A/N: In the last update, we have our first glimpse at our villain's bad guy, and Johnny and Ash exchanged phone numbers. And now Buster got what he was wanting, funding to train the Mega-Mammals in order to protect the world from Entity attacks. So, let's dive into the update and see what will happen now. Enjoy!

-Normal P.O.V.-

Johnny woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, it was on a radio station and it was playing 'Heathens' by Twenty One Pandas. Once he got up and stretched, he left for the bathroom and began taking a shower. He sang along to the lyrics of the song as he scrubbed his fur with body wash and letting the hot water rinse the suds off.

"Today's the first day of Mega-Mammals training. I just hope I don't mess up on the first day" Johnny said to himself while the song was on an instrumental break and turned the water off. After stepping out of the shower, he dried off and brushed his teeth before changing into his day clothes and donning his favorite leather jacket. All that's left was putting his shoes on, and then went to grab his skateboard and his father appeared right in front of him.

"Johnny" he said.

"Ah!" the younger gorilla shouted and jumped backwards in surprise and landed on a stack of tires, toppling them over.

"Oh, sorry son" Big Daddy apologized, helping his son up off the ground.

"Thanks dad. Sorry about the tires" Johnny said before he picked a tire up off before his father took it from him.

"Don't worry about that son, I'll clean them up" Big Daddy said placing the tire on top of one that didn't fall when Johnny toppled it over.

"Thanks. Anyways, I better get going. I'm going to meet up with some friends" Johnny said before picking up his skateboard and placed it onto it's wheels and gave his dad a quick hug.

"Try not to stay out too late alright?" Big Daddy advised.

"I won't" Johnny said before taking off on his skateboard out of the garage. He then skated down the alleyway he took yesterday to get to the 'Moon Theater' and within minutes he found himself at the moon theater again, and just as he turned the corner, he saw Ash get off the bus and onto the sidewalk.

"Ash, hey!" the gorilla called out.

"Johnny, it's good to see you again" Ash said when she turned her head to the side and saw him. It made her heart jump a little inside her chest. She was still very very upset about what happened with Lance, but seeing Johnny made her feel very happy, and she felt warm inside whenever she was near him.

"Yeah, same here" Johnny replied before walking over to the theater door and holding it open for her. Ash, quite flattered at how such a gentleman Johnny was, walked in giving him a small 'Thank you'. The two of them then walked back inside together and saw that Meena, Gunter, Rosita, and Mike got there before they did and were right in the middle of putting their suits on.

"Oh, there they are!" Mike said to the others.

"We were wondering when you guys would show up" Gunter added while slipping on his flamethrower gauntlets.

"Well, we made it. Now just get suited up okay?" Johnny told them before he and Ash went on stage to their lockers and began swapping their regular clothes with their Mega-Mammal suits. Both gorilla and porcupine had taken only a few minutes to properly put their suits on and then taking their cores off the outlets meant for charging them and placing it into the center of it's chest when it belonged.

"Alright, got my core in, and ready go" Ash said to herself while looking at the mirror that hung onto the door on her locker. This was only the second time wearing her armor, but it still felt like the first time to her, being that she never really saw herself as a superhero until Buster gave her confidence and seeing what the suit's weapons could do.

"Good morning everyone! Glad to see everyone here with their suits on already!" a voice called out to them, and they saw Buster walking up the stairs up onto the stage.

"Today is your first day of training. Before we start, I want to make one thing clear to you all. Whenever you have your suits on, forget everything you think you've known about the world, none of that matters anymore. When you have those suits on, you are not ordinary citizens anymore, you are Mega-Mammals, and you will act and fight as one" Buster told them.

"So, do I make myself clear?" he added.

"Yes sir!" they all said at the same time. The koala then nodded and lead them back downstairs to where they first demonstrated their suits abilities. Buster then stood right in front of the others.

"Alright, how many of you know a form of martial art or fighting style?" He asked. All of them raised their paws/hands. Johnny was familiar with boxing, Rosita was familiar with Jujitsu since it's what she used in her vigilante days, Gunter used any kind of dance move that involved spinning and kicking and adapted it into a fighting style of his own, Meena used to take Tae-Kwan-Do when she was in sixth grade, Ash knew a thing or two about Maui-Thai, and Mike was familiar with boxing as well.

"Very good. You all probably have different ways of fighting, which is good for you, but bad for your enemies. Why? Because it means they don't know what's coming for them. They can't adapt and overcome to a fighting style they have not seen before or are not familiar with" Buster told them before he snapped his claws and Mrs. Crawley wheeled out several martial arts training dummies which Buster bought with some of the money that Nana had provided him.

"Each and every one of you gets a training dummy. If your skills are a little rusty, now is a time to use these suits and the dummies to improve yourselves whenever we actually face an Entity attack in real life" Buster told them. All them walked over towards a dummy and took a fighting stance.

"Get on with practicing ladies and gentlemen. I will be right back, just in case anyone has any questions" Buster said before he left the room and walked back upstairs to the technician's booth and turned on the TV, flipping through several news channels, waiting to see if there was a threat even close to an Entity attack that would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the Mega-Mammals to society as their new protectors.

"Some coffee, Mr. Moon?" asked Mrs. Crawley, pouring some coffee from a pot into a mug for the koala.

"Sure, thank you" he said, taking the mug from her and taking a sip.

"You're welcome, Mr. Moon" she said before leaving. A few minutes later, Eddie came into the booth.

"Morning Buster" Eddie greeted.

"Morning Eddie, you're late" Buster said, taking a sip from his coffee while still flipping through the news channels.

"That is a good cup of Joe" said Buster to himself, admiring how good the coffee was.

"Sorry, had to pick up the mail. I trust my Nana's money is being spent well?" Eddie asked while looking down from the booth to see the Mega-Mammals fighting with the dummies.

"Exceedingly well, Eddie. I'm telling you, those Entities are gonna have no idea what hit them if they ever try to step a foot into our world again" Buster said confidently.

"Buster, I've been wondering something. What if the Entities are far more stronger than last time? What if... this idea doesn't work?" Eddie asked. Buster spit his coffee out and looked to his friend with a shocked look.

"Eddie, why would you say that? Why would you even think that?" asked the koala.

"It's not that I don't support the idea, Buster. These creatures are a real, legitimate threat to our world, and they've already demonstrated what they can do. What if a bunch of animals wearing fancy suits with fancy weapons on them isn't enough to stop them?" Eddie told him.

"It will, Eddie. You just need to have faith in them. Once they hone their suits' powers to the point where they are one with the cores, armors, and the weapons, they'll be strong enough to take the Entities out for good" Buster retorted.

"How can you be so sure?" Eddie asked. A long pause filled the air.

"Because I believe they can. If I believe in them enough, if I train them well enough, if I make the weapons and the suits strong enough, they can find something inside them that they've never ever thought they had" Buster said with a small smile and his eyes looking down at the heroes he's training down from above. He smiled a little wider with each punch and kick they threw at the dummies, the more training they received, the more ready they were becoming to face the Entities.

A/N: I know this chapter was a little more shorter than the others, but I can assure you that there will be a little longer chapter next time. There's not really much to say about this chapter, but I'll say that now Mega-Mammal training has begun, and Buster shows how much faith he has in how his plan will work to protecting the world he calls home from an evil race of beings who want to destroy it. More to come in the next update. Please review, thanks!