Summary - Sara flirts with all the women in almost all the different time periods they travel to. Leonard's somewhat cool with it. Maybe it's because he knows that that's how his assassin acts. Or maybe it's because he knows that she loves him just like he loves her.

What was supposed to be a small drabble ended up being more than four pages long. Good grief.

I'm thinking about just adding little drabbles for this couple and this series here and there, just to tie you guys over. I am working on a few things, got a few ideas and maybe stories planned. Whether they come into fruition is a different story.

I don't own Legends of Tomorrow.


"Doesn't that bother you?" Snart's too focused on what he's seeing before him to almost not register Ray's voice beside him.

"What doesn't bother me Raymond?"

The Legion of Doom has quietened down and disappeared. Sara's decided to not let this quiet opportunity go to waste. She's dropped the team off in 2017 Central City to say 'hello' to their loved ones.

Jax and Stein were the first ones to disappear, having headed off together to see Clarissa and Jax's mother while Mick's decided to drag Amaya off to one of his bars for a drink.

Leonard's made the woman promise to NOT bring the man home in a drunken mess. He'll make sure that Sara won't pick the bastard up when they head off.

Leonard decided to decline going to see Lisa. Having been told that her brother was supposedly dead only a short while ago, he thinks that telling her he's somehow come back alive is too much for the poor girl to understand.

Instead, the former thief decided to go to Star City with Sara, Ray and Nate. The latter has already been to see his family and is now waiting in the car to take the others back. Ray's said a cheery hello to Team Arrow and has made his way back to Leonard, albeit a little spooked over something the team told him.

The crook's been to meet Sara's father, the former police captain of Star City Police Department. Apparently, he's not only well-known in Central City, but he's more than just well known in Star City.

In fact, Sara's talked about him not just to her father.

Despite Snart's colourful background, Quentin Lance has given his blessing to the couple. 'If my daughter's happy, then I'm happy' or something similar to that with a few words that he believes weren't necessary.

Ray seems to have a look of surprise on his face at Leonard's question, "That Sara pretty much throws herself at every woman she sees despite being your girl?"

Leonard cocks his head to the side, half thinking, half watching the assassin smile and caress the innocent dark-haired woman's arm in front of her.

He hums slightly before he twists his head to the opposite side as Sara laughs with the woman.

When he thinks about it, it doesn't really bother him as much as guys would think. He understands that Sara swings both ways. He gets the fact that she can't help but check out all the women around now and then. It's just her nature.

It's just how his assassin acts.

How she always acts. And that's something that he wouldn't change about her.

"No. I don't give a damn about it at all, Raymond," Leonard finally answers in the end.

Ray's surprised to say the least, "What?"

Sara must of said goodbye to the woman. Because she's heading in the direction of Leonard and Ray. One's got a face full of pure amusement, the other's got his jaw practically touching the ground.

She just laughs in their faces.

When she reaches them, the blonde-haired Captain of the Legends, looks in the direction she came from, looking at the woman walking away from sight. Then she turns back with a grin, looking between the two men.

"She's got a great ass, huh?"

Leonard looks at Ray, whose jaw is ready to come off its hinges.

"Yes Raymond, does she have a good ass?"

Ray widens his eyes as Leonard helps him close his mouth. The man nicknamed The Atom just looks between the couple, his voice attempting to spit out words only for them to come out in jumbled letters, pointing between them and the woman Sara's just been flirting with.

"Wha-? I don't? I-uhhh, I don't know?!" Ray ends up shouting, throwing his arms up.

Sara just rolls her eyes at Ray's reaction, pecking her crook on his cheek, "Are we good to go?"

Leonard nods, "I believe we are." He leans down to press his lips softly on Sara's for a moment, his hand barely touching her arm. Then he looks up at Ray, "Do we have to bring him back too?"

"I thought it was Mick you were concerned about?"

"Amaya's got an eye on him. I trust her." Leonard pulls Sara close when a light and cold breeze makes her shiver. "I'm not so sure about this one. He looks ready to blow something in that nerd brain of his."

Ray gives up, stomping through the snow and over to the car parked on the other side of the road.

Sara's slightly confused, "What's his problem?"

"He's in disbelief that I let you flirt with all the girls and not give a damn about it," Leonard dryly explains.

"You let me flirt with all the girls?" Sara laughs, "Oh honey, I flirt with all the girls no matter what."

"Explain it how you want, he still won't get it." The pair decide to make their way over to the car, his arm draped around her shoulders.

"He's weird," Sara decides in the end.

"Aren't we all?"

Sara smiles, looking up at Leonard, "That's what makes our relationship perfect. Weirdness trumps all else."

Leonard, despite being someone that isn't too sure when it comes to physical contact with another being, brushes a loose blonde strand of hair away from the woman's face, "I think I love you Assassin."

The woman's face softens, then kisses the man quickly before looking at him, "I think I love you too, Crook."

It's late over where I am. I'm tired. You get the picture.

Reviews are welcomed, so is criticism. Follows/favourites mean a lot. Please let me know of any spelling errors or mistakes regarding the show.

Thanks for reading!