Harry Potter and the Mystery of Mew

People have been asking me about the last paragraph of chapter one so let me explain. A trainer card is a pokemon license which alows ownership, training and battling of pokemon. A Razzberry was an easteregg refering to the tree of life scene in which mew gets paralized.

Chapter 2:

Diagon alley: new friends and old

Downtown London was a hustling and bustling area to be in. A large majority of pokemon asides Grimers, Muks and other toxic living pokemon were absent of the area asides the odd pidgey that was. How they managed to stay out of sight of the mundanes was a mystery to a certain blonde in a pink dress and boy in a blue shirt and black shorts. Mew was had to surpress a giggle as they walked past a toy store which had prank toys such as woopie coushins and trick gum. If only she had english money. Whatever that was called, last time she was here it was pence and all that.

"Hey, memma?" Harry asked looking up to the now taller mew in disguise.

"Yes?" She asked.

"isn't that ash? The boy who saved us twice now?" Harry asked pointing to a bar with a notice-me-not emmiting from it. A black haired boy with a pikachu poking its head out of a green bag walked in with a woman in a pink blouse and green dress.

"I think so, looks like you're both going to hogwarts, that's the Leaky cauldron." Mew pointed out as they crossed the road and entered the building.

Inside it was dark, dusty and smelt a tad stale. Both were honestly not surprised to see that a Gastly was floating around the ceiling.

"Hey! Ash!" Harry called as he rushed over to the boy who saved their lives.

"What? Harry, what are you doing here?" Ash asked, Pikachu popped out of the bag with a :Hello Harry!:

"Im going to Hogwarts this year." Harry stated happily.

"Really me too!" Ash laughed. "im here to get my school suplies."

"Yep." Mew smiled, popping the 'p' in amusment. "Hello again ash."

"What but.." Ash began.

"Not here, Later." Mew giggled. Ash nodded.

"Hi, I'm Delia Ketchum." Ash's mum introduced.

"Alice Mew." Mew winked while making a 'shush' sign. Delia's eyes went wide then she nodded.

"Harry Mew." Harry introduced. "She's my adopted memma." Delia nodded as pikachu climbed onto ash's shoulder.

:Hi lady mew. Hi Harry, got any ketchup?: Pikachu asked, causing both Harry and Ash to laugh.

"Sure. I think I got some." Mew stated as she dug through the admittedly bottemless pockets for several seconds before she pulled two small squirt packs of tomato ketchup and handing them to Pikachu. The small pokemon greedily ate them like there was no tomorrow.

"Pikachu really likes ketchup, doesn't he?" Delia asked with a sweatdrop. Now she understood why Ash always packed six bottles of the stuff.

"You don't now the half of it." Ash sighed.

They were interupted by a woman in green robes walking over being tailed closely by to people in casual ware and a bushy haired girl about 11 or 12 years old with buck teeth and wearing a grey jumper with blue jeans.

"Ahh, greetings miss Ketchum and Miss Mew." The woman spoke formally. Mew pouted, she hated formal. "This is Dr's Granger." She introduced.

The girl held out her hand to Ash and Harry. "Hi, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"Hi, My name is Ash, Ash Ketchum and this is my budy Pikachu." Ash smiled as pikachu gave a wave from atop his shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Harry Mew but just call me Harry." He introduced with a happy smile after shaking her hand. "She's my adopted memma Alice Mew." He stated. McGonagall raised a curious eye at the term "Memma" knowing it to be a Pokemon only thing and decided to keep an eye on it. However, thanks to subtile manipulations by Mew, the professor wouldn't make the connection between them and the mythical pokemon and human son duo.

"May I ask how long you've know about magic?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I think since I was three, my first memory was of memma shape-shifting." Harry spoke absently.

"ah, a Metamorphmagus?" McGonagall asked with a smile to mew. She smiled and flashed her hair fluro pink and gave herself a clown nose. Ash snorted a laugh while the grangers looked startled.

"I was just born like this, Harry's grown up with me doing this often so he's used to this, yes." Mew explained to hermione. "In fact, I seem to recall him levitating one time to reach the cookie jar." She pouted. "Darn good cookies too, took forever to find." Harry had the decency to blush at that.

"I was only four." Harry muttered.

"Oh dear, I know that feeling." Emma Granger chuckled while hermione blushed. "Hermione did the same at age eight, thought were were going mad until Professor Sprout was it? Came and explained everything to us last year."

"New Island." Ash muttered quietly.

"You don't have to say anything Ash." Harry stated calmly and supportingly.

"New island?" Dan Granger asked, confused. McGonagall raised an eyebrow at this.

"Kinda my fault." Mew muttered. "My hot headed brother challanged me to a deul." She sighed, using the cover story the three of them agreed upon. "It was destroying the local area and ash flung himself in the path of two dangerous blasts to stop us fighting, the fact he didn't disintergrate was astounding and brave, my moron brother appologized and left, the jerk." She muttered, still annoyed at her annoying male, arrogant clone. "After he was revived he started manipulating Aura, that in itself is terrifying. That led to him saving my home from being leveled when its magic went haywire due to its wards screwing up and him and harry worked to save my life." She smiled. "Eventually it was down to Jessie and James of team Rocket trying to break in."

"Oh dear lord, they didn't?" McGonagall groaned. "James is a forth year Ravenclaw and Jessie a Third Year Slytherin. They have a obsession with getting approval and will try anything to earn some money."

"Well, good thing Im not too smart." Ash muttered.

"Get rid of the 'too' twerp." Gritted a seething pink haired woman in a white shirt with a red R on it. Next to her was a blue haired man with the same clothing. "To protect the world from devistation!"

"To unite all people within our nation!" The blue haired man continued.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!" Continued the woman.

"To extend our reach to the start above!"

"Jessie!" The woman called.

"And James!" The man added.

"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" Jessie called.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight! And FIGHT!" James called.

"MEOWTH! That's right!" Called the talkiing cat-scratch pokemon. The Grangers, including Hermione and most of the pub looked confused.

"Wait a moment. I recognise that uniform." Delia stated. She then nodded. "I designed these for Ash's Father Antonio Geovanni."

"SAY WHAAAATTTT?!" Ash and team rocket called in utter disbelief.

"The twerp is the boss man's kid?" James gulped.

"It was your fault for saying we nab pikachu!" Jessie retorted loudly.

"HEY THAT WAS YOUR IDEA!" James shouted.

"HEY! GET BACK TO WORK!" The bartender called in annoyance.

"Yes sir." Team rocket sighed before walking to the back room with a bucket and three mops.P