Hi guys, I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm back now and I'm hoping to write a bit more now. I've been busy with life, sorting out my own personal issues, but after re-reading this, I realise I might have gone a bit far with Valkyrie, but I think it will work.

So a minor refresher from the last chapter…

"I had a bad dream about a bad person." I replied, not wanting to tell Skulduggery about it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, no. "Okay." And Skulduggery hugged me. Nothing else because nothing else was needed, besides him.

And on with the story…

Skulduggery P.O.V.

Valkyrie had gone back to sleep now. I didn't really know what to think. Melody and Melora had long since gone back to their rooms. We have been friends since forever it seems, all of us really. As mages our community is rather small, therefore most people know each other. But out of everyone, I'd say I were closest to Ghastly, I've known him the longest and we just understand each other. I consider going to his room now, but as I'm looking out the window, it's the night sky with only the moon in sight. I don't think he would appreciate being woken up right now.

But with Valkyrie everything is different. I feel like I've known her for years yet she only started our school this morning. She puts on a brave face to everyone, and even though she is strong - unfortunately for me - I can tell she is also scared. Scared of most people, her walls are built high preventing her from getting close to anyone. She says she is from the future and that I am her friend, but how does that work?

I'm so confused, here, now, she is asleep and although her nose is slightly wrinkled in the cutest way I can see the trouble that burdens her even in her sleep. What she has been through is insane, and I can only hope that I can try to keep her safe in the future.

And with that thought I drifted to sleep.

Valkyrie P.O.V.

I woke up, like any normal day, reaching across to check my phone and social media to find its not there and neither is anything else from my mansion. Then I remember what's happened. Everything last night, of what I told Skulduggery - I hope it was okay for me to say so. Then there was during the night, Skul looked so worried, he must be so confused.

I look up and see him getting changed into his uniform, he was turned away from me. His shirt was coming off, and although I knew I should be looking away, I couldn't help myself but steal a peak. Obviously his muscles weren't flexed but there was a clear 8-pack, with broad shoulders and large arms.

Is that a bit of drool I see? Darquesse asked. Immediately I wiped my face, even if she was only joking. When I moved it caused a slight sound which Skul heard and proceeded to spin around.

"I see you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked slightly cautiously.

"…Better I think" I replied with a delayed reaction. Skulduggery cocked his head to the side in the all-knowing way that he does when he realises something. I was looking at him (still shirt-less by the way) and for some reason I couldn't look away.

"Like what you see?" I blushed. Knowing I had been caught I slightly nodded my head. I don't know where all my confidence had gone, either way, where ever it was clearly it was in no desire to stop my embarrassment. He smiled smugly back and I instantly felt like punching it right off his pretty little face.

"Hey isn't it time for breakfast?" In the hope to end my embarrassment, but it seemed to work as he realised the time and we both speedily got ready and then left for breakfast.

I was still a little knew to navigating this school so when I took a wrong turn, Skulduggery grasped my hand and dragged me in the direction of food. But I then realised he also didn't let go. His hand in mine - it felt so right, so natural. We were nearing the doors to the hall so I let go of his hand, but he took it back.

"But what about your friends, won't they find it a bit weird?" I asked. After all I had only been here for one day.

"Do you think I care about that right now. Right now, all I think about is you. Yes, I barely know you, but apparently you know me so well, and although that scares me a little, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. You seem to have a rough past, and I won't pressure you to talk about it, that is your choice. But all I will say is that you seem to guard yourself from others, but I'm asking you to let me in, let me help you, and protect you"

And like that, I wasn't the confident one right now, this façade I've been giving out, it isn't really me. I look up into his eyes, seeing him looking straight back at me.

"Are you sure though?"

"100%" and with that I just hugged him, tears were falling and I was the weak one, but I knew I was safe in his arms like I was back home in the future. My arms were around his shoulders, his around my waist, and he was lifting me slightly. Eventually he set me down, my head resting against his chest, breathing in that heavenly scent of his. After a while I pushed me away and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, before taking my hand again and walking into the main hall.

I hope this is okay, and is meeting expectations. I know it's a bit short but I just had the idea but it's now coming up to 1 am but I will try and write more in the next day or so.

As always Criticism is always welcome.

