Lincoln heard his 5 older sisters from the attic. He was confused as to why they were up there as the only time they ever were was for punishment. He contempleted if going up there was worth and eventually pushed his curiosity to go up to the attic and take a look.

"Okay, whats all this girly hubbub I hear. It's either interesting or boring so I wanna risk it." he said.

Huddled around a photo album were his 5 older sisters, who only made up half the quantity of sisters he had in his life, the other 5 being younger.

"Hey Baby bro! Come check this out!" Leni exclaimed

"Leni, I'm 11, not a baby."

"Just sit down! You're stuck as a baby to us!" Leni said as she pulled him down and embraced him.

Lori then showed Lincoln the photos "Besides take a look, these are from when you were a little baby!"

"oh wow, and look at all these." Lincoln said as he flipped through the pages. He then noticed something. "Jeez did I ever smile growing up?"

"Well you never frowned or even cried either. You just had a blank face with your big beautiful eyes just like this" Lori and the other 4 sisters then made the same face, their eyes all becoming bigger and their mouthes just becoming straight lines.

Luan laughed "no smiles for a while. For almost the whole first year, you were so emotionless it's shocking that Lucy was the one who grew into the family goth hahaha!"

They all chuckled a bit at the remark.

"Luckily I was able to stop that and made you smile for the first time."

Luna bursted into laughter, "sorry dude, but that was me actually-"

"Hey I was the first one!" Lynn cut her off

"No, it was me!" Leni replied

"Will you four shut up!" Lori exclaimed "It's not worth arguing, I was the first one to make Lincoln smile."

Just then all 5 sisters stood up and started arguing with each other leaving Lincoln in the Middle of the circle. He eventually got annoyed from the yelling and finger-whistled until they stopped.

"Do any of you even remember how you got me to smile?!"

"Of course we do!" they all replied in unison

"Okay, then you can all share your stories, who ever's came first is the answer to this question."

"Fine, Lynn, you go first since you are the youngest."

They all sat down in a circle around Lincoln. Lincoln then flipped through the pages, there were 5 in particular that stood out all in one page. Each was of Lincoln actually smiling, each with a different sister.

"Okay, Lynn, is this from your story?" Lincoln asked