Okay quick note before your continue, obviously not our universe. Just Borrowing some elements.

If you notice a slight or not so slight difference in the writing, two people wrote this story.

So to recap, not ours. Two writers. Enjoy.


Chapter One: "Transfer Students"

Little red head Lope stretches her arms towards the dark skies as she mutters the most obvious statement ever, "It looks like rain."

A droplet meets with Lope's rosy red cheeks.

Rain is not a big thing to many people, but it is to some. It's a type of weather like snow or cloudy, something.

You get wet, dirty and sick, etc...

It can save people and it can kill people.

Rain, it's a very interesting thing. But enough about the rain... let's go back to Lope who is just staring at the skies. Later the little mischievous red head starts running through the woods, racing with the rain, it soon catches up with her, resulting in a very wet and muddy girl.

She arrives at her new, yet old house.

New, because it's the new place she's going to stay in since her parents have moved to a place called Forks for their jobs. Old, because... well it's pretty old... and it looks like it came straight out of a horror movie.

She closes the door behind her, removing the dirty wet slippers before entering the old crooked house of the LaMotte family.

Lope is soaking wet so she removes her clothes and just throws them, letting it land wherever, and walking around her house naked as she takes a dry towel to dry her drenched body with. She really doesn't care about her half naked body anyway since, well, no one is home anyways.

Her parents are always away at work, so she can do whatever she wants, wear anything or not wear anything at all. She can eat instant noodles, junk foods, instant noodles...rice maybe? It doesn't matter, because her parents are not home, they're never home.

The heavy rain outside starts to get louder as you can see flashes of light stretch across the sky, dancing around the darkness.

Boom! Crack! Crackle!

Lope decides to make coffee. But the moment she stands up, the lights flicker... and disappear.

No electricity, great.

The darkness swallows the unfortunate girl as she decides to just sleep for the rest of the night.

...Can you hear me?

Lope, do you remember me?

...Probably not, huh..?

Light starts to seep in the through the cracks of the LaMotte's old house. The gentle warmth of the sun starts to wake up the red head girl who habitually takes the remote of the TV to switch it on.

Another habit that she does unknowingly is to check the news for the weather, time and date. Some weird habit she got when she waits for her parents.

She rarely sleeps in her room since she always has this weird fantasy that her parents will wake her up in the middle of the night to eat dinner, but it never happened, probably it WILL never happen.

Lope rarely sees her parents... ever since he left.

. . .

School should keep her mind away from her parents.

Lope walks to school. She wishes that her parents would at least give her a ride since the school is so far away. She doesn't even have a bicycle or anything to make her life easier. But whenever she gets the chance to ask them to buy her a bicycle because travelling by foot is torture, they would always tell her that exercise is good for her.

Yeah, exercise... great.

She's currently in the sea of students, hearing them talk about the new transfer students, and knowing that she's part of that trending topic and is just dreading it.

A boy comes to her, with this big fat grin across his face as he greets her, "Hey transfer student! You want a tour of the school? It's free, as long as you start dating me."

"...?" Lope stops walking, turning to the guy who seems to be asking her out. She looks up to the tall student, then again she's pretty small... so everyone seems to be taller than her.

Little red head Lope looks at the guy straight in the eyes, and just smiles, practically leaving the guy speechless with her innocent smile, making him wonder if that was a Yes or a No? Obviously it's a No, since she leaves after that without saying a word. But it gives them that lasting impression.

Lope doesn't get a lot of friends because of how she is. Girls don't like the fact that there are a lot of guys who find her attractive. And as for boys, she just doesn't really talk to them much. And the reason behind her smile is her way of turning them down.

Because the best way to turn down a guy is to simply smile.

Alexis stands in front of her new house, rain slowly dampens her Midnight blue hair and casual clothes. She has been forced to move to Forks by the fact that her parents were both killed in a car crash 3 months ago. Her life has been hell ever since, now she gets to live in a strange little town with her Aunt and Uncle and their twin five year old girls.

As soon as the thought finishes the aforementioned creatures come charging out the door and latch onto a leg each causing Alex to stumble.

"Oh my gosh, GET OFF! Please?!" Her yelling brings out her Uncle who effortlessly lifts the rascals and carts them in to vegetate in front of the Television for the afternoon.

Alex is soon coerced into helping with dinner, then the dishes…
sometime later she finally finishes her unpacking so she decides to try and sleep, school tomorrow after all. Minutes later she decides to read part of a book she has, soon after she drifts into a restless sleep.

The next day dawns, not with a sunbeam but a thunder clap. Alex thinks it might mean no school but her Aunt says the weather is mild and she has to go. So after being driven to school and given directions to the office her adventures in Forks begin.

As soon as she steps outside of the office the cold wind rushes her, stealing any warmth she might have gained from the heated building. Heading to her first class in as much of a straight line as possible Alex finds herself joining the back of a small procession, not wanting anyone to notice her she tries to blend in albeit unsuccessfully as one of the group turns around and spots her,

"Oh, you must be one of the transfer students, hi."

Alex mumbles a quick "hi" back and rushes away, to the confusion of the other students.

As soon as she rounds the corner the reality of how many students are whispering about the 'new kids' makes Alex realize just how hard this first day is actually going to be.

All she could think is, Forks is gonna suck isn't it?

... And then, school happened.

Penelope noticed how the bickering and whispering about her and some other person being new and whatever hasn't stopped.

She lets out a big depressed sigh because of this. Good thing the girl knows how to shut out the whole world and whatever the world is talking about with a simple gadget called, Headphones.

She takes out her beloved dark blue coloured BEATS, and wears them, putting her mp3 onto the MAX volume.

Currently listening to Pink's "Raise your glass" she starts walking pass the crowd of students who are looking at the small girl that simply walks right pass them, evading any type of physical contact with everyone like a little ninja.

Unfortunately she's not really a ninja and she bumps into someone, falling down on the floor back first. Her back starts aching immediately after the impact it had with the cold tiles of the school's floor. She sits up, rubbing her back, stretching her arms, and trying to reach the pain that caused her to grunt.

She just noticed the person she bumped into. Her red eyes meeting with blue ones, discovering that she bumped into a girl with long hair and noting how her hair colour is probably similar to the headphones she's wearing.

"The name's Lope. Sorry for bumping into you like that. I'm pretty much deaf with my headphones on. Are you alright?"

As the day progresses Alex struggles to ignore the constant staring and whispers as she tries to make it through all her classes. The most common thing that consistently pops up in the hushed conversations is how unusual she looks, she thinks to herself that perhaps blue hair was a bit of a hindrance when one is attempting to 'blend in' but she was never one to fit in. That is to say, even before her parents passed she always had a way of dressing and acting that set her apart. In fact her blue hair was the only thing on this particular day that didn't follow the current social cues.

Not wanting to be aware of the staring and gossip any longer Alex retreats into her thoughts, a defence mechanism she had before that had become an almost constant state of mind these days. In her thoughts she finds herself sucked into a memory of her first day at school when she was five years old...

Her mother holds her hand as they walk up the steps to meet the teacher. Alex is scared, she doesn't know this lady and she definitely does not want her mother to leave her here. The scary teacher lady leans down, she has a kind smile and it soothes Alex's worries slightly. "Hi there Alexis, are you ready to start your first day of school?" The tone of her voice makes Alex like her even more and as the teacher leads her inside the classroom her mother slips away.

That had turned out to be a good day for Alex, the other children had been very nice and included her in their play. She hadn't even noticed that her mother had left until she came to get her at the end of the day. This new school, with no mother, indifferent teachers and no nice kids so far was making her wish that everything from the past few months was merely part of an elaborate and incredibly vivid nightmare. If only, she thinks, if only I could meet one half decent person at this school maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Suddenly Alex finds herself bumping into something small. And as she falls a flash of red passes her face. Suddenly the most unusual sound Alex has ever heard reaches her ears, seconds later it stops and the small redhead that seems to have been both the person she bumped into and the source of the strange noise, reaches out her hand in the universal indication for a handshake.

The person Lope bumped into is not responding. So she wonders if she bumped her that hard. Thinking about the words to say as they jumble up in her little red head, she settles with something unrelated in the end.

"Food," was the first word that came out of her lips. Wow, she must've been hungry. "What I meant was, maybe I can treat you to some descent food?" She fixes herself up, dusting off her clothes.

"Well? You wanna go out and eat..? This day has been a drag anyways, so why not make something out of this manic Monday! Manic Monday, I said that right... right..?" She offers her hand again, but this time, it's a simple gesture to help her stand up from the ground. "Your name is..?"

A little confused Alex realizes she hasn't eaten all day and mumbles something she hopes is close to asking where the food is, she concludes that the puzzled and slightly amused look on the small girls face must mean otherwise.

Noticing that there is a layer of dust on the underside of her clothes Alex starts to pat it off when she notices the girl start to talk again, asking if she wants to eat out with her.

Alex smiles at her way of speaking and takes the hand that has now been offered to her as a support to stand up. The girl, Lope, smiles and asks her name.

She stands up and brushes the remaining dust off her clothes, she shakes the hand that pulled her up and replies,

"I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex. You want to go to the mall?"

The red head seems to consider it for just a second before she nods and pulls Alex toward the nearest bus stop, "Got bus money?" she asks over her shoulder. She always has some coins and notes with her so she gives an affirmative and they board the bus to Port Angeles, the nearest mall.

While sitting on the bus Alex thinks of a question that she can ask to get more acquainted with her new friend.

"So Lope eh? Is that short for something?"

Lope turns to her and replies, "Yes, it is short for Penelope, but please don't call me that, just Lope okay?"

She nods and they sit mostly in silence till the bus reaches their destination. They walk into the small shopping centre and head towards a food shop selling pizza.

"FINALLY, FOOD!" Lope looks at Alex with an amused expression.

Both are glad they met someone nice on this pretty crappy day.