AN: Well hello everyone. I have finally finished this story, over a year after I started it. I hope you enjoy this final chapter. I don't CPD.
By this point Erin was now eight and a half months pregnant. She had been on leave from work since she started her eighth month. Erin had hated it more then she hated being on desk duty, as she was sore and in pain all the time. However it did have its perks, she lazed around the house doing nothing. This pregnancy had been different than the first, as Erin fell down the stairs while no one was home when she was six months pregnant.
As Erin was walking down the stairs, she lost her footing and stumbled down to the bottom. Both Jay and Millie was out and she left her phone upstairs. Kim had mentioned something about coming over earlier that day, as Jay was working late and Millie was at cheer practice. Erin was unconscious, Kim had knocked on the door and when she got no answer Kim walked into the house, and saw Erin laying on the floor.
"Oh my god, Erin." Kim said, coming and sitting down next to Erin. She called 911, it didn't take the paramedics long to arrive. Gabby and Sylvie walked through the door.
"Kim, do you know what happened?" Gabby asked.
"No I don't, I got here about 15 minutes ago and I saw her lying here." Kim said.
"It looked like she tripped on the stairs and fell." Sylvie said, checking Erin's pulse.
"She has a pulse, but we should get her over to med, how many months pregnant is she?" Sylvie asked.
"She's six months." Kim said. Gabby and Sylvie loaded Erin onto the stretcher and took her out the door, Kim followed them.
"Erin Lindsay - Halstead, 34, 6 months pregnant. Fell down the stairs and hit her head." Gabby said as they were taking her into the hospital.
"Dr Reece, bay 3." Maggie said. Dr Reece followed Gabby and Sylvie.
"Ok on my count. One, two, three." Sarah said and lifted Erin off the gurney.
"Can you order a head CT." Sarah told the nurse. April had just set up the monitors for Erin and the baby.
"April, can you please page Dr Manning down here." Sarah said. April paged Nat, and she was in the room within 10 minutes.
"Ok what happened?" Natalie asked, looking at Erin.
"She fell down the stairs, Kim found her and called 911." April said. About 10 minutes later, Jay walked into the room. He was on a bust and didn't hear the call over the zone.
"Is Erin and the baby ok? Kim told me what happened." Jay said.
"The baby is ok, however we're about to take Erin up for a head CT." Natalie said.
"Is that safe, considering how many months she is?" Jay asked.
"There are some risks, but I will make sure nothing will happen to either Erin or the baby." Natalie said. Erin was then wheeled to CT, Erin was fine, the accident didn't cause any damage to both of them, Erin just had a concussion. Nat wanted to put Erin on bed rest, but she refused. Even though she was stuck doing paperwork at the district, she didn't want to stop working for another two months. Natalie allowed it, as Jay would knock some sense into Erin if needed. Erin was kept at Med overnight for observation, as a precaution and it was quite late into the night. Jay stayed the night with his wife, they were one of those couples that hardly spent a night away from each other.
When Erin and Jay got home the next morning, Millie had already left or she wasn't at home the previous night, Jay and Erin didn't know. Erin forced Jay to go to work so he left, while she just rested, Nat wanted Erin to rest for a few days to make sure that the baby was still ok.
Erin was woken up by a sharp pain in her stomach, she had fallen asleep while watching the television. She then heard a splash and could feel liquid going down her leg, she knew she was in labor. Erin called 911 first, she then called Jay, he didn't pick up, so she left a message. Erin made her way downstairs and sat on the couch until the paramedics arrived. While she waited she called Millie, she didn't answer either. Erin knew she would still be in school. Millie was in English when she checked her phone, she noticed that she had one missed call from her mother, so she excused herself and went into the bathroom. Millie called her mother. Erin heard her phone ring, however she was in pain and didn't have the strength to answer it, so Sylvie answered for her.
"Hi Millie." Sylvie said. Millie knew it was Sylvie.
"Sylvie why did my mother call me?" Millie asked.
"You're mother is in labor, Gabby and I are taking her to Med right now." Sylvie said. Millie knew that her dad must of been really busy to not answer his phone.
"I'll be right there." Millie said. Millie left the bathroom and headed to her car. Millie made it to Med in about 20 minutes, and saw Maggie at the desk.
"Maggie where's my mother?" Millie asked.
"She was taken to the maternity ward, third floor." Maggie said. Millie went to the elevator and headed up to the third floor. When Millie arrived at the door of the room that her mother was staying in, she looked inside the door and Erin was sleeping.
"Mum?" Millie whispered. The sound of her daughters voice woke Erin up.
"Oh hi honey." Erin said to her daughter.
"Is dad here yet?" Millie asked.
"No, not yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if he almost misses this birth. He almost missed you being born.
"What. Really?" Millie asked.
"Yeah, he was having a guys weekend with his brother, when you decided it was time to enter the world." Erin said.
Erin had been staying at Jay's more or less for the past few months. Nadia and Erin were having a girls weekend which consisted of watching movies and eating loads of junk food. Erin was close to being due, Jay wanted to stay, but Erin insisted that he and Will go away for the weekend. Erin did experience Braxton Hicks a couple weeks before hand, so when she felt pain, Erin knew this was different.
"Nadia. I'm in labor." Erin said, as they were watching the breakfast club.
"Ok, so I'm guessing we're off to the hospital then." Nadia said. She helped Erin off the couch. Hank and Camille were also out of town that weekend and Erin didn't want to bother them, so she called Jay and he picked up straight away.
"Hey baby." Jay said.
"Jay, I'm sorry to cut your weekend short but I'm in labor." Erin said.
"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can." Jay said. Jay and Will were almost at their family's cabin in Wisconsin.
"What was that about?" Will asked.
"Erin's in labor." Jay said.
"But isn't she due like next week?" Will asked.
"She is, but the doctor said that not all pregnancies are a full nine months." Jay said, as Will started to drive back to Chicago.
Will and Jay hit really bad traffic as they entered Chicago. Nadia had been on the phone updating Jay the whole time, and Erin was screaming at Jay when the pain got to much for her to handle.
Erin had reached 10cm and Jay still hadn't arrived yet.
"Erin you need to start to push, otherwise the baby might go into destress." Her doctor told her.
"No, I can't. Jay isn't here yet, he needs to be here." Erin said crying. A few minutes later, Jay rushed through the door and to Erin's side.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, the traffic was a nightmare." Jay said as he kissed Erin's forehead. Nadia was on the other side of the bed.
"Ok Erin. Are you ready to push?" The doctor asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready." Erin said. Erin had been pushing for hours and it felt like she wasn't getting anywhere. Erin was exhausted and just wanted to give up.
"Ok Erin just one last push and then she's out." The doctor said.
"No, I can't." Erin said, she was crying.
"Hey, Erin baby. Look at me." Jay told Erin. Erin turned her head and looked at Jay.
"You can do this ok, just one more push and then she'll be in our arms." Jay said. Erin was still crying, but she managed and a few minutes later Millie Halstead was born. Millie was weighed, wrapped up, and was given to Erin. Both she and Jay were in awe of Millie.
"Hi Millie, your daddy and I are already so in love with you." Erin whispered. Nadia watched the two of them, as Erin and Jay were in awe of their first born. After Jay and Erin both held Millie, Nadia wanted to hold her god daughter.
"Hi sweet pea." Nadia said, looking at Millie. She was also in awe of the newborn.
Will had heard that Erin had been admitted to the hospital and came up to see his sister in law.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Will asked.
"Like I never want to do this again. Jay is never getting his way again." Erin said.
"Excuse me, teenager in the room." Millie said.
"Sorry honey, but I'm about to push your sister out of me and I'm in a world of pain. Can you blame me." Erin said.
"Wait, I'm getting a sister?" Millie asked. Neither Jay or Erin had told their daughter the gender of her new sibling.
"Yeah, we decided to name her Nadia Camille Halstead." Erin said.
"Mum, that's a beautiful name." Millie said.
"Your father thought of the name. I named you." Erin said.
"Speaking of which, where is dad?" Millie asked.
"He's most likely on a bust. So hopefully he'll be here soon." Erin said.
A few hours went by and the contractions were getting stronger, Jay still hadn't arrived yet, but Erin got ahold of Mouse, who told her that the bust was taking longer than he hoped but would radio Jay for her. That was 20 minutes ago, so Jay would be at the hospital soon. Millie had left, as she couldn't miss cheer practice, but promised to come back after cheer had finished.
Once Jay was at Erin's side, the baby just wanted to come out.
"If you only came sooner, this baby might of been out of me by now." Erin joked through the pain.
"Well I'm sorry that the bust I was on, took a little longer than I had hoped." Jay said. Not long after that was said, Erin was swearing at Jay as the pain became a new level of intense. Jay was use to it, he'd done this once before, and also knew how Erin got when she was in pain.
"Ok Erin, on the next contraction I want you to push." The doctor said. Erin pushed on each contraction she was told to, she felt like this birth was a little easier than her first. But to be fair, she had her first child at 17 and now 17 years later, she was holding her second child in her arms. When she was 14, Erin thought she'd be dead by 30, yet she was still here, which a loving husband and two daughters. Everything since she started to live with Hank was unexpected, yet in a good way. Sure she lost her best friend, but she knew that Nadia would have loved this baby. Erin Halstead was content and happy about the way her unexpected life turned out.
AN: I hope you enjoyed this fic, I may do a epilogue in the future. However for now, this story is finished. However I am still writing Linstead fics, as they were so cruelly taken away from me. These fics will all be AU's.