A/N: This one got a little deep for an eleven-year-old, but I'm in an existential mood. Thanks for reading x

11| Dunbar, Fay

Fay has learnt that some people are born to stand out, and that she just isn't one of them.

Even as she's being hugged by the other girl who's been Sorted into Gryffindor – Lavender, wasn't it? – the loudness of the table swallows her whole.

(Fay has already noticed how brightly Lavender shines. No amount of noise would ever dare to swallow her.)

Maybe this is what she's born to be, then. Overlooked; a picture of grey amongst perplexing brightness. Maybe that's okay.

She supposes it make sense that she's in Gryffindor. It takes a world of bravery to let yourself be forgotten.

[Word Count: 101]