"Yeah!" Lynn replied. I was about 3 at the time.

Lynn Loud Jr. was playing alone with her soccer ball. Being the only tomboy of the 5 sisters she was always left lonely with her sports. Eventually, her baby brother Lincoln crawled to her.

"You probably think the stuff I like are weird too, huh?" she asked him. Her sisters always thought she was weird for her interests. "I'm gonna play alone!"

She then walked away and started kicking the ball to the other side of the yard. Lincoln crawled behind her, following his sister.

"Stop following me!" she said when she noticed. Lincoln still did the same thing. "I said stop" Lynn said again. This process repeated 3 times until finally Lynn looked at Lincoln "Do you just wanna laugh at me?"

Lincoln then looked at her with his signature blank face. Then, out of no where, he stood up.

"Oh my gosh! Lincoln, are you trying to walk!?" she exclaimed

Lincoln began slowly toddling towards her. "cmon baby Lincoln! Just a few more steps!" she said excitingly as her brother walked to her. He eventually got to the soccer ball and gave it a kick. Although the ball did roll forward, he also lost balance from recoil and almost fell backwards. Immediately Lynn rushed to grab his hands and pulled him back into the standing position. "Upsie Daisy! I got you!" she said. Lincoln being in relief that he wasn't going to fall, looked at Lynn in total comfort. "I can't believe you took your first footsteps for me!" she exclaimed. Lincoln then smiled brightly at her as she still held both his hands out to help him balance "Oh Lincoln! Lynn Loves you!"

"Wow, I never knew that happened and the story is nice Lynn but YOU ARE HOLDING MY HANDS OUT JUST LIKE IN THE STORY." Lincoln said as Lynn snapped back into reality noticing she was holding his hands as if he was the same baby trying to walk for the first time.

"While it is nice, my story happened before that. Lincoln was barely crawling at the time of my story let alone ready to stand up." Luna said

"Hey mine too!" Leni said

"and Mine!" Luan said "Funny that babies are supposed to cry yet he was only a crawler not a bawller haha get it?"

Lincoln rolled his eyes and then picked up Luan's photo with him "Is this from your story?"