Disclaimer – I do not own Yuri! On Ice

Chapter Five – Changes

When he started training with Yakov, never in a million years had Yuri dreamed that something like this would happen to him. The possibility of finding a family was one that had never even entered into his mind and now that Viktor and the other Yuri had shown up and announced that they had adopted him the little boy found his thoughts reeling from this. He was only seven years old and yet he had grown accustomed to being on his own already so the thought that he was going to be part of a family was one that was hard for him to grasp.

And currently all he could think about was the fact that he was going to have someone bossing him around and being irritating.

Something that Viktor at least seemed quite good at.

Yuri didn't know how to react to this change in his life.

It was just so unexpected.

The little blonde boy skated laps around the rink, trying to gather his thoughts together before Yakov resumed practice. He was still sort of reeling from the announcement that Viktor had made and he honestly wasn't sure what he thought about the situation. On some level he had always wanted a family, someone to care about him, but he was still sort of suspicious about the motives of the pair of skaters that had formally adopted him.

Yuri couldn't help but think that there was some ulterior motive for this.

That was just the way that his mind worked.

What could those two possibly gain from doing this? Why would they even bother? It doesn't make any sense…

Because of the fact that he was distracted the little blonde almost ended up skating into one of the other skaters that were on the rink, Yuri noticing in the nick of time and dodging. That did serve to snap him out of his little daze, the blonde shaking his head and narrowing his green eyes as he tried to force himself to focus once again.

It was at about this time that Yakov called out to the group to resume practice, Yuri seeming to debate whether or not he wanted to do that for a moment before he turned around and skated back over. Practicing with the group would have been exceedingly difficult were it not for the fact that Yakov gave them instructions individually rather than having them do exercises as a group.

He felt that it was more productive that way.

Yakov could tell that Yuri's head really wasn't in the game the moment that practice resumed but despite his gruff exterior he did have it in him to be understanding so he didn't yell at the child in light of the bombshell that had been dropped on him only a short time ago. It wasn't something that he would make a habit of doing but right now he was cutting the kid some slack.

Which Yuri didn't even realize.

He was too focused on his whirlwind thoughts.

A family…

He actually had the chance to have a family…albeit a rather unorthodox one. That wasn't really something that Yuri had a problem with but he did think that it was going to take some getting used to if only because Viktor at least was very weird. The other Yuri, well he seemed to be the level-headed one of the pair, at least from what little Yuri had gathered during his interactions thus far. It was just all so confusing and he found himself wondering what had driven them to make this decision.

A decision that was going to change all of their lives drastically.

The paranoia in the back of his mind was telling the child that they wanted something but the part of him that was just a damaged little boy that longed for a family wanted to believe that they just wanted him for him.

Something that no one else ever had.

Even Yakov only kept him around because of his skating potential, a fact that Yuri was acutely aware of and part of what fueled him to work so hard during these practice sessions. He knew that the only change he had of having a future was to become a competitive skater.

Or at least that was the way that it had been before.

Now, with the arrival of Viktor and Yuri, that might change.

He might have a chance at a future that didn't involve working himself into the ground. Yuri just might have a future that involved a loving and supportive family that would help him realize his dreams simply because they loved him and not because there was something in it for them.

That was what the secret, and mostly subconscious, part of his brain kept resonating.

Usually practice seemed to drag on for hours on end but on this particular day it ended all too quickly and Yuri was once again snapped out of his internal musings when Yakov called out to the group to dismiss them. As per usual for the man he yelled at almost all of them for one thing or another before finally letting them go so that they could change out of their skates and go their separate ways.

Always before Yuri had been one of the first to flee the rink once they were dismissed but today he hung back, hesitating because he honestly didn't know what he was supposed to do.

The little one looked so lost.

Once practice had resumed Viktor and Yuri had taken up residence along one of the half walls of the rink and that was where they were still standing when Yakov called an end to practice. Because of this they were easily able to see the expression that appeared on the face of their newly adopted son and it made Yuri feel bad for the little guy.

"I think we should have talked to him about this before we did it Viktor," he said in a quiet voice, his words meant solely for his fiancé.

Viktor glanced over at Yuri when the slightly younger man spoke but he just sort of shrugged his shoulders. "It'll be okay, he'll get used to the idea," the Russian man said before turning his gaze back to the lost looking little blonde boy that was currently in the middle of the rink. "Hey Yuratchka!"

Calling that out seemed to effectively bring little Yuri back to reality once again, the boy skating over to the spot near the wall where Viktor and Yuri were standing. Which was sort of comical when he arrived because he wasn't tall enough to actually see over the thing, he just ended up looking up and making a face at Viktor.

"Aww, what a cute little pout!" Viktor fawned, his eyes almost seeming to sparkle.

"Is he always this weird?" the little blonde asked the black-haired man that shared the same name as him, his face having a very blunt look.

"Yes," Yuri answered without hesitation, gesturing toward the rink's exit after he said that. "C'mon. Change out of your skates and we can talk about things more…we can always do that over dinner."

Little Yuri opened his mouth to say something about being bossed around by a stranger but then the other Yuri mentioned food and that was all that it took to get him to cooperate. Making his way to the exit he grabbed the guards and slipped those over the blades of his skates before stepping off the ice and then making his way over to the bench where all of his things had been left scattered here and there.

In typical little kid fashion.

Smiling slightly and giving Yuri a 'way to go' look Viktor turned and made his way over to the bench where the little boy had plopped down. Yuri was quick to follow suit and he just stood there and watched as the little one changed out of his skates and put his normal shoes on in their place. Just glancing at the boy's stuff was enough to let both new parents know that the little one had a thing for big cats, his suitcase, jacket and even his shoes were leopard print.

Something that Yuri filed away for later analysis.

"Well now we know how to get him to cooperate, just offer food," Viktor said in a teasing tone of voice once little Yuri had more or less packed up all of his things back into the suitcase. "Let's go." Even as he said this he captured the suitcase himself, pulling it along since it had wheels and then just waiting for the pair of Yuris to follow him.

A big goofy grin on his face as he walked toward the exit.

The little blonde boy once again scowled as he watched Viktor commandeer his stuff but he didn't even bother to protest and instead just ended up looking up at the older Yuri like 'can't you do something about him'.

A look that the other Yuri seemingly had no trouble reading.

"You'll get used to him," he said with a bit of a chuckle, gesturing for little Yuri to follow along behind Viktor even as he started walking himself. "And if he gets too out of control we can deal with it…he's just really excited right now. He's been looking forward to this since we met you…we've been looking forward to this."

Even as he spoke Yuri wasn't sure if telling the child this was the right thing to do but he felt that it was something that the little blonde should know, if only to understand why the two adults were acting so weird right now. Whether or not it would help him to really understand and come to terms with this drastic change in his life was something that would remain to be seen but Yuri was hoping that it would at least help.

The words that the older Yuri spoke to him were almost enough to floor little Yuri and he ended up stopping dead in his tracks and just gaping at the Japanese man as if he had grown a second head or something along those lines. Hearing that someone was excited to have him around, that they had wanted him enough to act this goofy, was hard to process.

For his part the older Yuri had to fight the urge to chuckle at the reaction.

"You understand eventually…and maybe you'll come to see us as family the same way that we already see you," Yuri said, the man hesitating for a moment before wrapping an arm around the little boy's shoulder so that he could gently guide him toward the exit since Viktor was probably already halfway across the parking lot at this point.

He didn't seem too keen on waiting for the rest of his little family.

Which Yuri realized was because he was currently on cloud 9 and just not processing things.

A fact that he found funny.

Little Yuri just made a non-committal little grunting noise as he once again started to walk, his thoughts starting to whirl around inside his head at a mile a minute. This was all so strange to him and he wasn't even sure how he was going to deal but he decided in this moment that he was actually going to give it a chance.

It might actually be nice to have a family.

Even a weird one.

And this one was definitely going to be a weird one.

He could already tell.

"Come on or I'm going to leave without you!" Viktor called out once he realized that the two Yuris had fallen behind and were no longer keeping up with the pace that he had set.

Yuri just snorted in response to that. "No you won't," he called back in a calm and matter of fact voice, making it abundantly clear that he wasn't falling for the mock threat that his fiancé was issuing against the two of them right now. "And even if you do, that just means that I get to spend more time with Yuratchka than you."

This last bit was said in an almost taunting tone.

Which caused little Yuri to roll his eyes.

And Viktor to turn around with large, teary eyes that made him look stricken. "How could you even say something like that to me Yuri?" he asked in an overly dramatic voice that was clearly just the Russian man practicing his acting skills in an attempt to guilt trip the slightly younger Japanese man.

It wasn't working.

As was made evident by the look on Yuri's face.

"Geez you're both so embarrassing," little Yuri said as he shook his head and rolled his eyes, the boy walking past both of them but if you looked closely enough there was just the tiniest trace of a smile peaking at the corners of his mouth.

A/N – End of another chapter and they're starting to bond a little bit. Hope that you enjoyed =^^=