Robin felt his feet leave the ground as a blow landed squarely in his midsection. The back of his shoulders slammed into the pavement first, the force of the hit gaving his body enough momentum to allow him flip all the way over and roll up on to his feet. He paused to touch his right side where he was hit. Yup, he thought, that feels like at least two cracked ribs. The fight had been going on for almost twenty minutes. He was getting tired and was starting to make mistakes. Ignoring the pain, he clenched his jaw and launched himself back at the monster.
All along the city streets there were crumpled lamp posts, ripped up street signs, and smashed cars. Everything was covered in rubble and glass from the damaged office buildings that surrounded the urban battle field. The beast was the size of a small house and looked vaguely reptilian. It had teeth, claws, a long whip-like tail like a lizard, but with long bright feathers. Maybe it was dinosaur. Whatever it was, it was angry and not very smart. Someone's cruel experiment that escaped, or more likely, was set loose. Either way, the Teen Titans were here to stop its rampage through the heart of Jump City.
Robin slid on his knees over the hood of a parked car as the monster slashed at him with its claws. It screamed its rage as it found itself grasping empty air. It slashed again as Robin ran in search of cover. This time he was half a second too slow and he felt a razor sharp claw slice into his upper left arm as it grazed by. Why doesn't his costume have long sleeves? At least it's better than the bare legs he ran around with when he first became Robin. Seriously, what was Bruce thinking?
The monster lunged at him again, but this time was stopped short. It screamed and turned around to find Cyborg holding its tail.
"Got ya' now, ya ugly turkey," Cyborg taunted. The monster hissed and tried to shake him off by whipping its tail. "Beast Boy, I could use a little help here!"
A green gorilla appeared behind Cyborg and grabbed on to the tail. Starfire came swooping in, firing off starbolts while the target was being held still. With the aid of his bo staff, Robin launch himself through the air and landed a hard kick to the side of the beast's head while it was turned.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven's black beams came raining down on all sides. The monster roared and slammed its tail to the ground dislodging Cyborg and Beast Boy. Robin wasn't able to get out of the way fast enough and felt his knee crack against the pavement has a gorilla landed on top of him.
"Sorry, man," Beast Boy groaned as he pulled himself off Robin. "This thing is really starting to annoy me."
"Me too," replied Robin has he got to his feet, carefully testing his knee. It hurt, but seemed to work okay. He straightened up and glared at the monster. "Let's end this. Think you can give me a lift?"
Beast Boy grinned and morphed into a rhino. Robin hopped up on his back, balancing on his feet just behind Beast Boy's rhino head as they charged towards the monster. Robin calculated the perfect trajectory. The timing would have to be exact. Just before Beast Boy rammed into the belly of the monster Robin leaped into the air with his staff held high above him. With a fierce yell of released frustration Robin brought down his staff as hard as he could right between the monster's eyes. It dropped like a stone, it's giant forked tongue lolling out the side of its mouth.
Robin stood beside the fallen monster breathing hard and resisting the urge to put a hand to his cracked ribs. The rest of the team gathered around him looking at their defeated foe. Normally victory was cause for celebratory cheers and high fives, but this time the exhausted Teen Titans were contented to just each breath a sigh of relief. Robin turned away from the fallen beast and began to walk away. "Let's go home."