Consciousness washed over Robin slowly and gently. It was like floating up from deep underwater. He wasn't sure exactly when he first noticed the regular beeping of an EKG monitor, but he was pretty sure he had been hearing it for awhile. Other things started to creep into his awareness: small sounds, aching pain from his body, and somebody holding his hand.

Slowly Robin opened his eyes. He was back in the Titan's Tower infirmary. The room was filled with the soft grey light of pre-dawn. Cyborg was sleeping in a chair beside Robin's head. Down near his feet there was a small green cat curled up on the bed with him. On the other side, another of the infirmary beds had been pushed up next to his, on which lay both Raven and Starfire who was holding his hand while she slept.

He could hardly believe it. He was alive and all of his friends were here with him. An overwhelming feeling of gladness swelled in his chest as he gave Starfire's hand a small squeeze.

"Robin!" Starefire was instantly awake. "Robin, you are awake. Oh, I am so very happy that you are at last." Robin was suddenly surrounded by happy babbling as the rest of the Titans became alert. Robin could practically feel the happiness and relief filling the room.

"How long?" rasped Robin. He was shocked at how weak and gravelly his voiced sounded. Already he was starting to feel tired.

"You were out for, like, almost 3 days, bro," replied Beast Boy. "You totally had us worried."

"You're going to be alright now though," said Raven with a faint smile. "Everything is healing well. I'd like to say that you'll be back to normal in two months, but knowing you, I'm sure I'll have to settle for six weeks."

"The monster?"

"Gone," answered Cyborg. "One minute we're fighting it, and losing pretty badly too, the next minute it dives into the harbour and swims out to sea."

"That is when we heard you on the communicator." Starfire gave his hand a squeeze as she remembered the moment.

"Once we pick up you and Killer Moth, it was pretty easy to figure out what had happened," continued Cyborg. "I guess once it wasn't being controlled, the creature really didn't have any interest in fighting. We searched for it. We even warned the Justice League about it, but they haven't found it either. For now we'll just have to keep an eye out for it, but I have a feeling that it's never coming back."

"But, man! I don't know how you did it, but you sure saved our butts out there," Robin winced a little as Beast Boy bounced around on the end of his bed. "That monster was tearing us apart. It just kept comin' and comin'. I thought we were done for sure!"

"Yeah man," agreed Cyborg. "I gotta' say, you were right to be insulted when I said that you were 'only human.' You're human, but you're not 'only' human. You've got somethin' in you that I ain't never seen anywhere else. Even with all of our super powers, none of us could 'av done what you did. You are somethin' else my friend."

Robin wanted to say a million things. Tell them all how much they meant to him, how proud he was to be part of this team, how he would do it all again in a second. But for now, a whispered "Thanks," was all he could manage. He was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. He knew that in a moment he'd be asleep again.

"Robin?" he heard Beast Boy whisper. "While you're asleep, would it be okay if we all stayed here with you?

Robin smiled as he closed his eyes. "Yeah, I'd like that."