This was inspired from a tv show I'd watched recently. It was hilarious with a good twist! I couldn't resist this story here~ hope you all enjoy~!

Wulfric looked around. Trying to make absolute sure Pyro wasn't around. Not wanting to get caught using the others viewing mirror again. Once sure the coast was clear, he plopped down in front of the glass. Activating it with a single tap. Things were quiet today... so the wolf thought he'd better make sure that puppy faced loser wasn't near his Midnight. He couldn't get out of the dark world much at all as of late, so he needed someway to make sure the other wasn't hitting in his girl.

The mirror began to show the wolf himself now. Currently, it seemed the puppy was fast asleep on the couch, most likely having slept there all night. Wulfric couldn't help but roll his eyes to it really. It was too... cutesy for his tastes. Maybe... maybe he could check up on Middy instead. Surely. With her huge family, it would at least be an interesting watch.

Changing the mirror, he now saw her, and her whole family (apart from Dusk and their parents) at the table. Having breakfast together. As much as he didn't care much for the rest of her family, he would admit, it was cool to see them all together like that they must be close.

" Sooo Fatch. "

Midnight began gently, smiling over to him.

" It's the weekend. Any big plans? "

" Not really. There's been drama at the school, so everyone is taking personal time to relax and cool down. "

Fatch explained gently. Taking a bite of his eggs.

" Mpf... and... I think I'm gonna do the same. I'm gonna stay at home. At least just for today. There's supposed to be a new movie on Tv for "Happy Tree Friends". And I'm NOT missing it~ "

" I'm pretty excited too! "

Kyle perked up, soon saying eagerly.

" There's going to be a new "Pokemon movie" on tonight! Keira and I aren't gonna miss it! We haven't missed one~! "

" Heh. And... I kiiiinda wanted to see something too~ "

Marco said gently, looking down and blushing.

" I, maaaay have promised Loreli that I'd watch the premier of season 7 of "Supernatural". We've been binge watching it together, and I can't miss it. I promised her really~ "

" Well... since we're all sharing here, the finales to the "Ice Skating competition" is on tonight. And I just HAVE to know who won~! "

Fatima sighed out, in a dreamy content. Midnight, looking around and smiling.

" Awww. Looks like we all have something special to watch tonight. I do too even. I've um, I've been watching "The Loud House" lately. It's childish I know, but I like it. There's a new episode on tonight too! I can't wait to see it~! "

Just like that. The kids were all in their own little world. Daydreaming about their shows. Soon. All sighing out in unison.

" I can't wait till 8~ "

" Oh boy... "

Wulfric muttered. Sweat dropping to this scene. Knowing this wasn't going to go well one bit... but. It was interesting to watch~

The bats all looked to each other, all realizing what they'd said. All of their shows, started at 8. And there was really only one tv...

" ... Ooookay... "

Fatch got out, soon snapping his fingers and hurrying out.

" Whoever finishes their breakfast first and gets the TV remote gets to watch their show tonight! Ready set GO! "

Immediately the children began to scarf down their food. All quick and not wasting a moment! Midnight. Hurriedly finishing up her tea, soon gasping and waving a hand ones her mouth; it burned bad it did. Everyone looked to each other as they all finished at the same time, soon BOOKING IT, to the living room. Pushing and shoving a bit as they did. They needed that remote!

Finally. Right as the twins were about to grab the remote... everyone froze. Finding... Katie on the couch! The girl, grinning with arms crossed. Just looking ALL sorts of smug.

" Nice try guys. I snuck out once everyone started going through their list of shows they wanted to watch. I'm NOT missing "The Monsters inside of me". It's supposed to be really dramatic and heartfelt. So. I've hidden the remote. And I'm NOT telling you where! "

As the werebat began to laugh... the others all sighed softly to this. Knowing well, she had first dibs. And... began to argue amongst themselves of how this wasn't fair. It wasn't really! Fatch even, heading upstairs in annoyance. Finally. Kyle, shouting out amongst the yelling.

" I wish I had enough money to buy my OWN remote! "

Though unheard by most... one bat. Heard it clearly. Midnight... grinning brightly to this. Of course! She could just BUY a remote! Them Katie would have to give in! Slowly. She began to head for the door. Saying gently.

" Well. That's that. I'm just, going out to buy, groceries~ yeah~ be back soon everyone~ "

Once out the door. She began to bolt. The others... just left in a daze.

" Hmmm. She, IS gone, but... "

Wulfric got out gently, eyeing the mirror a bit.

" This... feels like it's going to get interesting. Maaaaybe I could give it a watch... certainly beats doin' nothin'. Urufufu...~ "

Heheh. I'm quite excited for this story. I got this chapter out in no time flat too! Man. Hope you guys are liking it so far~!