Title: Kaede Jr.
Author: Aki Midori
Mail me at: [email protected]
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC (i think)(intended), OC... the works
Pairing: SenRu (what else?)
Rating: G - PG
Genre: Romance/Humor (I hope)

Summary: Rukawa Kaede... the Ice Prince... Super Rookie and Ace of Shohoku... Fearless on court. Unreachable. Untouchable. He is on top of the world (okay, Kanagawa, maybe)... but he fears ONE person... only one...

Author's Blah:
Blah blah blah blah...
This is for all my friends at AkiraxKaede ML...
This is for all the SenRu fans of the world...
This is for my crazy friend miku... (Where the hell are your fics? Hmmm?)
This is for YOU. You, who had the golden heart, as to pay attention to this crap. Yes, you. Don't you raise an eyebrow at me. I just said that this is for you. Be flattered. (Just kidding. About the flattery part.)
Blah blah blah blah...

DiSCLaiMerS: I.do.not.own.Slam.Dunk.If.I.did.then.I.wouldn't.even.bother.fantisizing.like.this.


Kaede Jr.
Chapter One: I'm Calm, I'm Cool, I'm the Ice Prince

"I'm going to die," the do'aho muttered after another grueling practice under our *ehm* midget-sized captain.

Going to die, eh? Why don't you? It wouldn't be much of a loss to society. In fact, I think it would even benefit everyone. One less moron in the world. Oh well, it's not that I hate him that much. I don't even hate him. But no one can deny the fact that he irritates the hell outta me. And I can't blame him if he reacts that way, either. I mean, Miyagi-sempai had been tougher than usual. Probably because in a few days, we'll be having a match against Ryonan. It's only a practice game, but hell, we sure don't want to lose to them.

And I especially don't want to lose against the so-called Ace of Ryonan, Sendoh Akira. After all, I'm well on my way to being the number one player in Japan. There was just one itty-bitty hindrance, which is, Sendoh, of course. I really don't know why I feel like a basketball moron when I'm next to that perpetually smiling dweeb. It's not inferiority complex, no siree. It's just that he has a way of making me feel so *inferior* because no matter how hard I try, no matter how good I am, I can't seem to beat him during our one-on-ones.

Now, thinking about it, I just noticed that he doesn't play the same way during official games. When we're alone, there's this *something*, I don't what, that drives him to play differently. He's... how do I say this... *burning* whenever we play. He's still smiling, yeah, but he's different. And the worst thing is... whatever this *thing* is... it makes him win... And I don't like it one bit.

Oh well, thinking about that smiling do'aho will not take me anywhere in life. He'd just destroy my wonderful mood.

Why was I thinking of him anyway? It's not like he's worth my attention. Yeah, he plays well, but that's all there is to it.

After all... I'm calm, I'm cool, and I'm the Ice Prince.

Although those facts of reality doesn't have anything to do with the present situation at hand, I have better things to do than ponder all night about the existence of one smiling hedgehog.

The breeze was cool as I stepped out of the gym. It was a peaceful night, a perfect night for cycling to my peaceful home. I get all warm inside whenever I think of going home. I love my apartment more than anything in the world (well, of course there's the issue of my basketball and my bike, but that's beside the point). It's my haven after another grueling day. It's the only place where I can get the peace I so much craved for. No overprotective mothers, no childish fathers, and no annoying little brothers. Just silence, solitude, comfort... ah well, life is good.

I don't know why I'm thinking of my family now, especially since I've been away from that pandemonium since I started high school. Looking back, I honestly didn't know how I ended up *sane* amidst the portrait of lunacy which was painted by my family. My father and mother, though they were corporate people, actually acted as children. Hn, they must have been taking seriously the saying 'Never let go of the child in you.' Well, they can't let go, all right. They bicker and giggle and chuckle and argue and who knows what else... all the time. They drive me crazy! No one would think that the Ice Prince actually came from straight from the family of the damned.

My mother is the epitome of overprotectiveness. She wouldn't let me and my brother out of her sight. She would make sure we have sunblock on whenever we get out of the house. She suggests the most bizarre things, like putting a piece of cloth on my back when I play basketball... to absorb the sweat, she says. She pampers us to *death*. Thinking about the past few years of my life makes me shudder.

My father... he's just... him. He always has this stupid grin on his face. He's always grinning, even when the sitution is so damn serious. And he's so *bright* and *cheerful* and so goddamn loud. And come to think of it, my father is kinda like SAKURAGI... after a few years. Yes, I see my father whenever I look at that do'aho, minus the red hair, that is. Maybe that's why I can't stand the red head very much. He actually reminds me of one the persons whom I wanted to get away from. I mean... duh! I actually moved away from Osaka[1] because I wanted to get away from my family... And then when I come here, I see the teen-aged version of my dad. What a life.

And my brother... He just popped into my life like a some mushroom. My parents during those times have been staying at the States for three years already. I stayed here in Japan with my ojiisan, for the sole reason that I wanted solitude.. even for a while. I was nine by the time they got back, and they had with them a baby. Wow, so she concieved during those times they were away. Fine with me. It's nice to have a baby brother. It would be nice to have someone who'd idolize me, and who'd look up to me, and who'd regard me as his hero. I would teach him my favorite sport in the world. We would be best buds.

I spoke too soon.

That would be as far as I can get. Thinking about that little demon brings chills down my spine.

No, I would not think about the time when he was barely a year old, when he crawled into my room and just destroyed everything in sight. I would not think of those times where I tried to fed him, and ended up looking like a huge walking goob. I would not think of the time where the little twerp actually *ate* my brand new NBA posters, the ones which I accidentally left on the floor because my mom called me for something. And no, I would not think of that time where he pooped on my homework. I worked three days for that! I wouldn't think of the time where I lovingly lent him my basketball, one fine day at the beach... and he threw it out into the sea.

No, I would *not* think of those horrible times.

The night is too perfect.

I passed by the peaceful park. I passed by the calm sea. I passed by the quiet, still open stores. And finally, I arrived at the familiar peaceful neighborhood. I passed by the familiar, quiet houses, and turned right at the familiar corner, and smiled as my familiar house came into my view.

Yep... This is a perfect night.

But no... I guess I spoke too soon... again.

Right there, parked in front of my house, was the familiar blue car of my dad. I stopped dead in my tracks (and almost fell off my bike in the process), and just *stared* at the car, wishing... HOPING against hope that the car belongs to one of my neighbors. That maybe they don't have any space in their garage anymore, and I don't have a car anyway, so they parked it in front of my home sweet home.

They belong to the neighbors... right?


And then I saw my mom... standing at the doorway... MY doorway... and she had that sweet smile on her face. She makes want to turn on my heel and scream and run.

How the hell did she get in there, anyway? Oh yeah... They have keys to my

As I walked nearer, I could see the mess my brother made. The hose was wriggling about like a strangled snake, as water oozed out from it. My garden... Kami-sama, my garden... The flowers were pulled out, the leaves were unidentifiable, the pots were broken, and soil was just *everywhere*. How could a kid be sooooooo horrible?

"Kaede! You're home!" my mom exclaimed as she gathered me into a tight bear hug, cutting off my air supply.

"Okaasan, I can't breathe."

"Gomen, gomen!" she said breezily and whizzed me into *MY* house. Okay, so they were the ones who gave this to me... but this is MINE. "Your otousan's in the kitchen. And little Kaede, I think, is out in the yard."

And did I ever mention that they actually named the little demon Kaede Jr.? Geez, man! Were they so lazy to think of any other name? Why name that demon after me? I'm not angelic, but I don't grow horns, either.

"I didn't see him," was my reply. Now, am I cool or what? How in the world I managed to sound calm and collected, I don't know. In reality, my insides were churning. Panic was rising up my veins. Where's my solitude? Where's my peace? How could life be so unfair?

And yeah, I didn't see my brother, but I did saw the mess he made. And I bet he could get away with it, too.

"Oi! Kaede!" My dad greeted. Is that a *pink* apron he's wearing? Where the hell did he get that? Certainly not from my kitchen. He scooted over to me and gave me a big hug. I peered over his shoulder and had to wince at the mess he made in my pristine white kitchen. Kami-sama, did I do something wrong? I don't deserve this. All I wanted in life is to win against my greatest rival and be the nation's best basketball player. Why did the heavens allow *this* to happen to me?

"I made your favorite dish!" otousan said proudly. "Go ahead and change. Go right back down for dinner."

Next thing I knew, my mom was actually pushing me towards the stairs and my room and then she was rummaging in my closet, threw a blue shirt and white shorts to me and kissed me before she went out of the room so I could change.

Am I supposed to be thankful that she actually didn't think of clothing me herself? I mean... she's my mom, RIGHT?

I stood still in the middle of my room and tried to calm my nerves. Okay, Rukawa Kaede... you're calm, you're cool, you're the Ice Prince. You will get over this mess in no time at all. Take a deep breath, Kaede... yes, that's it... Relax. First, change your clothes... that's right... now, take another deep breath... okay... open the door... yeah, that's it... and prepare yourself for battle. Yes... that's it. You're calm, you're cool, you're the Ice Prince.

I repeated that over and over like a mantra, so I didn't notice my brother appear right before me. Next thing I know, we were tangled on the floor. His foot was on my face and his hands were sprawled over my torso.

"Oi, get off me, do'aho," I snapped. Oh well, we've never been really close, since that time when he bit me when I tried to cuddle him.

"I'm not a do'aho," he snapped back and actually kicked my face before getting puny body off mine. I stood up, pulled him up, and dusted us both.

"Get lost," I said and walked away. I think he just stood at the end of the hall way. Well he could stay there forever and I wouldn't give a damn.

The aroma of my dad's chicken curry lead my stomach (and me, of course) to the kitchen. I flopped down at one seat and stared hard at my smooching parents.


"Oh, Kaede, you're there."

Like duh...

"Where's Kae-chan?"


"Oh, come on, son! Don't be like that!" my dad said as he patted my head like one would to a poodle. And then he actually cackled. The same way a certain redhead would whenever he's feeling very high.

And then people are wondering why I never really liked the do'aho...

"Where's your brother, dear?" my mom asked as she placed the food on the table. The smell of it attacked my sense of smell, and I could actually hear my stomach shouting for food.


My mom and dad suddenly went still and exchanged glances before sitting before me. My mom took my hand and held it in hers as she looked intently into my eyes. Boy, oh, boy... this looked serious.

"Kaede, we need to tell you something," okaasan started.

Why do I get the feeling that something is TERRIBLY wrong?

"It's really important, and we hope you'd understand us," otousan added.


More silence.

They were fidgeting in their seats now, and my blood was close to boiling. What the hell is happening?

Ok, Rukawa... you're calm, you're cool, you're the Ice Prince. Your blood doesn't boil.

"What's wrong?" Now am I cool or what?

"We need you to take care of your brother for the time being," otousan said in one breath. I almost wanted to jump away and run for safety but I held my cool. I would listen to their explanation, but there's no way I'm going to take that little heathen under my wing. Brother or not, he annoys the hell outta me. Heck *annoys* is the understatement of the century.

"Your father and I need to take care of *really* important business back home, and we won't be around too much to take care of Kaede Jr." Note that my mother stressed the word 'really'.

"I know that you and your brother haven't been on good terms lately-"

"We haven't been on good terms since the beginning of our acquaintance, and you know it," I interrupted. To hell with being polite. To hell with ethics. Too hell with being a good son. I want my peace, and there's no way I'm going to get peace when my brother's around!

My mom suddenly looked very weary, and my dad, for the first time, actually looked *normal* (I mean, without that stupid grin on his face). Damn, this must be really serious.

"Please, Kaede, just this once," okaasan insisted. "You don't hate him that much, do you? I mean, he *is* still your brother."

Don't you dare use that soft, soothing voice on me now. Not when I'm actually trying hard to defend my solitude AND sanity here. I mean, this is my BROTHER we're talking about... Spawn of Satan, Lord of Chaos-

And then I actually saw the little nincompoop at one corner, looking at me with that big blue eyes of his. Eyes which held more emotions than I could read. And I realized that for the first time, I saw something in those eyes besides the sparkle of mischief.

Fear and anxiety and hope and defeat, to name a few. Why those emotions were on his eyes, I don't know. What happened back home that actually made my parents to come all the way to Kanagawa to bring this little heathen to me? Me, of all people, when they damn well knew that I'd rather be dragged by wild horses over hot coals than spend a minute with my brother.

It's not that I hated him... It's not that I'm condemning my family... it's just that- ah hell!

I'm calm. I'm cool. I'm the Ice Prince.

But I'm also a sucker for big, blue eyes.

I'm a sucker for family ties.

No matter how crazy or loud or insane my family is...

I still love them.

I'm calm. I'm cool. I'm the Ice Prince.

I melt in front of the warm fire of my family.

I'm not such a good Ice Prince, after all...

My family must have seen the look of resignation in their eyes, because my mom and dad actually whooped with joy and jumped up and down the kitchen. And was that relief I saw in Kaede's eyes before he actually covered it with defiance and stuck out his tongue?

Oh boy... what have gotten myself into?

Ice Prince my ass.



[1] Thanks to my friend Shinri Ayase for reminding me that Kaede *must have* come from Osaka because the word *do'aho* actually came from that place. *Must have* because we're not sure, either...

OOOOOOOOOOkay, that's it for now... I'm sure it's still pretty boring, but I promise it'll get better by and by. And oh, for those who are expecting the SenRu part, I'm sorry! But there will be other chapters, ne, minna? Don't kill me yet, guys! The story's just warming up!!!

I guess I should thank you... and congratulate you (You've gone this far! Arigatou!) And if isn't too much, please review as well. ^^;
