'?" Yuuri grew wary at the situation as he tensed slightly.

"I could not see Victor look so sad, so miserable. I love him and I want him to be happ

y again," the dream Yuuri's voice grew softer. "...Even if he is not with me."

Yuuri almost did not hear the whispered last sentence. Hearing that only make him confuse more about this weird dream. "Victor? You mean, your husband, King Victor?" He asked.

The dream him just nodded his head. His long hair, untied, fell down his shoulders softly. He was beautiful, Yuuri noted, though he knew if he ever decidee to keep a longer hair, he would look just like this Yuuri. "Yes, my husband, the King Victor. He is also the same person you fall in love with."

Glasses fell down his nose as Yuuri took a step back. His body trembled. "No. You've got to be kidding me! There is no way they are the same person!"

"He is the same Victor Nikiforov or his full name King Victor Vladimir Nikiforov II."

"But how?" He stared at the long haired him and took another step back. "Didn't you already dead?" Yuuri winced as soon as that question went out of his mouth. He saw the dream him clutched the front of his royalty jacket and he remembered the nightmare he had.

"Yes, I had been dead for a century and I am sure, you already know how I died." The dream him said sadly but then he turned towards Yuuri. "If you're wondering why we have the same name and face. You are my reincarnation, Yuuri."

"Reincarnation? Me? You?"

"Yes, we share the same soul but even if I say share, it is yours Yuuri. I am but merely a fragment of memory inside your soul that guide you to meet with Victor." The dream him stared at Yuuri with sad and yet determine gaze. "Please don't let go of him, Yuuri. Make him happy in my place."

"B-But I... he rejected me."

"Victor did not reject you. He loves you but because of..."

Kring! Kring! Kring!

Before Yuuri could hear more, he was woken up harshly from his sleep by the shrilly sound of his alarm clock. He groaned in annoyance as he pressed the button to silent it. He sat down on the bed as he recalled what he had dreamed last night.


He still had a difficulty to believe that he was the reincarnation of Victor's dead spouse, century ago. And the reason why he had that dream was because it was all memories. Memories of the dead Yuuri. He felt heaviness settled in his chest, so that meant Victor did not really love him. He loved his late spouse and saw him in Yuuri. Also, even if the dream him said they were not the same person, Yuuri wondered if all his feelings for Victor were false as well? He raised his knees as he rested his head on it as he thought in silent.

Yuuri was quiet for a few minutes before he finally looked up and determination filled him. Today, he would meet with Victor and asked him for confirmation about what the dream him said. Also, he wanted to know if Victor loves him for himself or because he was a reincarnation of his dead spouse? Also, the thing that had been bugging him... how could Victor still alive after a century had passed?

Glad that he had made a resolve, Yuuri jumped out of his bed and went to do his daily cleaning before going to work. After work, he would search for the platinum haired male and he would get his answer.



After his shift ended, Yuuri immediately said good bye to Minami and went searching for the platinum haired man. He did not know where Victor lived but if he had been here while Yuuri almost got hit by a car...

His eyes widened!

That was why! He wondered why Victor know his name dedpite he did not tell him and the reason was because he resembled the dead Yuuri. The revelation made his decision stronger and he would make sure he find Victor today.

For an hour, Yuuri had been asking everywhere about the platinum haired man and every answer that he got was negative. He had almost lost his resolve when he saw a glimpse of the familiar platinum colored hair. His heart leapt in his chest and he immediately jogged down to the man. He called to him and the man, Victor, looked back at him in surprise before he tried to run away.

Yuuri frowned.

This was not what he had in mind. Victor running away from him. Gritting his teeth, he chased after the older male while trying to run into passerby. Their cat and mouse chase continued before a long, blaring horn of a truck could be heard. Yuuri saw Victor froze as he watched the truck getting closer and closer to the man. Adrenaline pushed up his legs to move even faster and before the truck could his the beautiful man's forzen body, Yuuri pushed him to the side of the road and felt the impact of his body colliding with the heavy vehicle.

He could feel his bones broken in a few places and his lungs punctured, causing blood to drown his lungs. He fell into a bloody broken heap at the side of the road and the truck skidded to a stop. Yuuri felt intense pain and hurt all over his body. He could not move his body and his head also felt like it being pinned by heavy metal. He coughed a blood as he struggled to breath. It was hard to breath and every breathe he took seemed to drown him even more. He glanced down at his chest and saw nothing of it as bones around his chest were pushed inward. His arms were twisted in a weird angle and the same thing also happened to his legs. He winced and felt dotted blackness starting to fill his sight.

Ah... is this how he is going to die?

He felt tears falling down the sides of his bruised face. So this was his end. He inwardly chuckled and silently, apologised to the dead Yuuri. Soon, he would not be calling him that since he would be the Dead Yuuri also. He heard a far voice calling for his name and turned at the voice.


"Yuuri! Please Yuuri don't die! Don't leave me again!"

Ah, finally he could talk to him. He tried to smile but it hurt so much as his broken body was cradled in Victor's protective arms. Despite Victor was holding him, Yuuri could feel anything but warmth. He felt cold. So cold. "...Vic...t-tor..."

"Yuuri, no! Please! Stay with me!"


He did not manage to finish his sentence as he felt his soul being ripped from him. Yuuri also did not hear as Victor screamed his name and a broken, "I...lo-ve you, Yuu-ri..."

The words he most wanted to hear.