Hey, there people, this is Imaginary Guy117 here for 2017. As well now knowing what was David Cameron's last thought before he left as UK Prime Minister. (Cocks apparently.)

So I promised that this will be a story from the Problems I put. The only major thing that is preventing me from posting more is college. Which I will sadly put all my time into. Thankfully, I won't do it until the end of January. But hey, I least got this out of the way. I do have how this story will be. Now both me and Overlord had this going on for some time. So I want to get this out since it has serious been bothering me now.

Now I really wanted this to be an OC story, but said no. Since if it's OC, people may thing I made an OC based team as well. So I went back the drawing board and went with Jaune instead, surprise surprise there. Now he will be very OCC here due to what I have in stores for him.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own RWBY. There will be minor crossover with other forms of media, like Blazblue, Castlevania and the likes. Just also want to point that out, as well saying that I don't own any of them. They belong to their respectful owners.

For Prologue chapter only:

"Salem talking"


"Oz's talking"



"Normal talking"

Chapter 0: Prologue

"Legends. Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past."

The gems in the image glow green and fade to show simple pictures of a man rising from the earth before being surrounded by creatures, barely held back by warriors.

"Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness — creatures of destruction — the creatures of Grimm - set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void."

Black sets in, then suddenly lessens as a light grows brighter and brighter until a gem rises from it and lowers itself into the hands of man.

"However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Dust."

The scene zooms out to show men shooting lightning, raising swords, and aiming rifles at the retreating beasts as a castle appears behind them.

"Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life."

The castle zooms out to show a map of Remnant, which houses other buildings until they disappear in flashes of white and the map is lowered to show the scattering moon over a city at night

"But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone... darkness will return."

Motors roar to life as a yellow motorcycle past through traffic. It continue to drive onward to its destination, frightening nearby cars at the reckless speed its going.

"So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world", but take heed... there will be no victory in strength."

The camera changed to a house, lowering to a young girl wearing a hooded red cloak in the corner of the living room, reading a weapons magazine.

"But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require a smaller, more honest soul."

As things of the plan going to take place, it change. To the city of Vale as a whole.

"How long do you two still play this game of chess?"

People, both homeless and poor, are making their way up and down in the societal branch that is Remnant.

"This game of pure waiting is getting... boring. I didn't pay to just wait before someone making a move."

Inside Beacon's Tower, there were a couple of individuals having a secret meeting of sorts. In another area, a mansion in the middle of what appears to be the Grimmlands, another group of certain people are also talking of plans.

"The fact that you two are still consisting to fight each other with your warriors is amusing. But you put in so much fate in them that I found it... insulting. You two are waiting still who does what first is seriously making me angry."

It changed to see the girl in the red hood looking back, revealing her eyes.

"I will admit that you never thought of the child till now is bemusing to say the least. Just because she has those eyes doesn't mean anything of her bloodline."

The camera then shifted towards a pair of mountains. In it was the skeletal remains of buildings. Among these remains building is, surprisingly, a horse carriage with baggage on them.

"I will say this though. It doesn't matter if your warriors are the Grimm or Hunstmen. In the end, they are you fire in this war. And like all fire, they will all be extinguish. Grimms, Humans, Faunus, doesn't matter."

It soon shifts inside of a building. In it was a young man of seventeen of age was inside, standing over by the table. He was a blonde male with short yet spiky hair. His figure was normal, as normal it can get. He's currently wearing dark blue jeans with a red and black sweater over his black, long sleeve shirt. The teen's eyes were strange as they were hectochromia: his left eyes was plasma blue while his left was bloodshot red.

"But I want to know if you will do more once the Wild Card appears. Aha haha. I'm looking forward for where this will be going. I wonder how long this will take before any of you notice the sudden change. I will love to see where this game of chess goes."I would love to met you two in person, but I got places to be. Ciao."

On the table was a map. It was a map of the City of Vale itself. Some things that makes it strange was that the piece of paper was ragged and a bit torn. Next to it was a giant broad sword of the colors black, grey and yellow on it.

"Well now," he said as he look over the map. "If this map is right, then the point of entry would be here." The teen said as he pointed to a piece of the perimeter of the city. It was the most populated spot for those coming from small settlements at the Frontier.

The teen looked at the map as he cursed under his breath. It's gonna be hard for him. Heck, no one but his dad made contact with any of the Kingdoms is the last twenty years. His dad did before stopping completely once he got married to his mom.

Blowing off some air, the blonde teen grabbed both the map and the sword. Not wanting to have his mind in the past. The paper on his left while his right was his weapon. He put the paper into his sweater as he twirled his sword in his hand before putting it on his back. The teen went outside and made sure that the carriage was still there with his baggage, that is just a duffel bag with clean clothes. He then went out before seeing something at door.

"Dogmeat," he said with a sigh before smiling sadly at it. The thing jumped out and began to run at him, revealing it to be a dog. The dog stopped before its master, having its hind legs down. "I know, boy. But I can't stay here forever." The blacked dog whimpered as it gave him the "puppy eyes" at him. Rolling his eyes, the blonde look at it. "It's not gonna work like last time. Even you remembered how that ended." This made the canine to lowered its head in sadness.

"Listen, Dogmeat: I know this isn't the best choice, even for me. But you gotta understand that I don't want to cause harm here. This place, other than Eden, is the last place to call home. I don't want Arid to be gone as well as you do, pal," the blonde explained to the mutt. Dogmeat looked down, knowing it being true. "But know this." The canine look up to its owner. "I promise I will come back. Mark my words. Besides," he smirked at his faithful companion. "Someone has to make sure the others don't cause trouble, especially you during heat."

The dog got on the floor as covered his head, knowing it being true. The teen laughed before petting Dogmeat on last time.

"Take care Dogmeat. You know where the food is. Just make sure Wilfred and Manny doesn't eat everything again like last time, OK?" He asked as the dog barked happily, standing up with his tail wagging and tongue sticking out. "Good boy."

Seeing he will get there very late, the teen still went with the trip. Looking up at the shattered moon, he sigh as it was time to go. The blonde fed the horses and gave them water before getting on the carriage. While it ain't enough, he added a couple of barrels for things to sell to make some quick buck.

Seeing everything is ready to go, the teen got into the driver seat. Making sure everything is secure, he took out a whip and began to whip it at the air.

"Heya!" he yelled, causing the horse to be wide awake. "Heya, heya! Onward! Heya!" He ordered them. The horses got their senses straight before heading off, leaving the building and into the forest.

The carriage rattle as it made its way through the forest at night. While everyone would say that is suicidal, to the kid, it's just a Tuesday for him. He endured worst than being in the woods at night. This is nothing compare to what he experienced.

It's must have been a good thirty minutes. While that is a lot, is wasn't something foreign to him. As he continue going to the Vale Frontier Wall's Immigration Post for those that lived anywhere but the shorelines, he heard noises. Rolling his eyes, the teen took out his sword.

"Yare yare daze," the blonde muttered in annoyance as he took out his sword. With a flip of his wrist, he used the whip, causing the horses to go faster. "Come now, Devil Dogs. Got something for ya."

No sooner than saying that, a pack of Grimm Beowolves jumped out of the the trees. They were ready to tear and eat him alive. Noticing the numbers, he can tell it is an Alpha. Alphas were usually a pain, but many didn't know was that Alphas leading packs are different Alpha Packs. That is that while those who lead groups are usually fill with young Grimm, Alpha Packs carry the most older Beowolves instead.

'I do live far away, so I'm not surprised they lived far from any settlement in the Frontier,' he thought as frown at them, holding the sword hilt tightly.

Soon he saw that some of the Beowolves, two on each side of the carriage, came into view. He can tell that they are worthy of Alphas from a few years from now. Rather not taking the risk, he surprised the Grimm by moving the carriage to the left. The closest Beowulf wasn't fast to react as it was ran over by the speeding cart. The one next to it barely escaped, but didn't notice of the blonde holding his sword up. Quickly, he slashed it down, cutting it deep into its head enough to cause it to yelp in pain.

Smirking, the teen shifted his attention to the right. Moving his ride to the city, the redirect the horses to make a strong right turn, hitting one cocky Grimm that tries to lunge at one of the horses and launching the one he wounded to the tree. He lunged his sword down again, destroying the stupid Grimm's spine in the process before looking to see his remaining pursuers. He can tell the last ones coming is probably a family: the Alpha leader of the pack, its Beta and probably its heir. It's strange to those around the Kingdoms and settlements that Grimm may start a family. But not the kid.

He knows that Grimm can have families. It's just using it to get away from them. Kind a like a deal. While everyone will kill the Grimm on sight, he does it different. He rather make the Grimm not kill him with an exchange, something like a baby Grimm. Like animals, Grimm do care for their young-lings. So he used that to his advantage by bribing them so to speak.

One step forward, the baby dies. Let him live, the baby lives as well.

While that Grimm Beowulf is, by no means, a pup, it is still important to that Alpha and Beta. As well telling that this pack was small, and the minimal Beowolves per pack is ten, yet this one was six. Something about them also made him note why were they easy to kill. They were cocky that they can kill him with a doubt. Fools.

Sensing his gut feeling he rather not have an angry Alpha and Beta after him, the teen put his sword on his back again before moving a bit to the edge. He turn around and was confirm on what he thought. An Alpha and Beta Beowolves is coming to aid their young.

Knowing he might as well do something about this, waited a bit. Waiting a couple of seconds to do it. And he is almost there.

Smirking again, he stood up before looking at the heir to the pack. While it snarled at him, the human ignored it before giving it a good kick in the face. Completely not seeing that coming, the young but mature Grimm was flown off its feet and landed on its parents, also surprised.

Seeing that this Human, surprisingly enough, sparing its son, the Alpha got up as both it and its Beta licked their young one's head. He barked at its heir that it was a mistake and must wait to rebuild their numbers. Knowing that its father is right, the Heir lowly growled before leaving with its parents.

Smiling that he no longer has to deal with that, the teen continue onward towards his destination. He pulled reins lightly but firmly, making them to go faster as he made his way towards the Wall.

An hour has past before he finally arrived towards the Immigration Wall. While people come by air, there are those who use land if it's okay enough. Anima and Vale half have land transportion. Atlas doesn't have or use an Immigration Wall due to the snow and it's continents, Solitas, being a frozen hell. Vacuo has its infamous desert that cause a lot heat stroke, despite it being in the same continent, Sanus, as Vale. Menagerie couldn't due to two-thirds of it being desert.

He continue to go on before arriving to one of the entrances. There he made his way, not caring that the noises he makes wakes up the guard. Shaking his head, he went up while ringing a cowbell. The nightguard, despite being in the safety of a watchtower pod with a machine gun that shots fifty caliber Dust Rounds, was still snoring before his snooze bubble pop.

"Huh, huh!" the guard panted, now wide awake. "I'm up! I wasn't sleeping on the job! I swear!" The guard stop once he saw a kid on a horse carriage riding up. "Uh, no offence kid, but that shit is old!"

"Hey, a classic is a classic," the teen replied back with a grin.

"Well ain't that the truth," the guard shot back with a grin. He wave a hand to come close before opening the window. "Papers, please." That made the kid to lose his grin as he look at him blankly.

"Well shit, I don't have any," the blonde kid replied to him. This now made the man to frown.

"Sorry kid, can't let you in without any papers," he told him.

"I ain't sleeping outside," the teen shot back at him. "Is there a line to sign any documents?"

"No there isn't, but how the hell you don't have any on you? All residents of the Kingdoms of Vale should have legal documents on them."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that was important."

"It's always important, kid. Didn't you parents fill it out or something?" the Guard asked as he drank some water.

"Mom resigned her citizenship. Dad never had one to begin with." That made the man behind the tower to spit-take.

"W-w-what!? How is that even possible?!" The guard shouted as the teen shrugged.

"It's a long story, trust me." This made the man to sigh.

"Look kid, how about telling me where your parents are at to so we can-"

"My parents have dead for a long time." That made the guard to stop as he turn to stare at the boy. Sure enough the boy is telling the truth with narrow eyes, a cold look. His emotionless tone confirming it all the more.

Gulping, the man on duty look at the time before cursing underneath his breath. He took out his Scroll and began to make a phone call. "C'mon, dammit." Once he got through, he began to talk. "Listen, ma'am, sorry to disturbed your sleep but- I understand that I interrupted your sleep but this is serious. Serious? Ma'am, I understand that I woke you up at the wrong time but I have a kid here who needs some help." After a bit of yelling as the boy just yawn, wanting to go to sleep.

"Sigh, ma'am, the kid doesn't have any documents of him. Yes, I said as well. No, I won't be able too since my shift hadn't ended." After hearing what she had to say, the guard sighed again. "Ma'am, the boy has no document papers on him whatsoever." When she asked why, the man froze, knowing that something he was about to say will probably sign the kid's, and to an extent his death warrant.

"Well, ma'am, you see, the kid told me that his dad have no citizenship to the Kingdom of Vale. His mother did, but for reasons unknown but to him, resigned it." He covered his ears as his boss was yelling at his unfortunate ear. "Ah, my ears, my virgins ears," he muttered away from the Scroll. "What about his parents? He told me that they been dead for some time now. From what he told me, he's an orphan." That made things to be silent for a minute.

"Does he know the basics, at least? Names? Date of Birth and Death?" his boss asked over the phone.

"He maybe he does," the guard said, rubbing his chin. "Hang on a sec." Looking at the kid, who turn at him. "Hey, do you at least know your parents' names and DOB and DOD?"

"Yea, why?" the blond replied.

"As well your own?"


"He knows the basics, boss," the guard answered to her, giving all of his attention back on the phone.

"I'll be right there." The Scroll hang up as the man sighed.

"So, can I go in now?" the kid asked him. The guard gave a small smile, waving a hand at him.

"Go inside to the admin building first, kid. The boss needs to fill up forms before letting you in. The city may have it, but we built one here to not make the city be crowded than usual."

"Thanks," the blonde teen replied with a smile of his own as he entered.

Upon entering, he saw how things are in this specific area. Due to it being an immigration center, Vale decided to turn this part of the wall to be a city of it's own. With it, this is called Vale's Wall to make it simple and short.

Seeing how it is dark right now, the teen didn't see nothing special. However, since it at night, some parts of the city, if you wish to call it that, is open. Some stores are 24/7 or exclusive at night. There are bars that are having customers, its usual.

The kid rolled his eyes as he entered made a turn ignoring the looks he's getting. It's not the intoxicated people, rather the guards. They are just wondering why did this kid brought a carriage inside.

"Hey," the blonde driver asked to one of the guards. "Can I leave this in the lot over there?" Turning to where he was pointing at, the guards nodded. "Thanks." The teen soon made it to the lot that had fence around it with some trees to act as shade for the horses.

He got out, release the straps around the horses, hid his weapon as he can tell he will be questioned even more, and threw over his duffel bag. Smiling, he got what he needed and head towards the building.

The guards just shrugged as the kid entered into the facility, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. The teen walk to the front desk to see a staff member working on the front desk.

"Hello there," he said casually, not caring that it was around midnight.

"Hello. Welcome to Vale's Wall, a piece of a wall that became its own city despite the real deal being a good couple of miles away. How may I help you?" The accounted greeted sarcastically, too tired to do anything. That and his shift began four hours ago.

"I'm here to talk to the one in charge about my documents," the teen answered. The accounted working on the computer just to get a binder and a pen out, dropping them in front of the kid.

"Sign here and the reason before I will call you."


"You're welcome."

The blonde began to write down his name, the date and reason before putting the binder to the side. The accounted grunted before taking out his Scroll to get his boss on the line. The teen decided to go and wait at the lounge. He can tell that while there would be a lot of people here, that isn't the case.

'Maybe since all the people are resident to the Kingdom of Vale. For that reason, I bet they just check you and move on,' he theorize onto how empty the lounge is, safe for the guards, the accountant and the janitor.

After a couple of minutes, the front desk called him.

"Jaune! Please make your way to the front desk," the accounted said. The blonde, now named Jaune, got up from the lounge chair and made his way to him. "The boss is ready to see you. You know everything on what is going to be said?"

"Yes," the kid replied to him. With a nod, the accountant opens the door for him to continue.

Now walking inside the hallways with direction, Jaune made his way towards the one in charge. After a few turns and asking for directions of still awake guards, he made it. Obviously, he knocked first.

"Come in," a feminine voice said. Taking the signal, Jaune entered the room to see it was a part office, part infirmary. "Welcome. Sorry about this place not being ready. We rarely do have people come at night." The lady said. She was a deer Faunus with tan skin, elbow length natural curly hair. She was wearing business suit that had a whole in the back for her tail.

"Yea, sorry about that," Jaune apologize before stopping himself. "Do you prefer doctor or miss?"

Smiling, she waved a hand. "It's alright. I'm Doctor Beatrice Oliver. I am in charge of Vale's Wall and doctor here."

Blinking in mild surprise, he asked. "Isn't that a bit too much for you?"

"Don't worry, there are more doctors here, as well being close to Vale Public Hospital through the door." The Faunus smiled as she look at him. "Now we might as well get this done, since I can tell even you need your sleep as well, little boy."

"Yea, ain't that the truth," he replied to her.

"Okay, first off is your document," Beatrice said as she got the computer and program ready and began to type. "I'm curious how come you don't have no." To that, the blonde shrugged.

"I been living in one isolated part of the Frontier that it never bothered us to write it down," he answered to her.

"Mmm, that's true," she told him as there have been report of that one nomadic group that has been causing trouble to certain villages around the frontier. "Name please?"

"Jaune S. Forester," Jaune replied.

Blinking a bit, she tuned to him. "What does the 'S' stand for?"

"Stalin. It means 'Man of Steel', if you're wondering," Jaune answered to her.

"Thanks," Beatrice said to him. "Date of Birth?"

"March 15, 63 AGW. Just turned 17 a couple of weeks ago." Typing was heard as she was impressed.

AGW means After the Great War. It was used,obviously, after the Great War was over and since then, the Kingdoms have used it as a way to begin again. Sure there may be thousands of years lost to them, but they can at least begin again after 80 years that gave them individualism.

"Okay, these should be a bit more easy. Let me see now," Beatrice said as she leaned a bit to see Jaune closer. "Mmm, short blond hair. Hectochromic eyes: blue left, red right. A mix between pale and tan skin." The blonde just sat there, not minding things at all. "May you please stand up, Jaune." The kid got up as ordered to. "I need you to measure your weight and height please. Stand on the scale." Obliging, he made his way to the weight scale and di just that. "161 lbs/73 kgs, impressive." Getting out before she can tell to, Jaune stood up as she got out the measuring tape. "Wow, 6"1, almost 155. Jaune, you're tall!"

"Yes, I am," he muttered.

"Okay, now I just need your parents' information and you will be set," Beatrice said to him. Jaune gave her a blank look before shrugging.

"Alright, sure," he replied to her.

"Great," the doctor Faunus said as she got back to the computer. "Mother's name please?"

"Angela Forester Stalin," he answered to her. Pausing, she turn and stared at him with a confused face.


"My dad changed my last name for me to remember her. I'll explain why soon."

Confuse but might as well continue on, she went to work. "Date of birth."

"On June 29, 40 AGW."

"Date of death."

A bit hesitant but he pull the courage to say it. "On my birthday. March 15, 63 AGW."

Being completely stun at the turn of events, Beatrice look at him with wide eyes. After ten minutes straight, she finally found her voice. "C-cause of death."

Sigh in sadness, he answered to her. "Childbirth. Despite the best doctors and dad making sure she was never stress during her entire pregnancy, she passed away."

Seeing it's a touchy subject, she changed the subject. "Okay, let's go over her characteristics. Hair, eyes, skin, race, weight and height."

"Bra size as well?" He asked, aching an eyebrow. She look at him with a stun expression. "Dad did told me that mom had to say her bra size before she left with him." Jaune shrugged, not seeing how that was a big deal.

"Huh, okay then," Beatrice said, lost for words.

"Dad told me she had yellow hair, up to her waist. Eyes were blue. Her skin was pale white. She was human. Her weight was around 145 lbs and stood at 5"6. Also, her bra size when she had me was about 42 Ds," Jaune answered at ease. Beatrice typed them down, yet still amazed that he bluntly spoke her mother's breasts cup with no shame.

"Now onto your father. Name."

"Dimitri Stalin."

"Date of Birth."

"November 17, 43 AGW."

"Date of Death."

"January 13, 70 AGW."

That hurt the doctor to the heart. Here was a boy who lost his mom at birth and a father before he was even seven. Life is so cruel at times. Swallowing a lump on her throat, the deer Faunus continued.

"Characteristics, please."

"Dad had tan skin, brown hair with a mullet that he later turn to a long ponytail. Weigh in 199 lbs, stood at 6"7. His eyes were a bit unique as it was normal brown eyes but if you ever piss him, they would turn to gold." That made her surprised as she finished turn to him.

"Is your father a Faunus? That seems something that would happen to us," Beatrice told him.

"Sorta," Jaune answered to her. "Papi and Nana were Faunus. Just found it strange that dad, their only son, came out human. I think it may have been a side effect."

That also surprised her but Beatrice knew she can handle it tomorrow.

"And done!" she exclaimed with a smile. "Now Jaune I will need you back here tomorrow morning. Feel free to sleep in the lounge. I need to go back to sleep. Meet me back here at 9 AM sharp. Capish?"

"Crystal," Jaune agreed with a smile. He got with his duffel bag before making his way to the lounge for a much needed rest.

And that's a wrap! Wow that was amazing. In one day, I got this down and wrapped it up very good. Finally this story is out, now I am happy.

I know I can handle it all but I won't since that will take too long. In the next chapter I will just skip it.

Also, I took inspiration of Star Wars in terms of timeline. It is clearly stated in the show, mainly in Volume 2, that it has been 80 years since the Great War. So I thought "why not use that event as the timeline?" I don't blame many authors that try to make their own event or use the Battle for Beacon as one, but I'm just gonna go with what was given to us.

Also, to me personally, I think the Great War of RWBY was longer, is just that I used the last year it ended as the whole thing. To make it easier to remember that the final battle was codename "Great War",or something like that.

So Only boy. How do you like the Prologue? Was it great? Let me know.

I will do my best to get the next chapters out before the end of this month. Wish me luck. Please rate, follow and review and as always have a great day.