This is the new and improved first chapter.

I've never written a short story in first person point of view so um bare with me. If it's awful, please tell me.

Was listening to Seether and Nickleback and suddenly wanted to write a fanfic about drug addiction. I don't know why I picked Durarara. I'm not really a fan of the anime except the parts with Izaya and Shizuo, but I do like Shizaya fanfiction soooooooo... here goes this catastrophe!

Comments are appreciated!

BTW, I might make the chapters a bit shorter than my usual 1000 to 1500 word chapters. Idk yet.

Also, I've never done drugs so everything is based on research and guesses. Sorry if anything is inaccurate!


I looked down at the man in front of me curled up against the wall in the dirty alleyway. If he hadn't been wearing that fur trimmed jacket, I probably wouldn't have even recognized him. He was dirty, his clothes were slightly tattered, his body was nothing but skin and bones, and none of his cocky god complex personality was present.

"Flea?" I knelt down beside him and called out his nickname. "Oi! Flea!"

The Flea tilted his face to look at me with eyes glazed over and a hint of something completely out of character. Fear.

"Izaya?" I tried again in a gentler tone.

"Sh…shizu…..chan" he managed to cough out. Then he broke out into a hysterical laughter.

At first I just stared at him confused. The laugh began to grate on my nerves so finally I slapped him, although not with full strength.

"What the hell Flea! You look like shit and now you're laughing? Where the hell have you been the last three months?" I yelled just quiet enough to avoid attracting attention from passerbys. It was dark enough out that people wouldn't see us very well, but they could still hear.

Izaya didn't answer. He just stared as if he was looking right through me. It was creepy. I mean, he is always creepy, but this was extra creepy.

"Can you stand?" I asked. This time he responded with a hesitant nod. He tried to push himself up with shaky arms only to fall back to the ground.

"Guess not." He smiled and began to laugh again. I sighed and picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder.

"I'm taking you to Shinra's." I waited for protests, but there was only a quiet hysterical chuckle and then silence. I decided it was best to avoid areas with lots of people so we stuck to the alleyways and less frequented roads. By the time I was knocking on Shinra's door, he was out cold.

"Just a minute!" Came Shinra's cheery voice. The cheery voice had a cheery face to match when the underground doctor opened the door, but it was quickly replaced with shock.

"What the hell did you do now Shizuo!?" Shinra asked as he ushered us in. I placed Izaya on the couch then pulled out a cigarette and lit it then turned away and went into the kitchen.

"I didn't do shit. I don't know what's wrong with him. I found him in an alleyway acting like a looney bin freak!"

"Did he say anything?" Shinra asked, taking his medical kit from Celty.

"Not really."


I turned around to see what made Shinra curse, since he didn't usually do so without good reason. What I saw was plenty of reason. The doctor had removed Izaya's shirt to reveal a skeletal frame with multiple bruises, but what caught both our eyes were the marks on his arms, the kind a drug addict gets from the needles.

"Drugs?" I asked as if it wasn't obvious. Shinra nodded his head.

[Was Izaya a drug addict before?] Celty typed on her screen and showed it to us. Shinra shook his head.

"Izaya may pull some crazy crap…but not drugs….I never thought…..Why?" Shinra looked up at me expectantly as if I might know the answer.

Of course, I didn't. It's not like I was buddies with the flea or anything. I hadn't even seen him in months. I thought the guy had kicked the bucket, although from the looks of things that would happen pretty soon.

"What do we do?" I surprised myself with the question. Why did I even care? I wasn't his friend. There was just something about seeing him like this that pulled at my insides.

"Could you carry him in there please?" Shinra pointed to the makeshift hospital room. I nodded and carried the flea into the room and put him down on the bed gently.

"I'll start him on some IV fluids and sedate him to keep him asleep through the night. There isn't anything else we can do till he wakes up." Shinra uttered a defeated sigh and got to work. I watched quietly for a moment.

No doubt the flea wouldn't take to kindly to being brought here once he woke up….at least the old flea wouldn't.

"Do you mind if I stay?" I asked, surprising myself yet again. Shinra gave me a questioning glance. "He might try to make a break for it when he wakes up."

"What do you care?" Shinra retorted suddenly his voice full of ice.

"It would be trouble….and it's not like I want him to die….not really….especially not like this." And for the third time that night, my words surprised me. Oddly enough, Shinra didn't seem surprised at all.

"I know. It would actually be a big help if you stayed…if you don't mind."

I nodded and settled in the chair in the corner of the room. Shinra bid me good night and I returned the gesture before settling into a light sleep.