Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale, Toby Fox does. I also don't own any AUs they may be used in this story and they belong to their own creators. I do own the OC's.

Authors Note: Thanks for all the support! I really do appreciate all the follows, favorites and reviews. :) Enjoy. :D

Pain! Mind numbing pain! Oh, this is so much worse that the shocks the Void gave me 24/7. It feels like every atom of me is melting! I struggle to lift my head to see Sans and two others. There was another Sans but he had shark like teeth with a giant gold tooth, a black jacket with a white fluffy hood, a grey shirt, a spiked dog collar, yellow and black sneakers and black short with a yellow stripe on each side. He also has red halos as his pupils. Then there is a Papyrus smoking a cigarette with a giant orange hoodie and green cargo shorts with orange and white sneakers. All three have shocked and horrified faces as they looked up at my large figure.

I look at myself. Well, it's no wonder why they looked ready to puke. My exaggeration is spot on. I'm literally melting like an ice cream on hot pavement. My wings are stretching themselves in a vain attempt to avoid my melting body and pain causes me to shriek. It sounds monstrous and demonic. My shoulders bubble and form two other faces, both half melted and shrieking as well. One is the red Gaster and the other is that innocent Gaster. Both seem to be screaming out a name.

"Sans!" Red screams.

"Papyrus!" Innocent screams.

I can hear myself scream out my Sans' name as well. Then it hits me like a brick. This is my soul finally bonding together. Sure we melded in the Void but the chains didn't just block my magic but it also prevented a physical merge as well. My magic must be reacting to the backup and is overloading my soul as it tries to become one piece, thus why I'm melting. I can feel the impending explosion building in me. I need to stop it before I hurt everything within a 100 mile radius. I relax and the screams stop. I let myself finally fall forward and with a splat, my body splashes into a big pile of black goop withering and bubbling. I ignore the calls of my name from Sans and focus on completing the merge. I need to concentrate. If I can somehow keep my magic within the vicinity, not only will it speed up the merging but it will limit the damage done to my surroundings. Perhaps... I focus and eventually manage to conjure a giant purple dome made of pure magic around me. Not only will it protect everything around me but it will keep all magic inside. Plus, I can't have anyone touching me for the risk of being assimilated into my soul as well. Slowly, my body starts to reform, inch by agonizing inch, and there are little signs of the other two Gaster's influence on my reforming body. My shoulders and spine become sharper and gain tiny little spikes from Red and I gain two inches of height. From Innocent, my jaw is more rounded but still very defined and my eye sockets become a bit softer, less evil looking. My white halo flashes red, orange and blue as my body reforms.

Almost as soon as I finished my reformation, I fall to my knees as my body explodes all the excess magic in my system. Unfortunately for me, my shield caused it implode and bounce back at me with twice the force. It was painful, like getting zapped with a trillion volts of lightning, but I manage to only flinch violently. With it's purpose finished the shield fades out of existence. I slowly but surely raise back to my feet only to find myself tossed into a concrete wall, hard enough to leave a slight imprint, with two pairs of accusing and furious eyes and one pair full of concern as their owners yells to stop.

"Who are you?!" The red Sans demands, his left eye socket glowing and flowing with magic.

Ah, he's using gravity magic and from the feeling of the magic so is the Orange Papyrus.

"Is it not proper etiquette to introduce oneself first before asking another's name?" I couldn't help the sass. Nor the small smirk... okay, the big smirk that crossed my face.

"You-!" Red Sans growls before my Sans interrupts.

"Red! This is Raziel! The guys I was telling you about yesterday!" Sans snaps his own magic flaring, ready to defend.

Yesterday. Yesterday? He said yesterday. My mind has gone blank. It takes my entire reservoir of self-control to prevent from bursting out into maniacal insane laughter. Has it only been two days? Oh, boy! What fun this is going to be! You gotta love the physics in the Void, man.

Before I could prevent myself, I blurt out, "Would you mind explaining, Sans?"

He looks at me funny before doing as asked. "Well, two days ago, I woke up from the reset and everything you told me was completed. However, Yesterday these two popped from the sky with their brothers and it took me about six hours to get them to calm down. We were just talking about how they are here when you popped out of that portal."

By now, the other two have calmed down a bit and removed their magic from my person. I step from the body shaped dent in the wall and wipe off the invisible dust from my shoulders. I flap my wings twice to make sure nothing is broke and thankfully nothing was.

"Unfortunately, or fortunately in your case, that is my doing." I explain, "Surely, you witnessed that melting episode, right?"

They nod. "Yeah, what the hell was that, anyway?" Red Sans demands, crossing his arms.

"I will explain that in a minute. Sans you said its been two days correct?" I turn to my Sans. I really should ask if they discussed nicknames yet.

"Yeah, what of it?" He is confused. Goody.

"Unfortunately, for me its been exactly 1,235 years for me." I deadpan, face and back straight and completely serious.