If you like doing this sort of thing, I highly suggest listening to The Forgotten by Green Day while reading this chapter.
Okay...deep breaths...here we go.
Where in the world's the forgotten?
They're lost inside your memory
You're dragging on, your heart's been broken
As we all go down in history
Where in the world did the time go?
It's where your spirit seems to roam
Like losing faith to our abandon
Or an empty hallway from a broken home
I don't feel strange, it's more like content
Another moment trapped in time
I can't quite put my finger on it
But it's like a child that was left behind
So where in the world's the forgotten?
Like soldiers from a long lost war
We share the scars from our abandon
And what we remember becomes folklore
Don't look away from the arms of a moment
Don't look away from the arms of tomorrow
Well, don't look away from the arms of a moment
Don't look away from the arms of love
Don't look away from the arms of a bad dream
Don't look away
Sometimes you're better lost than to be seen
Green Day – The Forgotten
The sky above seemed permanently dark, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the literal end of the all things, or because of what I knew was going to happen to try and stop said end. Either way, I'd lose someone I loved. Either way, life would be horrible afterwords.
I swallowed hard, making my way to Dean's side, the both of us sharing a look before heading over to Sam, who sat on the hood of the Impala, drinking a beer. Dean grabbed two out of the cooler that sat beside the tire, handing one to me. I simply took it to have something to concentrate on, I didn't want it.
I needed something much, much stronger.
"Hey." Sam muttered, seeing the look on my face. "What's going on?"
"We're in." Dean said.
"In with…?"
"The whole up with Satan thing. We're on board."
Sam looked surprised, his eyes darting between the two of us. "You're gonna let me say yes?"
"No. That's the thing. It's not on us to let you do anything. You're a grown – well, overgrown – man. If this is what you want, we'll back your play."
"That's the last thing I thought you'd ever say." Sam said. I kept quiet, looking towards the ground.
"Might be. I'm not gonna lie to you, though. It goes against every fiber I got. I mean, truth is, you know, watching out for you..it's kinda been my job, you know? But more than that, it's- it's kinda who I am. You're not a kid anymore, Sam, and I can't keep treating you like one. Maybe I got to grow up a little, too. I don't know if we got a snowball's chance. But- but I do know that if anybody can do it... it's you."
"Thank you."
"Only if this is what you want." I said, praying to anything out there that he would back out. "Is this what you really want?"
Sam nodded. "I let him out. I got to put him back in."
"Okay." Dean said. "That's it, then."
If I was being perfectly honest, I was just going through the motions, trying to be there for Sam and Dean. In reality, my mind had checked out the moment we agreed to this. I just watched my little brother drain bodies dry of their blood so he could drink it. I didn't want to feel, I didn't want to think.
Dean made sure to stay close to me as we walked out of the building, making our way over to Bobby as Sam and Cas carried out two large jugs full of blood.
"I still can't get used to you at eye-level." Dean muttered.
"So, was I right?" Bobby asked.
"As always, Yoda. Two stunt demons inside, just like you said."
"Did you get it?"
"Yeah, all the go juice Sammy can drink."
Bobby looked between Dean and eye, concern in his eyes. "You okay?"
"Not really." Dean answered for the both of us, changing the subject. "What do you got?"
"Not much. These look like omens to you?" He asked, handing Dean a newspaper. "Cyclone in Florida, temperature drop in Detroit, wildfires in L.A."
"What, what about Detroit?"
"Temp's dropped about twenty degrees, but only in a five-block radius of downtown Motown."
"That's the one. Devil's in Detroit."
"Really? As far as foreboding goes, it's a little light in the loafers. You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure."
As we drove down the long, dark highway, I stared out the window, listening to Castiel's breaths as he slept next to me in the backseat, his head leaning against the window. Dean drove, Sam sat in the passenger seat, like always.
"Sam, I got a bad feeling about this." Dean muttered.
"Well, you'd be nuts to have a good feeling about it."
"You know what I mean. Detroit. He always said he'd jump your bones in Detroit. Here we are."
"Here we are."
"Maybe this is him rolling out the red carpet, you know? Maybe he knows something that we don't.
"Dean, I'm sure he knows a buttload we don't. We just got to hope he doesn't know about the rings." Sam said, glancing back to me. "Hey, Tori? You awake?"
"Yeah?" I asked, looking to him.
"There's something I want to talk to you guys about."
"W- what?"
"This thing goes our way and I Triple Lindy into that box...y-you know I'm not coming back." Sam mumbled. Instantly tears filled my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm aware." Dean replied, his voice thick with emotion.
"So you got to promise me something, both of you."
"Okay, yeah. Anything."
"You got to promise not to try to bring me back."
"No, Sam." I shook my head.
"We didn't sign up for that. Your hell is gonna make my tour look like Graceland. You want us just to sit by and do nothing?"
"Once the Cage is shut, you can't go poking at it, Dean." Sam said. "It's too risky."
"No. As if we're just gonna let you rot in there."
"Yeah, you are. You don't have a choice."
"You can't ask us to do this, Sam." I murmured, sniffling.
"I'm sorry. You have to." Sam said, glancing back at me. "Remember how things were when Dean went to hell? How we were? How we acted?"
"I don't want that to happen to you again. I don't want that to happen to you, Dean." Sam said to his brother, pulling in a deep breath. "What I want is for the both of you to go and get married. Get a house in the suburbs. Have barbecues and go to football games. Have kids. Go live some normal, apple-pie life."
"Promise me." Sam said fiercely, looking between his brother and I. Dean and I shared a look, the heartbreak on our faces clear as day.
What else could we do?
We met up again with Bobby in Detroit, hiding out in a dimly alleyway...waiting for Sam to be ready.
Bobby looked though his binoculars one more time before walking back over to us at the trunk of the Impala. "Demons. At least two dozen of them. You were right, something's up."
"More than something. He's here. I know it." Dean said.
"Are you- is he talking to you?' Bobby asked me.
I shook my head. "No, it's- it's eerily silent."
"Great." Bobby muttered, turning to Sam, trying to not show how emotional he was getting."I'll see you around, kid."
Sam smiled sadly. "See you around."
Bobby grabbed him, pulling him in for a tight hug. "He gets in, you fight him tooth and nail, you understand? Keep swinging. Don't give an inch."
"Yes, sir." Sam nodded, holding out his hand to Cas as Bobby backed away. "Take care of these guys, okay?"
"That's not really possible anymore." Castiel replied, taking Sam's hand.
"Then humor me."
"Oh. I was supposed to lie. Uh, sure. They'll be fine."
"Just- just stop talking." Sam said, turning to the trunk where the jugs of demon blood sat, glancing back at us. "You mind not watching this?"
With that, Dean wrapped an arm around my waist, the both of us walking over to the other side of the alley. I placed my forehead against his chest as he held me to him, resting his chin on top of my head, neither one of us saying anything.
A few minutes later, Sam cleared his throat, closing the trunk, glancing back to us, silently telling us he was ready. I looked back to Bobby and Cas for a moment before walking with Dean, following Sam up to the building.
"Alright, we're here, you sons of bitches!" Sam called. "Come and get it!"
Three demons came outside, grabbing each of us, harshly guiding us into the building, up to one of the higher floors. As we entered the room, I saw him standing in front of a window, his reflection smiling at us.
"Hey, guys. So nice of you to drop in." He muttered, breathing on the glass, drawing a pitch-fork in the condensation. "Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite."
"Well, I'll alert the media." Dean retorted.
Lucifer turned, showing the wear on his vessel, the painful looking wounds covering his face. "Help me understand something, guys. I mean, stomping through my front door is...a tad suicidal, don't you think?"
"We're not here to fight you." Sam said.
"No? Then why are you here?"
"I want to say yes."
"Excuse me?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. Sam closed his eyes, making the demons behind us die in a wave of light. Lucifer grinned. "Chock-full of Ovaltine, are we?"
"You heard me. Yes."
"You're serious?"
"Look, Judgment Day's a runaway train. We get it now. We just want off."
"Deal of the century. I give you a free ride, but when it's all over, I live, he lives. Tori lives. You bring our parents back-"
"Okay, can we please drop the telenovela? I know you have the rings, Sam." He said, my heart sinking.
Sam swallowed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"The Horsemen's rings? The magic keys to my Cage? Ring a bell? Come on, Sam. I've never lied to you. You could at least pay me the same respect. It's okay. I'm not mad. A wrestling match inside your noggin...I like the idea. Just you and me, one round, no tricks. You win, you jump in the hole. I win..." He chuckled. "Well, then I win. What do you say, Sam? A fiddle of gold against your soul says I'm better than you."
"No, Sam." I said, pleading with him.
"So he knows." Sam shrugged, trying to play it off. "Doesn't change anything."
"Sam." Dean called.
"We don't have another choice."
Sam looked back to Lucifer, staring into his eyes. "Yes."
Lucifer shut his eyes, a bright light beginning to emanate from him, blazing whiteness filling the room. I shut my eyes, until the light dimmed again, both Dean and I frantically looking around the room until we saw Sam slumped over in the corner, motionless. I knelt next to him while Dean pulled the rings out of his pocket, throwing them against the wall where they stuck in a pattern.
"Bvtmon...Tabges...Babalon." Dean recited, a hole appearing in the wall where the rings were. Air began sucking into it, whipping my hair around my face.
"Sam?" I called as he started to wake up, lifting his face in my hands. "Sam?!"
Dean came over, looking down at his brother with scared eyes. "Sammy!"
"I can feel him. Oh, god!" Sam groaned as Dean and I helped him to his feet.
"You got to go now! Come on, go now, Sammy. Now!"
With out help, Sam walked towards the hole, taking a few deep breaths before turning back to us with a wicked smile. In that instant, I knew.
"I was just messing with you. Sammy's long gone." He all but giggled, turning back to the wall. "Chdr bvtmon tabges babalon."
I watched helplessly as he grabbed the rings, tears flowing down my cheeks. The hole shut and he looked back, smiling at Dean, who stared at him with gritted teeth, tears welling in his eyes.
"I told you... this would always happen in Detroit. But there's something I didn't tell you." In a flash, Lucifer grabbed my arm. "I'm gonna need to borrow her." He smiled, waving at Dean. "Bye-bye."
In the blink of an eye, he was gone, along with Tori. I looked around the room, panic rising in my chest. As fast as I could, I ran back downstairs and out into the alley. Bobby and Cas looked up, their eyes widening when they saw they I was alone.
"Sam couldn't get him." I said, breathing heavily. "He took her, he took Tori!"
The building Lucifer had brought me to was rundown and dirty, completely dark except for the few street lights that shone through the windows, creating shadows inside. He'd handcuffed me to one of the pipes lining the wall, giving me a chair to sit on, pulling up another right in front of me, straddling it, leaning his arms on the back.
I couldn't look at his face, I didn't want to see Sam like that.
"I'd say this conversation is long overdue, huh? How do you feel? Want some water? Food? I know you need that sometimes." Lucifer said, a smile in his voice. I didn't answer, glaring at the ground. "Silent treatment? Okay, I get it. You're playing the part of the bratty niece perfectly."
"I love you, Sam." I murmured, looking into Sam's eyes, completely ignoring Lucifer, who shook his head.
"Sam can't hear you now, Vicki. Listen, I understand that it must be confusing, knowing what you do now, where you come from. How does one deal with that? I mean, I have no idea. But I bet it's just about as fun as being sent away by your family." I furrowed my brow. Lucifer nodded. "Your mother, she sent you away."
"To protect me."
"She died for you. Because of you. Can you imagine if you had the power to stop that? To stop the ones you love from hurting? From dying? Have peace for evermore?"
"Peace?" I asked incredulously. "You'd bring peace?"
"To those that choose to follow me, yes."
"It's amazing how much I don't believe that."
"You hate me, I know. You just don't understand...what I've been through."
Lucifer looked at me, using Sam's puppy-dog look that always got to me, only it was completely insincere...and for some reason, that made me extremely angry. "Are you seriously about to give me a fucking sob story?"
"Excuse me?" Lucifer asked, looking surprised at my outburst.
What more can he do now? He needed me.
"You think you can guilt me into helping you? That you can just take away everything I love and I'll follow you like a dog?"
"If you don't-"
"If I don't, what? You'll kill me? You can't. You need me. You need to keep that one shred of hope that I'll help you, alive."
"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
"God's favorite angel. The angel that fell all because he got a just a little bit jealous. The angel whose own brother, the only one he though would help, didn't side with him." I hissed, venom in my voice, seeing him become angry. "Tell me, Lucifer. Camael didn't choose you. Why should I?"
In an instant, his hand was around my throat, his face inches from mine, I felt him squeeze my airways until they shut, and everything went black.
Inside, I was screaming, the walls of my mind foggy and gray through Lucifer's eyes. He told Tori I couldn't hear her, but I could. I wanted so badly to tell her how much I loved her. To thank her for being someone I could always rely on. But I couldn't.
And I watched as he wrapped his hand around Tori's throat, squeezing until she passed out. I punched and kicked, trying to break free from his hold, but I couldn't do it.
"Sam. I can feel you...scratching away in there. Look.. I'll take the gag off, okay? You got me all wrong, kiddo. I'm not the bad guy here." Lucifer said, standing in front of a mirror.
Suddenly, I was able to speak, my voice hard and angry. "I'm gonna rip you apart from the inside out! Do you understand me?!"
"Such anger, young Skywalker. Look at what that got Vicki over there? Sammy, Who are you really angry with? Me? Or that face in the mirror?"
"I'm sure this is all a big joke to you, huh?"
"Not at all. I've been waiting for you for a long, long time. Come on, Sam. You have to admit – you can feel it, right?"
"The exhilaration. And you know why that is? Because we're two halves made whole. M.F.E.O. Literally."
"This feels pretty damn far from good." I spat.
"I'm inside your grapefruit, Sam. You can't lie to me. I see it all – how odd you always felt, how out of place in that family of yours. And why shouldn't you have? I'm your real family."
"No, that's not true."
"It is. And I know you know it. All those times you ran away, you weren't running from them. You were running towards me. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, you know. I let Dean live, didn't I? I want him to live. I'll bring your folks back, too. I want you to be happy, Sam."
"I don't want anything from you."
"Really? Not even a little payback?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, watching Lucifer lift my hand, snapping my fingers. Five people appeared in the room.
"Look closely. None of these little devils look familiar to you?"
"That's Mr. Bensman, one of my grade-school teachers."
"And that's your friend Doug from that time in East Lansing. And Rachel...your prom date. Sam Winchester, this is your life. Azazel's gang – watching you since you were a rugrat, jerking you around like a dog on a leash. I know how you feel about them. Me too. So, what do you say you and I blow off a little steam?"
Lucifer stepped in front of Tori, snapping his fingers. She woke up with a gasp, looking around at all the people in the room in confusion.
"You're gonna want to see this." Lucifer said.
With a deep breath, he began ripping the bodies to shreds with my hands, their blood spilling everywhere. I heard Tori breathing heavier behind me, nearly hyperventilating. I tried to look anyway, to not see, but Lucifer would let me. Both Tori and I being force to watched the slaughter until they were all dead.
Lucifer sat down in the ground, looking at all the bodies, glancing up at Tori, who was nearly shaking, before looking back into the mirror at me, a grin appearing there. "So...are we having fun yet?"
My mind couldn't seem to focus on one thing for longer than a few seconds. All I could think about was the fact that, now not only did Lucifer have Sam...he had Tori, too. And there was no telling what could come out of that situation.
Back at Bobby's I was nearly going crazy. There were no leads, no possible way of finding them. I didn't know what to do. I was lost.
I'd pray, but I knew that was pointless. So I went to the next best thing I could think of.
"Mistress Magda?"
"Um, no, Chuck." I mumbled.
"Oh, uh, Dean. Uh, wow. I- I didn't know that you'd call."
"Who's Mistress Magda?"
"Nothing- no- no one. She's a- a- just a- a close friend."
"Yeah, I'll bet. Real close. Whatever happened to Becky?"
"Didn't work out. I had too much respect for her."
"Boy, you really got a whole virgin/hooker thing going on, don't you?"
"Okay, this can't be why you called."
"Sam said yes."
"I know, I saw it. I'm just working on the pages."
"Yeah? You see that he took Tori, too?"
"Where?" I demanded.
"I don't know, Dean."
"Well did you see where the title fight goes down?"
"The angels are keeping it top secret – very hush-hush." Chuck muttered, pulling in a breath. "But I saw it anyway. Perks of being a prophet. It's tomorrow, high noon, place called Stull Cemetery."
"Stull- wait. I know that. That's- that's an old boneyard outside of Lawrence. Why Lawrence?"
"I don't know. It all has to end where it started, I guess."
"You know of any way to short-circuit this thing?"
"Besides the rings? No. I'm sorry."
"Well, do you have any idea what's gonna happen next?"
"I wish that I did. But I- I just- I honestly don't know yet."
"Alright. Thanks, Chuck." I muttered, hanging up. I turned, making sure everything I needed was in the trunk before I closed it.
"You going someplace?" Bobby asked, he and Cas walking up.
"Yup. I'm gonna go talk to Sam. Get Tori back."
"What am I supposed to do, huh? Sit around and do nothing?"
"If you couldn't reach Sam here, you're certainly not gonna be able to on the battlefield."
"Well, if we've already lost, I guess I got nothing to lose, right? I need to know Tori is okay."
"Dean, I just want you to understand. She won't be."
"Why not?"
"Because I am almost certain that Michael has her grace. And in the presence of both him and Lucifer, one of them is going to make her take it. And chances are, the only thing you're going to see when you arrive is your brother being killed."
I swallowed hard, processing everything he said with a nod. "Then I'm not gonna let him die alone."
Lucifer's grip on my arm was tight as he brought me with him to a large open filed, old gravestones sticking out of the dead grass. My hands were now cuffed together, just in case I try to do anything idiotic, as he'd said it.
We were standing there for no more than a few seconds when the flutter of wings was heard and Michael appeared a few feet away in Adam's body.
"It's good to see you, Michael." Lucifer nodded.
"You too. It's been too long. If only Camael were here as well." Michael replied. "Can you believe it's finally here?"
"No. Not really."
"Are you ready?"
"As I'll ever be. A part of me wishes we didn't have to do this."
"Yeah. Me too." Michael sighed. I scrunched my nose at their relaxed attitudes.
This seemed more like a sappy family reunion than a fist fight.
"Then why are we?" Lucifer asked.
"Oh, you know why! I have no choice, after what you did."
"What I did? What if it's not my fault?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Think about it. Dad made everything. Which means he made me who I am! God wanted the Devil."
"So why? And why make us fight? I just can't figure out the point."
"What's your point?"
"We're going to kill each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests. And we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard."
"I'm sorry. I- I can't do that. I'm a good son, and I have my orders."
"But you don't have to follow them."
"What, you think I'm gonna rebel? Now? I'm not like you."
"Please, Michael-"
"You know, you haven't changed a bit, little brother. Always blaming everybody but yourself. We were together. We were happy. But you betrayed me – all of us – and you made our father leave."
"No one makes Dad do anything. He is doing this to us."
"You're a monster, Lucifer. And I have to kill you."
"If that's the way it's got to be...then I'd like to see you try."
"You know what to do." Michael said, nodding to Lucifer's hand on my arm. "Just like Camael chose, she gets to choose."
"Fine." Lucifer dug his nails into my arm once more before pushing me forward. I stumbled, ending up in between the two angels.
"It's your choice." Michael muttered, throwing the box of Camael's grace in front of me. I looked back up, seeing the hard look he sported. "Choose wisely."
"As in, choose me?" I asked, bending down to pick up the box, seeing the look on his face.
"Open it."
"Why don't you?"
"You're the only one who can. Do it. Now." Michael snapped, becoming irritated. I breathed heavily, swallowing hard, my hands shaking around the box.
"Erm a alonusahi old barinu-" With the power I possess… "Ol alonusahi elasa-" I command you-
Just as I was about to say open, the sound of an engine revving caught my attention and I looked behind me, seeing the Impala pull up, Dean getting out. I felt a mixture of relief and fear spread through me. He was here...but...he was here.
What are they gonna do to him?
"Howdy, boys. Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Dean asked, looking over to Sam. "Hey, I need to talk to you."
"Dean. Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid." Lucifer spat.
"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sam."
"You're no longer the vessel, Dean." Michael said. "You've got no right to be here."
"Adam, if you're in there somewhere, I am so sorry."
"Adam isn't home right now."
"Well, then you're next on my list, buttercup. But right now, I need five minutes with him." Dean said, pointing over to Sam.
"You little maggot. You are no longer a part of this story!" Michael exclaimed.
"Hey, ass-butt!" Cas called out, appearing behind Dean, Bobby next to him. He held a Molotov in his hand, throwing it past me, at Michael. He screamed, going up in flames.
"Ass-butt?" Dean asked, gancing back to Cas with a raised eyebrow.
"He'll be back – and upset – but you got your five minutes." Cas said.
"Castiel...did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" Lucifer asked, a deadly look in his eyes.
"Uh... no."
"No one dicks with Michael but me." Lucifer said through gritted teeth, snapping his fingers. The moment he did so, Cas exploded in a rain of blood. I let out a small shriek, looking over to Bobby with scared eyes.
"Sammy, can you hear me?" Dean asked.
"You know, I tried to be nice...for Sammy's sake. But you are such a pain in my ass."
Suddenly, Dean was thrown onto the windshield of the Impala with a flick of Lucifer's wrist, the glass shattering beneath him. As I turned, I saw Bobby holding up his gun, shooting Lucifer, who immediately looked furious – a snap of his hand was all it took to snap Bobby's neck.
"No!" I screamed.
Lucifer grinned. "Yes."
"Don't touch him!" I cried as he stalked towards Dean. Lucifer smiled at me, pulling Dean off the Impala, punching him hard across the face.
Dean fell to the side, spitting blood out of his mouth. "Sammy? Are you in there?"
"Oh, he's in here, alright. And he's gonna feel the snap of your bones-" Lucifer said, punching Dean a few more times. I ran over, pulling Lucifer away. He elbowed me in the stomach, sending me flying, landing in front of the Impala.
My hands began to shake as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. And even though fear filled me, I knew what I had to do. I scrambled across the ground, picking up the box once again. "Erm a alonusahi old barinu, ol alonusahi elasa-"
"Every single one." Lucifer conditioned, punching Dean a few more times, his face becoming swollen and covered in blood. "And we're gonna take our time."
"Sam, it's okay. I'm here." Dean murmured. "I'm not gonna leave you."
"Odo." I finished this time, the little lock on the side of the box clicking open. I plucked the vial of grace from it's velvet casing, standing up. "Lucifer!"
"Oh, what now-" He paused, seeing the grace in my hands. "Well, my, my, my. I guess I was going about this all wrong way the entire time. Silly me. See, it didn't take you seeing Sammy here massacre random people to scare you. No, it took me hurting him. The useless little rat."
Lucifer chuckled darkly, punching Dean again, his head snapping to the side. I flinched, my breathing coming out harh and ragged. "Stop it!"
"Only if you say you'll help me." Lucifer said, hauling Dean to his feet, holding him to the Impala by his collar, looking back at me with an evil grin.
"Tori, no." Dean mumbled through his bloody, swollen lips.
I took a step forward, trying not to drop the vial as my entire body shook. I reached for the cork, grasping it. "A- alright."
"Great. Go ahead and knock back that grace, Vicki. Then the fun can really start." Lucifer said, his grin fading as I hesitated. Instantly I was met with the sound of his fist connecting with Dean's face again."Going once-"
He reared back for another punch, his evil eyes darting between myself and Dean...until he blinked, and they changed completely.
"It's okay, Dean. It's gonna be okay." He muttered, lowering Dean gently to the ground.
"Sam?" I called, tears filling my eyes, spilling down my cheeks.
"I've got him." Sam nodded, turning around, pulling out the horseman's rings. "Bvtmon tabges babalon."
As the ground began to cave in, I threw the vial of grace to the ground, dropping to my knees next to Dean, his breathing labored.
"Sam! It's not gonna end this way! Step back!" Michael called out, reappearing.
"You're gonna have to make me!"
Michael looked to me. "We have to fight him! Here and now! It's destiny!"
Sam shook his head, glancing back at Dean and I before closing his eyes, spreading his arms to the side. A gust of wind blew as Michael lunged forward, reaching for his jacket, trying to pull him back. Sam grabbed his arms, and they both fell into the hole together. I let out a pained wail, nearly rushing towards the void as it closed in a flash of blinding light.
Dean quickly grabbed my arms, holding me back as he leaned again the side of the Impala, his left eye swollen shut. I calmed down and didn't say another word, resting my head on his shoulder as he breathed heavily. I heard a light flap of wings beside us, looking up to see Cas standing there.
"You're alive?" I asked, my eyes wide.
"I'm better than that." Cas nodded, leaning down to place a hand on Dean's forehead. Immediately his wounds were healed. Dean and I stood to our feet, staying in each other's arms.
"Cas, are you God?" Dean asked, holding onto me tightly.
"That's a nice compliment." Cas muttered, shaking his head. "But no. Although, I do believe he brought me back. New and improved."
We watched as Castiel walked over to Bobby, touching him on the forehead as well, resurrecting him. Bobby looked around, breathing heavily as he took in his surroundings again. Dean and I walked over to the Horsemen's rings, he picked them up off the ground, staring at them. I looked to the ground where a perfect circle of charred grass now sat. I could feel Dean's pain along with my own, the sheer force of it radiating from both of our bodies.
It had happened before, any one of us being brought back to life in one way or another. Maybe God had brought Cas back, I didn't know why he choose to, but I couldn't help but feel like that was the last thing he'd ever do. We wouldn't get Sam back, not this time. He really was gone.
My heart shattered into a million pieces at the very thought. I lost my baby brother...for good.
And there was no angel, no demon, no Devil and certainly, no God, who would change that. Never.
"Endings are hard. But then again...nothing ever really ends, does it?"
This episode always makes me extremely sad. Re-writing it this way made that feeling even worse.
Can you believe The Forgotten is already finished? I just posted the first chapter at the beginning of 2017! I've never finished a story so quickly.
As always, thank you so, so much for taking the time out of your day to read my stories! I hope you guys liked this one, and I hope you stick around for Eyes On Fire which will cover season 6! The first chapter isn't written yet, but I'll try to write and post it as soon as I can!
Twitter: phoenixwrites79
Instagram: phoenixwritesfanfiction (keep checking here to see the cover photo for Eyes On Fire!)