Warning: OOCness, Unbetaed, Voyeurism, Possible smut, Major character death.

Rate: M



Chapter 1





"Everything is 2810 yen."

Receiving the exact amount, the cashier smiled and said his thank you at the customer. The cashier in his 24 years old looked quite young with his huge brown eyes, soft looking black hair, full pink lips and a cute button nose. It did not help when he had a baby face as well.

"Yuuri! You can go to lunch now! I will take your shift!"

One of the workers yelled at the young man from the storage room, luckily there was no customer and Yuuri quickly shed his apron away and put it inside the storage room. He said good bye to the other staffs before he walked the short distance to the family diner to buy a lunch.

He was about to cross the road when a car honking at him and he felt someone pulling him and he was pushed flush against the hard, firm chest. He felt his heart beating fast and his face paled as he realized he was just about to get hit by a truck. He looked at his saviour as he was about to say his thanks when he was rendered speechless by the man.

"Are you okay?"



The lone platinum haired man was lounging on the rooftop of an apartment in the midnight. His waist long platinum hair swept by the night breeze as he stood there looking into the distance. He was beautiful more than handsome and he looked around twenty seven with face devoid of any emotion, although, icy blue eyes told a tell of thousand years of story. He was recalling of an old story. Story that no one knew but he himself and a dead man. Story that had been hidden deep into a grave of one person who was the main actor in the plot.

Yuuri Katsuki.

Or Yuuri Nikiforov.

The name of the main actor in the story. The man who had left a deep scar inside of the platinum haired male's heart. The scar that would not heal. Not when that person who had caused it was already in the other world. World where the livings or immortals were not mean to go no matter how much they reached for it. Unless they became the dead themselves.


The man looked behind him to see a blond haired teenager. The blond was beautiful, his pale golden hair fell to his shoulders like a waterfall, his eyes the green color of clear sea, pale thin lips, rosy cheeks and pale skin. He was slender and at least two feets shorter than the platinum haired man.


The blond huffed and looked to the dark of night. His eyes glistened recalling some old memories before he finally snapped back at the silent man. He raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing this late at night?" He spoke harshly only to soften his voice before he stuffed his hands into his jeans' pockets. "It is cold. Get inside before you are icy frozen again."


Silent, the man just stared ahead of himself. His icy blue eyes looked eerily calm as he stared down the ground from a twenty stories apartment. He wondered if he would die if he jumped down from this height. But deep down he knew... he would not - could not - die. His body was immortal and he had no such thing as heartbeat. Even if he jumped, he would only sustain a few broken bones and in just a few minutes, he would be back, good as new.

His foot raised on the air, wanted to test the theory when his nose picked something smelt that made he retracted his foot like burnt. Icy blue orbs darkened and narrowed as he stared down ahead on the ground where tiny people walking the night streets. His eyes wild and careful as he scanned the humans on the streets.

One particular young man caught his eyes.


He did not hear Yuri's voice for his ears solely focused on the man's footsteps. His slow and steady footsteps. Without thinking, he jumped down - barely heard the blond male muytering curses behind him - the twenty stories building to land on the convinience store's roof. He crouched down low and sniffed the scent again. The man was average height for Japanese people, he had short black hair, brown eyes that were obsecured by a pair of ugly glasses which he knew beautiful, full pink lips and cute button nose. His eyes widened. It was him! And his eyes followed the person he had been missing this whole century.

"What the hell, Vitya!" The blond male hissed behind him.

"It's him..." he whispered, voice disbelief and full with hope. His eyes never left the young man's figure. "It's him, Yuuri..." he silently thought, 'My Yuuri, my love...'

"Who?" A confused voice responded.

"My consort. My beautiful consort, Yuuri Nikiforov."

Sea green eyes widened as he looked at the average looking young man which had caught Victor's eyes. He looked back at entralled man and softly said. "...How did you know that is him?" He said. "Didn't you tell he was died? Had been dead for a century long. How could he be here? Alive and breathing?"

Victor did not answer. It was not like he did not want to but more like he could not answer. He wished he could but he himself did not have an answer. He was confused as well but more than that, he was immersedly happy. The scent brought by the wind was calming and warming his cold body; vanilla and cinnamon.

"Vitya?! What the hell is this Vitya?!"

He hissed at his companion and bared his hidden fangs. "Shut it! Shut your mouth or just go back!"

Yuri was taken aback. He never had the man directed his anger at him. He was hurt for sure and he felt his body cold with disappointment. He did not even do anything that could anger the taller man and he just wanted to know. He gritted his teeth and bared his own fangs to hissed at the man to mask his hurt with anger. "The hell with you bastard! Fine! Just stay here all night and stalk that person who resembles your dead spouse!"

When the man himself did not even acknowledge him, the blond man did not wait even for a second as he leapt on the roof to roof before he vanished among the darkness. Victor did not move as he waited his consort who had gone to the diner to buy dinner. He watched fascinated when the dark haired beauty walked out of the shop as he followed behind him, silent as a mouse. He followed him until they reached an old apartment building with creaking old stairs. Blue orbs followed the man's movement until he disappeared behind the cheap plywood door.


That night Victor did not sleep as he crouched low in a tree branch just outside of the man's room. He watched fascinated as he saw the slow rise and down of the dark haired male's chest.

He felt his stilled, cold heart burst from happiness.

His fingers, long and slender clutched at his chest as he felt the tell tale of beating from his heart. His eyes widened. What the hell is happening? His heart had been dead for such a long time and for his dead heart to suddenly move...

"You will be cursed to an eternal life. Your heart will stop beating as your body stops aging. However, once your true love appears, your heart will beat once again and the moment you say you love him will be the day you die."

He clenched his chest where his heart starting to pump blood to his undead body. His brows furrowed together as he reminded on an old curse from the witch that had been jealous of his love with his spouse. The witch which was a princess from the other kingdom had fallen in love with him. The princess asked for his hand in marriage which he rejected politely before he found love in the form of new servant in his castle. Instantly, he fell in love with the beautiful young man. He who was the king, proposed to his servant and soon they were married.

They were happy but it was short lived.

The princess heard of this news felt enraged and humiliated. The king had rejected her to marry a servant and a male. Filled with revenge, she came, marching with her dark forces to destroy the king's kingdom. Many people were killed; soldiers, citizens, servants, advisors even the animals. Until the only ones left were the king and his prince consort. She was preparing to strike the king with her dark magic when the king's spouse, the disgustingly beautiful male ran in front of his husband and took the magic direct to his heart.

He was dead on the spot.

The king was surprised and the witch was displeased. Before the king could do any anything, before he could even run to his consort, he was cursed. He was cursed to live an eternal life, his heart stopped beating and his body undead. Only until he found his love and professed his love would he die. It was such a powerful dark magic that used the life of the witch to activate it.

He snapped of an old memories when he heard an alarm rung in the room in front of him. He saw as his reincarnated spouse - he was still confused about that - roused from his sleep. He watched him as he shed his night clothes walking to the bathroom in nude, baring his naked body to his greedy eyes. He swallowed his saliva down his throat. Yuuri was still beautiful. Even though he had short hair now - century ago he had long, flowing, silky black locks - he was still beautiful. His body was fit also slim and his legs, long and slender. He had such a round and firm backsides and his manhood stood proud, evident of morning wood.

He could feel his pants tightened.

He growled low in his throat when the bathroom door was closed and he took a deep breath to will his arousal to go down. It almost took his entire concentration just to kill his erection. He sighed in relief and saw again as his Yuuri walked out of the bathroom in small towel covering his privates. He wished the towel fell and let him feast on his spouse's gorgeous body. He did not have to wait long as the towel fell down soon and he once again drank in the sight of the nude body in front of his eyes. It did not last long before the sexy body was once again covered in a baggy long pants and a blue shirt a size bigger than Yuuri's slender frame. He then put on those ugly glasses, hiding his expressive beautiful brown eyes.

He leapt on the rooftop when the smaller male went to close his opened window. He frowned in thinking. Yuuri was careless. How could he open the window when he was asleep at night and just walking naked in his room without thinking of possible rapist. He was lucky that Victor was the one who saw his gorgeous body if it were the others, he could not be sure.

He took a note to himself and to stay guard outside of his reincarnated consort's room. He was snapped out of thought when he saw Yuuri walked downstairs. He almost jumped when he saw the young man stumbled on the stairs. He sighed in relief when he mamaged to hold onto the railing. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he finally stop at the roof of convinience store. He jumped to tree nearby and hid behind the leaves and branches. It was morning now, he had to be careful not to be spotted by humans.

For hours he sat there, watching the young man working as a cashier. Deep down, he planned a meeting with the beautiful dark haired male and hope to do it soon. He did not though, when he realized it was already mid afternoon and saw his spouse walking out of the store, heading towards the family diner opposite the place where he worked. He kept watching as Yuuri was about to cross the road. His now beating heart, speeding when he realized the man was about to be hit and a honk was pressed. Jumping from the tree, he ran towards the smaller male, grabbing his arm and pulled him flush into his strong chest.

Victor watched, transfixed at the real, warm beauty in his arms before the young man turned around and he masked his face. Only showing his genuine concern.

"Are you okay?"